Brief remarks on Solomon
Salomon 1
Automatisches Transkript:
1st Kings, chapter 10.
It's another type, a very lovely type for a blessed Lord, King Solomon.
Joseph and David before us, and Solomon is a type of reward.
And then, 1st Kings, chapter 10, verse 5, verse 4.
And when the Queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built,
and the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers,
and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and as a saint by which he went up to the house of the Lord,
there was no more spirit in her.
I would like to suggest, dearly beloved, for your consideration,
that she'd seen all Solomon's wisdom.
1st Kings, chapter 1.
He is made antichrist.
Wisdom from God.
The glorious person of our Lord is wisdom.
All Solomon's wisdom.
And the house that he had built.
Chapter 3.
We have the temple there, the house of God.
And with Solomon's great will and great aim, the house that he had built,
we have the features, some of the features of the house of God before us this week, dearly beloved.
The meat of his table.
Chapter 10.
Meat of his table.
The fellowship that's connected with it.
And if you look back at chapter 4, I think it is.
Sorry, I can't put my finger on it.
Is it chapter 3, Daniel, or 4, where we have the meat of Solomon's table?
Anyway, I'll leave you to look at it.
I do remember I gave a huddle down in one of the lectures that in all the scripture from Genesis to Revelation,
it's the largest table.
All the meat that's there.
I'll leave it to you, fathers and mothers, to bring it before your children.
The largeness of Solomon's table and the fellowship that it brings out.
The meat of his table.
Chapter 4.
Verses 22 and 23.
That shows the extent of this wonderful picture.
And then it says, the sitting of the servants.
You might say we're off the end of that in chapter 10.
And that's the Lord's supper.
And I think we sit at the supper and meditate on the blessed Lord.
But you know, I must hold on to Mr. Darby's word.
It's the deportment.
The deportment of the servants.
And if you come to verse 31 of 1 Corinthians chapter 11,
where I was very appreciative of what our dear Lord George was saying too,
that at the supper we have to judge ourselves blindly and walk in self-judgment.
I'm sure that would be our deportment, wouldn't it?
That we would deport ourselves as those who are walking in self-judgment.
The sitting of the servants and the attendance of his ministers.
And that's chapter 12, isn't it?
Chapter 12.
The attendance of the ministers and all the ministrations.
The ministrations of these things appear to us in there.
And then it says, they are apparel.
Chapter 13.
They are apparel.
In Corsians we have, above all these things, we're talking about.
The dear old brother that I remember used to speak about.
The overcoat.
They have not been overcoated.
Only above all these things.
1 Corinthians 13.
They are apparel.
And then his cupbearers.
His cupbearers.
Chapter 14.
Those who ministered in the world and served on in that way.
And that the cupbearers were the special, precise servants of the Master.
They came right into the presence of the Master.
All the more precious things they do.
And that's what we need today is those who will minister something of the preciousness.
The refreshment that will sustain in these days is cupbearers.
And then finally, his ascent by which he went up to the house of the Lord.
The house of the Lord, of course, was what some of them all had before them.
And he had that special ascent, didn't he?
And there's the 14 Psalms degrees that read on.
From Psalm 120 to Psalm 134.
And in Psalm 134 we finish up, don't we?
You might be sorry to bear with me while I put to find it.
I'm reading from the authorised version.
Psalm 134.
And then the cup of ascent, you know.
We can't miss this cup of ascent.
Ascent with open arms.
We have opened one of these coming waters.
Oh yes, perhaps we didn't really weave the earth in prosperity in 15.
But dear hearts, we're here, aren't we?
For when we're all speaking about prosperity in this world.
The Lord himself is going to be saved.
Our parents will be saved.
And the waters in the earth came to him at the time when God had had it going to the last cup.
And we were living in the meaning.
Oh how wonderful.
The saving man was coming.
Who was it?
It was that man.
Look at the power of his trust.
The man was going to save him.
He was going to save him.
Oh how wonderful.
He just came.
The Lord.
The house of the Lord.
You don't have to say nothing.
Enter that wonderful.
Father's house in high, you know.
And we were just talking during the interval about the house.
And there was chambers round about it.
Chambers round about it for the priests.
In my father's house.
And many chambers.
And many chambers.
In my father's house.
Isn't it wonderful?
Dear, we're loving.
All of us as we go away.
And many of these things.
Well, many doesn't stand for square.
Perhaps all the learned ones among us can tear to pieces.
But this is how you're built to be a dealer of money.
This is some of what we've had all of this week.
And these readings of prospering things.
These precious semblance here and there.
Wonderful blessed savior we have.
May we be found here on your days with glory.
Here for all of you.
Christ, we thank you.
Amen. …