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Acts 20 / Michael Vogelsang
Assembly authority / Simon Attwood
Behaviour in the House of God / Andrew Buchan
Bible Basics Conference 2007: Things God has prepared for us / Bible Basics Conference
Bridal aspects of the church / George Davison
Build the house / Allan Retallick
Building of God / L.M. Grant
Features of the early church / F.B. Hole
Gifts - Sources, Uses, Oppertunities and Dangers / Geoff Hawes
Laodicea / Sidney Thurston
Message to Laodicea / Edwin Cross
Practical unity amongst the Ph / Michael Vogelsang
Rebuilding the walls / R. K. Campbell
Sign Gifts / Edwin Cross
Some Pictures of Christ and the Church / T. Nixon
The Church / George Davison
The Hope of the Church / Ernest Brown
The House of God / Daniel W. Paterson
The House of God - our responsibilities (1 Tim. 1) / Jeff Brett
The Lord's Supper / Ernest Brown
The more excellent way of love / J.S. Blackburn
The table of the Lord / Daniel W. Paterson
The Treasure and the Pearl (Matt. 13) / Jack Atkins
There is One Body / Frank Wallace
Types and the church / Paul Dronsfield
What are 'assembly meetings'? / Gavin Hughes
What is the Church - just a collection of individuals? / Hugh Clark
What is the relationship between assemblies? / Andrew Poots
Where are the elders, bishops, deacons, etc.? / Nick Fleet
Who can break bread? / Graham Warnes