Another Comforter
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John 14
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...address given by Mr. W.J. Beattie on the 8th of November 1962. His subject, Another Comforter.
John 14, verse 15,
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter,
that he may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth,
whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not,
neither knoweth him, but ye know him.
For he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
I will not leave you comfortless, but I will come to you.
Yet the little while, and the world seeth me no more, but ye see me,
because I live, ye shall live also.
At that day ye shall know that I come in my Father,
and ye in me, and I in you.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me,
and he shall be loved by my Father, and I will love him,
and will manifest myself to him.
Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot,
Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us,
and not unto the world?
Jesus answered and said unto him,
If a man love me, he will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings,
and the word which is here is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you,
but the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,
whom the Father will send in my name,
he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance.
Whatsoever I have said unto you,
peace I leave with you.
My peace I give unto you,
not as the world giver give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.
Ye have heard how I said unto you,
I go away and come again unto you.
If ye love me ye will rejoice,
because I said I go unto the Father,
for my Father is greater than I.
And now I told you before it come to pass,
that when it is come to pass ye may believe.
Hereafter I will not talk much with you,
for the Prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me,
but that the world may know that I love the Father,
and as the Father gave me commandment,
even so I do.
Arise, let's go hence.
I trust that we shall find some comfort,
some inspiration,
in the few words that we have read together.
The inspiration given by that Holy One
who indwells the believer.
Isn't it a very wonderful thing, brethren,
that there is a divine person in the world?
In the first place he is here to convict the world of its guilt,
by having thrust out of it its rightful king.
But then he has another mission,
and that is, as one who is with the Church of God at the present time,
who should be, in all the gatherings of that Church, the president.
It's a very sad thing when the people of God come together
and that Holy One is displaced.
It's a very common thing.
But may we be kept from such dishonor to him as that.
May there be, in all our gatherings,
that respect, that reverence for, that subjection to that divine person.
But in addition to that,
is he not also the one who dwells in the individual believer?
And I think, perhaps, that it's from that standpoint more than any other
that we will consider what we have read together.
We are very favored in this respect,
that in the present dispensation,
that Holy One is acting in a way different from
that from which he acted in the Old Testament times,
and different, too, from the way that he will act in the Millennium.
It is, please, God, in a favor to you and me,
to Christendom, if I might say, to keep him in a unique way,
and for his purpose, to gather together himself,
the people around the Lord,
causing each individual, as far as they will let him,
to be subject to that Holy One,
and what is more, in a world like the present,
to be loyal to him.
We can know nothing of divine loyalty,
or loyalty to the divine person,
apart from the gracious operation of that spirit of whom we'll be reading.
We cannot think that these words,
from the lips of the Lord Jesus,
understood very much of what he was saying to them,
at least not at the time.
But the day of Pentecost, and following that,
then they had the light of the Spirit to help them
to understand what was spoken here.
But what touched them was the fact
that the one that they considered the Messiah,
they had no doubt about that,
was about to leave them.
Now, when they looked at that,
listened to such words as that,
along with what they had been taught in the Old Testament Scriptures,
that this one was to abide forever,
they couldn't make these words fit at all.
They were a contradiction.
So they thought to what had been given them in the Old Testament.
To hear words like these,
that he, who had drawn them to himself,
was about to go back to heaven to the Father,
just baffled them.
Now, having made known that,
he turns to them in that gracious way of his,
and he says, when I am absent from you,
think of me.
If you love me,
keep my commandments.
Keeping his commandments,
that is not our subject tonight so much what the commandments are,
is the proof of our fidelity to him.
I feel it is right to say
that obedience to the Word
is the first law of Christianity.
If, and there is not,
if we had a list of things
that we had to do,
like the Ten Commandments,
in our Christian faith,
I believe the first one would be obedience.
To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to hearken than the fat of rams.
And when we think of those remarkable words,
how searching they are to think
that obedience to God is of more consequence to him
than the most costly of sacrifices.
And to hearken means not merely to listen,
but it means to be submissive.
And to be submissive is better than the fat of rams.
Now when we recall that the ram was the one sacrifice of devotion,
that was that for their dedication,
and the fat was that which spoke of the inward energy of affection,
you can see the importance that God attaches to obedience.
And I'm persuaded of this, brother and sister,
that where there is inattention to these things,
not only is there no soul progress,
but there is something of soul indifference to divine things.
And very probably the lack of moral power amongst us today,
the weakness in our meetings,
the sadness leading into our meetings,
is due to this, that there has not been attention to divine things.
Now the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in the individual believer
is himself fully competent to strengthen and to give fidelity to the Lord
that will be pleasing and draw down from above the blessing that we seek.
What then would be a cheer to these disciples would be this,
that there would be another to come and take the Lord's place.
And I don't know whether you've ever been impressed by the word another.
What did the Lord mean to them?
He'd been everything.
He'd met them daily at once.
What a sickness.
He'd walked in their families.
He was there to heal.
What a perplexity.
Then you get the circumstances.
He was there with the wisdom to guide them.
When they attacked, he protected them.
There was nothing, nothing at all,
but what he was there to provide for them.
And a little later on from this,
but an hour or so after this,
when they were in the garden of Gethsemane,
he turned to them and he said he'd been with them.
He said, have you lacked anything?
That's what he'd been to them.
And what he had meant to them,
the Lord said, I'm going to send you another light to me
to be to you what I've been,
to be your director,
to be your comfort,
to be your instructor,
your teacher,
to be your life,
to be all these things.
Then why is it, brethren,
why is it,
and let me ask to myself,
why is it I know so little about these things?
And why is it I get under the weather so often?
Why is it that there is so little of power,
say, in my ministry?
Is it not due to this,
that I've overlooked the fact
that there dwells in me another comforter?
You have learned from this before now
that the word comforter isn't the best translation.
But if I was to say to you,
the word is paraclete,
you wouldn't be any better off,
any more than I.
But if I were to say to you
that the word comforter here
has the meaning of our English word solicitor,
then perhaps that would help us to appreciate
what the Lord has given in that divine person.
If I've been leader of leader aid,
I'm ignorant very much of the English law
about many things.
But if I needed legal aid,
I wouldn't go to the magistrate.
And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't turn to a book,
although I've got one in my bookcase,
Advice on Legal Matters.
If I needed legal aid,
I'd go to a fully qualified solicitor.
I might have to pay for it.
I certainly would have to pay for it.
But that's where I'd go.
Because I know that he knows.
Now that's what the open spirit,
the indwelling spirit is.
For you and me,
he's a solicitor.
He knows what is required in heaven.
I don't.
And isn't that the reason why we're told
we know not what to pay for,
but there is one who knows.
And that's our solicitor.
Then ought I not to be very mindful
that that is in me?
Why can't I say to myself
in the morning when I awaken,
I've got a day before me,
it's going to be a bit of difficulty in the office,
or my kidneys are not very well,
or I've got sickness in the house,
or there's some other complexity.
Why can't I say the Lord above cares for me
and this is the one who dwells in me
and knows.
Brethren, brethren,
why don't we?
Why do we blunder about?
If I don't know what to do,
let me stand still.
Sometimes there's been pushing me,
about that exercise of proposing another company.
Why don't I do this?
Why don't I say that?
Because I haven't got the Lord's word for it.
I look as a motorist.
When I see the red,
I stop where I am.
I don't even see the amber.
We belong to the green.
And I believe that in all matters,
that in our lives, brethren,
if we are but desirous of pleasing God,
we shall find the instruction to go on,
or we shall find a working standstill where we are.
Now it says that
he may abide with you forever.
So is he still.
He hasn't gone.
Is he still?
He abides with us forever.
What is the truth?
Though the world cannot receive it,
because it seeth him not,
neither knoweth him,
but ye know him,
for he dwelleth with you.
Now that is the special character
of being amongst the saints.
Dwelleth with you.
That's the corporate side of it,
if I may put it to you that way.
And shall be in you.
Now that's the personal,
the individual side of it.
So that whether we think
that the people of God gather in together,
or we think of our individual lives,
the Holy Spirit is present in the assembly,
in us individually,
so that whatever way we need help and kindness
is there for that purpose.
I want to ask you to follow me
for a moment or two
as to how we ever got that spirit at all.
Because you thousands in Rumsgate tonight
who haven't got him,
wasn't there a time when you listened
to the gospel preaching?
You heard of your condition,
people of God?
You own that condition?
Who was it that made you to feel that?
To the Spirit of God.
Who was it to show to you
that God had made a provision for you
in your need?
Who turned you, you would say,
with the eyes of faith,
having directed your conscience first
to look into your heart
and see that it was desperately wicked
and deceitful above all things?
Because that's where conscience begins, you know.
It begins by looking down to the heart
and it sees the mess there.
It sees the enmity there against God.
It sees that all the time you've been turning
deaf ear to it,
that you've been under the influence
of that one who is the Spirit
that rules in the children of disobedience.
But when you lifted your eyes from yourself
and turned them to look at that place
we call Calvary,
when you came to understand
that the one who took that place
was there to take your place in judgment.
When you saw that and took it for yourself
it was then that work took place
which we call the new birth.
And in chapter 3 from the Gospel
we read together we have these words
Except the man be born of water and of the Spirit
he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Well that day that you were affected by the word of God
and the Spirit of God affecting you by the word
and you accepting that
that day you entered into the kingdom of God.
You have passed out of the kingdom of darkness
into the kingdom of light.
You've come from a place of most dignity to God
to a place of regard for God.
And that is what is meant by having your bodies
washed with pure water
that you'll be taken up from a condition of hostility to God
and transplanted into the kingdom of the Son of His love.
And that will prove the allegiance to the Son of His love.
Your bodies washed with pure water.
Now we take another word from this
and I like to think of that time
when the Lord met that woman at a well.
She was very soul sick to Him.
She turned round upon Him and said
I'd like to know who you are
that you've got the daring to speak to me
and besides you're a Jew.
The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
And they use a common word today
and I use it respectfully.
She was cheeky.
Do you remember what the Lord said to her?
That if she knew the gift of God
and at that time He was playing on that word gift of God
because water at that time
and I believe is yet in that part of the country
known as the gift of God.
When those used to go about poking it
in the days of early Christianity
they called out who will buy the gift of God?
And the Lord was playing on that
and if thou knewest the gift of God
and it is that said to thee give me to drink
thou wouldst have asked of Him
and He would have given thee living water.
Where you got that living water from?
The word is deep.
You have nothing to draw with.
He said he didn't drink of this water
she thirsted again
and the solemnity of those words
spiritualized for a moment
and what do those words say to us?
The man that is an athlete
delights in sport
finds great pleasure in it
he drinks of that
and I believe he enjoys it
but the time comes
when his limbs stiffen
the age creeps on
and he looks into the future
and what has he got in sport then?
Anything to satisfy?
No, it's past.
The man in business
who has made a good deal of money
finds pleasure in that
but the time comes
when money is worth living to him
he can have the comforts of life
but what has he got there?
Comforts of mind, nothing.
He thirsts.
There is the man
who goes in for science
and he delights in it
all very well for the time being
but those men that have taken up that
and have looked back on their lives
what have many of them had to say?
There'd be no satisfaction
no lasting satisfaction in that
they're thirsty
but now the Lord turns to that woman
and says
the water that I shall give him
shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life
the water that I shall give him
he shall never thirst
those who ever drink of this water
that I shall give shall never thirst
I don't know whether he ever stopped
to ask me the meaning of that
I'm speaking to the people of God, am I not?
It's a bad question
Have you ever thought
search will never thirst again?
Don't you get the answer in that
very verse
I think we do
because they've got beside them day and night
a fountain of water
a fountain springing up
they can't move anywhere
without taking that fountain with them
how can they thirst?
It's there
See what it says in the Holy Spirit then
that we've been reading about
in the 14th chapter
it says to you
it will be a fountain
of fresh, sparkly
thirst-quenching water
Christian, diabeled, or you
haven't you had such experience as that?
Don't you know
something comes to your pleasure
when you're reading the scripture
and when you get drawn perhaps
to your bedside, to your net there
and you pray
what a sweetness
there has been in that
Don't you know?
Now what the Lord meant
that this time was this
that I can give to you
that which will stop you
from wanting the things
which will only lead you at the end to destruction
I'm giving you that
which will carry you on through life
on that path that leads up and up
to eternal life
And brother and sister
that's where we're going
we're climbing
day by day
and restfully
we should find ourselves
in the glory
and on the way
aren't we drinking
something of the pleasures
that we got to have there
Oh, shall we
up there so great, so glorious
so blessed, so wonderful
as the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour
We've got now
granted to wait
until we can get to heaven
to know these things
Didn't the late Bishop of Derby say this?
That we won't have one thing more in heaven
than we've got now
You may say, well
I don't swallow that
We won't
but I tell you what we will have
we'll have the capacity there to enjoy it better
And we could have
an increased capacity now, brethren
for the enjoyment of it
if we followed out
what we opened our subject with tonight
If ye love me
keep my commandments
There's another scripture
that I want to ask you to consider
for this time
in the 7th of John
Remember that great day
of the Feast of Tabernacles
when thousands of men
that come together from different parts
of the world
some of them have been making
a 12-month journey by caravan
They'd have to take a 12-month journey to go back
This was a thing that saved a fall
for years
that they might be present at Jerusalem
on such an occasion
Now we know that from the Acts of the Apostles
2nd chapter
but that it suffice for the moment
that here were men who had come
to be present at the Feast of Tabernacles
7 days had run
the 8th day, the last day
the great day of the Feast
And Jesus
standing in the temple
looked on the rest
they turned out
Not to come back again
many of them
He looked at them
He looked into their faces
He read their hearts
And he said
Well, you've come a long way
that you've got what you've been seeking
He knew they had it
And he said to them
If any man thirst
let him come up to me
and drink
And water
I read it to you
when I'm correct
If any man thirst
let him come up to me and drink
He that believeth on me
as the Scripture hath said
out of his inwards
shall flow rivers of living water
We've been speaking of a fountain
in chapter 4
but now it's rivers
it's wholeness
In chapter 4
it's individual enjoyment
In chapter 7
it's our Christian testimony
The Holy Spirit, the self-sacred spirit
tend to think
that this one should operate
through you and me
To give a few words of comfort
to some lonely soul
Something that comes right down to my heart
that you've experienced yourself
Did I tell you
of meeting the consultant one day
when I was in hospital
And he said to me
as I went to teach someone else to talk
after an operation like my own
He said to me
Oh Mr Beattie
He said
These folks take much more notice
of you than they do of me
He said
You've been through it
and I know you've been through it
And I listen to you
I respect you
Take notice of what you say
And brother and sister
When we've been in company with the Lord
particularly through some domestic triumph
through some meeting sorrow
some business difficulty
When we've been through that
been in communion with him
we're empowered
to speak to others
first through our life
And we can give them a word of cheer
We can help them
Out of your inwards
for the comfort
and the blessing of others
I put it to you
not in the individual way
but there is a public side to it you know
And I draw your attention
very briefly
to the public side
Take Peter
That day he went along
into the temple
and found that the gate got beautiful
The poor afflicted man
who looked on them
expecting some money
Peter said to him
Silver and gold have I not
but such as I have given to thee
in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
rise up and walk
Where did he got that power from?
Where did he got the authority from
for to say that
and say it in such a way
that the man benefiting by it
wasn't that something
the waters
the river of waters
flowing out
that man had never had such a
treat in his life
He was so brave
that he didn't just quietly get up
and say thank you kind sir
He said no
and he was so exuberant
that his ability to walk
we are told that he leaped
Have you ever given anyone
the power spiritually
because of what you've done
and treated them with
You can do it brother and sister
There's one dwelling in you
fully competent
to do that for you
Another instance
We are told in the
eighth chapter
of the Acts
of Philip
The spirit said to Philip
Go and join I said
to this chariot
Now there was a man
who travelled a long way
a proselyte
to Jerusalem
to worship
but he was going back
still in the dark
but he was reading
the prophet Jesus
and Philip said to him
Do you know what you're reading
I said well I cannot
except someone teach me
and Philip began to preach it
unto Jesus
They went on
The man was enlightened
can't you see
how the spirit of God
because it says
The spirit said to Philip
Go and join I said
to the chariot
that the spirit of God
like four rivers of living water
was going to meet
the thirst of that poor man
that enlightened him
about this
And so we might go on
one closing word
if ever I come back
I hope you'll come to the meeting
and not say that old man
far too long
I don't believe in it
I believe it will finish
in something like time
I want you just
to look at this word
unto Judas
said unto him
If a man loved me
he would keep my word
not words
but word
Now what is keeping
the Lord's word?
It's this
Something different from a commandment
We could keep a commandment
with pleasure
and do all that we were asked
to do
that would be right
and proper
but to keep the Lord's word means
that is to pay
to do something for the Lord
without a commandment
Something we keep
with pleasure
and glorify it
without saying
well I've got the presence of scripture for it
Some little thing
we pass on to another
Some little service
we can do
feel that we are doing it
for no other reason
than this, that we just
love the Lord Jesus
and like to
please him
just like a child
can do
It might be
has been very busy
for several weeks
and could tend to the garden
and his flower beds
put a lot of weeds in them
And the boy says
Oh, Father doesn't like
to see weeds in his flower bed
but he keeps himself
beautifully clean
and fresh
The little fellow gets down
on his knees
pulls out the weeds
clears up the mead
and says to me
just because
he loves his Father
that's all
May my life
brother and sister
be characterized by that
just because
I love
the Lord Jesus …