Character of Building
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Friends, the Genesis, Chapter 2.
I certainly agree with my whole soul that today there is need of getting back to that which is scholarly, real and fundamental.
Thank God we have it. In the person of the Lord Jesus, we have everything that is substantial, that which our souls so deeply need today.
In a day when on every hand we find that which is light, living, careless, no real, solid regard for the truth of God,
for that which is solid and fundamental, the foundations of that which we have heard are being destroyed.
The depth of need in our own souls is to get back to that which is truly of God, to realize that our true resources, our defense, our help is in a solid, sober Word of God.
Now I'd like to turn, however, here to something concerning the character of the way in which God intends us to build on a true foundation.
Right from the very beginning, God began building in a way that is real and solid, and He takes His time to do so.
When God builds, He builds that which is going to last for eternity.
Here in this chapter 2 of Genesis, read in verse 21,
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept. And he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh, and said, Thereof.
And the ribs which the Lord God had taken from them made thee a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Genesis chapter 4, verse 14.
And he came out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east sea.
And he came near his wife, and she conceived, and their Enoch.
And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch.
Genesis chapter 8, verse 20.
And Noah built an altar unto the Lord, and hew that every clean beast, and every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.
You'll notice in chapter 2, when in verse 22, the Lord Jehovah took, Jehovah Elohim took the ribs from the man, and of this he built a woman.
It's a very instructive and beautiful thing to read here.
The word is not actually made, it's the word built.
And with other verses we've read, the building is seen.
Now, there's a very real reason for this.
The first thing God builds is a woman.
We're not told in Genesis that he built creation.
But he built a woman.
He has something permanent in view.
Wherever we read the word built in, in God's economy, he has something permanent in view.
We don't read, for instance, that Noah built the ark.
We read he used to make an ark.
Now why?
There's a very real reason for it.
The ark was to be destroyed.
But however, when God built the woman, he has something permanent and lasting in view.
Cain went out to the presence of the Lord, and he built a city.
No doubt he wanted it to last too, but how long did it last?
You see, man wants to start big.
And that's the way Cain started.
He built a whole city.
The world loves to do that which is great outwardly.
And dear friends, you and I have to look at things from God's viewpoint.
That which is highly esteemed in the eyes of men is abomination.
And it's like God.
And it's to be remembered by all of us.
Which would be most difficult?
To build a woman, or to build a city?
Not this one.
You know, this is a masterpiece of God's workmanship.
Most marvelous masterpiece.
I'm sure I've told you in all your lives that this has in view the Church.
The true drive for Christ, whom he is building.
And he intends this to be something eternally permanent.
Now quickly remember this.
There is something here that is far more than any kind of material building.
My God could bring into existence all the universe, all the stars,
and the tremendous numbers of constellations,
and by suns upon suns, look out into space,
so they claim they can see fossils 13 billion light years away.
But what is that to God?
Compared to the value of souls, whom he has brought into existence,
to exist for eternity.
Now the drive of the Church of God is a vital living value to God.
Cain then brings, the first thing Cain wants to build is a city.
So here we read, God's building first the woman.
Cain, the world, wants to build first a city, something great.
When does God build a city?
Not when you come to Revelation.
You see, the city is coming, thank God it is.
But the city, however, is also called, God's city is also called the bride.
You remember that?
So it's something to remember.
That God is doing things, and he may start small,
but he is doing something effective and valuable.
Don't be afraid of starting small.
Begin right at the very foundation.
What did Noah build?
First people would say an ark.
No, he doesn't say so.
He built an altar.
He made the ark, but he built an altar.
Now we know what it means.
It has something eternal in view.
Something lasting in view.
Do you know, dear friends, that this is the only thing that God ever commanded
in the book of Genesis to be built?
Only an altar, that's all.
Now that's why he's striking.
And all through the first five books of the Bible,
we don't read anything that God commanded to be built,
except an altar, and one other thing.
And that's very important too, if you look at Deuteronomy chapter 20.
I want to put these two things together.
Verse 20.
Now I'm sure we can see the significance.
What does the altar speak of?
It certainly speaks, at least building an altar,
would speak of building a true relationship with your Creator, with God.
And Christ himself is the foundation of this.
We have an altar where they don't have no right to eat.
We serve the tabernacle.
Christ is the altar.
The sacrifice on the altar speaks of his work.
The altar itself speaks of his person, by whom we approach the living God.
A small thing, yes, in the eyes of the world.
But remember in the book of Genesis,
we read of Abraham having his four altars, building the altars.
Isaac, Jacob also building altars.
You know, in other words, God is interested in your and my
by building a proper relationship personally, individually.
Dear friends, we all have that altar.
This is more important than all the other wonderful things you think you're doing for the Lord.
I know we often think, I want to start something big.
I'd like people to look at what I'm doing.
Well, God can do things big if he wants to.
But let's remember to get right down to the foundation,
to have things solid and real.
The only way they're going to be that way is through true communion with the living God.
First of all, your own soul being built up in true, real fellowship with God.
So along with this, there are the bulwarks.
Against the city becomes against you.
You're going to have opposition.
Now we've heard that already, what we just have been reading.
The enemy coming in like a flood.
Flood of others.
Are you and I prepared to have bulwarks set against the enemy?
It's a defense against the enemy.
How many of us have that defense?
Now, of course, I'm sure it corresponds to somebody's degree, at least,
to having on the entire armor of God.
We all need it.
We need the word of God personally and individually as a defense, a protection against
the dreadful inroads of the enemy today.
May God stir every one of our souls with a firm, wholehearted desire
to have, first of all, the blessings and sweetness of real communion with the living God.
Learning God's mind in this way.
And on the other hand, having a true protection from
those things that the enemy is determined to bring in.
It could cause havoc amongst the saints.
It could cause weakness and giving up.
Dear friends, let's get back individually and personally to that which is a real, vital, living character.
To have our souls filled with the good word of God and to stand upon it.
Those two things are of absolute, essential value.
Now, in regard to any further building,
we next read not of the building of the tabernacle,
but we read of the building of the temple.
And God commanded that to be built.
Now, the tabernacle, of course, is only the temporary.
The temple speaks of that which is firm.
And, of course, we have here a dwelling place for God.
And when we come to the New Testament, we find the anti-types in reference to these things.
Now, we have read in Ephesians chapter 2 already of the blessed value of this.
And I think perhaps we ought to read that again.
Ephesians chapter 2.
Verse 19.
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners,
but fellow citizens of the saints and of the household of God,
and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone,
in whom all the building, fitly framed together,
grows unto an holy temple of the Lord,
in whom ye also are built together for the inhabitation of God through the Spirit.
Built together.
Now, here we find the way in which God is building today.
Now, as I say God is building in view of eternity,
he builds in regard to individuals,
and each individual building up his soul in the knowledge and joy of the Lord.
But here now is the question of that which is united.
The unity of the people of God is involved here.
There are those who are the hosts of God,
and the household of God.
I think there are a number of expressions used along this in connection with God's building today.
If we think of the host,
why we think of that place where God's order is to be maintained.
If we think of the household,
believers being in the household,
is the place where they are welcome,
is their true proper abode.
If we think of it as the habitation of God,
I think it's the most wonderful of all, don't you?
God is to dwell in that house.
It's eventually going to be manifest in all its beauty and glory.
It's growing into a holy temple in the Lord.
But God is building this way today.
He's not building a huge thing,
the house.
Don't be too discouraged because your assembly is small.
After all, many households are small too, aren't they?
So remember, the house of God is what He is building.
I know we look for great numbers often times.
Well, thank God for every precious soul who is real, who is brought to the knowledge of Christ.
Don't dare I speak on numbers, however.
God has a house.
He does lights in regard to that house in maintaining proper order,
and building up and strengthening every believer in accordance with truth.
He loves His house.
He loves every one of His people.
We should love them too.
But I want to turn to the other scriptures we've already read,
in 1 Corinthians chapter 3,
for a final word.
1 Corinthians 3.
Verse 10 again.
According to the grace of God which is given unto me as a life,
are we building consistently with the character of the foundation?
Now that's the thing that's of real importance here, isn't it?
The character of the foundation.
By the foundation can no man lay, for that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Paul has laid the foundation.
There's no doubt.
It involves the fact that Paul has given us the full truth
concerning the glory of the person of Christ,
His being, His manhood,
His unity, at least His being united with the Church,
the Christ Christ, in fact the body of Christ,
and all these things.
The Church as the house of God.
Paul has given them to us.
He has the foundation laid.
Now, dear friends,
how much doubter is our building going to be
if it's not consistent with the character of the foundation?
It's all going to be lost.
It's going to be thrown away.
It's going to be burned up.
And that's only right.
How are we building?
We're not here just to build things.
We're to build souls.
That's what God is doing.
You know how amazing to think
of how God works in reference to creation,
in the creation of an individual.
To think of every part of that individual
which coordinates in a way it does, not only physically,
but all of those things that are intangible about the individual,
that is His moral nature,
His intellect,
His conscience,
His temperament,
His personality,
all those things.
God is working.
God has done a most marvelous work, hasn't He?
In reference to souls.
Now, this is only in regard to the natural person.
What about the spiritual?
Now, God was building here, too.
And He takes time to do it.
Time to build up souls.
Are we doing it?
Remember the Apostle Paul and the way he spoke,
that preaching Christ,
whom we preach,
teaching every man and warning every man.
I don't think that's the order here.
Warning every man, teaching every man,
that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
Now, that's a good building.
That's the kind of building that's going to last.
Doesn't God want it to last?
What am I doing with my life?
What are each of us doing?
Are we building up souls?
If so, we're working with God.
God is seeking to do this.
Individual souls, it doesn't matter who they may be.
With whom am I trying to contact?
I'm responsible.
They are God's creatures.
Unsaved souls?
I can warn every man, teach every man.
Seek to work in souls so that it might be built up.
I realize that if a person is unsaved,
it's necessary to knock him down first before you build him up.
But, nevertheless,
that kind of work that cuts out the roots
of nearly the amplitude of the flesh
is nevertheless building.
Building for God.
The day is coming when God is going to have that city.
The city which has foundations.
This builder and maker is God.
What unspeakable joy.
To have our fellowship enlarged.
Meanwhile, God entrusts us with a little bit of fellowship.
Thank God for the amount He gives us.
You may feel how lacking your fellowship is in your local assembly.
You don't have as much as you would like to have.
Well, I'm sure we should be concerned about that.
But I think one of the reasons is
we haven't been engaged in building properly.
Isn't that one of the reasons?
If we were building properly,
maybe there would be more.
If we were building up souls
in order to really get them to enjoy the Lord,
there might be more in our assembly.
But let's never be discouraged
because we don't see enough that is outward.
God is entrusted with souls right now.
Are we building them up?
Suppose we only have a few in our assembly.
Maybe we can't be trusted with any more.
Maybe we haven't been building those ones up as we should have.
You see, this is of real importance.
To identify one another,
to build one another up
on your most holy faith.
God grants that every one of our souls
may realize the wonder of what God is doing
and be found working along with God in His work.
He builds, and He builds returning. …