The operation of the Holy Spirit in the assembly (1 Cor. 12)
(1 Cor. 12
The operation of the Holy Spirit in the assembly (1 Cor. 12)
Automatisches Transkript:
The operation of the Holy Spirit in the Assembly,
such is the title of the talk to be given this evening,
as dictated by those who've been on their knees
and been before the Lord for weeks and maybe months
as the subject of this conference.
And this evening, the operation of the Holy Spirit in the Assembly.
The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity.
And in case anybody here says, ah, but the word Trinity
is not in the Scripture from the beginning to the end.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, when He laid down the formula
for baptism in the 19th verse of the 28th chapter of Matthew,
said, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
And there we have Him, the Holy Ghost.
I say Him, and these things are well known,
probably to every person in this room.
But here we are, to read and to look at the Word of God
from which we purport to get the truth we believe and teach.
The Holy Spirit is seen exercising power
throughout the whole of the Scripture.
In fact, not only exercising power in the way of influence,
not merely the power behind the throne, as some people seem to think,
nor the source of a secret energy, merely.
But going further back to the beginning than even we went this afternoon,
in the second verse of Genesis, when this world in which we know,
this world in the form we know it, was about to be cast
into its present form, it says,
the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
I'm no scientist, but I have been told that the scientists believe
that the earth at one time was covered entirely by waters.
I don't know why I said that, because I'm not really interested
in what the scientists say, but I like to hear them talk.
But it does say, and it's the Word of God,
that the Holy Spirit of God moved, not just sat,
but moved over the waters before the words are heard,
let there be light.
So He's a prime mover in the finest sense in the Scripture,
and throughout the Scripture until we come to those last verses
which were touched on this afternoon, where then again we have the Spirit,
the Holy Spirit, uttering one of the most powerful invitations
to the most powerful person in the universe, come, Lord Jesus.
There's the kind of person we are speaking of.
But you know, let us be very firm about this, that He is God.
The Holy Spirit is God, not merely a godly influence,
as some would say.
And His personality, ah yes, not just a god who cannot be understood at all,
though no man can understand why the Spirit does this or that necessarily.
The wind bloweth where it listeth or where it likes, the Lord Jesus said,
and so is every one that is of the Spirit.
The Spirit is sovereign, the Holy Spirit is God,
and His personality is revealed in the Scripture time and time again.
Let me quote you one instance which is very well known.
It was the Holy Spirit as godly men in the beginning of the Christian era,
but after our Lord had gone on high,
the Holy Spirit who said as they fasted and prayed,
separate me, Barnabas and Saul, for the work whereunto I have called them.
He has, as it were, an important role in every movement of God.
In fact, I believe that He is seen, as one reads the Scriptures,
to be the moving power behind and sometimes directly in
every single manifestation of God.
There are big words, it's a large concept, but that I believe to be
the function of the Holy Spirit who is Himself God with all the power
that attaches to Godhead.
Far above any words that I can produce, of course.
But let's look at a few instances.
We've spoken about Him moving upon the waters before a word was uttered
in the way of creation as we know it in this world.
But you remember, of course, the children here will remember
that the topstone of God's creation, after those marvellous six days of work
in Genesis, the last was God's masterpiece.
He has been called Man, whom He made after His own image
in His likeness.
And there we have a creature not made to not know where He's going,
not to raise His educated mind and His refined hands and say,
what's it all about?
God did not make man for that, of course.
But He made him so that He might communicate the marvellous things of God
to a creature in this world who could respond.
I don't want to be led off into all kinds of sidetracks,
which is rather an occupational risk of mine, I fear.
I want to say that the Holy Spirit is the power of communication
of the things of God to man.
We only need one scripture for this.
There are many more.
This is it.
If there's anybody here who has walked in from the street
and doesn't know who we are or what we're doing,
this is God's holy word.
And from cover to cover it is said of this word
that holy men of old speak as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
That's how it came to pass.
That is why this word is 100% reliable.
That is why we keep discovering 2,000 years after the last of it was written,
after the last of it was written,
why we keep discovering that it lets us into secrets
which normally only God can know.
Because the Holy Spirit was used to communicate
what we need to know about God.
It's a lovely thought, too, that all we need to know about God
is between the covers of this Bible.
But there came a moment when God the Son
stepped into the world he had made.
It's a wonderful story.
Were it not in the Bible and under the power of the Holy Spirit,
an impossible story to believe.
But when the moment for incarnation came
for the second person in the Trinity,
the Son of God, the Holy Spirit,
is seen to be the power by which it's done.
You remember the words, don't you?
To his mother it was said,
at least to his father it was said,
that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
And to his mother it was said,
the Holy Spirit shall overshadow thee.
To the complete relaxation and comfort and strengthening
of both that pair,
who were worried about what was happening
until they received this direct communication
and the Holy Spirit revealed.
That was he who once again was fulfilling his function
and he was directly involved
in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ in this world.
There came a day when the blessed Holy Savior,
the one who went about doing good,
defeating the works of the devil,
when he went to Calvary's cross and there he gave himself.
And it is recorded in words almost too holy
for my lips to speak,
that by the eternal Spirit he, the Son of God,
becomes Son of Man,
offered himself as sacrifice to God.
By the eternal Spirit,
I'm sorry but I cannot expand that for you this evening,
lest I do it of violence.
I'm only drawing attention to the importance of this person,
the Holy Spirit,
the power of this person who is God,
the Holy Spirit.
And then came the creation,
the recreation of a man,
the making of a sinner into a saint.
And lest anybody should ever persuade you at a gospel rally
that all you have to do is to give your heart to Christ,
let us say that though it's been made simple for you and me
to come to the Lord Jesus and take him simply as our Savior,
the real work is one that equals or outshines
the work of the creation itself.
When it says,
the Lord Jesus said to Nicodemus,
ye must be born again.
Born again, Lord.
Yes, born of water and of the Spirit,
the Holy Spirit,
is involved in the creation of a saint
out of what seemed to be, was a sinner.
If any man be in Christ, says the Apostle Paul,
he is a new creation.
He is not just a secondhand model that's been refurbished.
He is something new, a new creation.
And that is by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are by these few scriptures reminding ourselves, are we not,
of the tremendous weight and importance which must attach
to this person, the Holy Spirit.
And then the empowering of the saint,
recreation of the sinner, empowering of the saint.
Jesus, our blessed Savior, said,
he, the Holy Spirit, shall be in you.
In you.
Indwelling so thoroughly the believer
that the blessed Apostle Paul could exclaim,
Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?
My dear young saint, my young sister,
my young brother,
that which God has made you is so important
that none of us can grasp its significance fully.
The Holy Spirit dwelling in us
is perhaps the miracle of the age in which we live.
It's the wonder of the age of this in which we live
and it's so true that we should ever be mindful,
and I speak to myself,
that my body, frail, unimportant in the world,
which can be tortured and cast into a concentration camp,
which can be counted as nothing by the enemy,
is the temple of the Holy Spirit
who himself is God, so powerful
that every manifestation of God down the ages
has been accompanied by his direct power.
I want for a moment to speak of the power
that he used to create the assembly.
I'm likely to touch points which were touched this afternoon.
In fact, I thought our brother this afternoon
might well have touched all the points that my poor, frail mind
can think of for this evening,
but mercifully, gently, he did not.
But no sooner had our Lord Jesus Christ been exalted in heaven
than those newly created believers on earth
were baptized into one body.
Now this isn't just a signed declaration of agreement
on all points of doctrine.
This is not a human arrangement.
Baptized into one body by the Holy Spirit.
We won't look at Acts just now,
but we all know it, don't we?
But on that occasion, in a wonderful way,
all the new believers that the Holy Spirit had made
by introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior
were suddenly baptized into one body,
and that's how we are today.
We belong to each other more effectively
than if we had all had the same human father and human mother.
We're closer than that.
We are baptized into one body.
Well, we heard that this afternoon.
I just want to make a point.
It's beautiful, I think.
When we think of the one body of believers on earth,
it's Christ's body we're thinking about on earth
because he is the head in heaven.
I believe it's because the creation of such a marvelous thing on earth
awaited the elevation of our Lord Jesus Christ
to be the head in heaven.
And as we think of the church as his body,
our hearts are lifted and our eyes,
our thoughts, our renewed spirits are raised
to communicate with the head in heaven.
Though I know that he uses it to communicate with the earth
as the head directs the body.
But the church is also the temple of God.
Or as two Ephesians, the second of Ephesians puts it,
we are builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit.
See, there it comes in again.
Through the Holy Spirit we are builded.
That sounds a bit more earthy.
We are built together to form a habitation for God in this world.
There's the two aspects, as we all know,
of this wonderful view of the church that we get.
And just as we can say, as we think of the body with the head in heaven,
our eyes and our spiritual sight and our innermost spiritual feelings
rise from earth to heaven,
so as we think of God's habitation on earth,
just as surely we think of God in heaven
having something which can express him,
his thoughts, his feelings on earth.
A habitation of God through the Spirit.
Now I feel it's important at this point to make quite certain
that we gather to the name, not of the Holy Spirit,
but of the Lord Jesus.
It's the Lord Jesus who is the head of the body,
not the Holy Spirit.
I just make that point only because there's so much abroad in the world today
which seems likely to glorify the Holy Spirit
at the expense of the Lord Jesus.
Damn, the Holy Spirit won't have that.
We gather to his name, the name of the Lord Jesus.
He said, where two or three are gathered together in my name,
or to my name, there am I.
But the Holy Spirit is the power who does the gathering,
the power who has done the gathering so well that he has baptized us.
What a wonderful phrase that is.
It's easier felt than spoken about, surely.
Baptized us into one body.
There's another beautiful thing emerges from this thought,
and that is that the Holy Spirit, who is God in his own right,
has graciously stoked to be the servant of the Savior.
Just as the Lord Jesus, Son of God,
with all the power and dignity of Godhead vested in himself,
came into this world and took a servant's form,
he became the servant of the Father,
for the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.
And in obedience, the Son of God came to be the Savior of the world.
And now we have the Holy Spirit come down
for the specific purpose of serving the great head of the assembly in this world.
I was going to say before this afternoon's Bible reading,
I hope you'll believe me, I think you will,
that I was going to liken the work of the Holy Spirit among us
to that of Abraham's servant,
who took the presence, took the valuable jewels belonging to his master,
and showed them to his potential bride.
Rebekah was given a sight, a feel, a dress,
a dressing of the very expensive jewels that belonged to her master
before she met him, so weak.
By word of mouth, that servant passed on the jewels of truth
to that prospective bride, didn't he?
By word of the Scripture, which is word by mouth of holy men
moved by the Holy Ghost, we are shown the superlative treasures
of our master, of our Lord, of our Lord Jesus Christ,
before ever we've seen him.
We're on the way.
We're only too glad to leap from that camel, I think.
I've never heard that expression before.
I'm grateful to the brother who used it.
Alighted from the camel is one thing, leaping off its back is another,
and I prefer dear Jane Derby in that case.
Energy of affection towards the Lord Jesus Christ,
not just an acceptance of the good old brethren truths,
not just an automatic infiltration, shall we say,
of things I've absorbed over a lifetime,
not the sudden grasp of some new nice thoughts,
if I've never heard them before, now I'm a believer,
but I've met these thoughts through God's servants.
Not just that, but a real burning love for one whom I haven't seen,
but who has given every proof of his standing, quality, wealth, love,
everything and more than human mind can desire in a faithful lover.
It's not only that we're going to have these things,
we've got them now, and how?
Through the powerful working of the Holy Spirit in the assembly.
Oh, I know, the Holy Spirit can and does wonderfully pull out the jewels
and let them glisten in your study, on your city,
especially on your knees.
It may be a darkened room, the Holy Spirit has this wonderful personal service
to offer each one of us, personal service,
because he, believe it, indwells each one of us,
so that he can take of the things of Christ and show them unto us.
He not only can, but he does.
And then when we come together, he helps us to share as a wonderful body,
which is also his pride, that which belongs to Christ.
You know these things, don't you?
I'm only reminding you of what you've known and do know.
But it brings me to the point that the Holy Spirit
is not only the gracious power of God which created the assembly,
he is the power which operates the assembly.
He is not only in the midst of us to influence us,
how I dislike that word,
it has done a great deal of damage, I believe, in Christendom.
Some people think that the Holy Spirit is only a mighty influence,
but only an influence.
He's a person, a person who does influence,
but he does more than that.
He operates the assembly, if we let him,
in Ephesians, which speaks so eloquently of the privileges conferred upon us
and the responsibility which devolves upon us,
because the two things go together.
Conferred privilege always brings responsibility, doesn't it?
It does in our jobs in life, it does in our family connections,
it must be a great thing to have a nice family.
But by observation, I notice, it brings tremendous responsibilities as well.
And Ephesians, which speaks of these things so eloquently,
about being the body of Christ,
shows us that this wonderful head in heaven
has liberally provided this body of his with gifts.
It has been said that the gifts in Ephesians are men,
they are the Lord who had descended,
then ascended, having defeated all captivity that could possibly enslave us.
He then received gifts, but he gives gifts onto his body.
I would expect that to be so, being who he is.
The Lord in heaven is no theoretical head,
he is one who loves the members of his body,
and he has bestowed gifts upon us.
But the chapter we've read, I believe,
not to oversimplify, but a little to simplify because of the time,
the chapter we've read in Corinthians
shows the power by which those gifts operate on earth in the body.
It's noticeable just in passing that the gifts in Ephesians
have a specific and special look towards the welfare of the body.
The glorious head in heaven, like our heads,
try to direct the rest of our body into healthy activity.
Our glorious head in heaven is desirous that his body on earth
should be directed into healthy activity.
Whereas that list of gifts in Corinthians 12
is more like God, who is in heaven,
seeking a representative on earth to witness to his power,
his love, and the earth is his sphere, maybe.
But how does the Holy Spirit work in the assembly?
How does it work?
That is my task this evening as I conceive it.
Well, he indwells each true member of Christ's body
and operates for the glory of Christ
by directing the individuals who form the assembly.
There's no mystical notion, at least there may be the notion,
but there's no fact, I think, to support the idea
that in some airy-fairy sort of manner
the Holy Spirit is operative in the assembly
apart from its members.
Every member is indwelt
and as the Holy Spirit operates the members
in conjunction and unison with each other
so the whole body is helped internally
into healthy exercise and helped externally
to show the world what God has to show,
to spread the message of the glad tidings
which God has sent down through his beloved Son.
There are three things, there are many things we could speak about
in connection with the way in which
the Holy Spirit operates in the assembly.
But I've selected three here just for our consideration.
I believe that healthy operation of the Spirit,
the Holy Spirit, begins at home.
I nearly said it's like charity begins at home
but it's the reverse sort of thing.
I believe that the preparation for each one of us
brother and sister to a proper use of the Holy Spirit
of whatever he may have given me as an individual
I believe that it is important to understand
that that will not be fully operative
if operative at all unless I as an individual
look to the Lord for the guidance and direction
and strengthening I need.
Romans 12 I think helps us to some extent in this.
There it comes, we're exhorted by the Apostle Paul
to let us wait on our ministry
or occupy ourselves with our ministry.
Somebody's going to say that's all very well for some gifted brother
that's all very well, I can understand it when it comes to the evangelist
looking to the Lord for the message
I believe it's far wider than that
there isn't a single member of the body of Christ
that hasn't got a gift from the head
it may not be something that my brethren recognize as a gift
but it is something given by the Lord
that only I in my weakness and inconspicuous character
only I can do
and it's that what I am to my Lord
as one that he thought was worth going to Calvary's cross to say.
I pause there.
It's not the assessment of the church or the theologian, is it?
It's not the assessment of those who are learned in the scripture
but the Lord thought that every individual member of his body
was worth dying for, giving himself for
unto that person he has given
a very specific ability to do this or that
however seemingly small
but it certainly and most certainly does apply
to those who have gifts that can help in the ministry
in the ministry of the word
either inside or out
and the varying assortment of that kind of power
and to Timothy the apostle said, didn't he
neglect not the gift that is in thee
Timothy was a gifted man
yes but maybe Timothy didn't think very much about the idea
that he had an important gift which had to be looked after
so the apostle, his father in the faith
and how glad some of us are we had fathers in the faith
how good to have one who can say
neglect not the gift that is in thee
I looked at that scripture again
was it an exhortation to Timothy
to jump onto the nearest platform and talk
was it an exhortation to Timothy
to command the attention of all the brethren
in the next open ministry meeting
not a bit of it
he was to look after, to nurse, to cherish
to go to the Lord about this precious gift
which had been given
Lord, here I am with this
it's too big for me
help me to use it aright
because I based that on another word
meditate, says the apostle
meditate, you don't do that on a platform
you don't do that in a ministry meeting
when you're in the limelight
you do that in the quietness of your closet
and it was part of the apostle's instruction
to Timothy regarding the non-neglect
or the prosecution of his gift from the Lord
and continue in them
and then it comes at the end
that you may profit thereby
and them that hear thee
a warning all wrapped up in it
to Timothy, be careful young man
you have been selected
to Timothy he could say
you have been specially prepared
to Timothy he could say
you had a good start, a good mother
a good grandmother
and now you've been given a gift
a special gift
but be careful
because it's possible
that you won't get the benefit
and if you don't get the benefit
those that hear you will suffer
it'll be to the profit of those who hear you
yes indeed
oh well perhaps
the motor car provides
a rather homely illustration
maybe too homely
but you know that the motor car
won't work unless
it has fuel in the tank
and fuel is expensive to put in the tank
it's not an easy matter
taking in and storing up
that which will is the
is the raw material of any gift
the sister who has a gift
for making the person next to her
feel at home
and helped
who has a special gift
of warmth
to lead on the hesitant or difficult sister
the sort of thing that
Paul had in mind perhaps when he was
talking to Syntyche
and Euodius
as the man the poor old brother asked to read the scripture
and Syntyche
perhaps I shouldn't have said that
the apostle was a very down to earth
minister of the word
but one of them no doubt had a gift
both of them certainly had a gift
and he said
wait upon your gift
and do something about it
but you need to get into the lord's presence
and with your scripture, your bible
and for pity's sake I nearly said
put fuel in the tank
otherwise it will be obvious that they
that machine won't work
when you try
and the battery to be well charged
so that there's a good fat
live spark
when we want
the firing to be done
and then the contact points must be kept clean
we know this about this simple thing called a car
and having charged the fuel tank
and seeing to it that the battery is charged
and the contact points clean
all we need to do is turn the switch
I know
the car is now ready
for the one who should operate it
to do it at the right time
as he sees fit
so I go to the meeting
gone to the lord for the cleansing of the points
seeing to it that I've been in the place
where the real power comes from
and then I wait
till he who has the right
turns the switch
maybe he won't
he doesn't need me on that occasion
I don't do it because I'm ready
I do it when he turns the switch
that's how I believe
if you'll bear with me
how the holy spirit
operates the assembly
we wait on each other
don't we
the results
the results
are what matter aren't they
and there again many examples come to mind
but there's the prayer meeting
if this is
our preparation
if we are really
as members of Christ's body
highly gifted
highly privileged
baptized into one unit
and the body of Christ
all right we come to the prayer meeting
and we get up and we tell God
a lot of we give him a lot of information
which he knew already
and we're likely if we're in our home prayer meeting
to give a lot of information
that the brethren know already
been said so many times before
that's not prayer
I only mention it
I only dare to mention it
because it's done
the holy spirit
will take the prepared person
the prepared brother
and he'll help him to pray
if there are twenty brothers there who could pray
he might just conceivably
move that man to pray for ten minutes
but hardly likely
it's more likely to be six or five
if there are twenty persons there
because the holy spirit
believes in a musical instrument
with an infinite number of strings
the greatest number possible
one of the ways to make sure perhaps
that the strings are going to become fewer and fewer
is for a few
to so act
as though there were only two there anyhow
or only three or four
prayer of course is the heartfelt
and heartfelt desire for what we need
where do I gain that?
at home
I say to my lord I'm going to the prayer meeting
thank god I'm able to go to the prayer meeting
thank god for the privilege of going to the prayer meeting
she said I thought it was a duty to go to the prayer meeting
my dear brother
that's what empties prayer meetings
the sense that any meeting is a duty
the holy spirit is there
it's a great privilege
and he strikes the right chord
through striking individual notes
with something fresh
something that comes of fresh exercise
from each individual
every time
then at the worship meeting
worship in spirit and in truth
well yes
very plainly and simply
that is based
upon a personal
of christ
there is absolutely no possibility
of it being automatic
or learned by heart
or a recapitulation
of beautiful things I've read
it is a simple soul
with an appreciation of christ
feeling the touch
give out that hymn
get up and say
and there's the witness
as our third instance
the ministry of the word
now the recapitulation once again affects
real ministry of the word
is having a word of scripture
meets the need that is present
whether I know the need or not
oh I'm not belittling the teacher
we need the teachers
to take it all by rope
and teachers
but I'm speaking now
of the positive operation
of the holy spirit
in the assembly
having given some brother a word
pressing on his mind
after he's spent a long time
pressing his knees into the floorboards
maybe in anxiety
about felt need
he gets the word
so he rushes down to the meeting
and struggles to his feet
or springs to his feet or no
he prepares
in case the holy spirit
may whilst he's there
touch the ignition switch
and set the whole matter flowing
for the benefit of the saints
you know what I mean
if I'm saying it badly, don't you?
and the gospel too
somebody says
who is sufficient for these things
how can I or anyone minister
to the need that's there
whether I know it's there or not
only the holy spirit
but that's what we're talking about, isn't it?
the operation of the holy spirit
in the assembly
there's a power of the holy spirit
to preserve the assembly
there are other things he does
outside all these
but it's a power to preserve
and it brings me again
to Ephesians 4
the lord gave those gifts
the ascended lord
gave the gifts
and the reason is stated
it's for the perfecting of the saints
ah, people say we could do with a lot of that
for the perfecting of the saints
well, that's why the gifts have been given
for the edifying
of the body of Christ
he wants it nourished up
built up
the end
we had it this afternoon
till we all come
onto the measure
of the stature
of the fullness
of the Christ
and in Ephesians 4
it is by one spirit
one body
glorious thought
one spirit
simple and wonderful thought
working through the gifts
to one end
that we might be brought
to the glorious measure
of that glorious person
that's the ultimate object
but this is his function
and how he works
as revealed
in the scripture
but as a glorious last thought
in the last verses of the bible
never tell me
young man
young skeptic
that the bible is a raggy book
of old and dusty documents
that came to place
somehow by accident
that the book of Daniel
is highly suspect
that the book of this and that
and that Jonah's book
is far too far fetched
to be believed
never try to sell me that one
for one, of course, the Lord Jesus
caught that argument out in advance
by picking the most controversial point
the controversial book of Jonah
and saying
that is a sign
given hundreds of years in advance
of what's going to happen to me
three days
in the tomb
that's the answer to that one
but the scripture
as we look at the path
of the Holy Spirit through it
even in this cursory glance
finishes with this glorious thought
the spirit
and the bride
and I like to think of it
and the sisters will appreciate this
if the brothers don't, I think
that the Holy Spirit
takes the
exalted position
of giving away
the bride
to Christ
he joins her, as it were
in saying
at the slightest hint
when the Lord of Glory says
behold, I come quickly
the spirit
joins the bride
empowers the bride
in saying
Lord Jesus
it can't be
a moment too soon …