The Children of God
Pasajes de la biblia
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God and Father, where art thou?
Lord, in thee have I come.
On this land cannot rest my spirit.
For thy spirit drives us on.
All thy life may not be vain,
As the land of God be praised.
For thine we are, and fulfilling thee,
Ever on our earth's face.
Till the spirit is free,
Eyes of glory doth appear,
And our eyes by faith are seeing
Christ, the Father, the King.
There's no man, if not the Son,
Ever subject to thy will.
As the Lamb of God I come to you,
To you the earth will fill.
When our hearts disdain for him,
When at our worship he hath come,
Christ alone, safe from the cruel,
Has the Lord at home with you.
When our hearts bow down before him,
This earth's glory watcheth him,
Then he is transcend not perish,
For we shall be come to him.
God of fathers, lead me, worship,
Praise ye evermore like now.
Lead yet us in triumph telling,
All thy wonders crowning now.
May we evermore still be learning,
In thy word, thy counsels praise,
Till the day that thou display'st
All the glory of thy grace.
Please, read the verses.
Verses 9 to 13.
John chapter 1, verses 9 to 13.
That was the true light,
Which lighted every man that cometh into the world.
He was in the world, and the world was made by him,
And the world knew him not.
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power
To become the sons of God,
Even to them that believed in his name,
Which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
Nor of the will of man, but of God.
And from the first epistle of John,
Chapter 3, verses 1 to 3.
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us,
That we should be called the sons of God?
Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
Beloved, how are we the sons of God?
And it doth not yet appear what we should be,
But we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him,
And we shall see him as he is.
And every man that hath this hope in him
Shall purify himself, even as he is pure.
When considering the believers of the Old Testament,
We see outstanding personalities.
We think of a David, the man according to the heart of God.
Or Moses, who was faithful in all his household.
Or Cheob, the righteous, God-fearing, and the evil-avoiding.
Or Job, who was just, and fearing God, and avoiding the evil.
And one that is particularly raised out, this is Abraham.
Who also received an outstanding title of God.
He was named God's friend.
Which we hear three times in the Holy Scriptures.
Once in general terms.
And once it is said, by a man towards God, and I think it was Joseph who did so.
Abraham, thy friend.
And once God says it of Abraham.
He says, Abraham, my friend.
And yet, we may possess something that Abraham would not possess.
We may be called children of God.
I would like to try this evening to present three things to you.
First, how a man becomes a child of God.
Secondly, what does that mean to his life here upon earth?
And what is the future of the children of God?
When our life here upon earth ends up.
What may we expect then?
It was necessary that the Son of God came down here upon earth,
so that it was possible at all that we could become children of God.
He came of the home of eternal life.
He himself is life.
But when his life down here upon earth is revealed,
it is manifested as light.
This is what we find in verse 4.
That is John 1, verse 4.
In him was life.
And the life was the light of men.
And why was the life light?
When manifested here on earth,
this is because here upon earth is darkness.
And in verse 9 we have read,
that he, as the true light coming into the world,
enlightens every man.
Like the sun is putting his rays upon everyone.
Even so the Son of God placed every human being in his light.
And this is what he does tonight as well,
that he places every man into his light.
But then we read a very sad thing.
That is that the world would not know him.
We see from this verse that most human beings were not ready to accept this light.
We think of a word of our Lord Jesus when he was here upon earth.
And I am convinced that his heart was bleeding when he said this.
That large is the way which leads to perdition.
And many are who walk upon it.
But then we read a second thing.
That he came to his own.
To the people of his earthly people, that is Israel.
This people which outwardly was the most proximate to God.
We could say that it is the religious men.
And even they would not accept him.
This is surprising to some.
That even high religious people are not ready to receive the Lord Jesus.
When my father was converted from an unbelievers family.
He had an uncle who was a preacher, a pastor in a church.
And after his conversion my father went quickly to this man.
Telling of his conversion.
And this uncle says to him.
Das ist interessant, das habe ich selbst nie erlebt.
Mein Vater war ganz durcheinander.
Und er sagt, du predigst doch jeden Sonntag.
Nun das war er in gewisser Weise ein aufrichtiger Mann.
Er sagte, ich bekomme jedes Mal 10 Franken.
And each time I received 10 Swiss francs, that is about 3 pounds.
His own would not receive him.
But now we come to a very beautiful verse.
That is verse 12.
Verse 12 places before us the conversion of a man.
But those who received him.
There are those who received him.
And I hope that each and everyone here present in this room have received the Lord Jesus.
We find here the two great elements of conversion.
Erstens, dass wir den Herrn Jesus aufnehmen aus das Licht.
Das Licht, das in unser Inneres leuchtet.
Und es bringt an den Tag, dass wir Sünder sind.
Und dass wir gesündigt haben.
Das ist die erste Seite der Bekehrung.
Dass man Ja sagt zu dieser Tatsache.
Wenn man im Lichte Gottes steht.
Aber diese Tatsache muss uns erschrecken.
But this fact is also to make us tremble.
Because we understand that we deserve judgment.
But then the second element comes in.
Which is the escape that God shows us.
We now may believe on the name of the Lord Jesus.
On Calvary's cross he died for us.
And in faith we may find our support in him.
And we may know that Golgotha, that Calvary is plainly sufficient.
In Bezug auf das Problem der in uns wohnenden Sünde.
Und auch auf das Problem der sündigen Taten.
Und dann kommen wir zu Vers 13.
Da wird von der Neugeburt gesprochen.
Von Menschen die aus Gott geboren sind.
Es ist nicht so einfach etwas zu sagen über die Neugeburt.
Es ist das was Gott tut in einem Menschen.
Es ist was Gott tut in einem Menschen.
Und es ist ein Wunder.
Ich habe gehört, dass in Amerika Menschen ausgebildet werden zu Neugebärern.
Es ist manchmal erstaunlich was man in Amerika hört.
Aber natürlich ist das ein Unsinn.
Menschen können nicht andere Menschen von Neuem gebären.
Wenn wir von Neugeburt sprechen,
dann ist es etwas was Gott tut.
Einmal kam ein ganz gescheiter Mensch zum Herrn Jesus.
Er kam bei Nacht.
Es ist Nikodemus.
Und es ist immer wieder bemerkenswert zu lesen was er zu Herrn Jesus sagt.
Und es ist bemerkenswert zu lesen was er zu Herrn Jesus sagt.
Und noch viel wichtiger ist was der Herr Jesus zu ihm sagt.
Wenn so hochgestellte Menschen sich begegnen,
dann machen sie gerne Komplimente.
Und so auch Nikodemus sein wenig, wie ich meine.
Er sagt, Lehrer, du bist von Gott gekommen.
Und keiner kann die Zeichen tun, die du tust.
Und er hat natürlich gewartet,
dass der Herr Jesus zu ihm sagt,
du bist der große Lehrer von Israel.
Aber das sagt er nicht.
Er sagt, wenn du nicht von Neuem geboren wirst,
dann kannst du das Reich Gottes nicht sehen.
Dann fragt Nikodemus ihn etwas.
Es ist manchmal erstaunlich, was so gescheite Menschen fragen können.
Kann ich noch einmal in den Leib meiner Mutter zurückkehren?
Kann ich noch einmal in den Leib meiner Mutter zurückkehren?
Und er sagt, erklärt der Herr Jesus ihm die Neugeburt.
Es ist in der Schrift etwas bemerkenswertes,
dass wir oft zuerst die irdischen Dinge verstehen müssen,
und dann verstehen wir auch die geistlichen Dinge.
Wir finden diesen 1. Korinther 15.
Das irdische war zuerst.
Und dann kam das geistliche.
Damit wir Neugeburt verstehen,
müssen wir zuerst etwas über natürliche Geburt sagen.
Natürliche Geburt hat zwei große Elemente.
Ich weiß, dass ich bei sieben Geburten dabei gewesen bin.
Und ich habe das jedes Mal gesehen.
Erstens sieht man den Geburtsvorgang.
Und zweitens hört man den Schrei des neuen Lebens.
Und der Herr Jesus erklärt die Neugeburt mit dem Wind.
Ich habe jahrelang darüber nachgedacht, warum er das tut.
Und vor Jahren kam eine meiner Töchter,
acht Jahre alt, von der Schule nach Hause.
Und sie sagte mir, Vater, ich will dich ein Rätsel fragen.
Und sie sagte, was sieht man in der Natur und hört es nicht.
Und sie fragte mich, was man in der Natur sieht, ohne es zu hören.
Ich versuchte es herauszufinden.
Und alles war falsch.
Sie gibt die Antwort und sagt, es ist der Nebel.
Und dann sagt sie, ich will dich ein zweites Rätsel fragen.
Was hört man in der Natur und sieht es nicht?
Dann war ich sehr schnell.
Dann habe ich gesagt, der Wind.
Und ich glaube, das ist der Grund, warum der Herr Jesus hier spricht vom Wind.
Bei der Neugeburt kann man keinen Geburtsvorgang sehen.
Aber man hört den Schrei des neuen Lebens.
Seht, ihr Leben macht sich bemerkbar.
Im Natürlichen.
Und auch im Geistlichen.
Vor einiger Zeit hat mir aber eine Hebamme gesagt,
dass sie neue Erkenntnisse haben in Bezug auf die Geburt,
und dass dieser erste Schrei des Kindes, eines neugeborenen Kindes, kein Freudenschrei ist.
Sondern es ist ein Schrei der Angst.
Und sie erklärte mir, dieses Kind kommt aus der Finsternis zum Licht
und kann sich zunächst nicht zurechtfinden.
Und ich dachte darüber nach.
Und ich sagte ihr, ich glaube, sie haben recht.
Und auch im Geistlichen ist das so.
Der Schrei des neuen Lebens ist oft kein Freudenschrei.
Manchmal kommen junge Leute zu mir.
Und sie sagen, jetzt habe ich mich bekehrt.
Und ich habe jetzt so große Schwierigkeiten.
Ich glaube, ich habe mich nicht recht bekehrt.
Ich habe oft gesagt zu ihnen,
dass du diese Schwierigkeiten hast, ist der Beweis, dass du Leben hast.
Du musst jetzt lernen, dich im Licht zurechtzufinden.
Und jetzt musst du lernen, dich mit deiner Situation im Licht zu befassen.
Denn jeder, der aus Gott geboren ist, ist immer im Licht.
Solche, die also sich bekehren,
und denen Gott das Recht gibt, Kinder Gottes zu sein,
Ich will noch ein Wort sagen zu der Reihenfolge.
Wenn ich von der Schweiz nach Norden fahre,
dann treffe ich Brüder, die die Bibel sehr gut kennen,
und sie sagen mir,
zuerst muss ein Mensch sich bekehren, und dann wird er von neuem geboren.
Wenn ich von der Schweiz nach Westen reise,
dann treffe ich Brüder, die ebenso gut die Bibel kennen,
und sie sagen mir, zuerst muss jemand von neuem geboren sein,
sonst kann er sich nicht bekehren.
Ich weiß nicht, was die Brüder in England hier denken,
aber ich möchte vorschlagen, dass beide Recht haben.
Ich glaube, dass es gleichzeitig ist.
Wir Menschen müssen immer eine Reihenfolge haben.
Aber in den Dingen Gottes kann etwas gleichzeitig geschehen.
Die Bekehrung ist die Seite des Menschen.
Und die Neugeburt ist die Seite Gottes.
Und im Bruchteil der Sekunde, wo ein Mensch sich bekehrt,
ist er von neuem geboren.
Und im Bruchteil der Neugeburt bekehrt er sich.
Und im Bruchteil der Sekunde, wo ein Mensch sich bekehrt,
ist er von neuem geboren.
Und zu diesen, gibt Gott das Recht oder die Macht,
Kinder Gottes zu sein.
Darf ich noch einmal fragen,
ob hier alle, die hier sind, mit ihren Sünden zu Gott gekommen sind,
ob hier alle, die hier sind, mit ihren Sünden zu Gott gekommen sind,
und sie Gott bekannt haben,
und geglaubt haben an den Namen und das Werk des Herrn Jesus,
dann bist du ein Kind Gottes.
Jetzt möchten wir zum Zweiten kommen.
Und wir gehen zum ersten Johannesbrief.
Und da finden wir in Vers 1 und 2a,
was es bedeutet, hier auf Erden ein Kind Gottes zu sein.
Seht, welche Liebe uns der Vater gegeben hat.
Behold, what a love God the Father bestowed upon us.
They may now experience and know the love of the Father.
And when it is said here, what a love,
it is not so much the scope of this love,
but rather its quality.
When thinking about the love of God,
we see various situations.
We see that God loves his creatures, that is man,
and this is what we also see in creation itself.
It has always impressed me to read in the beginning of the Bible,
that God himself planted trees in the Garden of Eden for men,
so that men would have something for his eyes,
but also for his mouth.
And then we see God's love to an earthly people,
and further on we come to the New Testament,
where we can see love in its highest form,
that is the love of the Father.
There is nothing higher possible.
The love of the Father is there in eternities.
He loves the Son in eternities.
And now even the children of God may experience this love.
When speaking of God as the Father,
and also during our studies we were occupied with that,
we have to discern three things.
When God is called Father in the Old Testament in general,
then the thought is origin.
And we find also three passages in the New Testament
pointing to this fact.
When God is called the Father of Mercies,
this means that if there are ever mercies,
they have their origin in God.
And when God is called Father of Lights,
this means that light has its origin in God.
And when he is called Father of Glory,
this means that whenever there is glory,
its origin is in God.
And the second is to discern.
Or the capacity of discerning.
Since the Son of God has come upon earth,
we know the truth of the three union of God.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.
Existing in eternity.
Or rather from eternity, but manifest
through the coming of the Son upon earth.
And when in connection with baptism we read
that we baptize in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
this shows us that we have knowledge
of the three persons of God,
and that we can make a difference between them.
But what John presents us when speaking
of the Father is a relationship,
or fellowship, communion.
Well, I have the same name as my father has.
We have the same first name and the same surname.
And my father is also my origin.
And we have lived in the same village.
And sometimes it was for the postman
really difficult.
Because we had the same name.
Sometimes he brought a bill which was
directed to my father to me.
And I brought it quickly to him.
So what the postman should have known
would have been to discern between us two.
But then I worked together with my father
for 20 years.
And then a relationship came into existence.
Something which the people in the village
would not know so much.
This relationship was found in the secrecy
of our living together.
And this is the great thought of John.
And in this fellowship we have been brought
fellowship with the Father.
Behold what a life God the Father bestowed on us.
That we may be called sons or children of God.
We now belong to God's family.
We are his children.
This means two things.
First of all we have fellowship,
communion with the Father.
And secondly we have fellowship amongst each other.
This is why the world does not recognize us.
Unbelieving men cannot understand us.
This is what we have to know.
They cannot understand that people
have been sitting in such a room for three days.
They cannot understand people sitting
three days in such a hall like here.
Or go and visit three times the meetings
in a week.
I live in a village.
And there are people watching us
coming together.
Sometimes I would like to hear
what they say.
They think that there must be
a tremendous pressure upon us
that we really do that.
And I can understand why they think so.
Because they don't know what
Lord Jesus does mean to us.
Now, you know,
unbelieving people can do many
beautiful things.
They can be gentle.
They can have compassion.
But one thing they cannot do.
They cannot rejoice in the Lord Jesus.
And this is why they don't understand us.
And we have to understand
that they can't understand us.
But it is not that simple
if we are not understood by
the surrounding men.
In our actions, in our life.
In our life.
But there is great comfort here.
Neither will they recognize him.
This may comfort us when not being
understood by men.
But there is a second side to the question
that the world doesn't recognize us.
Children of God are no longer
useful for the purposes of
unbelieving men.
In politics.
In religious affairs.
And also in the
beautiful spiritual things.
In cultural things.
And if we are useful for them
in this respect.
We no longer comply with the
character that we have as
children of God.
This is what we may experience
day by day.
That the sun of love
shines every day
upon us, his children.
Sometimes we say
today sun is shining,
yesterday it was not shining.
But this is not true at all.
In Switzerland I was told
that in England
rarely you could see the sun.
And when coming for the first time
to England yesterday,
the sun shone brightly
down here.
But also in England
the sun is shining every day.
Have you ever thought of the fact
that earth itself cannot bring
forth light and warmth?
It only can bring forth
something that hinders
light and warmth.
This is fog or clouds.
And this is true also for our lives.
The sun of God's love
shines every day upon us.
This is what we never want to forget.
Maybe somebody sitting here
who thinks nobody loves me.
But if you are a child of God,
God loves you every day.
Although it may be that something
has come in between.
Things that are not
pleasing to God,
then they have to confess
and to be done away with.
Then we sense again
the love, the warmth
and light of the sun of God.
Beloved, we are now
God's children.
Even upon earth.
This is a present,
well-known and secure part
for us.
Sometimes there are believers
very modest.
And so they say,
well, I would just have
a little place to stand in heaven.
Well, I myself am not so modest.
I say, I am even now a child of God.
And this is no presumption.
But this is what God says in his word.
And this is what I am pointing to
and what I am leaning upon.
It is a great thing to
wander here through this life
as children of God
to have fellowship with the Father
and to be able to experience
day by day the love of God.
And yet we have to say,
the most beautiful is still ahead of us.
When our life here upon earth
finds its end,
when the Lord Jesus comes
this is what the second part
of this second verse involves.
In these short words we find
the two great sides of our future.
Ich bin immer wieder erstaunt
wie Gott große Wahrheiten
in großer Kürze vor unsere Herzen stellt.
Erstens, wir werden ihm gleich sein.
Zweitens, wir werden ihn sehen wie er ist.
Das ist unsere wunderbare Zukunft.
Das erste hat zu tun
damit, dass wir mit ihm
in Herrlichkeit erscheinen werden.
Das zweite hat zu tun
damit, dass wir eingehen werden
in das Haus des Vaters.
Das eine ist die öffentliche Seite
und das andere ist die verborgene Seite
des Hauses des Vaters.
Ich möchte jetzt drei Schriftstellen vorstellen
um das deutlich zu machen.
Die erste ist in Johannes 17.
Die erste finden wir in Johannes 17.
Da finden wir in Versen 22 und 23
dass wir ihm gleich sein werden.
Das wir gleich sein werden.
Dann wird die Welt erkennen
dass wir geliebt werden
wie der Vater den Sohn geliebt hat.
Aber dann kommt Vers 24
und da spricht Jesus vom Haus des Vaters
und dann sagt er, ich will
dass sie meine Herrlichkeit schauen
im Haus des Vaters sagt er nicht
wir werden ihm gleich sein.
In the father's house he doesn't say
that we will be like him
but we will see him.
Eine zweite Stelle in Römer 8.
Wir werden dem Bilde
seines Sohnes gleichförmig gemacht
wenn wir mit ihm erscheinen in Herrlichkeit
when we will appear with him in glory
and when we shall go into the father's house
then he will turn out
as the firstborn of many brethren.
A third passage in Luke chapter 9.
Here we see the Lord Jesus
on the Mount of Transfiguration
Moses and Elijah
appearing with him in glory
this is an image of our public situation
and then we find something
very astonishing
the Lord Jesus enters together
with these holy men into the cloud
the cloud which is a picture
of the dwelling of God
and when entering into this cloud
this symbolizes the Lord Jesus
coming back again
and taking us to himself
we shall see him as he is
it is not said that we shall see him as he was
neither is it said that we shall see him as he has become
but we shall see him as he is
this means that the glory
he asks for in John 17
which he had before the world was
he requires this glory now as man
so that we might see it
in this miraculous wonderful man
who is in the house of the Father
so that they might see my glory
and then he explains this glory
for thou hast loved me before the foundation of the world
in the house of the Father
we may see the eternal flow of love
flowing forth out of the heart of the Father
to the Son
beloved, this is our future
and everyone having this hope towards him
purifies himself
as he is pure
this is no exhortation
and yet it has to do with the practice of our life
what we find however in verse 3
is more a statement
whenever we have this hope towards him
whenever it is alive in our hearts
then we purify ourselves
we cleanse ourselves
I would like to point to the fact
how precise scripture
expresses itself in this verse
it does not say
that we are pure
as he is pure
this would not be true
Jacobus says
we all stumble often
and we need to cleanse ourselves
and it is always necessary for us
to clean ourselves, to purify ourselves
that is to be exposed
to the cleansing effect of the word of God
but neither is it said here
that he purifies himself
as he has cleansed himself
our Lord Jesus never
had a necessity of cleansing himself
he has been pure forever
we know the three apostles
speaking of this fact
Peter, the man of walk
who says of the Lord Jesus
that he would not do sin
in all his walk
from the manger to the cross
he did no sin
Paul, the man of principles
he said that the Lord Jesus
knew no sin
in his teachings
there was not even one principle of sin
this is what I consider
as the significance of this sentence
and John, the man of fellowship
fellowship is something
in ourselves, within ourselves
he says sin is not in him
never, not even for one second
was the fellowship of the Lord Jesus
to his God dimmed
our Lord Jesus is holy and pure
and we bow down in worship
before his holy name
God, I follow
the way of glory
for the Christ
I live and cry
Hail, O God
my holy nation
Lord of all
soft and tight
didst send me
as a witness
of the life
free of compel
by Thy Spirit
we receive it
now in Christ
our entry
with thee
O Father
and with
thy Son
such thy
by thy
to each
for in Christ
life eternal
once in
and in
the goodness
for all in
is true
for all
for all in
and Father
share us all
love for
for me
our Saviour
his unceasing
in thee
all the
the Father
is the
of the Father
us to
up their
own joys …