Samson and Delilah
Total length
Bible references
Judges 16:4
Judges 16
Automatic transcript:
Judges chapter 16 and verse 4. And it came to pass afterward that he loved a
woman in the valley of Sorek whose name was Delilah. And the Lord to the
Philistines came up unto her and said unto her entice him and see wherein his
great strength lies and by what means we prevail against him that we may bind him
to afflict him. And we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of
silver. And Delilah said unto Samson tell me I pray thee wherein thy great
strength lies and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee. And Samson said
unto her if they bind me with seven green weeds that were never dried then shall I
be weak and be as another man. Then the Lord to the Philistines brought up unto
her seven green weeds which had not been dried and she bound him with them.
Now there were men lying in wait abiding with her in the chamber and she said
unto him the Philistines be upon thee Samson and he break the weeds as a
thread of towel is broken when it is touched with fire. So his strength was
not known. And Delilah said unto Samson behold thou hast mocked me and told me
lies. Now tell me I pray thee wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto
her if they bind me fast with new ropes that were never occupied then shall I be
weak and be as another man. Delilah therefore took new ropes and bound him
therewith and said unto him the Philistines be upon thee Samson. And there
were liars in wait abiding in the chamber and he break them off from his
arms like a thread. And Delilah said unto Samson hitherto thou hast mocked me and
told me lies. Tell me therewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her
if thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web. And she fastened it
with the pin and said unto him the Philistines be upon thee Samson. And he
awaked after his sleep and went away with the pin of the beam and with the
web. And she said unto him how canst thou say I love thee when mine heart is
not with thee. Thou hast mocked me with these three times and hast not told me
wherewith thy great strength lieth. And it came to pass when she had pressed him
dearly with these words and urged him so that his soul was vexed unto death that
he told her all his heart and said unto her there hath not come a razor upon
mine head. For I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb. If I be
shaven then my strength will go from me and I shall become weak and be like any
other man. And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart she sent and
called for the Lord of the Philistines saying come up at this once
for he hath showed me all his heart. Then the Lord of the Philistines came up
unto her and brought money in their hand and she made him sleep upon her knees
and she called for a man and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his
head and she began to afflict him and his strength went from him. She said the
Philistines be upon thee Samson and he awoke out of his sleep and said I will
go out as other times before and shake myself and he wist not that the Lord has
departed from him. But the Philistines took him and put out his eyes and brought
him down to Gaza and bound him with fetters of brass and he did grind in the
prison house. Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was
shaven. Then the Lord of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a
great sacrifice unto Dagon their God and to rejoice for they said our God
hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand. And when the people saw him they
praised their God for they said our God hath delivered into our hands our enemy
and the destroyer of our country which slew many of us. And it came to pass when
their hearts were merry that they said call for Samson that he may make us
sports and they called for Samson out of the prison house and he made them
sport and they set him between the pillars and Samson said unto the lad that held him
by the hand so for me that I may feel the pillars whereupon the house standeth
that I may lean upon them. Now the house was full of men and women and all the
Lords of the Philistines were there and there were upon the roof about 3,000 men
and women that beheld while Samson made sport. And Samson called unto the Lord
and said O Lord God remember me I pray thee and strengthen me I pray thee only
this once O God that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two
eyes. And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house
stood and on which it was borne up of the one with his right hand and of the
other with his left. And Samson said let me die with the Philistines and he bowed
himself with all his might and a house fell upon the Lords and upon all the
people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than
there to slew in his life. The story of Samson and Delilah is the very heart and
soul of dramatic tragedy. The bright promise of Samson's early life, the
carefree slipping into temptation, the deepening tragedy, the wiles of Delilah
and the gigantic climax have always been found to stir the imagination of even
those who have scant regard to the Bible as the Word of God. And perhaps the most
noticeable thing about the story is a conversation that Samson never heard and
was never aware of except in the dreadful climax and that is when the
five Lords of the Philistines came to Delilah and said entice him, entice him
that we may see wherein his great strength lies. We seem to be hearing
something very like the time when Satan asked permission of the Lord that he
might deal with Job and try him and afflict him and as far as we can see
from beginning to end of the story Job never knew what lay behind his terrible
suffering. And above all there comes to mind the heartfelt appeal of the
Apostle Paul to the believers in Corinth when he said I am jealous over you with
a godly jealousy lest as Satan beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your hearts
might be beguiled from simplicity as to Christ. Now this is a human tragedy a
very human tragedy but it's a great deal more than a human tragedy and I'd like
to begin by explaining in a few words why it has tremendous meaning for us who
are believers in the Lord Jesus and those whose lives have been called to be
devoted entirely to him, to his use, to his service, to his glory. Because there
are the closest parallels between certain things about the story of
Samson and the Christian life. Samson had, Samson's life had a divinely ordained
purpose and Samson was provided with a divine power in order to enable him to
fulfill that purpose. The purpose of Samson was quite simply stated it was to
destroy the Philistines and to deliver Israel. In the early part of the story as
we have it in Judges in chapter 13 we read and then began Samson to destroy
the Philistines. It was his, the purpose of his life and it was clearly stated
before his birth it was a divinely ordained purpose for his life to deliver
Israel from the Philistines. And the second thing is from his earliest years
the Spirit of the Lord began to come upon him and to move him at times and it
was his power for the delivery of Israel from the Philistines. And very very plain
indeed was the proof given in the story that there was adequate power in Samson
by the presence in him of the Spirit of the Lord moving him when the occasion
arose there was adequate power there to deliver Israel from the Philistines. Oh
how sadly the story went wrong and the way it went wrong and the lessons for us
in the way it went wrong and the warnings that come to us whereby we can
avoid we can be saved from it's going wrong with us these are the interests of
the story for us. Now the purpose of Samson was to destroy the Philistines to
deliver Israel from the Philistines and I would imagine that there are very few
of us here of any age who couldn't give a pretty close idea of what the purpose
for the Christian life is ordained to be by God. Perhaps one's mind runs first of
all to the conversion of the Thessalonian believers and it says they
turned from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son
from heaven. Now there you have it there was a purpose the new purpose for their
new lives to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son from heaven.
And in Ephesians we read that God has created his people anew unto good works
that he ordained beforehand they should live in. There you see from before the
world the good works of the Saints were prepared and it's a statement of the
purpose of the Christian life that in that life God shall be glorified by good
works. I suppose that above all things we realize that the purpose of the
Christian life is to do the will of God in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That we who are believers should find motive in the constraining power of
the love of Christ to live not unto ourselves but unto him who died for us
and rose again. The purpose of the Christian life is quickly stated but oh
how we pray for each other that it might be during this week written in our
hearts by the Holy Spirit afresh in the measure in which we know it already. The
second part of the strength of the second part of the of the experience of
which is so instructive for us is the divinely given strength for the purpose
to which his life was to be devoted. And it's a very interesting thing to see
that that strength manifested itself as being adequate for the work that he had
to do. In childhood it is recorded the child grew and the Lord blessed him and
the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times. Chapter 13 verse 25. When he was
a young man he went down to Timnath and a young lion roared against him and the
Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him and he rented as he would have rent
a kid and he had nothing in his hand. That is chapter 14 verse 6. Later when
his countrymen bound him with new cords and delivered him to the Philistines they
shouted against him and the Spirit of the Lord came suddenly upon him and the
cords that were upon his hands became as flax that was burned with fire and his
burns loosed from off his hand and then with the jawbone of an ass he slew a
thousand men. There was the plainest possible proof that there was power with
with Samson because the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. Now in speaking
further about this story I am most anxious not to be misunderstood upon an
important point and I'm particularly anxious that we should not I should not
be misunderstood in respect of how this applies individually and specially to us.
This story is not a warning against any close link of a man with a woman or a
woman with a man. When such links are in the Lord they can purify and enrich our
lives beyond measure under his hand. In contrast the story of Samson and Eliza
was outside the marriage bond. It warns us against the attractions of a man or a
woman not a believer and in a very real way it warns us all old and young
against the power of something immensely attractive to nature but designed by
Satan to turn us away from our separation unto the Lord and to rob us
of the power of the Holy Spirit. Because there is, and I'm brought to it by that
remark, there is a very important difference between the endowment of
Samson by the Spirit of God and your endowment and my endowment for the
fulfillment of God's purpose in our lives. It is a wonderful thing for us to
read these stories of the immense bodily strength of Samson and to see it
attributed to the presence with him at times of the Spirit of the Lord and to
understand that it is the same Spirit of God who dwells in us that he might be
our power in spiritual things, our power for the fulfillment of the true purpose
of our lives. But we notice very plainly the Spirit of God came upon Samson at
times. The Spirit of God did not remain permanently with Samson. Now so far as
you and I are concerned as the children of God, believers in the Lord Jesus
Christ, we must once and again, ever and again, be absolutely clear about the fact
that we have received the Holy Spirit and that he has been promised by the
Savior to dwell with us forever. He will never leave you. He will dwell with you
forever. We read in the last chapter of the Gospel of Luke that the Lord Jesus
said to the disciples, I'm going over the bones of the story just once again that
you might be quite clear about it, the Lord Jesus said to them, tarry ye at
Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high. Tarry ye at Jerusalem until
ye be endued with power from on high. And that is the form in which in the pages
of the Gospel of Luke the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit is given, until
ye be endued with power from on high. We read in the Acts, chapter 2, how when
they were all with one accord in one place, there came as the sound of a
rushing mighty wind, and as it were cloven tongues of fire rested upon them
all, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues
as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now how do you and I become partakers of
this immeasurably great endowment, the endowment of the Spirit of God?
Well, like you, all my life I've been from time to time disturbed about this
question. Is it really true that every believer receives the baptism of the
Holy Spirit, or is it some special attainment by way of a second blessing
that comes to us? Time and again I've read the biographies of Christian men
and women for whom I conceived the greatest possible admiration in their
lives and in their response to the Lord. And then, sooner or later, it comes. They
got this second blessing, and their faces suddenly became radiant, their heads were
above water for good, and they'd arrived. And I asked myself, I can only do one
thing about this. It's all so impressive as a story. I can only do one thing about
it, and that is go back to the Scriptures for myself. And time and time and time, I
did go back to the Scriptures myself, and I came away with an ever-deepening
certainty that it is true, that the believer is baptized with the Holy Ghost
the moment he believes, and the Holy Ghost never leaves him. The verse which,
in the end, was that my principal conviction was in Ephesians chapter 1, in
whom, on believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is with
us, we read, until the day of redemption. And there you have the plain indication
that every believer, the moment they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, they
are sealed. There's a transaction that can never be reversed. God has sealed it by
the gift of the Holy Spirit to dwell within, the seal and the earnest. And so
that becomes available to you and me, for our comfort and for our strength,
every time we go back to it, the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ, I will send
another comforter, and he shall dwell with you forever.
Nevertheless, we have to reckon with the fact. When we think of the power that's
available for the fulfillment of life's purpose under the hand of the Lord, we
have to reckon with the terrible danger of grieving the Holy Spirit, so that we
do not see his mighty works. The Holy Spirit is with us. The Holy Spirit will
never leave us. The Holy Spirit came to us the moment we believed. It's a seal, a
transaction that God will never go back upon. But we are exhorted to
not to grieve the Holy Spirit, because it's so sadly true in scripture and in
our experience, that if by the manner of our lives, and in that context, it's
speaking truth, it's being angry, and it's the most ordinary kind of evil doing
that are there instance, but by the manner of our lives, oh how sadly we know
it's true, we can grieve the Holy Spirit. And it is just as it was when the Lord
Jesus Christ was here upon earth. There were certain who grieved him. He looked
about upon them with sorrow and anger, and he could do not many mighty works
because of their unbelief. If the Holy Spirit of God is dwelling in us, it's
absolutely right that you and I should say, if he's there, where are his mighty
works? We want to see those mighty works. We haven't the slightest doubt that
those mighty works should follow. Oh how sad it is when we have to come to the
conclusion that it is when we grieve him that he can do not many mighty works
because of the fact that in our lives we have grieved him. But the very way that
the Holy Scripture brings these things before us makes it plain that it is
still and ever the desire of God that we may not grieve the Holy Spirit, we may
not quench the Holy Spirit, but rather that we may walk in the Spirit and then
his mighty works will become manifest in our lives. Because when we speak about
the purpose of our lives, the work perhaps that we are to do for the Lord,
we must always remember that probably we ought always in thought and prayer to
give priority to what God desires to do in us before we can adequately
give consideration to what God will do by us. And what is God ready to do in us?
It is to purge us from envy and falsehood and pride and bring the beauty
of the Lord upon us. That's what that's what our endowment is for the work that
lies to our hand. Now we understand that therefore we understand that there was
this great purpose for for Samson's life and there's a parallel purpose for our
lives. We understand that the great power for that purpose was the fact that the
Holy Spirit came upon him. But there's another very prominent feature in the
story relative to the power that was resident on Samson for the fulfillment
of his purpose of delivering Israel from the Philistine, and that was that from
his birth he was to be a Nazarite. Now we read the story of the Nazarite's vow
in the book of Numbers, and the Nazarite's vow had two parts. There was
first of all the overriding thought that his vow meant that he was to be
separated unto the Lord. But there was also another part to the vow and that is
he was to be separated from certain things which in a figurative way would
go against his being separated unto the Lord. Now those three things in the book
of Numbers were in fact that he had not to touch a dead body, and he had not to
touch or drink any part of the fruit of the vine, and that he had not to have
ever have his hair cut. Now in the story as we have it before us, the reason best
known to the Spirit of God, the emphasis is entirely upon the fact that Samson's
strength lay in his Nazariteship with particular reference that his hair was
not to be cut. Now there is in Christianity no separate class who are
under a vow of this kind, but that we are called to be separated unto the Lord
and that we are called to be separated from all evil is abundantly true and
it's true for all of us. And this is very close to what I said about grieving the
Holy Spirit. There are two sides to this source of strength in the picture
presented by the Nazarites vow. The first is that we are separated unto the Lord
and the second is that we are separated from all manner of evil. And of course it
presents to us the power of that separation from all kinds of evil. Well
is it not something that's wonderfully true that so far as the believer is
concerned it is our privilege to be separated unto the Lord. The Lord Jesus
Christ wants our hearts and wants our lives. And again and again we've had it
before us this week, beginning with that interview with Simon Peter, and we shall
never forget, will we, that interview, that encounter between the Lord and
Simon, which was personal and was penetrating and was purposeful and it
resulted in Peter being entirely restored to the Lord Jesus Christ, to his
being converted and to strengthen his brethren. He was a person who was
separated unto the Lord. And I think the great text, which certainly has been the
most, one of the most powerful texts in my life, is the text I've already quoted
from 2nd Corinthians chapter 5, which says, in that he died, that is the Lord
Jesus, in that he died, he died unto for all, he died for all, that they which
live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him who died for
them and rose again. Now what comment could possibly do more than those words
themselves to make clear what is the desire of the Lord Jesus for us?
Henceforth, from the moment we became his, from the moment he reached down and
rescued us from sin and misery and made us his own, henceforth living not unto
ourselves, not unto ourselves, but unto him who died for us and rose again. And
where is to be found the power within for such a life? Live not unto ourselves
but unto him who died for us and rose again. It lies close by. The love of
Christ constraineth us, and it's that that makes us judge this way. I've always
taken great interest in the fact that what that verse in fact saying is that
the love of Christ controls my judgment. It controls the way I think of things. If
it rightly exercises its power over us, it's because it says, because we thus
judge, the love of Christ so constrains us that we thus judge. And what do we
judge? We judge that they that live, since he died for all, they that live should
not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him who died for us
and rose again. Now I just have the briefest possible word about the idea
represented by the Nazarite vow with particular reference to cutting the hair.
Now that there are two scriptures which seem to me to make it plain. One is that
it says for a man to have long hair is a shame to him, and the other is we read
that the Lord Jesus Christ endured the cross despising the shame. First Corinthians
11 and Hebrews chapter 13, and that teaches me that the long hair of the
Nazarite symbolized and spoke beforehand of the cross and its place in the
Christian life. Oh how we ought to take time to go into the truth of the cross.
All I can do about it this evening is to remind you of the words of the Lord
Jesus Christ, if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his
cross daily and follow me. It's the cross, and the cross is the appointed means in
the Christian life whereby we deal with our sins, we deal with sin. It's the sword
by which we cut off those things that are offensive to God and harmful to
ourselves. And so the Nazarite vow in the case of Samson with particular reference
of the length of his hair, it was something which speaks to us of that
means whereby we are separated from evil in our lives so that we might be in fact
wholly separated unto the Lord. Now we have understood the story of Samson's
strength. Samson's strength was in his Nazariteship, and it was
because he allowed his Nazariteship to lapse unto the wiles of the woman who
had won his heart. It was because he allowed his Nazariteship to lapse that
Samson the strong became weak. And what we might say since we have found out
the secret of Samson's strength, what was the reason for his weakness? Well, I
feel that we would have to come to the conclusion, put it in ordinary language,
the reason for Samson's weakness was that he was a trifler. The very thing
that should have marked his life in an outstanding way was purpose. Purpose
given him, and purpose responding in his own heart. It should have been with him
as it should be with us. And the Apostles exhorted the new believers at Antioch
that with purpose of heart they should cleave to the Lord. Now Samson's weakness,
terrible, you know, not only tragic but fatal, fatal weakness, it lay in the fact
that he trifled. He sported along in his strength. If he happened to meet a few
Philistines, he cares had knocked their heads together and went on singing. And
if he met a Philistine woman who pleased him, he abandoned himself to the
gratification of his lusts and forgot entirely his purpose. He was a trifler.
There was the absence of serious purpose in his heart corresponding to
the purpose that God had given for his life. And oh how we're trying to help
each other at times like this. That there might be in our minds and hearts
corresponding, mirroring, what the Word of God tells us God has done with us and
for us. That there should be purpose of heart. That with purpose of heart we
should cleave to the Lord. One might well ask whether Samson attained the happiness
that he sought. And if for one moment we contemplate Samson with his eyes gone
grinding in the Philistine prison, then we will see what comes from trifling
with the serious issues of life and forgetting the divine purpose for
our lives and the divine power and the love of Christ that lies behind it all
as a motive for us. But there was, at the end of Samson's life, there was a gleam
of encouragement. Perhaps he was the person whom the writer by the Spirit of
God had in mind when he said that by faith out of their weakness they were
made strong. And we read of the deep groaning of prayer with which Samson
called to the Lord to restore him his eyes, to restore him his strength, that he
might in the end fulfill his purpose. When the blind slave leaned on the
pillars of the vast hall, the glee of the assembled thousands of Philistines, his
turn to consternation and terror, his muscles tighten and he feels within
himself that the Lord is once more his strength. And the pillars begin to crack
and sway. And then the house fell upon the Lord's and upon all the people that
were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than all they
that he slew in his life. Let us therefore watch and pray and the Lord
will keep us faithful to himself. Our unseen foes, remember that interview that
he never heard, never knew about, so fruitful in failure, entice him that we
may find what in his great strength lay. Our unseen foes are ever ready to entice,
taking occasion by our unguarded hours. Charlotte Elliot's hymn may well close
our meditation on Samson, whose unguarded hours were so tragically fruitful of
failure. Principalities and powers mustering their unseen away, wait for
thine unguarded hours, thine unguarded hours, watch and pray. Hear above all, hear
thy Lord, him thou lovest to obey, hide within thine heart this word, watch and
pray. Watch as if on this alone hung the issue of the day, pray that help may be
sent down, watch and pray. Charlotte Elliot knew very well that it did not
depend on this alone. When she wrote, watch as if on this alone, she was the
woman who wrote just as I am, without one plea, without one plea, but that thy
blood was shed for me and that thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I
come. She knew that in the end it depends upon the love of God and the precious
blood of Christ. What she said was, watch as if, just as though everything
depended upon it, let us watch and pray. And we believe the Lord will keep us
faithful to himself. Now unto him who is able to keep us from falling, to guard us
from stumbling and to present us before the presence of his glory with
exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, the honour and power, dominion and
might, both now and ever. Amen. …