The Judgment Seat of Christ
The Judgment Seat of Christ
Automatisches Transkript:
Chapter 14 of Romans
Him that is weak in the faith, receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
For one believeth that he may eat all things, another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
Let not him that eateth, despise him that eateth not.
And let not him which eateth not, judge him that eateth, for God hath received him.
Who art thou that judgest another man's servants?
To his own master he standeth or falleth, yea, he shall be holden up, for God is able to make him stand.
One man esteemeth one day above another, another esteemeth every day alike.
Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord.
And he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it.
He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks.
And he that eateth not to the Lord, he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
For whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord.
Whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lord's.
For to this end Christ both died and rose and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living.
But why dost thou judge thy brother?
But why dost thou set at naught thy brother?
For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
So then, every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Let us not therefore judge one another any more, but judge this rather,
that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
I know and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus,
I am persuaded by the Lord Jesus,
that there is nothing unclean of itself.
But to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.
But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably.
Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.
Verse 20.
For meat destroy not the work of God.
All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.
It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine,
nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.
And then in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians in chapter 3.
1 Corinthians 3 and verse 9.
Verse 10.
For we are labourers together with God.
Ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.
According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder,
I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon.
But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon.
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble,
every man's work shall be made manifest.
For the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire.
And the fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is.
If any man's work abide which he hath built thereon, he shall receive a reward.
If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss.
But he himself shall be saved, yet so is by fire.
And finally, in Paul's second letter to the Corinthians.
Chapter 5.
2 Corinthians chapter 5, verses 9 and 10.
Wherefore we labour, that whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done.
Whether it be good or bad.
It is an undeniable fact that many Christians regard the subject of the second coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ as being of the greatest possible importance.
It is also an undeniable fact that many of the Lord's people do not so regard it.
Now that is a very sad thing.
For there are many able teachers of God's word,
who appear to ignore the subject almost entirely,
or very, very rarely refer to it.
But there are certain aspects of the second advent,
the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
which concern us, not only in a general sense,
but also in a very personal and individual way.
And one such subject is that of the judgment seat of Christ.
No subject could concern us surely more personally,
more nearly, more individually, in connection with the Lord's return,
than does the subject of the judgment seat of Christ.
Now may I suggest, brethren, that this is a neglected subject?
I feel it to be so.
It's a vitally important one.
It's one that should cause us, I'm quite sure,
a great deal of, perhaps, heart searching.
Certainly a great deal of exercise before the Lord, as we think of it.
Now I believe that some neglect it because of fear,
because of apprehension,
they think of punishment and shameful exposure.
Now, you know, I feel that such an attitude as this is wrong,
it is unhealthy,
it is unscriptural,
it is unintelligent,
for it is a subject, I believe, to which we should give very close attention.
Now there is a scripture that says, I know,
that there is a certain fearful looking-for of judgment.
But that's nothing whatever to do with the judgment seat of Christ,
the Beamer of our Lord Jesus Christ.
There is indeed a certain fearful looking-for of judgment
on the part of those who don't know the Lord.
For the issue is plain and clear for any unsaved soul should there be here tonight.
The issue is just that.
It is Christ or it is judgment.
It's as clear as that.
Now this afternoon I want to take this subject, if I can,
with God's help, under four heads.
First, why is there to be a judgment seat?
Secondly, distinctions and differences
between the various judgments that are future.
Thirdly, how does the Lord assess
our lives and service as believers?
And lastly, in what atmosphere
will the judgment seat of Christ be conducted?
Why is there to be a judgment seat?
First I would say that there is to be a judgment seat
because the holiness of God requires it.
The holiness of God requires it.
The same Savior who promised to come and to receive us
unto himself, that same Savior for whose coming we daily look,
is the same one who walks in the midst of the candlesticks,
whose eyes are as a flame of fire,
our Lord Jesus Christ.
That same person is the very one who will appear
on the judgment seat.
And the record of the Christian service will be unveiled.
And that which was of worth in the Lord's eyes, mark that,
that which was of worth in the Lord's eyes
will be rewarded.
And that which was unworthy
will be rejected.
It will be cast out.
It will be burnt up.
It will be burnt up.
And the believer concerned will be glad that it's burnt up
in that day.
The holiness of God requires it.
And then I believe that the judgment seat of Christ is necessary
because of the vital teaching of Scripture on the subject,
particularly just now in the 14th chapter of Romans,
from which our brother read,
on another, on debatable things.
On debatable things.
He that regardeth a day,
regardeth it unto the Lord.
He that regardeth not a day,
regardeth it not unto the Lord.
But don't let us suppose that it doesn't matter
how we live,
because it does,
or what we do.
The Scripture goes on to say in Romans 14,
None of us liveth to himself,
and no man dieth to himself.
We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
Now I must make it very clear that it's not a question
of the believer being judged for his sins.
There's no question at all about that here.
Romans 8 makes that abundantly clear.
There is therefore now no condemnation,
no judgment to those that are in Christ Jesus.
Hallelujah! Praise God that's true.
We are not judged in that day for our sins.
And again in the 33rd verse,
I think it is at that chapter,
Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect?
It is God that justifies.
Who is he that condemneth?
And then we have the Lord's assurance
in John 5, 24, don't we?
That much-loved verse,
where the Lord says,
He that heareth my word,
and believeth on him that sent me,
hath everlasting life,
shall not come into judgment,
but is passed from death unto life.
What then is the meaning?
Simply this, my friend,
all our lives, mark this,
all our lives as believers are laid before the Lord.
His eye misses nothing.
He evaluates everything, everything,
as to our judgment of other believers.
The Lord evaluates.
Now again, we must not read into Scripture
what is not there.
This doesn't teach us to be indifferent
where moral evil is concerned.
It doesn't teach us to be indifferent
where wrong doctrine concerning the personal work
of our Lord Jesus Christ is concerned.
Of course not.
That's an entirely different matter.
But it does teach us two great principles
which I believe emerge from the 14th of Romans.
The first is this.
You'll find it in verse 13.
Not to put a stumbling block in another person's way.
Whatever I do in my life as a Christian,
not to put a stumbling block in another's way,
especially and particularly one who is weak in the face.
Oh, this should cause us great exercise of heart and mind.
And the other great principle,
whatever we allow,
whatever we allow, dear Christian friends, in our lives,
be very sure that we're happy before the Lord about it
before we allow it.
That's the other great principle.
And if we gain that glorious truth,
we shall learn much from that Scripture.
And then I believe that the judgment seat of Christ
is necessary to enable us to look at our service
through our Lord's eyes and not through our own eyes.
For this is vitally important.
Now it's very natural, you know, isn't it?
But not necessarily right
for us to make our own judgment as to our own service.
We may think very highly of it.
We might undervalue it.
But the Lord is the judge,
the Lord himself.
It is the judgment seat of Christ.
The word beemer is used, the original word, elsewhere in the New Testament
describing a judgment seat.
But the all-important thing here is
it's the judgment seat of our Lord,
the judgment seat of Christ.
Now we have Scriptural examples of this
assessment on the part of the individual
of his own service
and of how wrong this is.
We have the case of the sons of Zebedee
who you remember desired a special place, didn't they?
Now no doubt their service was of great value
and the Lord appreciated it and doubtless will reward it.
But they desired a special consideration.
They thought too highly of themselves.
And they soon got the answer from the Lord.
And then on the other hand we have a person,
a very wonderful person, John the Baptist,
who found himself getting very depressed about things
and having grave doubts as to the person of the Lord
and undervaluing his service.
And the Lord Jesus puts him right too.
And he paid a wonderful tribute to John the Baptist,
did our blessed Lord.
He valued his service.
But there was one, you see, who was inclined to undervalue it.
The Lord is the judge, not myself.
Sometimes you know we may have spent a great deal of time,
a lot of energy, much prayer perhaps,
on a particular project for the Lord.
And somehow or the other there seems to have been little result.
And we're disappointed, we're upset.
We can't understand it.
The Lord knows.
The Lord understands.
And another time you know the reverse is true.
Perhaps we spent a great deal of energy
and a great deal of prayer
and God has blessed that project.
Maybe we've not spent as much time on it
but we've spent perhaps a little more prayer on it
and the Lord has blessed it.
The Lord is the judge, not myself.
Now it's quite true that much faithful service for the Lord
is done quietly, unobtrusively.
Hundreds and thousands don't know about it
but the Lord knows about it.
And that service will be rewarded by our gracious Saviour.
Oh I am certain there's a lot of service like that.
That is done so quietly, so unobtrusively.
And sometimes we hear about it and we rejoice and praise God for it.
It's done so quietly.
The Lord knows all about it.
But there's the other side of the picture.
It is also true that there's many a gifted evangelist
who by the very nature of his service for the Lord
is brought into great publicity.
He faces the glare of publicity and advertisement
Brethren, we shouldn't criticize such a man.
We should pray for him.
We should pray for him that God might keep him humble.
That he might be used of the Lord despite the publicity.
Despite the advertisement.
The Lord has his servants everywhere.
Let us remember that.
And if we criticize a person simply and purely and wholly
because he's subject to advertisement and publicity
I'm convinced that this is wrong.
The Lord is the judge.
And he will reward.
Now I want us to note distinctions and differences
between the judgments that are yet future in scripture.
I believe that there's much confusion of thought on this subject of judgment.
Some speak in fact many speak of what they call a general judgment.
But I don't find this in scripture at all.
Only once in 1 John 4 does the expression the day of judgment occur.
Only once.
And yet to hear people talk you'd think that that scripture occurred many times.
The day of judgment.
What does it mean?
There's only that one occasion.
And there the apostle speaks of having boldness in the day of judgment.
Because as he is so are we in this world.
That scripture's a comfort to me.
And I'm sure it is to you dear brother.
We have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is
as our blessed savior is so are we in God's sight in this world.
No the Christian does not need to fear in terms of punishment
what someone might call the day of judgment.
There are three judgments as I see it that are still future.
The judgment seat of Christ our subject this afternoon.
The judgment of the living nations are referred to in Matthew 25
as the throne of his glory.
And the judgment of the great white throne.
These three judgments are yet future.
And I believe that they are separate and wholly distinct
the one from the other.
Now I'm aware that there are Christians here this afternoon
to whom these things are elementary.
I'm also aware that there may be Christians here this afternoon
to whom these things are not elementary.
And who may be completely confused in their mind
as to these important issues concerning the future.
Now as to when these events take place.
When do they occur?
The judgment seat of Christ occurs in heaven without a doubt.
After the coming of the Lord for his saints.
After what we call the rapture or as I prefer to call it
the translation of his saints to glory.
After that and before the marriage supper of the Lamb.
And that's important.
We read in Revelation 20 or 19 is it
his wife hath made herself ready.
And I believe that there is significance in that.
Because I believe that it is the judgment seat of Christ
that demonstrates the readiness of the bride
for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
His wife hath made herself ready.
And if you look at that scripture in Revelation
you will see that it is the righteousness of the saints
that is referred to.
And that the people of God are clothed in linen garments
speaking of that righteousness.
The truth of which is manifested and demonstrated
at the judgment seat.
His wife hath made herself ready.
So that when the marriage supper of the Lamb takes place
the bride of Christ is ready for that glorious event.
So that the judgment seat of Christ
then occurs before the marriage supper.
Therefore before the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ in glory
the throne of his glory follows the appearing.
And it is as I've said the judgment of the living nations.
It takes place upon earth.
It must take place upon earth.
Not in heaven.
And it precedes the millennium.
The judgment of the great white throne
follows the millennium.
At least in fact precisely if you will
a thousand years later.
And we read in scripture
the rest of the dead live not again
until a thousand years were finished.
So that you see these three judgments are quite separate
and quite distinct.
The one from the other.
And then there's a further difference as to the tests
that are applied at these judgment occasions.
The believers testing
is as to the building of his life.
The kind of fabric that he has erected upon the foundation
of which our brother read to us from the scriptures.
The kind of fabric he raises on the one foundation
which is Jesus Christ himself.
You know friends we sometimes teach a chorus to the children.
We teach the children many choruses.
And you know I often think to myself
what a good thing it would be
if we applied the truth of some of those choruses to ourselves.
And the chorus I'm thinking of is this one.
Children sing this.
We are building day by day
in our work and in our play.
It's true of us my friends.
We are building.
We are building day by day.
But how are we building?
In our work for the Lord.
Or indeed if you will in our leisure and our play.
Yes the believers testing is as to the building of his life.
The nations are tried as to their treatment
of Christ's brethren as they are called.
The preachers of the gospel of the kingdom
in the tribulation age.
The remnant of Israel.
And this judgment takes place upon us.
And the difference is made.
Those that do and those that do not know the Lord.
The unbelievers are tested.
We read as to their works
because they are unbelievers
and have rejected the work of the Lord Jesus
for them on the cross.
They are tested as to their works as unbelievers
and as to whether or not their names are written
in the book of life.
This is the vital test for them.
Whosoever was not written in the book of life
was cast into the lake of fire.
Oh my friend if there should be an unsaved soul here tonight
I want you to note with me
the solemn progression that there is here.
And it is solemn indeed.
At the judgment seat of Christ
none are lost, not one soul.
At the judgment of the throne of his glory
some indeed are lost.
And at the judgment of the great white throne
all are lost without exception.
It is indeed a solemn progression.
Now how does the Lord
Now how does the Lord
how vital this is to us
how does the Lord assess
the value of the believer's life and service?
This is what so closely touches you and me.
How does the Lord assess its value?
Well one thing is abundantly clear
if you look in that scripture in 1 Corinthians 3
abundantly clear
notice verse 13 of 1 Corinthians 3
what do we read?
The fire shall try each man's work
of what sort it is.
If any man's work abide which he hath built
thereon he shall receive a reward.
If any man's work shall be burned
he shall suffer loss
but he himself shall be saved
yet so as by fire.
Now what is the vital teaching here?
One of our brethren in our prayer meeting before this meeting
spoke of the need of reality
and that's the vital teaching here.
The need of reality before the Lord.
The fire shall try every man's work
of what sort it is.
Not of what size it is
but of what sort it is.
It's quality rather than quantity
I'm convinced that matters to the Lord.
And how clearly that is shown here
from the simple figure that is used.
Wood, hay, stubble.
Gold, silver, precious stones.
Take the first three.
Wood, hay, stubble.
Each one of these suggests bulk doesn't it?
But relatively little value.
I say relatively little
for I have quite a lot to do with timber
and I know that timber can be very expensive.
It's relative do you see?
Wood, hay, stubble.
Stubble is practically valueless.
Hay is more valuable.
Wood has some value
but all have bulk.
You see, it's the quantity aspect of the thing.
But then we have gold, silver, precious stones.
This suggests little bulk doesn't it?
But, oh my word, infinite value.
Infinite value.
Sincerity and depth of purpose I believe are taught
by the need for gold, silver, and precious stones
rather than the bulky surface.
That which looks so big, so great, so wonderful.
It may be big and great and wonderful.
The Lord is the judge.
But you see the thought.
It's quality rather than quantity that really matters.
Now, it's sincerity and depth that our Lord looks for.
Reality in the heart
rather than the desire always to be in the limelight
seeking the praise of men.
Then if reality enters the master's reckoning
what about gifts?
What about gifts and spiritual endowment shall we call them?
The Lord has given gifts
by the Holy Spirit of God.
And you know what?
If the Lord has given little
little will be expected.
But if that little is forthcoming
it will be valued by the Lord
and it will be rewarded by the Lord too.
If he's given much
then much will be expected.
Of that there can be no question.
Unto whomsoever much is given of him
shall be much required.
We read that in Luke 12.
It's very, very clear.
Now it is undoubtedly true
that some have been given great gifts.
Much has been given to them
and much will be expected from them.
But that much must be right as to quality
rather than as to quantity.
Now, I imagine someone saying it's no good.
I can't speak in public
I'm much too nervous.
Well, I can assure you, my friend
that if you talk like that
you couldn't be more nervous than I was
when I first started speaking.
And indeed, I can't recall an occasion
whenever I've spoken from a platform in public
that I haven't felt nervous.
It's a good thing to be nervous.
Because if you're really nervous
and you don't feel you can cope
you can't feel you can cope.
If you're really nervous
and you don't feel you can cope
you're dependent on the Lord who can.
It's a good thing to be nervous.
So don't make that an excuse.
But nevertheless, I take the point
it may be that public speaking
isn't your particular gift.
Maybe you're gifted in some other way.
Maybe there's someone here this afternoon
who is gifted in a personal way.
Someone who's able to speak
open our soul about the Lord
personally and conversationally
in a way that others of us just cannot do.
My friend, if you've been given that gift
you've been given a rare gift.
A precious gift.
And I would say you've been given much.
Now the question is, are you using it?
Are you using that gift
to the glory of your Lord?
I knew a dear man of God
now with the Lord
who couldn't preach on his own admission.
He just couldn't preach.
He couldn't put a sermon together.
He could not speak in public.
But my, how that man could talk to a soul.
It was wonderful.
He had a God-given gift
of being able to speak to an unsaved person
and win that soul for Christ.
He did it many, many times.
It was a rare gift.
A lot of folk knew nothing at all about it.
They shall declare it.
I knew of many souls who were won for the Lord
for the Lord through that man's ministry.
But he couldn't speak publicly.
Now maybe you're gifted in other ways too.
It says, you know, in the scripture
he that winneth souls is wise.
But where does that wisdom come from?
It isn't human wisdom.
It's the wisdom that comes from the Lord.
We ask of him.
And he will give us the wisdom to know
just in what way the Lord has gifted us.
The Lord has gifted you.
Of that I'm sure.
And the reward for those who do win souls for Christ
and how many do this,
the reward is the crown of rejoicing.
We read of this in 1 Thessalonians 2.
Remember how the apostle Paul wrote to them?
He said to them,
Those our hope and joy and crown of rejoicing
are not even he in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ
at his coming.
At his coming.
Yes, the soul winner's crown.
The crown of rejoicing.
Now one further aspect of the Lord's assessment of our lives
and that is manifestation.
And here I want to refer you to that scripture
our brother read in the second letter
to the Corinthians in chapter 5.
And verses 9 and 10.
Wherefore we labor that whether present or absent
we may be accepted of him
for we must all appear
and the word really is be manifested
we must all be manifested
before the judgment seat of Christ.
That everyone may receive the things done in his body
according to that he hath done
whether it be good or bad.
Now I must stress again here
that this is not the judgment of the believer's sins.
We are not judged for our sins at the judgment seat of Christ.
There's no condemnation to those who trust in the Savior.
Don't let anyone ever tell you anything to the contrary.
The blessed work of our Lord Jesus Christ
has been accepted by God the Father.
It is sufficient for your soul, salvation and mine.
We do not have to answer for our sins
but for our works.
For the things done in
or as it literally should read
by the body
whether good or bad.
All must be manifested
all must go into the heavenly scales.
And the result of this will be
reward or loss of reward.
It will not be punishment.
I think that this is the aspect of this subject
that's most misunderstood.
It is not punishment.
There's nothing penal about it.
It's reward or loss of reward.
We suffer loss indeed
if we don't gain the reward
but there's no punishment.
Ah you know brethren
I think with sadness
and I'm sure we all do
of the many unresolved troubles
between gatherings of the Lord's people
between brethren
the heartaches, the sorrows
the sadnesses that have gone on
in the history of the Church of God.
The hidden secrets
the sleepless nights
the anguish of soul
that many brethren have known
because of these differences of opinion
and differences of thought
and bitternesses of heart
the day shall declare it.
The day shall declare it.
We wait for that day.
Then all shall be made manifest.
So often we have to say
you know well brother
we must leave it to the Lord.
We must leave it to the Lord.
The day shall declare it
because it shall be revealed
by fire
it is a solemn thought
it's a very important thought.
Some of us were reminded
only last evening
when our dear brother
spoke to us at Bromley
on some of the problems
and the difficulties
that the missionary of today
faces in the mission field.
He told us of many
truly converted souls
that he has known about
and still knows about now
who are ignorant
of the need of holiness
and godly living
who do not know about
right relationships
in a family context
or in an assembly context.
They don't know about these things
they need to be taught
and this is why labourers
need to be thrust out
that they might be taught
if I can put in a plug
for our dear brother
for this is the thought
the Lord knows all
about their ignorance
and he knows all
about our intelligence
as to these very things
and the Lord will judge accordingly
for he knows what we know
and he knows what we don't know.
Now lastly
in what atmosphere
will the judgment seat of Christ
be conducted?
In what atmosphere?
I suppose we all know
what it is to anticipate
an interview with dread.
It's been my experience
before now once or twice
in my career
to have known that I had an interview
coming up and my knees
almost knocking together.
We all know what that is
I'm sure.
Do we need to feel like that
about the judgment seat of Christ
about the beamer of our Lord?
No! A thousand times no.
We don't need to feel
as I've said before
there are those who think of
punishment and shameful exposure
It's really all a matter
of our standing
before the Lord in that day.
Now how do we stand
before the Lord in that day?
Let me say again
that it is not as sinners
thank God it's not.
The Lord Jesus Christ
has borne the punishment
that was my due.
That is blessedly true
not as sinners.
We remember the Lord's word
he that heareth my word
and believeth on him that sent me
hath everlasting life
shall not come into judgment
but is passed from death unto life.
No, not as sinners
nor may I say strictly speaking brethren
is it as sons
that we appear there.
This happens now.
The scripture says
if you endure chastening
God dealeth with you
as with sons.
But this happens now.
Now is the time that the Lord
chastens his people
if need be.
How then?
Not as sinners
not as sons
but as servants
as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What a privilege.
What a privilege I say
to be a servant of God.
I remember at the young believers meeting
we can't all be apostles
none of us can be apostles
but we can be servants
servants of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
But this introduces many things
to cause us exercise
as the servants of God.
It is required in stewards
that a man be found faithful
and there's a close affinity
between the work of a steward
and a servant.
To be a steward
of the Lord's affairs
and do we not friends
as the servants of God
have the management
of the Lord's affairs
where our service is concerned.
In this sense we are stewards.
A servant must be faithful
to God's word.
Faithful not only in his own life
but faithful in the testimony
and the preaching of that word.
A servant of God
should be hospitable
he should be sympathetic
he should be large hearted
he should be approachable.
Oh how many things a servant of God ought to be.
A servant should look after his body
and the Lord knows the strength I have
and what strength I haven't got.
The Lord knows
a servant should look after his body
and a servant must keep under his body too.
How important that is.
The Lord knows all these things.
Peter reminds us too
of the trial of our faith.
Now how do we react
to the trial of our faith
in suffering
or in persecution?
How do we react
as the Lord's servants
in these circumstances?
He also reminds the elders
to feed the flock of God.
How are the elders
feeding the flock of God today?
They are the servants of the Lord
to feed the flock of God
according to his word
to be faithful as servants of the Lord.
And he follows it up
according to his word.
How do we give?
In that day
the chief shepherd shall reward
with a crown of glory
when he appears.
Well we may feel ourselves
very inadequate
very conscious of failure
but let us remember this
in that day
in that day
as the Lord looks upon us
his servants
however failing
he will look upon us
with infinite love
for he died for us
upon the cross.
This is how our Saviour
will assess us
at the judgment seat of Christ.
Whatever his assessment
of our lives
the glorious truth to me
is this that in that day
I shall see it
as he sees it.
And if I see something
in my life
I shall count on it
because then I shall see it
through the Lord's eyes
and I shall properly
value it
as he values it.
And why will this be so?
Brethren it will be so
for this reason
we shall be changed
that's why.
We shall be changed
we shall look at things differently
we shall see things
as the Lord sees them
and we shall be made into
his glorious likeness. …