Psalm 19
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Psalm 19
Psalm 19
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Psalm number 19.
The heavens declare the glory of God.
And the covenant shorts his handiwork, day after day after speech, and night after night
of short knowledge.
There is no speech, no language, where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out to all the earth.
And their words to the end of the world.
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his
womb, and rejoices as a strong man to run away from it.
His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his service unto the ends of it, and there
is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the sinner.
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, gay than much fine gold.
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward.
Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse thou me from secret thoughts.
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins.
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then shall I be upright and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight,
O Lord, my strength and my deliverance.
We are still in the first book of Psalms.
And this psalm is in connection with testimony.
I suppose this has become necessary after the fall.
A testimony to God.
And so we get the principle of faith introduced after the fall.
In the garden that was not necessary.
But since the fall, and God being displaced by Satan himself,
in the minds and the hearts of the creature, a very solemn consideration,
then it is necessary that there should be a testimony to God.
A testimony of creation.
Romans 1 tells us of that, that's what they have.
And so the verses that we have in the beginning,
it's remarkable how sudden the change is from
all that is referred to in the creation
to every model consideration that is now necessary with regard to God and the creature
and our position in relation to God.
And so the creation is used, as we may say, as hieroglyphics,
using the very creation itself.
In what can we take an account of by the very senses, the eyes, the ears?
And the very fact that we create for this creation as God's creatures,
there is the evidence in the creation that everything is of God.
Romans 1 tells us that the creature was altogether without excuse
in regard to that testimony.
And yet, that very testimony is disregarded and confusion respecting it.
Nevertheless, there God shows his favor, and this is the better side of things,
that God is the first one to move.
When the creature departs, he is the one with outrage.
And he is the one most effective, the consequence of course,
falls on the creature, the detriment to it.
But God could never be indifferent to the departure of the creature
and we can bless God for that.
The Lord Jesus reminds in John 5, he says,
My power worketh in the two.
Immediately, God began to work.
To what end? For the recovery of his creature.
And so, if we get the message of day unto day here,
whether it be the actual day, as can be admitted,
or even the dispensations of God,
it is God who begins from his own side, at his own expense,
and it must be his own wisdom and his resource for it to be carried through.
That work has to do with the complete recovery of the creature.
And the recovery of the creature is not really effective
until God has regained that place
that he was deprived of by the new serpent, by Satan himself.
So the whole history, the whole history unfolded to us in the whole of the Bible
begins with the garden of Eden.
And this best level of problem, which only God himself can solve,
he himself has the solution to the problem.
Man was trying to grapple with it.
This was the whole history of the two trees in the garden.
He assumed, of course, that he could grapple with it,
and this was the suggestion of the serpent.
Two trees.
One he could have, the tree of life was there available.
But one denied him.
And that one denied him was, in a sense,
it was superfluous to his immediate necessity
for everything that would be pronounceable by God.
But the new serpent came in there to suggest,
and they helped the suggestion.
And they relied more on the word of the serpent than what God had said.
Even though the evidence was there, everything was good.
So in taking up the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
virtually, it was suggested that man was equal to grapple with such a problem
as the solution of the whole problem of good and evil.
The solution.
We live in a time with 6,000 years behind us of this.
To see the groping and the grappling
and the frustration,
even though there is advance in science and advance in knowledge
and to manipulate the ability to manipulate
and introduce all manner of conveniences,
yet the biggest problem, the moral question of good and evil
is still left unsolved
and still a problem to the highest intellect.
Virtually, the garden, it was
the very fact that they were deprived of it
when God says of that tree, you shall not eat.
It was a kindly thought on the part of God
and a consideration that it was something just as good be
for a heavy load, for a child to lift,
any thoughtful parent would never expect a child
to lift a heavy load beyond its ability.
And so that tree, the tree of the knowledge of evil,
is beyond your ability or your capacity
or even your consideration.
Leave that alone.
That was kindly thought on the part of God.
A great consideration.
In suchness, from that very moment,
we were deprived of access to the tree of life.
And so we have, from that very moment,
the human side,
where man has attempted to grapple with that problem
and never, never has he been able to solve it.
It is as great a pain as anyone can observe.
But it's just there where God shows
and intimates this great resource.
And if we allude to a scripture in Corinthians,
it is just there where Paul refers to it in this way.
He says, Christ is the wisdom of God.
Christ, Christ, the wisdom and the power of God,
that is, the very one whom God will
attend to that problem and solve it.
Which will mean glory to God.
Yes, glory to God.
And the blessing, which is to be considered
in the scriptures we are reading,
in him are the blessings,
beginning with the company of Christ
and nearest to himself.
Israel and the nations and the whole universe
brought into reconciliation.
That which is to be reconciled
will be brought into reconciliation
on the righteous basis of redemption.
And so the intimation of that was
in the very cross of the Lord Jesus.
When the serpent there was threatened,
as we could say it was,
the seed of the woman.
That was a threat really rather than a promise.
It had him build the Lamb of God character
that had taken away the sin of the world
and the complete over us,
all the throes of Satan
and the whole realm of Eden
and the establishing of all that
God will recover
and put and bring
and recover to himself
his revelation of himself.
So he said the seed of the woman
shall bruise my head
even though
it was also said
that he would bruise
bruise his head.
So it may sound,
we can think to see that
the creation brought before us in this way
it is really God's faithfulness
in the same realm
which the handiwork of God
alone on tells us
his eternal power and divinity
is clearly to be apprehended
unless we are blind
as we naturally are
by the way I see it.
And so to
to just briefly pass over
the reference to the creation
where it is apparent to all
and the universal testimony
to God's revelation
on the
on this earth's surface
the same action of the sun
and everyone depends upon that sun
just as the
just as we depend upon God
for every
in reference to the testimony
verse 3 tells us that
or verse 2 tells us that
day after day of the speech
so clearly there is a communication in this
it's a reference to speech
something to be conveyed
God draws our attention to
to the
testimony to himself
in the
in the term from day after day
of the speech
and night after night
throughout the college
within this darkness there
God is using the light.
So those in John's gospel
following the
the approach of the Lord
they said
what work
shall we do that might work the works of God?
That occurs in the 6th chapter of John.
The fact is that being in the darkness
no man can work in the dark.
No man can work in the dark.
And the answer the Lord Jesus gave there was
that what you need is light.
When a person speaks about works
he is groping in the dark and cannot see the work.
And that's what it is without that testimony.
And the Lord Jesus agreed to say
this is a work
that you believe on human respect.
And that is true.
In the darkness indeed it
the darkness in which they were
the first thing they needed was
the light to see where they were
and that we should
discern that God did fulfill this promise
in the
in what would come down from heaven
to be available for the whole world.
And so the night is the
is where only God can meet the night
by bringing in the light.
The Lord Jesus says
as long as I am in the world
I am the light of the world.
And that is what is needed.
And this is the testimony that
God is light.
And Christ is the
is that very light that
we need.
In the
in its universal application
in this testimony of creation
there is no audible voice.
That's what we may understand
by verse 3.
There is no audible voice
in this testimony
as there is with the prophets
and the prophetic word.
But nevertheless
there is a testimony
in the inaudible voice
in the words of the prophets.
They have no speech.
Yet their voice is heard.
That is the voice of the testimony is heard
even though there is no audible voice.
And then
if we prefer to listen
typically as the
the way God communicates
in creation
as an image
the very sun itself
is the king of the whole man.
The very creation that it is
would be useless without that sun.
As someone has said
wealth would have
wealth would mean nothing
without the sun.
But not a blade of nothing.
There couldn't be a corn of wheat
were there not the sun.
Therefore the
the place the sun has
in relation to this creation
it has its place now
and here we may refer to this
that in the hieroglyphics
in the juridication
that God intends to make is
that which is absolutely necessary
for the life of the whole creation
in the S-U-N
God operates through the S-O-N
that is the sun.
And from this we turn
to the moral side of things
in the verse 7
it's very remarkable
it's a sudden change
from the creation in testimony
and now to the
moral references
from verse 7 to the end.
For immediately it says
the law of the Lord
is perfect.
The law of the Lord is perfect.
There are principles
that God has brought in
that apart from those principles
it would be
there would be no way out
of the dilemma.
And when you read
the epistles
like the epistles of the Romans
the apostle brings in
abiding principles
which are essential
to be observed
and attention paid
to those principles
are referred to in Romans 6.
These words are full of meaning
he speaks of a principle
the principle of sin
but then
there's another principle
I refer to
rather Romans 7
there are three ways
in which a principle
is spoken of there
and one is to the detriment
however cautious of terms
and doesn't offer
any way out
but when another principle
is brought in
a principle
in its application
brings in the greatest liberty
the Christian
and that is found in Romans 7.
And so the principle
that God has brought in
is brought in another land
and nothing could be understood
in the whole of this Bible
were it not for the introduction
of that man.
And now we have a testimony
now to the testimony of Christ.
It goes from the testimony
of creation
now to the testimony
of a person
and that one who has come
on God's behalf
and to bring everything
into the focus
into focus
so that we may have the truth
in that very person
who says himself
I am the way
the truth and the life
the truth about anything
anything you may consider
is only rightly to be understood
in the considerations of Christ
God himself
God himself
he sets the true God before us
and in that way
he captures the hearts
and regains the confidence
as he has done in our hearts
he has regained confidence
in our hearts
in that way
he has displaced all the
the domination of Satan
whereas if it were to
God was displaced
by Satan's lie
the Son has come to undo
the works of Satan
putting the true God before us
attacking our hearts
attacking our hearts for himself
and has been subtracted
in that Satan
has no more dominion over us
this is the simple gospel of God
how there is deliverance from Satan
deliverance from sin
and deliverance from the law
in the very
the principle of life
which is in another man
God has brought in another man
a new source of life
God was beaten to death
and glorified God in the house of death
and that man
the one man
brings in the great lift
from that one principle
and so we have the
the perfection of such a law
and the testimony
of that law which is constant
it's sure
it's remained constant
throughout the distant centuries
and may be violent or sinful
taking up people like ourselves
in the law
the Gentiles in the law
and making wise
wise into salvation
wise respecting all
the vital things of God
having a place
having a place for Christ in our hearts
and in our lives
and the very answer to that
in that our very lives
an intelligent response
which is the
true display of wisdom
in this world
there's no folly
like a life lived without God
whatever the affluence
and the success in life
for a person to live a life without Christ
what folly there is in that
that's what the Lord says in Luke 12
such a law is designated
as a fool by the lips of the Lord Jesus
but what wisdom there is
in the
where there is in the
acceptance of that great principle
the principle of life in Christ
and the life that is
dedicated to God
according to Romans 12
Romans 12
presenting our bodies a living sacrifice
holy and acceptable to God
which is
it shows wisdom
it shows we've taken God's way
it shows we've taken account of
the intervention of that one man
and the principle of that one man
life in that one man
in which we live to God
and respond to God
this is the wisdom
and so these moral things can be traced
as in the
New Testament
in the way that
there is response to God
and God is looking for this
moral change in the
and what a wonderful thing it is
when there is the fear of God
the fear of God
is the beginning of wisdom we are told
just the beginning of it
and a very wise thing it is
when the heart turns to God
that is wisdom
the fear of the Lord is the beginning
but the pursuance of that
the life is lived in wisdom
and then there is the purification of this
and the enlightening
for the
statutes of the Lord are right
they are right
they are perfect, they are right
they are right
the true standard, they are right
and it rejoices the heart
and every direction
the commandment of the Lord
is pure
and the eyes are open
enlightening the eyes to see
to see distinctly
it is to see righteousness
in that God has
put Christ
where he is
in the very exaltation
crowned with
a pure gold
this is the right handle
to discern righteousness
this is where righteousness is
the very crucifixion of Christ
was one thing, a very big thing
in the past of this world
but then he couldn't remain there
thou art not to suffer my soul
body to see corruption
leave my soul in hell
thou art not my body to see corruption
but righteousness comes in
and Christ is the exalted one
and yet the eyes are enlightened
to see
Hebrews 2
we see Jesus
our eyes are properly adjusted
our eyes are enlightened
and so this is a recognition
of God's testimony in Christ
and then
the judgments of the Lord
are true
and righteousness all together
what beautiful
expressions these are
arrested expressions
that are justice
and everything
in every way able to answer
the God
now verse 10 is
that we desire
these are the things we desire going for these things
these things which have a
moral worth
moral standards, moral ethics
the standards of the world
are one thing and they don't count
so much to God
now the affluence and prosperity in this world doesn't matter to God
but what does
matter to God is that I bow
in the presence of God
I quote the 66th
to this memorandum
we think the great things in this world
really demand God's attention
the great ships, the big roads
the extensions
the improvements
these don't matter to God
at all, this is not a continuation of the millennium
it's man's world
man's greatness, man's glory, whatever
but I can tell you
what will arrest heaven's attention
not to Isaiah 66
but to this man when I look
to this man, more man
to this man when I look
with a broken
contrite spirit
and tremble my world
and draw all the attention of heaven
and the poorest amongst us
the fewest amongst us
can really command the attention of heaven
and we're not bowers
before the presence of God
if every person
should know himself his true self
that will really
bring him down before God
where pride is hidden
it is the revelation of God's love
that despite what we are
God has designed some blessing
for us
and bows our hearts in his presence
it will bring us down
so these are the things
this is the answer we have to give
more than we desire
are they than gold
what a pursuit
there is for gold
the dominating principle
in man's world
more than we desire
more than we desire
are they than gold
more than much fine gold
I suppose this is the very
cream of all that there is
in this world
that which is to be desired
in this world is gold
and the power
of gold
will enhance one
before men in this world
they'll have many friends in this world
and then it says
I believe that refers
to the best in nature
this would turn me
to a word of the Lord
in the 15th of John
then again in John's epistle
where in two instances it says
that your joy may be full
well I don't think
I don't think
that any person who has made
a success of themselves in this world
and amassed all the gold
has had
has been brought
to where their joy was full
and I don't think
that whatever may have
taken place in nature
that they can say
there their joy
has been full
it's not to be found in this world
and it's not even to be found
in the best of nature
and so there's something
said in a cryptic way
in this verse which we are
to pursue and desire
it's more to be desired
than gold here than much
fine gold and sweeter
to the taste than honey
and honeycomb
I think the honey and the honeycomb here
would refer to the best in nature
and God has been very
bountiful in regard
to the realm of nature
Israel were called to nature
and they were blessed according to nature
that we have heard
a little of that in the 26th
of Deuteronomy
it's the result of
those blessings
the land and the cattle
and the family
that was the character
of the blessings to Israel
in abundance
the very things
that could appeal to the natural man
in abundance
but then in Christianity
and as a matter of fact
the death has come in
and death has become
the threat factor that can
separate us from the very
best of nature
it's a great matter
people are very concerned
having got acquisitions
their fear then is
from lots of those acquisitions
which can be by death itself
and so death is a threat
factor that can separate us from the nearest relative
and from the
mass fortunes
but here is something that is of a desire
that is bigger than gold
fine gold and even better
than the rest of nature
but it's something that is beyond death
and it's in company
and in communion with the risen Christ
and where there is communion
with God concerning his son
it's here I do believe where
the scripture I refer to in John 15
and in John's epistle that you
all join me before
the risen Christ has in the presence of the Father
and we are called to that
and to share his pleasure
in this time
there is the
servant is warned
and there is the keeping of them
there is great reward
for both the warning
and the keeping of them is very timely
in a world like this
I think we've heard in our meetings
that this world is the
root of the world
and without the scriptures and the guidance
of the Holy Spirit
and the
one we have kept in our salvation
we couldn't get through
this world successfully
for it's
a puzzle game
and we should get it wrong at every turn
and so we need every
warning of scripture and let us
take heed to the simple warnings of scripture
and let us take heed to all
that's available for our preservation
verse 12
might make one reference to this
who can understand his errors
cleanse thou me from secret faults
what a blessed thing it is
that in Christianity
everything is taken into account
as being delivered from the Adam's case
and being in Christ
before God
and having Christ
Christ who has been
in the death
and he who lives to God
we live in him
by which we live to God
and in the power of the Spirit
we are in a deliverance
from those
things that dominate us
the secret faults
and the answer to all those
is in the Lord Jesus Christ
and the application of it is
in the power of the Spirit of God
so there is great deliverance
in verse 12
and I think that would be in keeping
with Romans 7 which brings us into
where there is no condemnation
to those who are in Christ Jesus
and keep not thy servant
from presumptuous sins
well we're not to be in the dark
it was in the light of the Lord
which shall not be
shall not be
by those presumptuous sins
let them not have dominion over me
then shall I be upright
and I shall be innocent
from the guilt of transgression
we have to remember that
in this first book of Psalms
there are those Psalms
which refer to Christ himself personally
and there are Psalms
which have the remnant
of Israel in view
where the Spirit of Christ
is in the remnant
and the remnant express
themselves in these terms
and they will anticipate
and come into a great deliverance
in a coming day
but they cannot be accepted by us
in the way that they apply
and then the last verse
the last verse
let the words of my mouth
this returns to James
a very important word in James
about the words of our mouth
and also the words of Lord Jesus
in Matthew 15 and Matthew 7
out of the mouth
from the heart
from the heart
out of the heart
proceeding out of the mouth
it's not what comes from out
and goes into the mouth
we make a great point of that
it has consideration in all
the things of the clean and the unclean
as there was in the life of the Jews
it's not that
the Lord makes that very clear in
Mark 7 and Matthew 15
that it's from the heart
it's in the mouth
it proceeds in the mouth
and so in the consciousness
of that
and when James warns us that
the ability of man
in the realm of creation
being in everything
plants, crocodiles, birds, beasts
and everything
displays his ability to tame
but then says
but the tongue can no man tame
it's the index of the will
and that's a very solemn thing with all of us
the very circumstances in our individual lives
will bring to light this
that even as Christians we have a will
and I do believe the great thing that God will ever do
with you and me
is that we are brought to surrender our will
and Lord Jesus
it was a complete surrender
a complete surrender
but with us
we will find that our will
are many a time
unseen to the antagonist of this whole
and yet God knows
and a wonderful sign for God
and it's here and there
all the Christians bear a mark
of God's disrespect
I leave a short
in that they are seen to have
renounced their own wills
and greatly subdued
before God
not answering back
not careful to stand up to themselves
let people say what they will
let them do what they will
lessons to learn in the presence of God
renounce one's will
and God will see the rest
it's a great thing
and so the tongue is the index
of the will, the redesign of Jesus
and here the Psalmist
anticipates that
not only the thought of the heart
as the Lord indicates
in Mark 7
Matthew 15
but then the tongue is the utterance
of what is in the heart
and so the Psalmist
has some conscious
sense of that
and so have we
and being near to the Lord
let the words of my mouth
let the words
of my mouth
and the meditation
of my heart
where we in our hearts
and surely are
in our readings we are directed
to one glorious person
you know when Scripture speaks
about being pure
we are purified
we are purified by Him
and to look at the Lord Jesus
as the way to be purified
to look on a perfect object
as God's pattern for you and for me
to be occupied with what is pure
to be occupied with God himself
revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ
where sin has been put away
this is the way for that transference
to have its effect
in the hearts of His saints
this is real Christianity
this is Christianity
which is for every Christian
the last verse of chapter 3 of 2 Corinthians
which dear George spoke about this afternoon
we all
it's not
it's not for
certain people
but it's the privilege of every believer
to have our eyes turned
to that blessed person there
and so as Christ
was here and they hadn't
looked upon Jesus yet
this is the wonderful thing of Christianity
Jesus was here
and they hadn't looked upon Him
and Jesus
is not here now
but Jesus is there
but His people are here
and a wonderful thing is people take the place of Jesus
in testimony here in this world
and what does it mean?
that Jesus
that the Lord and God saw him here
what is said of the Lord
is said of the saints
in 2 Corinthians chapter 3
elect and beloved
holy saints
and in the life of the risen man
and by the power of the spirit
the saints are in that life
full of an answer to God
and whilst there is sin in us
there is oppression in us
God has given us
and the power of the spirit
and the power of the spirit
like the sword
that David
slew with a knife
David slew the giants
he slew them with a stone
but he put up his head with a sword
and there was a time later
when David went to
a fire
and whilst he got the bread
he said what else have you
he said I have only got the sword
by which
put up the head of the man
he said give me that
there is nothing like that
and there is no weapon in the arsenal of God
that is so mighty
as what it is for a Christian
to be in the life of the risen Christ
by the spirit
in the way that it can be applied
to everything that comes to God here
in this world
and that is in particular
in your heart and mind
and so
the Psalmist utterance
is in the Mass
and bear in mind we began with creation
all the greatness of creation
and it comes down
to a very practical application
from creation
and from all these moral considerations
down to
our own hearts
in the way that we can answer
to God
let the words
of my mouth
it is mine and not yours
let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
that is a very purifying effect
when we
rocify what is pure
that is the glory of Christ
Christ in the Lord
being acceptable
Christ Christ O Lord
my strength and my hope …