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Bible Basics Conference 2007: Things God has prepared for us

Pasajes de la biblia
Matthew 18:15-20, ...


Bible Basics Conference:
BB 1 Hugh Clark - What is the Church – just a collection of individuals?
BB 2 Gavin Hughes - What are ‘assembly meetings'? Examples in the NT?
BB 3 Geoff Hawes - Gifts
BB 4 Edwin Cross - Sign gifts
BB 5 Nick Fleet  - Where are the elders, bishops, deacons, etc.?
BB 6 Michael Hardt - Why are there so many different ‘churches' today? ...
BB 7 Andrew Poots - What is the relationship between assemblies?
BB 8 Graham Warnes - Who can break bread?
BB 9 Simon Attwood - Assembly authority
BB 10 Paul Dronsfield - Types and the church
BB 11 Ernie Brown - The Hope of the Church

BB 12 Q&A
BB 13 Q&A 2

For more details visit www.biblecentre.org .

Parte 1
Parte 2
Parte 3
Parte 4
Parte 5
Parte 6
Parte 7
Parte 8
Parte 9
Parte 10
Parte 11
Parte 12
Parte 13

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