The Lord's birth
Total length
Bible references
Matthew 1, Luke 2
1.) in Luke2.) in Matthew
Automatic transcript:
Wir freuen uns, heute Abend einen Vortrag über Gottes Wort zu hören.
Wir freuen uns, heute Abend einen Vortrag über Gottes Wort zu hören.
And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest.
And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David.
And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever.
And of his kingdom there shall be no end.
Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee,
therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age,
and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren,
for with God nothing shall be impossible.
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word.
And the angel departed from her.
Now chapter 2
And verse 25
And behold there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon,
and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost
that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple,
and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law,
then took he him up in his arms and blessed God and said,
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
which thou hast prepared before the face of all the people,
a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel.
Recently one has been impressed with the end of the dispensation as we find it in the Gospels.
I mean the end of the law dispensation.
So few were waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I think we could count them all very easily.
We have Joseph and Mary, blessed by the Lord.
We have Elizabeth and Zacharias.
We have Anna, an elderly woman.
And we have Simeon.
There may have been others, but these set their attention to
in the chapters that we have read in Luke's Gospel
and in other chapters, the beginning of Matthew particularly.
Now, one feels that this is a very sad reflection on what the law could accomplish
after all the centuries of prophecy and the presentation of the law,
how few there were ready to receive the Messiah.
Sad, sad reflection on the law.
But then when we think of the present moment,
as we wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill his promise,
what would the difference?
There are millions upon earth at the present moment
who are looking for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, what a wonderful indication of the value of the death of Christ
and his resurrection and his ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The fact that millions have been secured through that wondrous death of his
and they are waiting for him at the present moment.
I think this indicates a very real thing to us,
that where man failed under responsibility in connection with the law,
God has succeeded in the presentation of Christ in the Gospel
in securing men and women for himself.
But that's not what I want to speak about.
I want to speak about the greatness of Christ
because this is the real blessing that can encourage and refresh
and build up every believer who loves him.
His greatness, his glory, whether it be present or future,
anything connected with Christ is calculated to encourage us.
So we find the angel coming to Mary, telling her that she's highly favored,
the Lord is with her, blessed art thou among women.
Now I know that we don't want in any way to be affected
by the kind of worship or shall we say idolatry
that the Roman Catholics give to Mary,
the way they give her such a place, such a place alongside Christ.
And we might sheer off from giving her any honor or any blessing.
And yet we would be wrong in this
because the scripture makes a great deal of Mary
and the angel here tells us that the Lord is with her
and that she's blessed among women.
She has a unique place.
She was favored by the Lord to bring the Son of God into this world,
a highly unique place of privilege and favor.
And for that reason we think of her affectionately
as the one who was used in this way.
But the angel has something more to say to her.
It's obvious she was just like any of us.
She was troubled at his saying,
perhaps worried to her mind what this salutation should be.
But the angel puts her at rest and says,
Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God.
Now that again is another indication of the unique character of Mary
that she was chosen by God for this particular service.
We know it was in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy,
A virgin shall be with child.
And she stole not to fear. Fear not, Mary.
Wonderful personal salutation.
Wonderful indication that she was known to heaven
and chosen by heaven for this particular service.
Then he goes on to say,
Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb,
and bring forth a son,
and shalt call his name Jesus.
Now here's something that we should stop and consider for a moment.
Sometimes in talking about the Lord Jesus,
we speak about his miraculous birth.
And while no one would quarrel with the expression,
that's not just exactly right.
It's the miraculous conception,
the power of the Holy Spirit,
and Mary performing this tremendous work,
the incoming of the Son of God into this world.
The reason why we draw this distinction is because
we can refer to at least four miraculous births.
There was Isaac.
And there was Samuel.
And Samson.
And John the Baptist.
And there was a miracle performed in each of these cases
when these little babies were born.
It was because of divine power.
And they certainly were miraculous births.
But with the Lord Jesus,
all the scripture is careful to guard
against any idea of human generation
he was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
And this points him out uniquely,
infinitely greater than any other person.
And so we find this expression,
and shall call his name Jesus.
Now again, I want to draw your attention to something
that's often said, that it's his lowly name.
I don't think so, dear Christian friends.
I think it's the name of glory and distinction
that the lowly man bore.
Because we remember that the name Jesus means
Jehovah the Savior.
Jehovah is salvation.
And really, it's God manifest in flesh
when we think of this wonderful name, Jesus.
Certainly his personal name that he bore here upon earth
so often referred to in the epistles and in the gospels,
this same Jesus.
Bearing about in our body the dying of Jesus.
Giving him a name which is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.
So this name is used again and again,
and I think I can say in a company like this,
that name is precious to all our hearts.
But it's a name of greatness.
It's not a lowly name.
It's a name of greatness.
A name of power.
A name indicating salvation.
A name indicating that God
was now amongst his own people in flesh
and was going to bless them.
Thou shall call his name Jesus.
I think I'm right in saying
that the Lord Jesus only refers to himself in this way
on two occasions.
Personally, I mean.
You remember when Paul, or rather Saul of Tarsus,
was on the Damascus road?
The Lord appeared to him,
and when Saul says,
Who art thou, Lord?
He says,
I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest.
And then in the book of Revelation,
we have those wonderful words,
I, Jesus, have sent mine angel
to testify of these things to the churches.
I, Jesus.
And so this personal name that he bears
is a name of greatness and glory and distinction
spanning this public life
and spanning the time that he is here,
that he's at the right hand of God,
and spanning to that time
when Israel shall be brought back to God.
So let us remember,
whenever we read this name, Jesus,
it's a name of distinction,
a name of unique glory,
a wonderful name,
and the only one who bore it
with all the truth connected with it.
Because we do read of other Jewish personages
called Jesus,
we find them in the scriptures,
but none of them could in any way bear that name
in the same way as Jesus did
because it was true of him
in every possible way.
He shall be great.
Oh, how great he is.
If you turn to the minor prophet Micah
in chapter 5, I think it's verse 2,
there you will find this explicitly stated by the prophet
that the one whose goings forth were from of old,
the one who would come forth unto God
to be the ruler in Israel,
would be great.
And all we know how great he was
and how great he is.
In the Gospel by Luke
and in the Acts of the Apostles,
Luke uses this word again and again,
great, what is great.
And here he is using it in connection with the one
who is supremely great.
If we think of him as creator,
what greatness.
We are accustomed now to be told
about things that are really outstanding
and really beyond our ken.
The radio telescope can probe
into the vast distances
that are connected with space
and we are left in a,
shall I say, our minds in a boggle
as to the vast distances involved.
But he created them, the creator.
And it was within his power
and wisdom and understanding
and ability
and although we might not understand,
we know that he did.
As he created the universe,
the display of his power and wisdom.
What greatness.
Oh, when we see him coming into this world
and stepping out in public witness for God.
What greatness.
He was able to deal with Satan,
able to deal with demons,
able to deal with disease,
able to deal with the depressed,
able to raise the dead, heal the blind,
all the various ailments of mankind,
the Lord Jesus in the greatness of his power
was able to deal with these things,
set people free
and send them on their way rejoicing.
How great he was.
And oh dear friends, when we think
of the work upon the cross
and his rising out from amongst the dead
and then rising from this scene into glory,
there we are confronted with a greatness
that is beyond any understanding.
His atonement,
the sufferings that he bore,
the pressure that he passed through
on our behalf.
Oh, how great he was.
No one could do that work but himself
and he did it, thank God, in perfection
so that we are here this afternoon
with the knowledge of our sins forgiven.
We are here with the knowledge
that we are bound for glory
and we owe it to the one, the great one,
who gave himself on Calvary Street.
And then how great
when he rose out from amongst the dead.
In fact, the scripture speaks of this,
the great shepherd
who rose out from amongst the dead.
Oh, how great.
No one else could do that wonderful thing,
to rise out from amongst the dead,
triumphant over death and Satan's power.
Again, a feature of his greatness.
Now, when you consider
the time that the Lord Jesus Christ
has been at the right hand of God
and he has cared
for every individual saint,
he's protected the testimony of Christianity
and all the various vicissitudes
that it has passed through
and all the attacks by Satan
and Satan's agents.
He's cared for those who were depressed,
those who needed help of various kinds.
Think of the magnitude of the work of that character.
And he said that he would do this.
I'm with you to the end of the age, he says,
to his disciples and of course
that includes every believer.
As the head of the body,
he has provided resource
and encouragement for every member
from Pentecost up till the present moment.
He has protected assemblies
passing through difficulty.
He has provided for missionaries
in different parts of the world
in danger and in difficulty.
All these things he has done
in the power that he has
and in the greatness and glory of his person.
You see, sometimes we just limit
the activity of the Lord
to our personal life.
And that's a very small thing in one sense.
Very great to us, very small to him.
Oh, when we think of the magnitude of the work
done by the Lord Jesus Christ
over the last 2,000 years
in relation to his people,
how great he is.
And we're not forgetting that along with that
by him all things subsist.
Not only has he created the universe
but in divine power
it subsists through him and in him.
So we're under no misunderstanding
as to his greatness
when we start and think about it.
We must be impressed with the magnitude of the work
that the Lord Jesus Christ does every day,
every moment.
This work is going on
in preserving and caring for his people.
No wonder he's the object of worship and praise.
Now it says he shall be called
the son of the highest
and the Lord God shall give unto him
the throne of his father David.
I believe there are two suggestions here.
The highest would always connect us
with the thought of the nations
and of course the throne of David
connects us with the nation of Israel.
And here is the one who is going to look after
all the nations and bring them into blessing.
Here is the one who is going to sit
upon the throne of his father David
and bring blessing into the life
of that persecuted nation Israel.
Now the reason why I say the highest
is connected with the nations
is because Scripture does connect
the highest in this way.
You remember Daniel tells us
that Nebuchadnezzar came to this understanding
that the most high ruleth
in the kingdoms of men.
And Moses in the book of Deuteronomy
tells us that the most high
assigned to the nations
different boundaries,
different places where they were to be.
He put them in their different places.
The most high.
And we believe the most high
is a millennial title
and has to do with all the nations
that eventually shall be blessed.
Who is going to do it?
The son of the highest.
Now at the present moment
we are witnessing the collapse
of all the ideas of men.
Democracies and dictatorships
and whatever you like
they've all had an opportunity
and the mess is there for us all to see.
I know that the world has passed
economic troubles in the past
and they have got over them
and things have gone on again.
But one wonders if now
we are seeing a total collapse
of all that man
brags about, boasts about
and considers is the cure
for the ailments of men.
No matter what they try it seems to fail.
Well then, who is going to succeed?
The son of the highest.
Time will come
when he will bring blessing
to the nation that exists
when he rules
but before he deals with the nations
he is going to sit upon the throne
of his father David.
Now it's a very wonderful thing
to think about this.
One day in the city of Jerusalem
where he was crucified
where he was rejected by the leaders
of the nation
he will publicly in person
sit upon the throne of his father David.
Now you might say
how can that be?
It's easy to visualize it.
For 40 days after the Lord Jesus
rose out from amongst the dead
he met with his disciples
he spoke with them, he ate with them
and so there he was
a living person out of death
they could handle him
they could see that he was
in flesh and bone condition
not in spirit condition
and so what was true in those 40 days
will be true
especially when he sits upon the throne
of his father David
in Jerusalem. His feet shall touch
the Mount of Olives
he'll come to the help of his beleaguered nation
and he'll bring in power and blessing
what a wonderful day that will be
for himself
oh let us think of this
in the place where he was rejected
there he is going to be exalted
and glorified.
I think we all like to be a success
and perhaps
in a certain area
where people have scoffed and jeered at us
in one way or another
we've experienced that kind of thing
and then to prove
through God's help that we've been
blessed and we're able to find
our way in the world
and have a success in business
or in any other way, scholastic
well that's a table stand
and it's not that we feel proud
but we're deeply thankful for what the Lord has done
for us in spite of all the
scoffing and jeering
now what will it mean to Christ
oh my dear friends
what will it mean to him
in the very city that had the
opportunity to accept him
it refused him
and in that city he's going to be
manifested in glory
he's going to sit upon the throne
of his father David
the fulfillment of the covenant made to David
and he in person
is the direct fulfillment of it
and what a fulfillment it will be
and for a thousand years
there will be a reign of
blessing, a reign of glory
a reign of plenty
no dynasty has
ever lasted a thousand years
no empire has lasted a thousand years
Hitler boasted that the
third reich would last for a thousand
years, but it didn't
it didn't last twenty years
oh my dear friends, when we
think of the wonder of the reign
of Christ for a thousand
years, the land will be blessed
the world will be blessed
and righteousness shall reign
oh what a demonstration
what an exhibition of his
greatness and glory
now it says
and he shall reign over the house of Jacob
forever and of his
kingdom there shall be
no end
great kingdoms, great
dynasties have risen
and fallen, sometimes
through internal dissension
other times through other powers
coming against them and overpowering
them, this will never
happen in the kingdom of the
sun, this will never happen
when he reigns, he shall
reign forever, it will be
an everlasting kingdom
and it will be for the glory of God
now we can understand
Mary saying to the angel
how shall this be?
I know not the man
and the angel answered and said unto her
the Holy Ghost shall come
upon thee
the power of the highest shall overshadow thee
therefore also that
holy thing which shall be born of thee
shall be called
the Son of God
I'm sure you're acquainted
with the teaching of the
meal offering in the book of
Leviticus and we
are reminded that the fine flour
was mingled with the oil
and we believe
this is a beautiful picture
of the birth of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the incarnation
as we call it, the clothing
of the Lord Jesus with flesh
the mingling with the oil
would suggest how intricately
the spirit was occupied
or the spirit was engaged
in the birth of our Lord Jesus
we read in the meal offering
that the meal
was anointed with oil
and we believe that would refer to
the moment when the Lord Jesus
set out in public witness
for God and was anointed
with the Holy Spirit at Jordan
here we believe
we have an expression of the meal
offering, the flour mingled
with oil, the Holy Ghost
shall come upon thee
and the power of the highest
shall overshadow thee
then there's this distinction
that the Lord Jesus Christ is described
as that holy thing
that shall be born
we are reminded in the Psalms
that we are born in sin
and shaped in iniquity
we are all suffering
because of Adam's fall
and we all inherit a fallen nature
and although we might deny it
it's not very long before
we express it in disobedience
and in an aptitude for sin
that clearly indicates
we have this fallen nature
not the Lord Jesus Christ
he was born
that holy thing
he came into the world holy
untainted by sin
as he passed through it
and offered himself in the power
of the Spirit without spot to God
intrinsically holy
not a blemish, not a spot
or a stain or a sin
but in a way connected with the Lord Jesus
now we live in days
when people who ought to know better
say that it was possible
for the Lord Jesus Christ
to sin
but perhaps they say in faithfulness
but he never sinned
when they speak about the temptations
and the other things that he passed through
and they say what's the point
of him going through temptation
if he couldn't have sinned
the point is this
the first man sinned
in beautiful conditions
in conditions that God created
for him
in conditions where we might have thought he'll never sin
well the first man did sin
in those conditions
the second man out of heaven
tried in far worse conditions
to prove powerful enough
to overcome
Satan's wiles
that's why he was tried
that his divine perfection
might be shown
in all its work and in all its greatness
John in his epistle tells us
that the divine nature
cannot sin
he says that explicitly
and that's referring to Christians
Christians having the divine nature
cannot sin
what God has given to us
cannot sin, it's an impossibility
now then
if the Lord Jesus could have sinned
that surely implies
that he had a fallen nature
and then the saint that loves him
would repudiate such a suggestion
no my dear friends
he was the holy thing
that was born
intrinsically so
it wasn't that he made progress in holiness
he was ever holy
spotless and pure
and so the angel says
that holy thing which shall be born
shall be called
the son of God
oh how great
here we have depths
that we cannot possibly
consider, that we cannot possibly
plumb, the son of God
coming into this world
as a little infant
so helpless outwardly
and yet still the creator
and upholder of the universe
the son of God
oh how great he is
and oh the glorious things
that he was going to accomplish
and oh the great things
that he has continued to do
since he went on high
the son of God
of essence with the father
same nature
oh how great
the son of God
he shall be called the son of God
I can't say any more
than what I've said about him
how great he is
and one would like to have a greater command
and language just to express
how great he is
he shall be called
the son of God, not the son of Adam
not the son of anyone else
although perhaps he was
called the son of Joseph
or the son of David
but pre-eminently above all others
the son of God, wonderful
glorious person
and how he proved this in his life
now we turn over
from that
that was heaven's
to Mary
now we find
a man upon earth
under the guidance and control
of the Holy Spirit
and he has some appreciation
of the Lord Jesus Christ
divinely imparted to him
and how satisfied he was
but look at him, Simeon
I don't know how old he was
tells us that Anna was
an elderly person
but here we find Simeon
and it says he was just
and devout
and he was waiting
for the consolation of Israel
and the Holy Ghost
was upon him
now why
I want to say a few words about this passage
is because it brings us in
now while it was uniquely
in connection with Simeon
that this happened and we must
again for him the blessing
that was his in being guided
and controlled by the Spirit
to perform the service towards the infant
Jesus yet I believe the principles
connected with this man
could easily be connected with us
the first thing is
he's just and he's devout
he's not leading a life
of sin or self-will
or wickedness, he's a man
who has some appreciation of God
and some idea of what it is
to live before God
and to such a one the Holy Spirit comes
and gives him direction
and what a wonderful opportunity
he had
now it seems to me my dear hearers
that we are in this position
if the Holy Spirit is going to teach us
in relation to Christ
then we believe there is
this rectitude of life that is necessary
a life that is pleasing to God
a life of obedience
a life of devotion
and to such persons the Holy Spirit
is free to teach
the great things of our Lord Jesus Christ
perfectly obvious
you wouldn't go to a wicked man
and ask him for some appreciation
of Christ, he wouldn't be able to give it
the Holy Spirit wouldn't teach him
the Holy Spirit is
the Holy Spirit
and he delights to unfold the things
of Christ to those who have some
appreciation of him
and whose lives are an indication of this
so I think this is a beautiful sight
this man Simeon
just and devout
just and upright
a good man
in Jerusalem waiting
for the consolation of Israel
very sad
that here upon earth
there wasn't a great stir
thinking about the coming
of Christ and the fulfillment of the prophecies
in Matthew's gospel
we do find that the city was troubled
and we find that Herod was
troubled too, but all that
seemed to pass away so quickly
but there were just a few
who really were waiting
and who could be used by the Spirit
in this wonderful way
and so it says
the Holy Spirit was upon him
now we've often been taught
and rightly taught
that in the Old Testament we find
a few references to the
Holy Spirit being upon
persons and when
whatever service they were to render
was finished then the
Holy Spirit was taken from them
or he left them, but in the
New Testament we receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit
and he indwells us forever
he's never taken
from the individual or from
the church, the believer
is indwelt by the Holy
Spirit and this morning
as I was thinking about this
I said to myself
what a tremendous blessing
that a divine person
indwells us
I believe no one person is
able to have the
fullness of the indwelling
Spirit and I must be careful about
what I say because I may be
entirely wrong in this, but we
are indwelt by the
Spirit, our bodies are
the temples of the Holy
Spirit and the Spirit directs
us to the Father and to the
Son and empowers us
for every Christian privilege
and every Christian responsibility
what a marvelous blessing
to have the
indwelling Spirit not to
be taken from us, always
with us, so while it was a
pond Simeon, we can
claim on the testimony of the Word of God
this Spirit indwells
us, so if we
feel that we are very weak
in connection with Christian
testimony, thank God for that
feeling because that is just how we should feel
and that throws us back
upon the divine power that
we have in the indwelling Spirit
and if we feel
that we are quite unable to
witness and worship, then
good for us if we feel that way
for again the Spirit is the
power to help us to worship
and write either the Lord Jesus
or the Father
now it was revealed unto him
by the Holy Ghost
that he should not see
death before he had seen
the Lord's Christ
it's not very often
that we get God called
the Lord in the New Testament
but here is one of the occasions
the Lord's Christ
the Lord's anointed
I think in this case
Jehovah's anointed
what a marvelous communication
Simeon got
it doesn't tell us how he got it, except by
the Spirit, but in what way it was
communicated, but he received this
communication that he wasn't going
to die until something
happened, until he had
seen the Lord's Christ
for himself
now down through the ages of prophecy
thousands of people were
waiting for this, and here
was one man who was told specifically
Simeon, you're
not going to die
until you've seen with your eyes
Jehovah's anointed
wonderful, wonderful
and the time came when he was
led by the Spirit
into the temple
and when the parents brought in the child
Jesus to do for him
after the custom of the law
they took him up in his arms
and blessed God
what a moment
for this dear servant
that he's privileged to take into his arms
this little babe
who is none other than
Jehovah's anointed
perhaps he wouldn't understand that
he was the creator, he was the son of
God and other great things that we've been speaking
about, he had been told
specifically that he would see
the Lord's anointed
and now the moment had come
what a moment of fulfillment
and realization for that
dear servant of the Lord
to hold the Lord Jesus
in his arms, what a privilege
and so he says, Lord
and he uses a different word there
it's the word that we have for
desperate, Lord
now let us bow thy servant
depart in peace
according to thy word
for mine eyes have
seen thy salvation
I think that's a wonderful statement
he's saying, I have nothing more
to live for, I have no more
interest here, my time
has come to an end, I'm completely
satisfied, I've seen
thy salvation
not only had he seen the Lord's
Christ, but he saw the one
in whom salvation would be secured
the one in whom salvation
would be available, the one
who would effect the work of salvation
himself, mine eyes
have seen thy salvation
now dear friends
when we see the Lord for the
first time, we won't
be saying this kind of thing
we won't be saying, we're ready
to depart, we'll be there forever
what a moment
what a moment of realization
when we all see the Lord Jesus
Christ, he might be entirely
different from the way he is
portrayed by the artists
but one thing we are assured of
we'll recognize him, we'll know him
and know what a moment
it will be, a moment of complete
and eternal satisfaction
when we see him
we're all accustomed to
perceiving things here upon earth
perhaps we want to go to some city
where there are some great sights
to be seen
and we go there and the first visit
oh it's a wonderful place, we're thrilled
at what we see, and then gradually
it dies off and it all
more or less becomes commonplace
it will never be like that in glory
the first view
that will so thrill our hearts
will be the same thrill that we'll have
throughout all eternity, what a
wonderful moment, what a wonderful
realization, and what a
wonderful end to this great
salvation that the Lord Jesus Christ
secured for us
for Simeon, it was to see the
one in whom salvation would be
secured, for us
it will be salvation behind us
and all that that means
and then an entrance into the glory
that he prayed about in John 17
he says I want them to be with me
I want them to share my glory
I want them to have the same love
upon them as I had
when I was here in this world, as I received
from the Father, he says I want them to
enjoy that, what a wonderful person
he is, and how anxious
he is, if I could use that word
for our present and eternal
blessing, now he says
which thou hast prepared
before the face of all the
people, a light to
lighten the Gentiles
and the glory of thy
people Israel
while I believe
that Prince of Galilee Simeon
is thinking of the fulfillment
of Old Testament prophecies
and there are many that
indicate that Israel will be blessed
and the Gentile nations will be blessed
with them, I want to apply
this to the present day
in which we find ourselves
because we find many passages in the
New Testament that tell us
that both Jews and Gentiles
are blessed together
and they form one body in Christ
without any national distinction
they are one before him
and oh how true it is
that he's a light to light the
darkness of the Gentiles
he's the glory of Israel
that he fulfills all the
prophecies in relation to them
so whether we think about it
in the present or think about it in the
future, those statements are true
in Christ alone
could Jews and Gentiles
be blessed without any racial
hatred or distinction and be
brought together in one
and we do thank God that in the future
this also will be true
the Middle East problem
great and complex will
never be settled until
Israel is reconciled to its Messiah
and then the rest will be simple
that's the real problem
not the problem between Jew and Gentile
not the problem between Arab and Israel
the real problem is
Israel refused its Messiah
rejected and crucified
him and until they get
right with him, this problem
will be outstanding
oh the wonder of it, that when they see
the one whom they crucify
and pierce and they're reconciled
to him, the process
of the Lord's government will go
on for their blessing
and the blessing of the nations
and those complex problems that
man cannot deal with will be
dealt with by the Son of God
oh let us rejoice
that at the present moment
the Lord Jesus has
put away all the national
distinctions that cause so much
strife upon earth
and in the truth of the church
he brings people of all nationalities
together without any
color, bar or social status
or any other kind of status
and he brings them together
as one body in himself
members one of another
all connected to him the head
and he blesses them according to
the greatness of his person
my dear Christian friends
how great he is
and so with these few thoughts
I would ask you to again and again
consider him more
and more because
whatever else might be passing
he remains in all his
greatness and we can turn to him
at all times to find
resource and blessing
and encouragement and you know
this passage that we've
been considering, it's not a huge
campaign with thousands
of people, it's not a large
turnout in a vast auditorium
it's just a few
but there's divine blessing there
I'm not putting any premium
upon a small company, but I do
say this, that a small company
is not shut out from the blessings
of God, a small company
can be blessed by God
and as it was at the beginning, so it
can be now, that wherever there
are hearts that show any
appreciation of Christ, we can
be sure that all the interest
of heaven is focused upon them
and they can get resource
and help and encouragement
through the Holy Spirit, so we
can take courage, whether there are two
or three, or whether there are
two or three hundred, the same applies
that wherever the truth of Christ
is maintained, there will be divine
blessing and resource, may we
know more about it, for his name's sake …
Automatic transcript:
O, and serve diligently for the young child, and when ye have found him, bring me word again that I may come and worship him also.
When they had heard the king, they departed. And lo, the star which they saw in the east went before them, and it came and stood over where the young child was.
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him.
And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.
Now the Gospel by John, chapter 18, verse 33.
Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called to Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the king of the Jews?
Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?
Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me. What hast thou done?
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants find that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now is my kingdom not from hence.
Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then?
Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born. And for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.
Everyone that is of the truth, heareth my voice.
Pilate said unto him, What is true?
And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and said unto them, I find in him no fault at all.
Now a few verses in chapter 19.
Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given me from above.
Therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.
And from thence forth Pilate sought to release him.
But the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend.
Whosoever maketh himself a king, speaketh against Caesar.
When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.
And it was the preparation of the Passover in about the sixth hour.
And he said unto the Jews, Behold your king.
But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him.
Pilate said unto them, Shall I crucify your king?
The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.
Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified.
And they took Jesus and led him away.
There are two portions in the book of Revelation.
Revelation chapter 18.
And in the book of chapter 17.
Revelation chapter 17 and verse 14.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them.
For he is Lord of lords and King of kings.
And they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful.
Now chapter 19.
And verse 11.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse.
And he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True.
And in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns.
And he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself.
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God.
And the angels which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations.
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron.
And he treaded the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.
I think it's obvious from the scriptures that we have read this afternoon that we want to say a word about the Lord Jesus Christ as the King.
We should say that in connection with the assembly we did not find the Lord Jesus presented as King.
He is never referred to as the King of the church, or even the King of the individual.
Other terms are used, for instance Lord, or head of the body of the assembly, or the bridegroom.
But the King speaks of his supremacy in the coming day when in this world publicly he shall receive adoration and obedience and worship.
And that's why I want to speak about him this afternoon in this way.
Because we are all anticipating that time and we believe it's very near when this world will acknowledge him as such.
I think it's right that we should begin at the Gospel by Matthew.
That first verse describes him as the son of David and the son of Abraham.
I think if we had been writing that we would have put Abraham first because he does come first chronologically.
But the Spirit of God says no, son of David first and then son of Abraham.
And the reason being that the Gospel by Matthew presents the Lord Jesus Christ as King.
So immediately we are confronted with this name, this title, that points him out as the son of David, the King.
The one who is going to rule over Israel, the one who will make up everything up for God for his glory.
Now it's very interesting that when God made a covenant with Abraham he promised him two things.
He promised that he would have a seed and that all families of the earth would be blessed in him.
And he promised him a land.
So we have two things very definitely promised to Abraham by a covenant, a seed and a land.
But then the covenant to David was that of himself, of his loins, there would come a king
and there would always be one belonging to his family sitting upon the throne of David, the throne of Israel.
So we find that the promise to David is that there will always be a king reigning in his name.
Now we know that when we read in the book of Chronicles, in the book of Kings, many of the kings of Judah were unworthy of the name.
And eventually because of the failure of that part of the nation they are put into captivity and for a time kingship lapsed.
But with the incoming of the Lord Jesus Christ we have the fulfillment of the prophecy in Micah
and we have the chain of blood stretching from David to the Lord Jesus Christ
and now we find God's king and the true son of David coming to take up the kingship.
Now then you can see why the Spirit of God presents a king first.
The king, the one who has the legal right to the throne and the genealogy that follows establishes that.
He has the right to reign over Israel. He has the right to reign over Abraham's seed.
He has the right to reign over the land promised to Abraham.
But oh when we find the unfolding of the story, what a sad story it is.
Even in chapter 2 we find immediate opposition to this little babe who is born king.
Herod the Great, a tyrant, a monster of a man, immediately began to oppose this born king.
Oh what hatred he expressed toward him.
But then, thank God, God was able to deal with that opposition and worship and praise and honor was bestowed upon the infant king.
And that's what we want to be occupied with.
I've said enough about the first verse of chapter 1 to indicate what God thinks of his son.
What God has in mind for his son.
What a wonderful person he is and God will make sure that he is honored and glorified.
Now we come to chapter 2.
And if there are those who oppose, there is the king, Herod, and he's certainly anxious to maintain his place.
So he's going to kill this young king if he can.
And we read about the slaughter of the children in this gospel.
As the king tries to kill the one who has been born and who is described as king of the Jews.
So at the very outset, there is Satan's attempt to destroy God's king.
We're not surprised at that.
You remember the story in the Old Testament when the enemy sought to destroy the seat royal.
But one was preserved alive, Josiah, the young king.
And the line was kept.
God saw to it that his king was maintained.
And much more so in connection with his glorious son.
So we find that steps are taken to protect the young child.
And guidance is given to those wise men coming from the east.
They always say there are three.
Perhaps it's because there are three gifts.
The truth is, we don't know.
There are legends and stories, some of them very beautiful to read.
Some of them very instructive, but legends nevertheless.
But we're confining ourselves to what the word of God says.
That there were wise men who came from the east, guided unerringly by God to where the little child was.
And out of their treasures they worshipped him.
We should say that before this, inquiry is made by the king to those who should know.
Inquiry is made to the scribes.
Where is it that the young king is to be born?
And they say to him, oh, Bethlehem Judah.
That's what Micah says.
That's what the word of God says.
Oh, they were very good, very accurate at telling the king where the real king was to be born.
They never moved one step to go and see for themselves.
Not one step.
It says all of Jerusalem was troubled.
They perhaps shared in the trouble, excitement or concern at such an account
that one had been born who was called the king of the Jews.
And they never took the trouble to go and inquire.
Oh, what a sad picture it is.
Hatred, enmity, murder on the part of the king, Herod.
Indifference on the part of the religionists.
How refreshing to think of the wise men traveling over a vast distance,
bringing their treasures and ready to bestow them upon this little child.
What a wonderful picture it is.
The unerring guidance of God that his son might be worshipped with gifts fit for a king.
We've often been reminded that those gifts represent his own person.
The gold indicating his deity.
The indescribable greatness of the son of God.
The gold.
The frankincense.
The fragrance of that wonderful pathway that still had to be trod.
And the myrrh, his passion, his suffering, his sorrow on the cross.
And all these things provided substance for real worship towards this glorious person,
none other than the son of God.
And I think it's very important to notice that while Mary is mentioned with him, they worship him.
Next year the Lord tarried, but I don't suppose it will make much difference.
If the Lord comes, I suppose the visit will still go on.
But a visit is being arranged for the Pope to come to Britain,
the head of a system that makes much of Mary and perhaps not so much of Christ.
But this scripture would clearly indicate that the Lord is the one who is to be worshipped.
Not Mary, the unique woman that she was, blessed amongst women, favoured by God.
But it's the Lord himself who is worshipped.
So unerring guidance by the star.
Wonderful joy in their hearts as they found the little child.
And wide discernment on their part when they worship the child and not the mother.
And so what a wonderful thing it is that the young king born into this world should be worshipped in this way.
Perhaps it's the kind of thing that heaven desires.
No ostentation, no clamouring of the elite of the world, the great men, the governors, the rulers, the proud religionists.
All informed that the king is going to be born.
And then a big show, a big demonstration and the consciences untouched.
No, heaven doesn't work in that way.
Heaven wants the approval of hearts.
Or rather it wants to see hearts.
It is that that heaven approves of.
Hearts and consciences affected by the greatness of the person and ready to sacrifice in order to show their appreciation of him.
And I believe all this is expressed in these wise men as they opened what they had, their treasures.
Carrying them with them, ready to bestow them upon this little child.
I suppose this has a lesson for us.
What have we got that we treasure in connection with the person and Christ?
Or do we delve into our memories and bring out the old phraseology, the things that we've been accustomed to say?
Is this the kind of worship that we give to the Son of God?
Or is it the freshness that the Spirit of God would give to us as we think of him?
As we really appreciate his glories, his greatness, his passion, his pathway.
All this fresh in our spirits and ready to be bestowed upon him from free and happy hearts.
Thank God for the direction that we have received, each one of us.
To know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
To be guided by him so that we can worship him in a way that meets with heaven's approval.
Not with all the fuss and flourish that perhaps the world approves of.
But in the simplicity of heart and conscience that is so pleasing to God and so pleasing to the Holy Spirit.
Yes, he does guide unerringly the Spirit of God.
He does give us the right things to say and from our hearts in a right condition.
Oh, how wonderful to find the Lord Jesus Christ the center of our worship and appreciation.
We would be persons marked by the greatest possible ingratitude if we hadn't something to offer to the Son of God.
When we think of how much he has done for us.
How much he has cared for us and provided for us.
And how much he has yet to prepare for us.
Indescribable, beyond belief, the things that we will enter into when we are with him in glory.
And so, how wonderful that in this day, shall I say, of maturity, it's not now a little child.
Still to grow up into a man.
Still to tread a pathway of glory for God.
Still to die and to rise out from amongst the dead and ascend to heaven.
All that was future was this little day.
Now we are in the knowledge of it.
Thank God somewhere in the game of it.
And how right it is that willingly, happily, we should worship this glorious person.
Well, the end of day didn't stop.
The king was anxious that they should bring him back to work.
But God said, no, don't you go back to hell.
I'll show you the way to go.
And he showed them another way so that they could avoid this end of day.
Not only to themselves, but specially to the little baby.
So, there are a few thoughts, not very many, connected with this glorious person who was born King of the Jews.
It's often said that some persons have greatness thrust upon them.
Some live due to merit of greatness.
Thank God he was born great.
Intrinsically great.
The glorious son of God coming into this world.
And all the future was still before him as to what he had to pass through.
But the greatest glory still awaits him.
When with his church complete, at his side he shall reign in this poor sad world.
So we move over to John's Gospel.
John's Gospel.
John says to him, art thou the King of the Jews?
And the Lord Jesus says, sayest thou this thing of thyself?
Or did others tell it thee of me?
I would answer, am I a Jew?
Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me.
What hast thou done?
Imagine the creature saying this to the creator.
Imagine this man having authority delegated to him, saying to the supreme authority,
what hast thou done?
Oh, what bigotry, what calmness, what grace and humility marked the son of God
as he allowed himself to be interrogated in this way by this representative of their own power.
I've read this passage and the passage in the next chapter to say that not only was the Jewish nation guilty
of the rejection of the son of God, but the representative of the Gentile power
was also directly responsible, and for reasons known to himself, for the rejection of the Lord Jesus too.
So the Lord Jesus says, my kingdom is not of this world.
If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews,
but now my kingdom is not of this.
In the gospel by John, the world is always presented as a system ruled by God
in opposition to the Father, to the Son, to the Holy Spirit, and to those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's a very powerful system indeed.
Three times over, Satan is referred to as the prince or the ruler of this world.
And so the Lord Jesus says, I'm not going to rule over the world.
My kingdom is not from hence.
I have another kingdom, a heavenly kingdom that Paul speaks about.
There is going to be rule from heaven when I go there, and the subjects of my kingdom
will be persons who subject their will to the will of God.
They'll own me as Lord. They'll own no other authority as Lord.
And so my kingdom is not from hence.
He doesn't refuse what Pilate has asked, that he is a king.
This, of course, was true.
And he says, this is why I was born. Born a king.
Oh, how wonderful the replies of the Lord Jesus.
And how sad. How sad the rejection by Pilate.
But you see, the earthly kingdom is in abeyance, but the heavenly kingdom is in function.
And that's a very wonderful thing to consider.
That at the present moment, every one of us, obeying the Lord Jesus Christ,
owning him as Lord, knowing him as Savior, we are members of that kingdom, subjects of it.
He the head, he the Lord, he the supreme one in that kingdom.
And we are reminded what kind of kingdom it is in the epistle to the Colossians
when Paul says we've been delivered from the authority of darkness
and we've been translated into the kingdom of the son of his love.
That's a wonderful kingdom.
It's not a question of subduing evil or even an administration in connection with good.
It's a kingdom marked by love.
And the supreme one in it is the supreme lover.
And we are the ones who bear it.
The kingdom of the son of his love.
But we go on to chapter 19.
And we find that someone says to Pilate that the Lord Jesus is the son of God.
Pilate is very much afraid.
He wants to release the Lord Jesus.
And then the Lord says to him something that must have astounded Pilate.
Thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above.
Therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.
I suppose this proud man might have often said to himself as he was in New Zealand,
I'm the representative of the greatest political and military power in the world
and I can call to my aid tremendous resources.
I can quell any disturbance.
I can use the power that is invested in me to deal with any opposition.
And now he's told by this prisoner whom he has in his presence,
Pilate, you have no power against me at all except it were given thee from above.
In other words, what is happening before you as Pilate is ordained by God himself
and I'm quite willing to fit into that plan in order to accomplish God's will.
Do you remember what the Lord Jesus said to Pilate?
Not to Pilate, to Peter rather.
I could summon twelve legions of angels.
I think I might be saying, I'm subject to correction,
that a Roman legion consisted of 6,000 men.
Pilate says, the Lord says, I could get twelve legions, 72,000 men, 72,000 angels rather.
Now, we go back into the Old Testament and we remember the story of the vast army that came against Jerusalem
and when the destroying angel passed through their ranks, 175,000 soldiers lay dead.
One destroying angel.
Think of 72,000 angels with a limitable power operating on behalf of the Lord Jesus
and we realize how puny and helpless his enemies were.
Oh, the grace of our Savior as he allowed himself to be submitted,
allowed himself to be attacked and criticized and ridiculed.
Oh, what grace was in his heart as he submitted to all that man heaped upon him.
So, dear friends, it was all because the scripture had to be fulfilled.
It was all because his love had to be expressed in giving himself for us.
And so we find that Pilate sought to release him.
Well, might he seek to do this?
I believe in his heart and conscience.
He was afraid.
He was afraid.
He had heard things that had touched him and he sought to release the Lord Jesus.
And then they say, if thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend.
Whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar.
I think it's right to say that at that time many persons rose up and tried to thwart the mighty power of Rome
and gathering armies around themselves and seeking to overturn this great power.
And of course, they were all defeated.
And Caesar was very, very jealous of his power and authority.
And anyone who claimed to be a king was immediately dealt with.
And so they used this powerful weapon to cause Pilate to take action and crucify the Son of God, which they did.
We have no king but Caesar, they said.
No king but Caesar.
Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified.
And they took Jesus and led him away.
It's a sad picture, isn't it?
We remember the story of the little boy who was given a portion of the scriptures, one of the gospels.
And he read and read and read until he came to the story of the crucifixion.
And he ran and he told his mother, oh mother, they've killed him, they've killed him, they've killed him.
And then he read on.
And he came back with his face smiling, oh mother, he's alive, he's alive.
He read the story of the resurrection.
Oh, we've begun.
We have childlike faith and simplicity that can accept the scriptures like that.
And the joy of them and the reality of them that the Lord is alive.
Now I've read those portions in chapter 18 and 19 as a background for what we read in Revelation chapter 17 and chapter 19.
If we read Revelation aright, we'll find that there are two threads running through it.
There is the great power of the Gentiles and it's coming to an end.
And the one who is going to deal with that power is the one who was crucified by the representative of the Roman power.
Also the apostate Jewish nation, it also will be dealt with.
The nation that crucified its Messiah, it also shall receive God's government.
And it's right that it should be so.
In 69 AD, I think it was, when Nero set fire to Rome and most of it was burned.
And we believe the discipline of God, the chastisement of God against that proud power.
In 70 AD, Jerusalem was laid low by Titus, leveled to the ground, a million and a half people slain.
Very, very strong governing hand of God in chastisement upon those two powers that crucified his son.
But that was only a temporary matter.
Then we find when we read in the book of Revelation, further judgments.
Judgments upon the portion of land where Rome rose.
Judgment against the nation that crucified the Messiah.
And that too is temporary.
Oh, the awful time when those who have refused the Son and crucified and rejected Him
will find their place in eternal punishment in the lake of fire.
Never ending, sad, sad ending for those who have crucified the Son of God.
In chapter 17, the beast makes war against the lamb.
I will remember many, many years ago as a young Christian,
listening to a brother, Brother Rick McCallum, many of you will remember him,
preaching on prophecy.
And he says, look at those beasts described for us in the book of Revelation.
Grotesque beasts.
Beasts that have no part in the natural kingdom.
And look at them in all their power, in all their enmity, in all their wickedness.
Look at them. Who's going to deal with them?
Nobody is powerful enough to deal with them.
Look, look what is coming, he says.
A little lamb.
Oh, how ludicrous to think that a little lamb can deal with those grotesque animals.
Ah, but he said, look, who is the lamb?
Revelation 17 tells us the little lamb is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Yes, gracious, sacrificial, humble.
All these things come to our minds as we think of the lamb.
Oh, now, it's not so much the gentleness, not so much the humility,
not so much the readiness to die that is presented in Revelation 17.
It's power, authority, the ability to judge, the ability to overcome evil.
The Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
What a transformation.
The patience of God is exhausted.
For 2,000 years, opportunity had been given to men to accept the Lamb of God
and the precious blood that He shed for the forgiveness of their sins.
2,000 years rolled its course and very few were concerned about bowing and accepting the Lamb of God.
And then that awful period of time, known to us as the Tribulation,
when men seemed to reach the height of blasphemy and enmity against God.
Still unconcerned, in spite of all the judgments that God puts upon the earth,
not repenting of their blasphemies, their witchcraft, their murders,
not concerned about these things, blaspheming God.
And the time has come to call a halt.
Oh, what a day it will be when the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings
exercises the power that He has and puts down those evil pestilences
in all the power that He can present.
Awful moment for them, awful moment for those who follow them.
Perhaps we can say there is a great deal of dignity conferred upon us
in that we are with Him in sharing His judgment.
Not that we can exert the judgment, but we are with Him.
The armies of heaven follow Him.
We come now to chapter 19.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse.
And he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True,
and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
I understand that when the Roman general returned from his successful campaign,
he entered into Rome in a great procession,
and riding upon his white horse lay evidence that he had been triumphant,
and what a glory it was to this particular general.
And so the Spirit of God uses this figure to describe the triumph of the Lord Jesus.
Not this time riding into Jerusalem on the fold of a mass.
Not to be rejected by the nation, by the city.
Not this time.
He's coming as Faithful and True, riding upon a white horse.
Success is guaranteed.
No possibility of mistake.
No possibility of defeat.
In righteousness he's going to make war.
I suppose many, many wars have been waged.
Unrighteous wars and untold suffering and sorrow
because of the greed and the desire of man to acquire power.
But here is a war that will be conducted in righteousness.
A campaign where all the opposing forces of evil will be put down and put down again.
Never to raise their head again, at least those who are being put down here.
The Faithful and the True.
He has the moral right to judge and make war.
In his life he proved himself to be Faithful and True
in all that he did and all that he said,
and he's competent morally and personally to deal with those opposing forces.
Then it says his eyes were as a flame of fire,
and on his head were many crowns,
and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself.
Those eyes of scrutinizing judgment,
eyes that never make mistakes,
eyes that can discern what is right and wrong,
eyes that will discriminate between his believed people in Jerusalem
and those who oppose,
those who have the mark of the beast
and those who haven't the mark of the beast.
And those eyes will discern,
and those eyes will govern the judgment,
flame of fire,
the holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ
as he deals with the enemies that are against God himself.
There's no good speculating upon the name written that no man knew but he himself.
Surely it would be idle speculation.
If no one knows but himself,
well, we leave it there.
The day will come when it will be declared.
Something will learn about the greatness of the Son of God.
And he was clothed with a vesture,
dipped in blood,
and his name is called the Word of God.
This doesn't mean the blood that he shed on Calvary's cross
available for those who come to him in need.
This is the blood of his enemies.
This is the scripture in the book of Isaiah
would be connected with this.
Who is this that cometh from Bozrah?
With his garments dyed red.
The one who trades the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God.
I remember many years ago when we were in Palestine
we were shown the winepresses that were hewn out of the solid rock
and they just placed the bunches of grapes upon the clean rock
and then they stewed on the top of them.
And of course you can understand with that weight
the juice of the grapes would squirt up onto their garments
and would stain the garments.
And that's the figure that's employed.
The Lord Jesus trading the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God
and those bloodstained garments
are the evidence of the righteous wrath of God in punishment
against those evildoers who have opposed God and the Lamb.
His garments dipped in blood
and his name is called the Word of God.
He's the revelation of God in grace and glory and blessing.
He's the revelation of God in righteous judgment
and upon the one competent to execute it.
And the armors which were in heaven followed him
upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
There are so many portions in the Word of God
that describe our place with Christ.
Paul speaks again and again about us being in Christ
in Christ Jesus.
The Lord Jesus spoke to the disciples
about them being with him in the Father's house.
And there were other portions.
Here we are described as being with him
clothed upon white horses
following him upon white horses
clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
What a wonderful thing
that we're going to be associated with the Son of God
as he comes out in judgment.
We are going to be there
not because we have any right to be there in ourselves
but because he brings us with him.
And you remember the scripture says
that those who suffer with him
shall reign with him.
Paul says, do you not know that ye shall judge angels?
That ye shall judge the world?
And here we find the expression of it
as we come out with the one who is going to be successful.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword
that with it he should smite the nations
and he shall rule them with a rod of iron
and he treadeth the white crest
of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh
a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Now at the present moment
Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the Lord
and he is offering blessings
to all who will receive it in grace.
If only they will repent
there is blessing available.
In the days to come
in the portion that we are reading
he is going to rule the blessed.
In obedience those who obey him
will find blessing.
Those who refuse, those who object to his rule
those who oppose his rule
will be dealt with in a very severe fashion indeed.
All my dear friends
how wonderful it is to come to the end of this passage
he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Where now the proud rulers of Israel?
Where now, I am?
Where now all the rulers and kings
who gather themselves together
against Jerusalem and against the nation of Israel?
They are all gone, every one of them.
And they are all going to stand before the great white throne.
And there he is
the one who was rejected and scorned
the one who was crucified
the one whom they ridiculed.
Here he is
in all his majesty and glory
the King of Kings
the Lord of Lords
taking precedence above all the greats
all the great men of the past.
Indeed Paul says
he has a name which is above every name
not only in this world
but also in that which is to come.
God will see to it
that his King is supreme.
And dear friends
that King is our Saviour.
That is the one whom we love
that is the one whom we seek to serve
that is the one whom we worship.
And here we have one of his glories
and much more could be said about this
great dignity and glory that belongs to him
the King.
Much more could be said.
There is so much in the Old Testament
about this glorious day
that is the dawn upon the world
when he will be supreme.
Isn't this why Paul says
that there will be a reward for those
who love his appearing?
Ah yes!
We are waiting for the rapture.
We will be free of all the complexities
that exist upon earth
the pains, the difficulties, the trials
the weakness and the other things
that come upon us.
All those things, yes, they'll go
thank God for that.
Greater still, we'll enter into the presence of Christ
we'll be in the Father's house forever.
But then Paul says
it's not the rapture that we are to love
it's the appearing that we are to love
because it means the supremacy
of the Son of God
in the world that hounded him out
that hated him, rejected him
and crucified him
and every person who loves him
must surely look forward to that day
when he will be supreme
the King of kings
and the Lord of lords.
May we appreciate him more and more
for his mercy. …