The beginning
Pasajes de la biblia
Genesis 1:1
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Transcripción automática:
O wondrous Saviour,
cheerless Lord,
by day and night
to Thee adored
we worship Thee.
The moon is shining,
sun of God,
the evening coming,
evening well.
O glory be
O glory be
in Thee our human presence
heaven to my Father
in the sand
at his hand's breath.
Pray unto him,
Thou ever kind,
so soft rejoicing
to his heart,
thus sweet and fair,
thus sweet and fair.
There and on the sand
a bed beyond the grave
of John,
of earth, of heav'n and high,
in praise, in praise,
shall heaven and earth
enthroned in holy faithfulness
by me for love,
by me for love.
And there shall come
a world without end,
ages long,
and nations shine
O blessed day.
How shall we tell
its wonderful
and ever praising
of the Lord
O splendid day,
O splendid day.
This day shall be
a month of safe and glorified
We share with him
the Father's home
and sing in blessed
wondrous praise
How long we hail
in Jesus' name
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus Christ
Dear brethren, dear friends,
if God allows us,
and if the Lord has a direct sense,
in the next few days,
we should be occupied
by the meditation
of the last chapters
of the last book
of the Bible,
the Revelation.
It is a book of judgment,
but also it's the book
of the end of ages,
and yet of the beginning
of an everlasting morning,
eternal state.
We thought it could be of some help
if we would consider
not the end,
but the beginning,
and thrust some thoughts
as to the various beginnings
the scripture speaks to us about,
and try to find
points of comparison,
and link the beginning to the end.
Where is the link to be found in Christ,
the first and the last,
Alpha and Omega?
So let's start
with the first verse
of the first chapter
of the first book
of the Bible,
Genesis 1.1.
Recently, in the book
I have available for reading,
I discovered something
I should have known
for a long time,
the writings from Brother Whittle.
And in one of his two books
I have at home,
he gave us
a translation,
very literate translation,
of the first two chapters
of the Bible.
And I thought there are
very interesting things
to discover.
So, if your permission,
I will read some
of this translation.
Genesis 1.
In the beginning,
Elohim created the heavens
and the earth.
And the earth was without
form and void,
and darkness on face of deep,
and spirit of Elohim moving
on face of the waters.
That's all.
Young people,
you will be interested
to realize
that the first verse
of the Bible
starts with a grammatical exception.
Elohim is a pool,
triune God.
The pool of Elohim.
God Father,
God the Son,
God the Holy Spirit,
as well as one God, Elohim.
The problem with English
created is the same
whether it's plural or singular.
In French, clair.
So the verb is conjugated
with the singular,
and the subject is plural.
I think it's very interesting.
It's a very clear
and powerful statement.
In the beginning,
God created the heavens
and the earth.
It is here the heavens,
the cosmos,
galaxies, stars,
planets and the like.
The heavens and the earth.
Scripture speaks to us
about three heavens.
The lower heavens
we'll find in the next days.
The intermediate heaven,
the cosmos is here
in verse 1.
And the third heaven,
which is the paradise of God,
and 2 Corinthians 12
is very clear
in allowing us to
make the two the same.
The light
that no man can approach unto.
The unapproachable light
is the everlasting dwelling
of God and the Godhead.
Also, Scripture speaks to us
of the heavenlies,
of heavenly places,
which is a little different
from the light, everlasting light.
The everlasting light
has not been created.
It's the dwelling place of the Godhead,
who is forever.
God created the heavens
and the earth.
Verse 2 makes a statement
of the condition in which
the earth is to be found.
It is not spoken of the heavens
anymore for the while,
only of the earth.
The Spirit of God concentrates
our thoughts, minds and affections
to the earth.
The earth is to be made
for man to inhabit in it.
Beyond man,
God's counsel is to make
everything for Christ.
As the firstborn from the creation,
for all things have been created
for him, by him,
and all things by his power.
The state into the world,
the earth is to be found,
is void,
without form and void.
Now, three scriptures,
Tui Bui,
which use the same expression
in Isaiah and Jeremiah,
stating very clearly
that this was not the condition
in which God created
the world initially.
Because the world was to be made
the habitation of man.
Three things are considered here.
without form and void.
Darkness, the Spirit of the Lord
moving on the face
of the waters.
Peter tells us in his epistle
that the world has been
getting out of waters.
Darkness, waters,
and yet the Spirit of God
overwhelming the seed.
God remains in overall power
by everything.
Then we find in successive verses
the three days of creation.
The six days of creation.
If you look in detail,
you'll find that they are
to be separated in the first three
and the last three.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
And then the seventh day is separate.
God separates the first day
of darkness from light.
That's with the scripture.
Elohim says, light is
and there is light.
And Elohim says, the light
that it is good.
And Elohim divides between the light
and the darkness.
And Elohim calls the light day
and the darkness He calls night.
And evening is and morning is
a first day.
Elohim says, there shall be a firmament
in the midst of the waters.
It shall be dividing between waters and waters.
And Elohim makes the firmament
and He divides between the waters
which are under the firmament
and the waters which are above the firmament.
It is so.
And Elohim calls the firmament heavens.
Evening is and morning is a second day.
Elohim says, the waters under the heavens
shall be gathered together to one place.
And the dry land shall seem so it is.
And Elohim calls the dry land earth
and gathering together the waters
He calls seas.
And Elohim sees that it is good.
And Elohim says, the earth brings forth grass
herb seeding seed
and tree of fruit producing fruit
after its kind
whose seed is in it on the earth.
And so it is.
And the earth brings forth grass
herb seeding seed after its kind
and tree producing fruit
whose seed is in it after its kind.
And Elohim sees that it is good.
And evening is and morning is a third day.
Elohim said, there shall be lights
in the firmament of the heavens
to divide between the day and the night.
And they shall be no more for signs and for seasons
for days and years.
They shall have been for lights
in the firmament of the heavens
the light of the earth
and so it shall be.
And Elohim makes those two lights
the great ones, the light, that great one
for the rule of the day
and that light, the lesser one
for the rule of the night.
The stars also.
And Elohim sets them in the firmament of the heavens
to give light to the earth
and to rule over the day and over the night
and to divide between the lights and the darkness.
And Elohim says that it is good.
And evening is and morning is a fourth day.
Elohim said, the waters bring forth
abundantly the creeping things of living beings
and fowls flies over the earth
in the face of the firmament of the heavens.
And Elohim creates great whales
and every living being that is creeping
which the waters brought forth abundantly
after that time
and every winged fowl
after its kind.
And Elohim sees that it is good.
And Elohim blesses them saying
be fruitful and multiply
and fill the waters in the sea
and the fowls shall multiply on the earth.
And evening is and morning is
the fifth day.
Elohim said, the earth brings forth
the living being after its kind
cattle and reptiles
and every living creature of earth after its kind
and so it is.
Elohim says, makes the living creatures
of the earth after its kind
the cattle after its kind
and every reptile of the earth after its kind
Elohim says that it is good.
Now, Elohim says, we will make man, Adam
in our image
after our likeness
they shall have dominion over the fish of the sea
and over the fowl of the heavens
and over the cattle and over the earth
and over every reptile
that is creeping on the earth.
So Elohim creates the man in his own image
an image of Elohim created in him
male and female created in them.
And Elohim blesses them
and Elohim says to them, be fruitful
multiply and replenish the earth
and subdue it
and have dominion over the fish of the seas
and over the fowl of the heavens
and over every living thing
that is creeping on the earth.
The end of the chapter.
Evening is and morning is the sixth day
and the heavens and the earth
become finished and on their host.
On the seventh day Elohim finishes His work
which He made in the arrests
on the seventh day
for all His work which He made.
Elohim blesses the seventh day
and sanctifies it because of it in it
He arrests for all His work
which Elohim created to make.
We mentioned a while ago
that we have the six days of creation
the first three days
in which the fundamental components
of the earth has been arranged
and in the next three days
four, five and six
the earth is made habitable
for the habitation of man, of Adam.
The first day separation between light and darkness.
In brother Kenny's book on creation
he reports that there was an argument
hundred and fifty years ago
as to the nature of light.
Light is not a material entity.
There was a theory by Newton
another theory that light was something like
a very substance like ether.
In fact we discovered that light really is
a vibration traveling in void
at a fantastic speed of 300,000 km per second.
Light has not been created as such
in the verse we just read.
We discovered in the remains of living creatures
which probably lived
between the verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1
capacity of seeing very accurately
so probably light was available at the time.
Here the main problem, the main theme
is separation from light and darkness.
God separates.
Morally, spiritually speaking, it's the same.
He is the one who created, who called light to shine
to coerce and thwart.
Shine in our hearts.
The seventh day there is the separation
between the firmament and the earth.
Water above the firmament
and the water in the firmament.
The third day there is separation
between land and seas.
In fourth, fifth and sixth day
there is the relationship between
the various components.
Basically the creation is consisting of
one mineral creation, insensitive, immaterial.
Material, no touch.
The seventh is the vegetable creation.
Insensitive, but herb, grass, a tree
lives and dies.
That's the tenth.
Then animal creation
which is the material part of body
and a living soul
which makes it living
but led by its instinct.
Nothing else.
A very important verse
has been very often forgotten.
In Peter, Peter calling about the rebels
saying they are comparable to beasts
made to be taken and destroyed.
In other words,
the end of living of an animal
does not have a moral significance.
Beyond there is nothing.
This is the fantastic and complete difference
with a human being.
A human being which is the next level of creation
is made of a body, material part,
a soul and spirit.
Soul, Psyche and spirit, Numa.
And in Hebrew the same word is used
for breathing and spirit.
Man is created by God
as one person comprising body, soul and spirit.
Man only has a spirit
which makes him capable of being in relation with God.
When taken by his instinct
like Nebuchadnezzar
he will fall back like normal, like an animal
and he eat the grass of the fields for seven years
like Nebuchadnezzar
but it's not in God's thoughts to do this.
Mineral creation, vegetable creation, animal, human.
Then heavenly, angelic.
This is not talked about here in this chapter
because they were made
in the former time, Job 38 I think
tells us that the stars would cry of joy
and the angels too.
Mineral creation is insensitive.
Vegetable creation finds its food in the mineral creation.
Animal creation finds its food in the vegetable creation
and human creation finds its food in the lower creation.
The word create
bara in Hebrew
is only used three times.
Verse 1, Genesis 1.1, God created.
Verse 21, God created great whales
every living creature that moves through the waters
and verse 27, God created man in his own image.
It's interesting.
First verse, it's the body, material creation.
Second is animal creation
and third is human creation.
Body and soul makes an animal.
Body, soul and spirit makes a human, makes an animal.
Basic question.
I don't know where you are in England
but at least in France
our children are still being taught about evolution.
Basic question.
We don't have enough time this evening to take this into detail
but just one word.
Basically, is it evolution or creation?
No question, creation.
Evolution is something that doesn't exist.
It was launched by Darwin and Lamarck
and taken back by Darwin.
Apparently Darwin at the end of his life
regretted very deeply
that he had launched a fatal mistake
as to the evolution.
To make man
coming from a name, from a monkey
is nothing short of a strong insult
to the God creator, period.
The thing I don't understand is how
intelligent people, you know, can be carried that far.
At the same time, in the middle of the 19th century
Louis Passant made very strong measurements,
and launched a fatal blow against evolution.
He demonstrated that the spontaneous creation of life
was impossible.
Meanwhile also, Carleau
developed the principle of thermodynamics.
There are two basic principles
which are interesting for us.
The first principle is that the energy is conserving.
It doesn't vanish.
And the second principle states that the entropy
which is the energy over the absolute temperature
cannot do anything else but increase.
In other words, nothing is created,
nothing is destroyed
but everything tends to decline.
Now how in the world can you explain now
that you take a small cell,
develop it in something like a fish, an animal
and finally you get a man?
It's ridiculous.
It doesn't make any sense.
And still the books
in the hands of our children today in France
teach evolution.
There was a mistake also made
between the two words
create and make.
Barre and Assat.
They are not equivalent.
Although for man, for example,
man is created and he is made.
One word about the problem of the decline of energy.
The sun is a very interesting example.
The sun undertakes continuously
a change from hydrogen to helium
which makes its weight
to lose approximately
four and a half million tons per second.
Yet if you calculate
based on the size and volume
and weight of the sun
the possible length of time of the sun
you'll find this in billions of years.
So God is ever safe
in what he did.
The sun will not stop shining
before God has finished
his way with man.
We said a while ago
that light travels at the speed
of 300,000 km per second.
A light year is a measure of length
which is the distance which is travelled
by the speed of light
during one basic average year.
If you take the distance
between earth and sun
which is 150 million km roughly,
90 million miles,
you will find that a light year
is 63,000 times the distance
between the earth and the sun.
And there are stars
which are several thousand light years of us.
So I think you will agree
that the earth is a grain of sand
and I am a small grain of sand
upon the earth.
Yet earth takes its value
in the fact that at one time
God sent his own beloved son.
He came to Jerusalem
and died at the cross
to change and forever
the course of events.
Blessed be his name.
We said that there are three days
where the shape of the earth
is finished and three days
the earth is replenished.
The culminating point of those
six days of creation
is the creation of man
according to God's counsels.
And only in this case
it is said in the scripture
let us, God speaks,
let us make man in our image
after our likeness
and let them have dominion
over the fish.
God created them
man in his own image
in the image of God created him
male and female created them
created he them.
So God has created man
in his image
in his likeness.
Image and likeness are not
quite exactly the same.
If you carry
an image of your wife
or of your mother
a photograph
I look at the photograph and say
oh that's my mother.
That's an image.
Before photography was invented
you know, whether it was
any kind of photography
the only way of keeping
the memories of a person
was the paper.
Now if the artist was good
the resemblance was good.
But if the artist was not that good
it was not very
it was not very resembling.
Yet it was the image.
The likeness
shows there are similar
morally speaking.
And man has been initially created
as the image of God
and the likeness
of God.
The Lord Jesus Christ
when he came on earth
was fully
the image of the
invisible God.
The expression is found in 2 Corinthians 4
and in Colossians 1.
It's never
said in the scripture
that he was under the likeness
of God. Why?
Because he was God himself.
He was made under the likeness
of man.
He accepted to take
the man's condition
he made himself of
reputation. We just read the scripture
that beautiful scripture in Philippians 2.
Being God
he took the image
of man. He took the
place of man and being
man he went
down to be the
of everyone.
That's his glory.
At the end of the 6th day
God states
clearly that what
he had done was good.
It says 7 times
that it was good
except for the 2nd day
and the 3rd day it says twice.
On the 7th day, something different
it was very good
and God rested.
The 7th day, the end of that
Sabbath, the end of
this creation week
God rested.
And Israel
was supposed to keep the Sabbath
the 7th day as the rest
in remembrance of God
making the world and the heavens
resting on the 7th day.
This is an image of another
rest which is the rest
in redemption.
And Christ will bring that rest.
There is a sabbatical
Hebrews 4
There is a sabbatical rest
for the people of God.
Now, the
interesting enough, the description
starts over
in Genesis 2
Genesis 2
These are the generations of the heavens
and the earth when they were created
in the day that the Lord God
made the earth and the heavens.
Mr. Wigram says
These are the generations of the heavens and the earth
and they are being created
in the day of making by
Jehovah Elohim of earth and heavens.
An interesting
point is that
the description of chapter 1
it was Elohim at work
Elohim, the plural of
Elohim, the Godhead
God the Father, God the Son and God the
Holy Spirit. Incidentally, I think
creation is essentially attributed
the Son and the Holy Spirit
all to the Godhead as a whole
and maybe one time
to the Father, but I'm not sure.
Now, the description starts
over, it is not
a supplementary description
it is another
aspect and
God is now called
not Jehovah alone, Jehovah
is the name God
takes including his
attributes as revealed
to Moses at the time
Israel was going to be taken out
of Egypt in the beginning
of Exodus.
God being
in relationship with man
and this is
interesting because the
description of creation
not only concentrates
from chapter 1
verse 2 and the following
on the earth
but it concentrates on man
to be the inhabitant
of the earth
so heaven and earth, Genesis 1
verse 1, the earth as such
to be organized
to receive
man and man now
being in relation with God
the creation
of man is repeated
and there are two
details which are given
here which were not shown
in chapter 1
Genesis 2
7, the Lord God
formed man of the dust of the ground
and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life
and man became
the living soul
man was then taken
of the dust of the ground
in fact the name Adam
the name of the first man
I think in Hebrew means
red earth
or clay
the expression, the clay is very interesting
as you know the
creation is made
either of
sand which is silicium
clay which is
aluminum or carbon
in the precious source of the bible
diamond is pure carbon
although the value of the
do not make the value of the stone
the value of the stone
is from the capacity of reflecting the light
and separating the light
into the sumptuous colors
of the rainbow
man is taken from something
which is found in abundance
on earth and has no value
what is the value of man
in the eyes of God
he has a spirit
man can be in relation with
God himself
through the
work of the Holy Spirit
man is then taken from
the clay
taken from the clay
from the silence of the earth
and after the fall
he is called to return to the earth
which is that he was not initially
in God's provisions
the second
God breathed in him
in his nostrils
the breath of life
and it is not said
to any animal
animals are called living souls
although man as such
is a special living soul
because he has a spirit
in the new creation
there is a very interesting counterpart
if you look very quickly
on John 20
on the day of resurrection
the end of the day
when the Lord Jesus shows himself to the disciples
which were in the upper room
he says
receive ye the Holy Spirit
it is not the Holy Spirit
as a third person of deity
coming down
as a person
on the assembly
on the day of Pentecost
as in Acts 2
the spirit of the risen Christ
which is
blown into the
spiritually speaking exactly the same way
as in the first creation
the spirit of man was
into the nostrils
of man to become a living soul
the fact that
man has been the image of God
and that he has received
the breath of life
is found several
times in the scripture with
some interesting applications
the fact that the man
is made in the image of God
is one thing
which makes the penalty
of a murder
of taking somebody
for somebody else's life
and in fact
it should be punished
of death
Genesis 9 is very clear
second thing also
is that
that I think is interesting for us
we have
a tongue
we have a mouth
we cannot use it
to give
worship to God
and next time
turn around
and speak
badly of men
because men have been created
in the image of God
the fact that the image of God
is also given
in 1 Corinthians 11
as to the position of man
as opposed to woman
in the society
in the world
and also in the assembly
there is no difference between man and woman
in the assembly
as to the position
towards Christ
God planted the garden
the garden
even there was one river
spreading into four rivers
Hedekel which is the Tigris
are well known
they go to the Mesopotamia
and they will have an important bearing
in the future in the world
after the flood
on Euphrates there is Babylon
which is the
apostasy on the religious
and on the Tigris, Hedekel
there is Nineveh
which is the capital of Assyria
and the king of the north
which is as important also
in the last events
the two other rivers are not known
I will just shield behind Mr. Kelly
and suggest
that one is going to the Dead Sea
no, to the Black Sea
and the other one to the Caspian Sea
but I think the idea is this
there is only one river
that's because it spreads
much the same as the gospel of Christ today
coming down from heaven
spreads in all four corners of the world
in order to give the good news of salvation
there was nothing for man
to do except tilt the garden
no effort
enjoy God's blessing
man was in authority
he was the vice manager
maybe the expression is not too good
the vice manager of God
on this world
he was in authority
and the proof of this authority
was given by the fact that
God brought the animals to Adam
and asked him to name them
give names to people
is an expression of
the authority
the Lord Jesus
gives names to his disciples
change names
name was changed
from Jacob to Israel
by God himself
Nebuchadnezzar gave the four
Hebrew young men
different names
Chaldean names
here Adam gives names
but there was something missing
when God was creating
the animals he created them
every time by their
species separately
male and female
and man was alone
and he says
it's the second
counsel God takes
as to Adam
chapter 2 verse
20 Adam gave names
to all cattle in the fold and so forth
and for Adam there was not
found a help need for him
and the Lord God
caused a deep sleep
to fall upon Adam
and he slept and he took one of his ribs
and closed up the flesh
instead there were
and the rib which the Lord God
had taken from man many
a woman
and brought her unto the man
and Adam said this
is now born of my bones
and cleft of my flesh
and shall be called woman
Esha because she was taken
out of man
now this is the
beautiful act of creation
of God
considering man
that he
did not want to be alone
the woman Eve
which is not named here yet
she is named only after the father
Eve was
brought to the man
to Adam
and there was Adam and Eve
the first couple
the rib taken
from man's
side was under the
strength and protection
and close to the heart
a source of affections
this is exactly what
a wife is
towards her husband
but beyond this
obviously referring
to Ephesians 5
last verse
there is a mystery behind it
which is the mystery of the church
and Christ, Christ and the church
if you look at
the generations of Adam
of Adam in chapter 5
you will find that the creation is
related to quickly
and there is an
in this reading
the book of
the generations of Adam
he created in the likeness
of God, male and female
and blessed them and called
blessed them and called
their name Adam
in the day when
they were created
in other words they have a similar name
it's not Adam and Eve
Adam comprises
man and woman, man and his wife
it is to be found for the church
in 1 Corinthians 12
verse 12
here is Christ
this is Christ and the church
before entering into
some details as to this
I would like now just to bring briefly
the summary
of the history of man
in the first two chapters of Genesis
we found the creation
man on earth
knowing the state
of innocence
he did not have the
sense, the feeling
the capacity of distinguishing
between good and evil
the knowledge of good and evil
and the conscience he didn't have at the time
the state
is dispensation
Mr. Darby thinks it's not really dispensation
that state did not last very long
the two proofs at least
are that Adam didn't have
enough time to name his wife
and apparently
they certainly didn't have children
in the state of innocence
now knowing our hearts
I think you will agree
probably that the state of innocence
probably that the state of innocence
lasted one day
probably not much more
and don't accuse our parents
Adam and Eve
who have eaten the forbidden fruit
because we would have done likewise
knowing our hearts
starting at the state of innocence
and ending
in the last
not last dispensation
the beginning of the end
the beginning of the end
which has no end
the eternal state
there are several dispensations
the first one is the dispensation of conscience
it started with a fall
chapter 2
and ended up with a flood
it lasted
1650 years
there was a crisis
immediately after the fall
there were four people living on the earth
Adam and Eve
Abel and Cain
and one was murdered
the first elect
blessed through a murder
the generation of Cain
is occupied with the earth
nothing else
they invent the cities
they invent killing the ground
they invent the arts
musical instruments
and then the technology
everything just
to make a little more comfortable
in the
which has
which was cursed by God
the earth was cursed
because of man's folly
and the man was cursed
on account of the earth
because the earth had received
and he was murdered by his brother
it ended up with a flood
1650 years later
the flood was
something tremendous
the days of Noah
the Lord Jesus speaks about the days of Noah
and the time of the days of Noah
and only eight peoples
were saved through
with the ark
after this there was another state
another dispensation which is called
the government
it lasted 427 years
430 years
it started with a flood
and ended up at the time
Terak died and Abraham
repensed the call of God
and entered the land
of promise
and was the
received the blessings
promises of the blessings
unconditional blessings
the state lasted another
430 years
until Israel went out of Egypt
it's called
the dispensation of promise
starting at the crossing
of the Red Sea
to Christ
there is a length of time of approximately
1500 years
which is roughly
3 times 490
the three successive steps
of Israel's sad
and destructive history
on earth
the first ended up
the priesthood
in Eli
was in
the second
the unfaithfulness
of the kingdom
to Babylon
and after the 400 silent
the coming of Christ
there is only one week which remains
to run of the 70 weeks
69 have elapsed
another week will take place
when the church has gone
meanwhile we say
the clock of prophetic events
has stopped
because the church
is outside of the earth
the judgments we considered
at length
in the preceding conferences here
will take place and introduce
the millennial
kingdom the length of which
1000 years is only
mentioned in Revelation
it will end up
with the final judgment
of the dead
the dissolution of
the heavens of the blue earth
and the appearing
of the new creation
of the new heaven and new earth
in which righteousness inhabits
all together
the history of man would have lasted
something comparable 7000
years we don't know exactly
if the lord comes
this evening it will be about this
the lord knows
but for encouragement
the lord has given some
very interesting points
where our heart can
flow down
and find an emblem
speaking to our hearts
as to the mystery
in God's counsel concerning
Christ and the church
Adam and Eve is the first one
they are all together seven
who will have
it will take a few minutes
to just
survey this quickly
what the
fact essentially
stressed in Adam and Eve
is the fact that
Christ and the church
is united
into one
Adam says
there are not two in one
the lord Jesus calls again this
in Matthew 19 I think it says
that same what God
has united man cannot separate
man and
man and his wife Adam and Eve
Ish and Isha make one
person Christ and the church
the next
is I think Isaac
Isaac is offered
and is received by his father
through resurrection
as Hebrews 11 tells us
in Genesis 22
Rebecca which means
is mentioned
her name is mentioned for the first time
in the end of Genesis 22
in Genesis 24
she is received by Isaac
the faithful servant
has fetched her
in the place of origin
of his father
and then she stays
in the fields
the servant says this is my master
what does she do
she makes her place
and she is carried
on the temple of Sarah's
Isaac's mother
the lord Jesus wants
the true affections
and hearts of his church
all and every one of us
we have more picture
of the earthly
of Israel
on earth
there is one point which is being stressed
very strongly
loved Rachel
the last
he spoke
in death bed
speaking to Joseph
49 years
after the death
of Rachel
in Bethlehem
she went
had worked strongly
hardly 14 years
of Rachel
who is the servant
he says I love my master
my wife, my children
I want to go out free
and he will serve forever
Deuteronomy 15
is the lord Jesus
the next
is Joseph
and Asher
Joseph is at the peak
of his power
at the time he received
who was from
the nations
Ashton is identified
with Joseph
at the time of his glory
Joseph was rejected in his
his 11 brothers
could not stand him
they hated him
what did the world do
in particular
they have seen and hated
me and my father
John 16
so Joseph was hated in his person
and Ashton
is identified and associated
with him at the time of his glory
next is
Moses and Zephora
was not rejected essentially in his person
but in his mission
they did not understand
that God had sent
him to his people
to deliver them
it took them 40 years
to understand
and Zephora was identified
with Moses
at the time of his rejection
now please
be cautious
do not change the order
of events
at this moment
we should be in the position of Zephora
the lord's return
in glory
in the world
when we will be the true Ashton
and we should be identified
with the lord Jesus
at the time of his rejection
in a world which rejected him
and which still rejects him
and we are faithful to carry
this testimony
then the lord Jesus will honor us
and allow us to be with him
and he comes back to reign
in glory
then the next emblem
is Ruth and Boaz
we find the expression
of the redemption
of the prize paid
God is
for Israel
the Goel
the true Goel, the redemptor
the redeemer
the lord Jesus
is the redeemer of the church
it says in several epistles
and the last one
maybe the more touching
is David and Abigail
at the time
David was rejected
by Saul
he was fiend
like a bird
found in him
something which
nothing could show
for her
the coming
of David in glory
in power
in his kingdom was absolutely
as sure as it had been
and yet there was no outside sign
of this
Christ should
grasp our hearts
and affections
in spite of the fact that nothing is shown
of Christ's glory this time
then we are sure
that he would come one day
we find the same thing exactly
in the repentant
manufacturer on the cross
the beginning of the cross
both manufacturers
railed Christ
the manufacturers
Mark and Matthew both tell us
that they started with railing him
and at one time
the repentant one
returned to himself
and asked the Lord Jesus
to remember him in his
time of his kingdom
the kingdom of Christ
what was that kingdom of Christ
at this time?
nothing but an object of rail
an object of mockery
in the hands of his enemies
for the manufacturer
something was absolutely clear
so the Lord Jesus answered
way beyond his request
and promised him a place with him
in paradise
what a beauty
what is now
the opposition
comparison between the first creation
and the second creation
in the second creation
in the world to come
we find
in Revelation 19
the marriage of the Lamb
so all those types, emblems
the seven ones just mentioned
in the Old Testament
will finally be replaced
by the actual fact
of Christ
receiving his wife
we have been today
espoused as a
chaste virgin
so we belong to Christ
as much now as if
the marriage of the Lamb had taken place
but it's a question of faith
and it's a question of faithfulness
of our affections
but the heavens
rejoice in Revelation 19
whereas the world
is in tears
because Babylon has been
broken down
then we find
in Revelation 21 and 22
after the eternal state
the retrospect
on the church during the millennium times
and we find
the wife
adorned as the wife
of her husband
eternal youth
there is no more spot
no more wrinkle
and also there is no more
sorrows, there are no more tears
they have been wiped away
from our eyes
by the God of our comfort
in the
heavenly city
what do we find?
a river
same as the river
in Eden
we find
in the paradise of God
a tree of life
a tree of life
a tree of life as a fruit
which is the promised
for the overcomer in Ephesus
and the leaves
are for the healing
of the nations
now we don't
the time does not permit us
you will look easily in
Ezekiel 47
and you will find the same expressions are used
for the
tree and for the
blessing and for the water
the water flows from underneath
the sanctuary
and increases in depth
you can cross it to your knee
to your body
then you have to swim
there is no limit
to God's blessing
there is one basic difference
in the garden of Eden there were
two trees
the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge
good and evil
the second tree does not take
has no place
in the paradise of God
the responsibility of man
as such was answered
at the cross by the Lord Jesus
and there is place only
for the tree of life
its fruit and its leaves
there is no temple
God and the Lamb
of the temple
there is no sun
remember the sun
was organized
its interesting the sun
the planet
earth is a satellite of the sun
in Genesis 1
the sun is placed in relation
to the earth
which is obvious because the earth
is in God's sight
to be the habitation of man
in the new city
in the heavenly Jerusalem
in the new Jerusalem
there is no sun
God and the Lamb
is the Lamb
and yet at this time
where is the Lamb of
heavens to be found?
in the church
we are supposed to carry the testimony
of the Lord Jesus until he comes
keeping us faithful to do this
until his return
a new creation
of stainless joy
gleams through the
present blue
a world of bliss
without annoyance
the saints eternal
to hymn number 81
and glory
on high
on high
is glory
glory …