Lecture by Emil Nashed (Canterbury 2007)
Total length
Bible references
John 11:4; 12:1-3.12-25
Automatic transcript:
Good evening.
Good to see many young peoples here tonight.
I trust this evening that the Lord will impress upon our hearts, young and old alike, something from His Word.
Especially for the young peoples, I believe that the Lord Jesus has a special place in His heart for you.
He loves the older saints also, but the disciple whom Jesus loved was the youngest of all.
As a matter of fact, there was a rich young ruler.
Scripture said that the Lord looked upon him and He loved him.
You have a great responsibility.
You need to stay the course.
You need to cleave to the Lord.
You need to remain truthful to the faith that was delivered once unto the saints.
You need not to deviate to the right hand or to the left hand.
Turn with me please to the Gospel of John.
Chapter 11.
The Gospel of John, Chapter 11.
Verse 4.
The Gospel of John, Chapter 11, Verse 4.
But when Jesus heard it, He said,
This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified by it.
Chapter 12.
Verse 1.
Jesus, therefore, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany, where was the dead man, Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from among the dead.
There, therefore, they ate him a supper, and Martha served.
But Lazarus was one of those at table with him.
Mary, therefore, having taken a pound of ointment of pure myrrh of a great price, anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair.
And the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.
Verse 12.
Verse 12.
Fear not, daughter of Zion. Behold, thy king cometh, sitting on an ass-cold.
Now his disciples knew not these things at first.
But when Jesus was glorified, then they remember that these things were written of him, and that he had done these things to him.
The crowd, therefore, that was with him bore witness, because he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from among the dead.
Therefore also the crowd met him, because they have heard that he had done this sign.
The Pharisees, therefore, said to one another, Ye see? Ye profit nothing.
Behold, the world is gone after him.
And there were a certain Greek among those who came up that they might worship in the feast.
These, therefore, came to Philip, who was of Bethsaida, of Galilee.
And they asked him, saying, Sir, we desire to see Jesus.
Philip cometh and tell Andrew, and again Andrew comes, and Philip, and they tell Jesus.
But Jesus answers them, saying, The hour has come.
The Son of Man should be glorified.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone.
But if it dies, it bears much fruit.
So far, the word of God.
I would like this evening to draw our attention to three distinct glories of the Lord Jesus in connection with resurrection.
I would like to see his glory as the Son of God.
I would like to see his glory as the Son of David.
I would like to see his glory as the Son of Man.
I was struck last evening when our brother read from the Gospel of John and from Peter's writing.
You would always think that the idea of the coming of the Lord Jesus somehow connected with Paul's writing.
We have that today.
But because the Lord Jesus is so great, the ministry of Paul, the ministry of Peter, and the ministry of John will direct our attention to the Lord Jesus.
A few years ago, we have come up with some kind of technology called 3D, three dimension.
They were able to project a picture in three dimension that you could see the picture so vividly.
You have to put special glasses on to see that.
This evening, I would like you to put those special glasses on.
They are called the eyes of faith.
And please, don't ever take them off.
The eyes of faith will project in three dimension, 3D, the greatness of Christ.
I tell you what, the Lord Jesus is even greater than that.
Because three dimensions were not enough.
We were given four Gospels concerning him.
And if that's not enough, if you are looking for the fifth dimension that people talk about, you read the epistles.
Because the Lord Jesus is so great, the Spirit of God project him to us in that way.
So there is not really contradiction in the Gospels.
If you are in high school, or in the university, or at the workplace, and you talk with some people about the Lord Jesus, or about the word of God, they tell you, come on.
I read it, nothing is adding up.
What you could read sometimes in Matthew, you might not find it in Mark.
You might not even find it in Luke.
And sometimes John doesn't say anything about it.
But they don't understand that.
Because they don't have the eyes of faith.
They could not project the greatness of the person.
There is no contradiction in the four Gospels at all.
Very simply, most of you know that.
The Gospel of Matthew present to us the Lord Jesus as a king.
So every time you read the Gospel of Matthew, keep that in mind.
That the Spirit of God project him to us as a king.
If you read the Gospel of Mark, the Spirit of God project the Lord Jesus to us as a servant, or as a prophet.
So when you read that, straight away, 42 times it was mentioned, straight away he went to do certain things, because he is a servant.
And if you read the Gospel of Luke, the Spirit of God project him to us in the greatness of manhood.
As a perfect man, or as a priest.
But when you come to the Gospel of John, he is introduced to us in the greatness and the majesty of his person as the Son of God.
And no matter how you read the Gospel of John, you'll find that the Spirit of God project him to us in so great way.
That any object would not be compared with him.
So if you read John chapter 1, you'll find that the Lord Jesus is greater than the tabernacle.
And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.
If you look at John chapter 2, you'll find the Lord Jesus is greater than the temple.
Destroy that temple, he could say, and I will raise it up in three days.
If you read chapter 3, you'll find that the Lord Jesus is greater than the praising servant.
Moses lifted up the praising servant, but the effect of it was so limited to the certain geographical area.
But the lifting up of the Son of God, John 3.16, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.
And if you read John chapter 4, you'll find that the Lord Jesus is greater than Jacob's well.
She went day in and day out to draw water, but the water that the Lord Jesus giveth, he will never thirst again.
And if you read John chapter 5, you'll find that the Lord Jesus is greater than the pool of Bethesda.
There was a man sitting there for 38 years, and nothing was done for him.
The pool of Bethesda could not heal him.
And if you read John chapter 6, the Lord Jesus is greater than the manna, because he is the bread of God that came down from heaven.
And if you read John chapter 7, the Lord Jesus is greater than the law.
In the law of Moses, they could say to him, it is written that she should be stoned.
So it was right.
Could not take away sin.
It could go on.
But not only in every chapter.
Spirit of God, project to us the greatness of the Lord Jesus.
In comparison with any object, in comparison with any type.
But the Lord Jesus is greater than any person you could think of.
In John chapter 1, he is greater than John the Baptist.
John the Baptist himself said that.
Now John the Baptist was the greatest man the Lord Jesus bear witness to him in Matthew chapter 10, verse 11.
Or maybe Matthew 11, verse 11.
You'll find out.
That there was no one that was born of women greater than John.
You know what John said?
He made a statement.
That he is not, John said that I am not worthy.
To untie, to lose.
The shoe latch of his sandals.
And that statement, it's the only statement that is that is mentioned in Matthew, in Mark, in Luke, in John and in the book of Acts.
He's greater than John.
He's greater than John.
In chapter 2 of John, the gospel of John, he's greater than Solomon.
Solomon built a temple that was destroyed.
But the Lord Jesus said, I will build my church and the gates of Hades would not prevail over it.
You go to chapter 4, he's greater than Jacob.
Jacob could offer a well of water.
A well of water.
The Lord Jesus gives the living water.
As a matter of fact, in the same chapter, he's greater than Joseph.
Because the Samaritan said that we believe that he is the Christ, the Savior of the world.
He's greater than Joseph.
The true Sefnat Fania, the Savior of the world.
In chapter 5, he's greater than the angel.
An angel could come every now and then and shake the water of the bowl.
But could not heal that man.
I want you to think of this.
This man was there for 38 years.
He actually was there before the Lord Jesus was born into this world.
And everybody forgot about him.
But there is one dear sense of God.
That his eyes are upon his people.
Chapter 8, he's greater than Abraham.
Before Abraham was, I am.
And he took stone, later on to stone him.
Because he said, him being a man, made himself God.
He had it completely wrong.
They had it 180 degrees wrong.
He wasn't a man proclaiming to be God.
He was God, over all, blessed forever.
He came in flesh, in the likeness of man.
Chapter 9, he's greater than Moses.
They said to the blind man, we are disciples of Moses.
We don't know where that man comes from.
In chapter 10, he's greater than David.
David was a shepherd.
The Lord Jesus is a good shepherd.
The Lord Jesus, in Paul's writing, is a great shepherd.
The Lord Jesus, in Peter's writing, is a chief shepherd.
In chapter 11, he's greater than Elijah.
Elijah had raised two people.
One in his life, and one in his death.
The Lord Jesus, we have heard, in his life, at least,
the scripture records to us, he raised three people.
He raised Jairus' daughter, just died in the house.
He raised the son of the widow of Nain,
who had already died, and had been carrying,
on the way, to be buried.
Marvel of marvels.
He raised up Lazarus, who was in the grave,
who was in the grave, not one day, not two days,
three days, four days.
His own sister even said that he stink.
He is decaying.
Elijah caused a man to be raised.
Do you remember the story?
They were going to bury a man.
They saw a band of robbers or army coming in.
They got scared.
They dumped the body in the grave, and they ran away.
When the bones of that man touched Elijah's bone,
he got up and ran behind them.
How many the Lord Jesus have raised?
When he died, because of his death, you and I,
in Matthew 27, we have many, not one, many.
They didn't even have to go and touch him.
Many were raised.
Now, how many of us?
In Ephesians, we have written that we were dead
in trespasses and sin, chapter two.
And then verse six tells us that we were raised together
as a result of his death and his resurrection.
Chapter 11 is unique to the gospel of John.
Where we see the power of resurrection
demonstrated by the son of God.
Romans chapter one tells us
that he was declared son of God
in that very same power, power of resurrection.
You see, man had a problem.
Man had a problem.
That problem is called sin.
Sin brought in death.
And there is no greater power in the universe
greater than the nuclear power.
It is a power of death.
What could you do?
The scripture tells us that death is an enemy.
We read in chapter 15, the last enemy.
The scripture tells us that death is the king of the terror.
He terrorized man and man all the life
because of the fear of death were in bondage.
We read that in Hebrews.
Hezekiah is a great king.
When he was told that he was going to die,
like a little child,
turn his face.
He was scared and he started to weep.
Death was so powerful.
You see its results around you.
But there was a day, I believe,
when death for the first time got scared.
When there is a man in his own initiative
went into the domain of death
and took his thing away.
Our blessed Lord is so great.
No one, no one is able to defeat death
but the blessed son of God.
For four days, Lazarus was in the tomb
and for 4,000 years,
from the time of Adam to the time Christ came,
man was dead in the grave.
Mary and Martha,
when they saw that their brother was sick,
they called the Lord Jesus.
They sent to him, come, we have sung this evening.
Lord Jesus, come.
You wish that he will come right now.
Lord, you wish that he will come right now.
But he waited.
He's waiting.
It said in verse 15 of chapter 11
and I think in verse 40
that to strengthen the faith of the believer,
he waited.
That if you believe, you will see the glory of God.
So sometimes we cry to the Lord
because of certain circumstances
and the Lord would wait.
He want to strengthen our faith.
He want to display his glory.
What is greater, to come and heal him?
That's a great thing.
How majestic is the Lord Jesus
when he would raise a man
that's been in the grave for four days.
You see the power of the Son of God.
But you also see the heart of the Lord Jesus.
You see the power of the Son of God who said,
I am the resurrection and the life.
Resurrection and life was personified in him.
And resurrection comes first.
How accurate is the word of God?
Because we are dead, we need to be raised.
But not only that, Romans chapter 6 and verse 4
it said that as Christ was raised
by the glory of the Father,
now we walk in the newness of life.
We are raised with him
so we might walk in the newness of life.
So first there is resurrection
and then you don't stay in the graveyard.
You walk in the newness of life.
Resurrection first and then life.
Because if the Lord comes now,
the dead in Christ will rise first.
Resurrection first.
And those who are alive and remain will change.
You see the power of the Son of God.
But as I said, verse 35,
you see the heart of the Son of God.
Smallest, shortest verse in the scripture.
Who could expound?
Jesus wept.
The heart of sympathy.
When everybody
cannot understand what you go through.
Trust me, there is one
who is touched by the feelings of our infirmities.
Who comes alongside
no matter what the circumstances.
No matter what the circumstances is,
Jesus wept.
Who could explain the heart of the Son of God?
Three times in the New Testament we read
of Jesus weeping.
Three different words.
This one here, he was shedding tears.
Wasn't allowed crying.
You read in the verse that Mary was crying
and the Jewish people were crying.
But the Lord Jesus, just looking at Mary,
sees the grief of her heart.
Tears came down from his eyes.
The scene of death.
What sin had brought him into this poor world.
You read of him in Luke 19,
weeping over Jerusalem.
It's a different word.
It's a different kind of crying.
And in Hebrews chapter five,
in the garden,
the Lord Jesus was weeping.
How wonderful that you read in the end of the Scripture,
in the book of Revelation,
when we read that God will wipe,
he's the wiper of every tear.
He will wipe the tears of the sins of God.
The Lord Jesus wept.
So in the end,
he will wipe our tears away.
And he goes,
he did not go to Bethany yet.
He's still outside.
See, he doesn't go there alone.
He goes by the grave.
And the voice of the Son of God,
blessed Lord,
thou speakest.
It was thy voice that drew our heart to thee.
It's the voice of the Son of God.
I tell you,
when we get to heaven,
it would be so wonderful
to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus.
As a matter of fact,
we don't have to wait to get there
because there will be a shout
and we will hear his voice.
Lazarus comes out.
The demonstration of the power of resurrection.
Still have your glasses on?
We're looking at the projection
of the greatness of the Lord Jesus.
But I said that I wanted to look at him
as the Son of God,
the glory of the Son of God,
the glory of the Son of David,
and the glory of the Son of Man
in connection with resurrection.
So we come to chapter 12.
And in chapter 12,
as a result of the resurrection,
there is a feast.
There is a supper that he made for him.
And because you and I
was raised together with him,
morally speaking,
the effect of that will take place.
Hopefully, we will not die.
Hopefully, he will come soon.
But because morally speaking,
we were raised,
spiritually speaking,
we were raised.
As a result of that,
because we have
the resurrection life in our veins.
Now we are able to have him
as the object of our heart's affection.
And a supper was made for him.
Two times,
once in the beginning of his ministry,
once in the end of his ministry,
we read of a supper was made for him.
Matthew 9, Mark 2, and Luke 5.
He made him a supper.
He made him a feast.
It was a feast of grace
where sinners would come in.
Just like Zacchaeus had done.
And they would receive grace.
But the supper that we have
in chapter 12
is a different kind of supper.
It is not for sinners.
But for those who have experienced
the power of resurrection life.
Luke 14.
We have a supper.
The supper of the great God.
Go out.
Bring them in.
Bring them in.
Let my house be full.
I tell you this.
I believe
that there will be more people in heaven
than in hell.
Satan would not triumph over God.
That my house will be filled.
You might disagree with me.
That's alright.
I believe God will have the triumph.
You might not see it.
But heaven will be filled.
Satan would not have the victory in the end.
That my house will be filled.
But that's a supper we have in Luke 14.
But in 1 Corinthians chapter 11
we have another supper.
We talked about last time.
Last conference.
It is for the believers.
Where the Lord Jesus is the center
of the affection
and the attraction.
And every one of us is calling him to mind.
Projected him in his suffering.
In his love.
In his death.
In his resurrection.
In his glorification.
And he is coming again.
And who is there?
Martha is there.
A believer that is very active in service.
But in the realization now
that she has seen and experienced resurrection.
It's different than what you read
in Luke chapter 10.
There is no murmuring.
There is no complaining.
I don't wanna by any mean
belittle or criticize Martha.
I wish we do half of what she did
for the Lord.
She was so occupied.
She wanted to make sure
the Lord is very comfortable.
She wanted to make sure
that the Lord is very
everything that he needs
is available for him.
He was number one for her.
Is he number one for you?
Is he number one for me?
Or we do everything else
and then maybe if I have time.
Maybe if I have time
I'll go to the meeting
or I'll read my Bible
or I spend couple of minutes in prayer
before I go to sleep.
But here as a result
of the resurrection
she is serving and she is happy.
Who is there?
Man who is dead.
Tell you what.
Every Lord's Day morning
when you look around
you will find many Lazarus.
All Lazarus actually.
Men who were dead.
Women who were dead.
But they were touched
by the grace of the Son of God
and they received life.
It's a special glory
that is close to this dispensation.
Now dispensation simply means
a period of time.
It's not a big anything.
It's a certain period of time
in God dealing with man.
Paul, the apostle of the church
when he was converted
you read in Acts chapter 9
that in Damascus
he went out preaching what?
That Jesus is the Son of God
and that is the greatest truth
of our time
that the Lord Jesus
is none other
but the eternal Son of God.
It's fundamental.
It's basic.
It's important.
I will not give it up.
He is the Son of God
and Paul was preaching that.
The first thing we read of him
when he walked out
that this Jesus
is none other but the Son of God.
is there
fellowship suite.
That's those who have experienced resurrection.
Will now fellowship with the Lord Jesus.
They will walk with him.
They will talk with him
and they will sit with him.
You looking for a friend?
Feel lonely sometimes?
Nobody cares about you?
What a friend we have in Jesus.
Are you away from home?
The university?
Everything around you is rubbish?
You could either hang around
or be alone in your room?
The Lord Jesus knew that.
In the evening
he didn't go to his room.
He had no room.
He would go to the mountain alone.
Boxes have holes.
The birds have nests.
Son of man have nowhere
to lay down his head.
So he understand that
and he comes alongside with you.
Then we have Mary.
Three times.
We read of her in connection
with the feet of the Lord Jesus.
Are you with me?
We are projecting the greatness
of the Lord Jesus.
In Luke chapter 10
she sat at his feet
as a teacher
to learn from him.
In chapter 11
she went to his feet
as a priest
looking for sympathy.
No wonder in chapter 12
she will go to his feet
as a worshiper
and she will break
her alabaster box.
That which she had reserved
and stored all her life
belonged to none other
but the Son of God.
This is a picture
of the present time.
Bethany is not Jerusalem.
It's a little village.
It's not the glory
or the majesty
and what's official.
You might be in a small meeting.
There might be two or three.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
But if the Lord Jesus is there
who else do you need?
Who else do you need?
And there
you could be Lazarus.
You could be Martha.
And you could be Mary
at the same time.
You could serve.
You could worship.
And you could sit
and enjoy fellowship.
That's the distinct character
of the period where we are.
It is that period where
we are waiting
for the coming of the Lord Jesus
but we hold him in our affection
anticipating that day
when we will be with him.
And all of the alabaster box
will be broken up.
The fragrance will fill heaven.
The worship and the adoration
of the saints of God.
But when we read in verse 20
I'm sorry verse 12
we have another glory
of the Lord Jesus.
And that is his glory
as the son of David.
It's on the second day.
So that period is done.
The church of God
has been taken away from the scene.
But God's dealing
have not done yet.
It's not finished yet.
We have heard
through the Bible study.
And please
if something was not clear
there are many brothers around here
that could help you out.
Don't go home
if you did not understand something.
Take a note.
Ask a question.
Get a brother and ask him.
You're not gonna get it all at once.
There is no crash course
in divine things.
Here a little.
There a little.
Line upon line.
Line precept upon precept.
There is no fast food
in the work of God.
That doesn't work.
It doesn't.
Trust me it doesn't.
It requires time, commitment and energy.
But above all
you have the spirit of God
who could project
all of these things to your mind.
So church period is ended.
Now there is a period
that is coming after that.
About seven years or so.
I said about seven years.
Where there would be trouble
coming upon this world
that rejected Christ.
You see they did not want him
to rule over them.
They said we have no king but Caesar.
And they've been getting a Caesar
after Caesar since then.
And when they were given a chance
to practice democracy and to vote
they voted for Parabas.
Give us Parabas.
And they've been getting a Parabas
every time there is an election.
Read the newspaper.
I don't have to tell you much.
They will get the biggest Parabas.
Who will sit in the temple of God
and declare himself to be God.
They will get a man
who will be possessed by Satan.
You think it's bad now?
You wait till we are gone.
And I tell you what.
When we are gone,
every true believer in the Lord Jesus
there is no second chance for you.
And don't believe anybody
tell you that if you are left behind
you will have a second chance.
There is no second chance for you.
Trust me.
Just trust me.
Trust the word of God.
Don't take a chance.
You are not going to lose anything
if I was wrong.
But you would lose everything if I am right.
If you are left behind here
there will be no other chance.
It will be a period of time
that the earth have never seen before.
Trouble on every side.
Man will desire death.
And they are not going to be able to do it.
I don't know how is that going to happen.
They will be probably jumping from a high building
trying to crash down and die.
And they are not going to be able to die.
They are not going to be able to find this.
That's how miserable it will be.
But the Lord Jesus is the son of David.
The Lord have promised David
that he will have a son
to sit on his throne and to rule.
It wasn't really Solomon.
Solomon is a faint type of the Lord Jesus.
Yes, he was the greatest of all.
He was the greatest king.
He was the wisest of all.
Well, maybe Satan is wiser.
He was very wise.
But look at him and look at the Lord Jesus.
Solomon in his wisdom
was going to destroy life.
You remember the story?
When the two ladies came to him with the baby
fighting over him who is the mother?
Scripture declared and showed us
how great and wise Solomon was.
What was he going to do?
He was going to cut the baby in half.
That was wisdom.
How about the son of God?
How about the true son of David?
He doesn't destroy life.
He gives life.
He raised Lazarus from among the dead.
He gives you and I life.
He is greater than Solomon.
So he must reign.
He will come and we will come with him.
He will come from heaven
and he will take his rightful place.
The first time he will come we will be in the air.
We will study that.
He will be in the air
and we will be caught up with him.
But when he comes in his appearing
and every eye will see him.
He will come in power and majesty
and he will sit on the throne of David
and he will be a king
and he will be a king priest forever.
He's trying to unify religion and state together.
Religion and government together
and it's not working.
They tried in Iran.
You have a Khomeini or you have an Imam
who is the political leader
and the religious leader
and look at the disaster.
Until he comes who is right it is.
He will be king priest.
He will build the temple.
He will sit on the temple
through son of David.
It's interesting that Sir Robert Anderson
in his calculation about 69 weeks of Daniel.
He said that this day that we have
in chapter 12 of John
was the end of the 69th week
where Messiah according to Daniel 9
will be cut off
and the kingdom would not be his.
They rejected him.
He came riding on a donkey.
Twice in the scripture we read
of the Lord Jesus riding on something.
When he came in humility
here he was riding on a donkey.
How about Revelation chapter 19?
The victorious one
riding on a white horse
suitable for the king of kings
and the Lord of lords.
He tasted death.
He was risen from among the dead
to be David greater son.
To be the true Solomon
that will sit on the throne
and Jerusalem will be the center of the universe.
And you and I
the poor of the flock
will be reigning with him.
It's okay.
We don't have to reign now.
We shouldn't be reigning.
Now that world is going to be destroyed anyway.
Who wants it?
Would you go and put your money in a bank
that's going to be destroyed and robbed tomorrow?
Why are we after these things?
It was Elisha that told his servant
a young man
is it time?
Is it time now to go after these things?
What are we after young peoples?
He will come
and my place in the kingdom
will depend on my faithfulness here.
Every true believer is going to heaven.
That has nothing to do with me.
It's his grace.
But my place in the kingdom
it's going to depend on my faithfulness
and my responsibility
down here in the scene.
Some over five cities.
Some over three.
Some over ten.
How faithful are we?
Are we trading?
Are we occupied with the master's business?
But then
how wonderful
that God
in his grace project to us
not only his glory as a son of God
in that period of time where we are
not his glory as a son of God
but as a son of David concerning Israel
but now as a Greek
and they say
we would see Jesus
and what a wonderful respond the Lord Jesus gives.
The grain of wheat.
Talked about the barley harvest
this morning.
Talked about the wheat harvest this morning.
Barley harvest as we have heard
Christ in resurrection.
he associates himself
with us.
That's his ascension and his glorification.
The grain of wheat must die
for these Greek to come in.
For those who are far
because the dominion
of the Lord Jesus
as a son of man
is not only going to be restricted
to Jerusalem
or as Solomon from the river
to the great sea.
His dominion will spread from shore to shore.
The glory of the Lord
will cover the earth
as the water covers the sea.
The dominion of the son of man
who is rejected
how wonderful God justice is
that every knee
shall bow to him.
Every tongue
shall confess
that Jesus is Lord
for the glory of God the Father.
He will fix it all up
We have heard it is called
in that time when he would reign
not only in Israel
but throughout the whole world.
It is the time of the restoration.
Look at the world
what's going to happen to it?
The sun will have twice of its power
or brightness.
The moon will be seven times its power.
He would restore
to earth its youth.
There will be no more desert.
They will be springing up
with flowers and trees.
He will restore the age of man
the oldest man that ever lived.
How old is he?
Mesuzala, old Mesuzala.
I tell you what
there will be people
during the thousand years reign of Christ
that will live over a thousand years
because if you were 80 years old
a true believer of the Lord Jesus at that time
and the Lord comes
you will live to be a thousand and eighty years old.
You will be greater than the Mesuzala.
Mesuzala will be actually a young man to you
to a Jewish person.
You will be with the Lord in heaven.
He would restore
even what sin have corrupted
the nature of the animal.
A lion, a bear, a lamb
will feed together.
It is the time of restoration.
Satan will be bound.
For a thousand years.
Righteousness would reign.
The king of righteous will be here.
All of that justice that you see around you
don't worry about it.
There is a day that is coming
when he will put everything in its proper order.
Peace, no united nation
no peace treaty will bring peace.
Till the king of peace comes
and administrate peace to the universe.
How great is the son of man
who is made lower than the angels
for the suffering of death
is crowned with glory and honor.
Now that might be
the three things that we have talked about
dispensationally wise
in connection with resurrection
but to you and I
I want us to hold in our heart and our affection
the Lord Jesus as the son of God.
The Lord Jesus is the true king
or I am talking about the lordship of Christ
where there will be no right in my life
but the rights of Christ.
You see we are living in a world
where there is all kind of rights.
There are human rights.
There are animal rights.
There are this rights and that rights.
I want to start a new organization
called the Lord's rights
for the believers that I have no rights
and you have no rights.
It's only the Lord's right in your life.
You don't do whatever you want.
You were bought with the price.
If the master said go, you go.
If the master said sit still,
just sit still.
You want to own him as king,
as Lord in your life.
But to do that
you need to have those glasses on.
It is the eyes of faith
because he is great
because he is the son of God.
The world today
actually it's interesting because
they have a big problem
that we say Christ is the son of God
or when we say that Christ is God.
Now if you go to them and you said
that I am God
they will be happy with that.
As a matter of fact
they are going around in universities
telling you that you are God.
You are so great.
You are so wonderful.
Your brain is just so tremendous
that you poor you only use 5% of it.
I don't know who came up with this thing
and if you release all your power
you could accomplish great things.
You could accomplish great things.
You are not God.
You are a creature.
But they have a problem
who is calling him God.
As a matter of fact
they have no problem saying
that father is a universal aspect
that God is our father.
But if you say
the father of our Lord Jesus Christ
you have a problem with that.
They have it all mixed up.
But we are not like that.
We are like Mary.
We are like Martha.
And we are like Lazarus
because we have experienced
the power of resurrection.
Because we have the eyes of faith
where we could focus
on the glory of the Lord Jesus.
Is he enough?
There is a hymn in our hymn book.
It is written by a young man.
He died when he was 27 years old.
Holy spotless one.
There he said
Jesus, thou art enough.
A heart and a mind to fill.
When he said that
he wasn't an older man.
He was only 27 years old.
The Lord Jesus is enough
to fill our hearts.
To fill our mind.
And to fill our life.
And because of the greatness
of his person
and because what he imparted to us
in resurrection
there is a great future
await us.
Let's keep faith.
Let's keep close to the Lord Jesus.
He is great.
He is worthy to be praised.
And he is enough.
A heart and a mind to fill.
For his namesake. …