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Bible Basics Conference 2007: Things God has prepared for us / Bible Basics Conference
Come, take, learn (Matt. 11) / J.S. Blackburn
El Bautismo Cristiano / Bernd Bremicker
El estado eterno / Ortwin Schäfer
Matthew 11 / Norman Anderson
Matthew 8 / Gavin Hughes
Matthew 8 / Geoff Hawes
Matthew 9 / John Scales
Parable of the marriage feast / L.M. Grant
The Gospels / Ernest Brown
The Kingdom of Heaven and of God / Norman Anderson
The Lord's birth / Frank Wallace
The temptation of the Lord - spirit, soul and body / E. Wylie
The transfiguration / Daniel W. Paterson
Viendo al Señor / Bernd Bremicker
What is the Church - just a collection of individuals? / Hugh Clark