Good things in 1. Timothy
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1. Timothy
Automatic transcript:
I'm going to give it back to you quickly.
Then the First Episcopal Trinity.
First Episcopal Trinity.
Chapter 1.
First going to Chapter 1, verse 3.
Even as I begged thee to remain in Ephesus, when I was going to Macedonia,
that I might as enjoin some not to teach other doctrines,
or to turn their minds to fables and internal materialities,
which bring questioning, rather than further God's dispensation which is in faith.
At the end of what is enjoined is love out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and unfeigned faith.
And then a chapter, verse 19.
I'm sorry, verse 18.
This charge to my child Timothy I commit to thee, according to the prophecies as to thee foreseeing,
that thou mightest war-bide in the good warfare, maintaining faith in the good conscience,
which lasts, and having put away a made shipwreck as to faith.
And then, chapter 2.
Verse 1.
I exalt, therefore, that first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks,
be made for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority,
that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all Godless nations.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour,
who hath all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth.
For there is one medium between God and man, the man of Christ Jesus,
who gave himself for ransom for all.
We testify in the New Testament.
Verses 9.
It says, In my plan also that the women in the decent department should dress adorned themselves with modest indiscretion,
not with places of hair and goads, or curls, or costly clothing,
but with what becomes woman-making precious in the field of God, by good works.
And then, in chapter 5.
Verse 10.
We're going to get the connection again when we read verse 9.
Let a widow be put on the list, being of not less than sixty years, having been wife of one man,
bore witness to a good work, that she hath brought up children,
that she hath exercised hospitality, that she hath washed the saints' feet,
that she hath imparted relief to the distressed,
that she hath builded upon every good work.
And then chapter 6.
And verse 18.
Chapter 6 and verse 18.
He again enjoined them to do good,
to be rich in good works, to be liberal in discreeting,
to dispose to punitive assumptions.
Well, dearly beloved, I didn't intend to come here and give a talk today.
It's wonderful how the spirit of God works.
I fully thought there would be a Bible reading here today, you see.
But as our brother here wrote in the Marks of our faith, we
and certainly we're very thankful for it.
We were led to pray for her on Saturday afternoon at the London meeting.
We were led to pray for her there and give God thanks for
certainly the moral stance he gives when there's so much
immorality rampant in this world today, even by our own sister.
At least she still stands for what is right and we can thank God for that,
that he still has his restraining hand in this scene.
And it came to my mind as our brother gave his opening remarks
to this passage in chapter 2 of the festivity of our prayer's intercession
and giving of thanks be made for all men.
For all men, that wouldn't be anybody else.
It wouldn't be any specially singled out kings and all that authority.
So surely we would always do this.
We do pray.
In the prayer meetings perhaps we're being a little bit grateful for that.
I was first here in the meetings about 30 years ago now
and I first attended prayer meetings.
There was always at least one brother in the prayer meeting
praying for all those above and sometimes one or two.
And the aim was to see if we might lead quiet and peaceful lives
in all godliness and honesty.
And the reason that I'm expressing this verse
as well as its bearing on our God's opening remarks
is it brought to me that verse where it says
this is good and acceptable before our saviour God.
And this epistle of Timothy is full of good things.
I'm sure all you here by then who are much older than me
will for many years enjoy the good things in this epistle.
And all, of course, the good things right through to Genesis for revelation.
But it's rather remarkable, I just forget the number of times,
you see, it's not fresh in my mind, the number of times
that the word good comes in here.
Of course, there are two words in Greek for good.
There's one which means beautiful, of high shape,
from which we get our word.
Calligraphy means beautiful, white and good in that sense.
And there's another word which means good in our sense of moral goodness.
And here the apostle says this is good and acceptable
in the sight of our saviour God.
How wonderful it is.
So often he mentions against one of his themes in this epistle
the saviour God.
Good men, whose desire is all men should be saved.
Those that have anything less than that dear beloved
will be drawn to the gospel.
Some of us in my work, we do have a Bible study from time to time.
And recently they were getting on the subject of election.
And we have all stopped along there
to profess to be wanting help by the word of God.
And as long as you don't disrupt the meeting,
you're only too pleased to have them there.
And this dear friend of the Salvation Army says,
I can't see him, Gordon.
We've cut him in a way.
And I said, well, I've permanently been in predestination in the election.
But I'm still going to go down to Leatherney Market tomorrow
and preach the soul-saving gospel to whose ever will.
And so this is a wonderful thing that we can preach this wonderful message.
God, all men should be saved.
And come to the knowledge of the truth.
It's not just a matter of bringing them in just for a gospel vessel.
That's wonderful.
But once they're there, they need instruction and teaching.
And we can be thankful to God, we younger brethren,
for those who have gone before and laid the foundation
and carried on these blessed truths.
As the Apostles would say in the second epistle,
That which thou hast heard of me, the same commitment,
thou art a faithful man who shall be able to teach others also.
And we can thank God for coming down with the mighty teachings
that I've been faithful man to whom the word of God has been evident
and have passed on these messages.
And as we are still doing today,
and this is what God desired of men,
should come to the knowledge of the truth.
Now we might just turn back to chapter one,
where thus far we have a good conscience.
This is the first of these goods that I wanted to speak about,
a good conscience.
You see, Timothy, who was Paul's son in the faith,
he was asked to remain in Ephesus.
As we've seen from the wonderful letter that the Apostle Paul wrote
to the Ephesian saints,
that they were in a very good condition of soul
and understanding God's word.
They didn't seem to have any error in them at all.
And there was indeed correction of God's error.
And the glory of the Lord and the truth of the body
could be brought out in a wonderful way
as nowhere else in scripture.
And a wonderful condition at the same way where Ed was in.
Paul was in there, in Acts 20, remember,
the whole counsel of God.
And, well, I think he was really concerned about the fact
that he had no man-like mind.
Timothy was a man of his own mind.
The mind of Christ he was, of course,
it wasn't his mind, it was the mind of Christ.
He had a grasp of the truth.
It was everything to him.
And here he said, you're the only one, Timothy,
that I can entrust to the master of caring
and looking after these dear saints in Ephesus.
And it seems now that other doctrines were coming on,
coming in, telling their minds to fail
with interminable genealogies.
And so we've seen it today in this day and dispensation
that there have been those that have broken away from us,
they've been covered to the truth,
and then they've gone off and they've got their mind
occupied with interminable genealogies
and hair split over this and that and the next thing.
And we have seen the terrible radicalism that we've got
in how we've misnamed the Lord Jesus
and even we've got him distributed in the public press
to those who have been obsessed with the letter of the Lord
rather than with the living reality of a blessed man
in the glory who is now the one that can engage
and fill and satisfy their heart
and is more than adequate for the sake of God's pathway here.
And so these ones they've come aside
and they don't turn God's dispensation
which is in faith, God's blessed dispensation
which is in faith.
And that's where we are here in the beloved country.
We are in the pathway of faith.
And we are walking here without God's dispensation in view.
God is going to head up all the things in Christ,
even in faith, that blessed man.
God is administering that
and a steward to that blessed and wonderful administration.
And it's in faith.
We don't come into it intellectually
in any way like that.
No, we come into it in faith.
And we hold it in faith.
And here everybody let us have a walk
in this pathway of faith.
Holding these things vital and true
in these last few closing days
of the Ascended's history here and now.
And it says,
May all who join with mine
and a pure heart for all we need.
How much this is needed, isn't it?
So often this is where the breakdowns come in
because there's nothing above the edge.
Yes, there are rights and wrongs in every case
but we've got the blessed love to deal with it.
John the Epistle.
Nearby knowing that we love the brethren
but we bear that life down to the brethren.
That's a real test.
A real test of how prepared are we to show our love
and manifest it.
Love out of a pure heart.
Not just loving, you know, because
you want something in return.
Not inviting somebody to your house
so they'll invite you back again
or anything like that.
No ulterior motive in you.
Love out of a pure heart.
The blessing of God is pure.
Blessed are the pure in heart
for they shall see God.
That's an experimental thing.
Do you know anything of that experimental?
Do you really love it?
I challenge the prior heart
as well as yours in that.
Blessed are the pure in heart
for they shall see God.
Do you know the reality?
Seeing the blessed one who is intrinsically pure.
Love out of a pure heart.
And a good conscience.
We are here. It's wonderful.
A good conscience.
As we travel down today
we happen to remark
on a dear brother who seems to have no conscience
about exceeding the speed limit
and breaking the law.
And he says don't look.
There's nobody around.
It's a quiet road.
There's no police around.
That isn't the way, you know.
We don't just keep law because there's no police around.
We should be proper citizens here
in this scene and have a good conscience
for those who are without
so they can't legitimately point the finger
as regards these matters.
They will never, of course, leave us alone
because they don't like our testimony
but at least they don't have anything
legitimately against us.
A good conscience.
An unfeigning faith.
No dubiety in the country.
No dissimilarity.
No two-facedness in this faith.
A complete and implicit faith
in the law of Jesus Christ.
So it's a good conscience.
And again we have in verse 19
the same good again
and again a good conscience
which is needed
to war,
to good warfare.
Holding faith.
Maintaining faith.
This is a day in me when we really need
to maintain faith, don't we?
The attacks on the faith
are becoming
multiparous and diverse
in various ways
and they are attacking through their
signs, as Paul said in the last chapter
falsely so called
and the dear
rather loses his job as a school teacher
because he teaches at this place
as well as follows through
from the very beginning and he loses his job
as a school teacher.
How sad it is for the reversal of values
when a man like him
William Baston who
in 1872 Education Act
introduced the teaching of Scripture in the schools
and he was speaking about the imperishable
work of Holy Scripture
whom they
wrote to Baston
and when he gave advice to the man who was
going to succeed him as Prime Minister
he didn't give him advice about how to manage
the House of Parliament and how to get on with
the Board of Leaders and things like that
he always said take care of your soul
the Lord goes with it, the grandfather of
this man whose house many more is being
sold. That Lord goes with it
and he puts up these treasures there
that was Baston's advice to him
Rosemary, take care of your soul
to Blads numbers
to have interest beyond
his feet and his heart
and so
maintain faith, how wonderful it is
to hold faith
and in this day and dispensation
have a good conscience
and you see he mentions
some having put away
doesn't quite
it's not quite clear
whether they put away the faith
or the good conscience, it may be both
but it's a sad thing to put away a good conscience
because you see they've lost
they've made shipwreck
that's for faith, you know how sad it is
so we desire to make a point
of those that are going on with the Lord here
and then
in verse 9 we see the word
well of course in verse 8 there's a word
for the man, the man
in faith in every place
lifting up
pious hands, godly hands
and then the word
to the sisters
in the way of the department
and it says, spoken to me
in verse 10, but forth becomes
women making profession of the field of God
making profession
of the field of God
good works
that's a real desire
of the sisters and others
to have good works
making a profession
of the field of God
do we say that we are believers
in the Lord Jesus, do we
confess the Lord Jesus Christ
do we profess to be righteous
and fall in before God
and this will be our test, this is what we market
as far as we're making such
a profession today, good works
you know
some people often ask
what is your profession and things like that
you know and men make profession
of being engineers or doctors
or scientists or various things
like that
and those who are
setting out
on life's journey
you know I say that to my own children
when they talk about their future careers
and professions and things like that
well I say the first and foremost thing is
to have a profession of good works
and if you don't leave it
with them and pray that God
will use it in them
they will always desire to have
good works as their profession
maybe a blessing thing
some earthly vocation or calling
but the first thing is
to have a profession of good works
and then
moving on
just to not take up too much time
and leave plenty of room for another
two prophets
to speak
and trusting of course
and speaking ethically
and leave the others to judge
in verse 10
we have a word about the widows
they have to be law witness to
in good works which is the other word for good
the moral good and then
come down to the end about
if she had imparted relief from the distress
if she had willed it and followed
every good work
what a blessing testimony
in this matter a practical matter
for us in this day and age
as we have a care
of those who are wounded among us
to look in their needs
and help them in that way
and we can
garland dear sisters who are
so marked by this
there are no earthly stay one might say
from the husband
but we know that the Lord
is the husband of the widow
and the father of the fatherless
and we can be thankful to these dear sisters
who despite the limited means
they are diligent in following
every good work and we can seek
to encourage them and to help
them in the things of God practically
and that they might be an encouragement to us
washing the, exercising hospitality
washing the saints feet
the Lord's must of this
being a trust and focus
and a practical way of caring for the saints
we can also be thankful
I know I am as a young
boy in my teens I was very
thankful for the dear sisters
who washed my feet as I was an
unruly believer
and I didn't just want to take
anything because the brethren said so
but the dear sisters, the dear old sisters
who could go on their side and wash
my feet in a practical way for the
word of God and give me a scripture
and teach me a few things from the scripture
so I am very thankful to God and the dear sisters
many of them now work for the Lord
who gave me
certain things from the truth of God
to encourage me in these things
and to be encouraging for all the dear sisters
they might be washing the
feet of the saints
by passing on the word
a little verse here or there
and some practical instruction along the way
there was a dear sister
Miss Heinemann and I heard about
in a meeting I haven't stopped
in the days of brotherhood
in Brazil
and that dear sister, I believe all the young sisters
in the meeting used to come at all
and ask for advice and of course there were a lot of young sisters
who were from Christian homes
and they needed some godly
older experienced sister to give them
advice in the matter
of Christian living
and finally
we come now to the last one of these
good things
and actually
you read
in verse 18 of chapter
16 was
to do
to do
it's not led, it's not qualified
what we do, it just says to do good
well that's a very
all embracing thing
and I would just
seek to encourage our hearts
if we might do good works, good things
and the good of course that we can do
the very best good that we can do
is to tell someone about the Lord
Jesus Christ
to tell our neighbours, those across the plains
they might do us a good
job and help us in some way
and the very best thing that we can do
is to tell them of the heaven
to me and the saviour
who died for the cause of us
that's the very best good we can do
we may not get much time sometime
you know, but don't let us weary
in our work, for in due season
we shall reap that we faith not
and so the apostle joins in those
which in his presence he has
aged, not to be
in my mind, but to trust on them
as if they were riches
God who affords us all things
brings the power of God
you know and so
a dear brother was telling me
in the last century
you see there was
some sister
some family had their shares
in a gas company
and another
family had shares
in a new electricity company
a couple of hundred years ago
I don't know what they were doing with shares
in any company
but anyway
that's as it was
they had shares
and of course
the gas was declining
and the economy was rising
and those who had
their shares in gas
were very depressed
and those who had their shares in electricity
were exulting
their joy was limited
affected by these material
oh you might say
perhaps we might stand up and say
let us examine our hearts
and see how much of our joy
is really in the Lord
and in that which is going through you
a dear old brother used to challenge our hearts
and say what have you got that death can't touch
have you got some
in the bank of heaven
have you got reserves there
and is your joy linked up with that blessed man
in the God
who apposes all things
richly for our enjoyment
and he enjoined them to do good
do rich and good works
remember this reading
lay not for themselves a good foundation
for the future
but they may lay hold of what is really life
they may lay hold of eternal life
yes there has been much
discussion about eternal life
here's an exhortation to lay hold of it
and make it your own and enjoy it
even now until at the blessed day
when we wake and light that blessed man
the Lord Jesus Christ
the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
the one who is coming again
the man of the day
for that we might indeed enjoy now
David could say in thy presence
this fullness of joy at thy right hand
that our confessors forevermore
may have the power to talk of thee all these things
and we might talk of that blessed man
amen …