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...and Adam became a living soul (Body, Soul, Spirit) / Ernest Brown
4 Alters of Abraham / L.M. Grant
A time to depart (Gen. 24) / A. Tunley
Abel / Alan Smart
Abraham's Four Altars / L.M. Grant
Adam in Eden / Frank Broadley
Bible Basics Conference 2012: “Genesis 1-12” / Hugh Clark
Genesis 18 / Frank Wallace
Genesis 22 / J.S. Blackburn
Genesis 8 and new creation / Michael Hardt
Jacob (Gen. 28) / J.S. Blackburn
Jacob's History / L.M. Grant
Joseph / Jeff Brett
Leah and Rahel / L.M. Grant
The beginning / Jean Muller
The call of God (as exemplified in Abraham) / Daniel W. Paterson
The two trees of Genesis 2 / Jeff Brett
The wells of Isaac / W. Missen
Thoughts on Joseph / Paul Dronsfield