An ocean of love
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An ocean of love
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Turn to the Song of Solomon, there we get that, Song of Love.
Just one verse there, and I want to just read a few verses, one or two other places.
Most of the New Testament, we want to engage these things here this evening.
It's been laid upon my heart, and I'm sure we can get much blessing from the meditation on these things.
It's the 8th chapter, well-known verse, the 8th chapter of Song of Songs, and verse 7.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.
If a man would give all the substance of his heart for love, it would utterly be content.
Turn to the fifth of Romans, Romans chapter 5.
5th chapter of the 5th of Romans, verse 5.
And hope make us not ashamed, because the love of God is shed and poured abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Verse 8.
But God commendeth his love toward us, and while we are yet sinners, Christ dies for us.
Ephesians chapter 3.
Again, well-known passages we're going to read tonight.
Ephesians chapter 3, verse 17.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height,
and to know the love of Christ is part of knowledge, and that ye may be filled with all the fullness of God.
1 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, the well-known love chapter.
Verse 1.
Love suffers long and is kind.
Love envieth not.
Love vaulteth not itself.
It is not puffed up.
Doth not behave itself unseemly.
Seeketh not her own.
It is not easy to provoke.
Thinketh no evil.
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth.
Beareth all things.
Believeth all things.
Hoth with all things.
Charity never fails.
Verse 13.
That's verse 12.
Now I receive through a glass, darkly, obscurely.
But then, face to face, now I know in part.
Then shall I know even as I am known.
I think that will do for now.
Many other facts, of course, we're going to speak about here tonight.
But it has been impressed upon me, the wonders.
That such creatures as us, on this little tiny planet,
can understand something of the love, the heart of the blessed God.
And enter into the wonders of it.
That which was eternal before time began.
Eternal past.
God was there in all his wonderful love.
God longed for those whom he could bestow that love upon.
We think of the value of beginning as we trace down the scriptures.
Trace something of the wonder of this love.
It's divine love.
It's God's love.
We think of the greatness of what God is.
Think of his mighty power, his majesty.
The hymn we sung.
No act of power could e'er atone.
No wonder-working word.
Of course, we know that God has done many wonder-working words.
Brought wars into being by the word of his power.
Spaking it was done.
None of those could make known the love of God.
But God has found a way whereby his love can be made manifest.
And we see as we go along, how God has come in.
I want us to go to the very beginning.
In the beginning, when God made this world.
You know, we read those words.
The spirit of God brooded or moved upon the face of the waters.
God said, let there be light.
Light streamed upon into this world.
Then God said, let us make man.
Let us make man our own image.
There we see the creature that God wanted to make.
Why are we here together this evening?
Because he said, let us make man our own image.
God desired us to make man.
It was a divine thought.
It was a thought of divine purpose.
And here we are, men and women here in the scene.
And it's all because the thoughts of God.
Because he wants to express his love to us.
He wants a creature that can appreciate that love.
He made Adam.
And put him in that garden.
Garden of delights.
That he might pour his goodness upon him.
And then remember, he gave a hell meat for him.
A picture of course, of Christ of the church.
Who had come down to earth.
But then you know, the enemy came in, didn't he?
No doubt, God understood.
He knew, known all God's work from the beginning of creation.
He knows what he's doing.
He has all his wise purpose.
You know, God is not only a God of righteousness, as he is.
He's not a God of mighty power.
He's a God of wonderful love.
And we find that sin came in to mar this fair creation.
And then we hear those words in the garden.
In the cool of the day, Adam.
We're out there.
We're out there.
Oh, what words.
Knowing what happened.
He knew Adam was.
He knew what happened.
He knew that sin had come in and marred the fair creation.
That which was very good.
But he knew.
And he had his answer to it.
He knew everything, what he was going to do about it.
But we hear those words.
Adam, we're out there.
And we find indeed that he had to deal with man because of this evil.
Being a righteous God.
And a holy God.
Had to deal with the situation.
And then we find.
Come down.
As we know that Cain went his own way.
And he says.
The words of Cain.
What hast thou done?
The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
There was hatred.
Come in.
Because of sin.
And then we move on.
We find.
There the whole world corrupts.
Doesn't it?
We find.
Many years rolled by.
Hundreds of years rolled on.
And there man lived.
Here in this life.
And we find that.
In the sixth chapter of Genesis.
There we find.
Earth is corrupt.
Filled with violence.
And there we hear.
The expression of God's love.
And there we hear those words.
It repented me.
I have made man.
It grieved me.
In my heart.
Well God could have destroyed man.
Couldn't he?
From the earth.
What does it mean God repented?
We read in the scriptures.
That God is not a man.
That he should repent.
Of course.
God knew what he was doing.
He knew all about it.
But he repented because of the.
Because of the misery.
The violence.
Every thought of man's heart was evil continually.
God wanted to show his love towards man.
He wanted to show the precious things.
Here they were.
Turned aside.
And it repented.
The law that he had made man.
In that way.
Grieved not his heart.
Let the heart of the blessed God.
Was grieved.
Of the way that man had corrupted himself.
Led on by Satan.
Gone away from God.
And he said.
I will destroy man.
I had made.
Could have destroyed man.
Couldn't he?
You know.
Was caught up.
To heaven.
They should not see that.
Because he walked with God.
Nor could have been caught up to heaven.
The whole scene could have been destroyed.
God knew what he was doing.
God still in the purpose.
Love never fails.
And God knew what he was doing.
He knew the purpose that he was going to bring in.
And there we find.
We find.
The eighth chapter of Genesis.
As Noah come down from the ark.
There he.
He takes of those.
Clean beasts.
The seven wasn't there.
All the clean beasts.
And there he put them upon an altar.
We are not told.
But God told him to do that.
But he did.
He put this upon an altar.
A burnt offering.
God smelt a sweet savour.
What was that sweet savour?
He smelt.
Do you not know?
What it spoke of?
The same as Abel.
Abel's offering spoke of as well.
Spoke of the one who should come here.
His own well beloved son.
He should come here.
To reveal the heart of God.
In all it's wonderful love.
And there.
He said.
In his heart.
Never in his heart again.
I will not destroy man.
Which I have made by the flood.
Never again will I destroy every creature.
As I have done.
While the earth remains summer winter.
Cold and heat.
Day and night shall not cease.
And there we find.
As the years roll by.
There we find.
We come down then to Abraham don't we?
And there he picks up Abraham.
Of course.
I want to speak not so much about Abraham.
I want to speak about what God said to Abraham.
God said.
Here I am.
Take now thy son.
Thy only son.
Whom thou lovest.
Offer him upon one of the mountains.
Which I will tell thee of.
We know very well.
Abraham said.
He didn't argue with God did he?
He didn't question God.
He proved God before.
He knew that God was able to raise him from the dead.
And of course he went about straight away.
Early in the morning.
Away he went on that journey.
To Mount Moriah.
And there.
We know the story don't we?
Up the hill.
They were going.
Isaac said.
Hold the fire and the wood.
Where is the lamb?
Hear those words of Abraham.
Whether he understood the significance of them.
We don't know.
But we know don't we?
My son.
God will provide himself a lamb.
For a burnt offering.
Burnt offering.
What is a burnt offering?
When all the sweetness and perfection.
Of the offering.
Arise to God.
God will provide himself.
Think of it.
The wonder of it.
Seemed to.
Or the spirit of God directed him.
God will provide himself a lamb.
For a burnt offering.
We know very well that.
Isaac was put upon the altar.
And the knife was about to be raised.
Then we saw a ram in the thicket.
By his horns.
Caught by his horns.
The strength of the ram.
Held by his horns.
Speak no doubt.
My blessed precious saviour.
Held by his wonderful love.
There we find him.
Instead of Isaac.
The ram.
The ram of consecration.
The Lord.
To do the will of God.
Lord come.
To do thy will.
All thy God.
And we see.
Upon the altar.
Instead of his son.
And indeed we hear don't we.
The voice.
From Abraham.
To Abraham.
How God appreciated.
How his God blessed thee.
Greatly blessing he did.
Then we come to.
As we come down.
We find another little wonderful passage of scripture.
We find that.
There's the law laid down for the master and the servant.
And there you know that the question is.
You can serve for so long.
And then you have to go out free.
Then we hear the words.
If the servant shall plainly say.
I love my master.
My wife.
And my children.
I will not go out free.
Then of course the master will take him to the door post.
And bore his heir with all.
To serve him forever.
Oh what a wonderful picture.
How can we understand it.
Again we only understand it if we know.
That our blessed precious savior.
The servant.
Came here to do.
Do the will of him that sent him.
I love my master.
He loved his God.
As a blessed man here.
He loved his wife.
He loved the assembly.
He loved us my dear brother and friend.
He loved us with everlasting love.
He loved us so much.
Love my master my wife and my children.
That's referred to Israel.
I will not go out free.
He served him forever.
Served him forever.
Forever and forever.
Always serve us.
How wonderful it is.
How marvelous.
The air passed through.
Pierced through it all.
When we come to the 40th of Psalm.
We read.
Those blessed words.
Lord come.
In the volume of the book that is written.
Do the will.
Oh my God.
My ear has now opened or pierced.
Hear the blessed precious savior.
Come and do the will of him that sent me.
Sacrifice the offering that I would have not.
All the offerings sacrificed.
With no value in themselves.
All spoke to our blessed Lord Jesus.
And Lord come.
To do thy will.
What that will meant to.
We know don't we.
Then we come to Isaiah 50 again.
Open my ear.
To hear of the learned.
And there he gave his back to the smiter.
His cheek for those that plucked off the hair.
Hidden up his face from shame and spitting.
Think of the wonder of it.
Blessed precious savior.
Creator himself.
Coming into manhood.
Giving his life a ransom.
Paying the offer price that we deserve.
To reveal the heart of God the father.
How else could God.
Love be made manifest.
How else could we understand these things.
The greatness of that love.
So tremendous.
So vast.
We think of it as a mighty ocean.
We just dip our bucket in.
But I think of it perhaps more.
Not as a greatness in that way.
But as a quality.
The quality of that love.
Love so immense.
So intense.
Sent the Lord of glory.
The highest signs of glory.
Down here to be a man amongst men.
Here to suffer, bleed and die.
All we think of these wonderful things.
Indeed this is love.
Love that passes knowledge.
Passes understanding.
We cannot grasp what is beyond us.
The love of Christ we read didn't we.
We read of the height, length, depth and breadth.
I think it refers generally we think it's thought to refer to.
The mystery.
The greatness of the thoughts of God.
Christ in the assembly.
Then on top of that.
The love of Christ.
Which passes knowledge.
We can't understand it.
It's beyond us.
It passes knowledge.
The love of the Christ.
Then we think of the gift unspeakable.
God's gift.
We cannot speak about it.
It's so great.
It's so wonderful.
It's beyond us again.
The height and depth of it.
The wonder of it.
No tongue can tell.
The wonder of the love of God.
The gift.
Gift of his own well beloved son.
There we get don't we.
In that 9th chapter of 2nd Corinthians.
When it speaks of gifts.
It says you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Though he was rich if our sins became poor.
That ye through his poverty might be rich.
As us beloved brethren had in mind.
We might be rich.
He became poor.
We might be rich.
In that wonderful chapter it says.
Thanks be to God.
His unspeakable gift.
Unspeakable gift.
The gift of his well beloved son.
We know very well that not only did he give his son.
His son for us.
But he gave the Holy Spirit.
We sing of him sometimes don't we.
What more they to impart.
Thy spirit from above.
They're worth to fill our hearts.
With boundless peace and love.
It was love.
Led him thus.
To give.
His well beloved.
For us.
And to move.
And to impart the spirit.
To us.
When we think of these wonderful things.
Then we think indeed of our blessed Lord Jesus.
Upon that cross.
You know it's a wonder isn't it.
The Lord of life and glory.
Allowing man to take him.
They spoke of the.
How they gave his back to the smiter.
His cheeks to those that pull off the hair.
Hid not his face from shame and spitting.
Think of how they spat in his blessed face.
The shame they gave him.
We read in Hebrews don't we.
He despised the shame.
He treated it as of no value.
He endured the cross.
The shame he despised.
But it was a shame.
The blessed Lord Jesus.
He bore it all.
He suffered it but he bore it.
But I want to speak of words.
Two words.
Perhaps a few more.
Father forgive them.
They know not what they do.
Oh you know it's very much struck me lately.
The words of blessed Lord Jesus.
Upon that cross.
Hang in there.
We think not only did they crucify him.
You know they mocked him didn't they.
They despised him.
They treated him in an awful way.
They plaited the crown of thorns upon his blessed head.
That would speak to the curse.
He bore the curse.
And the wrath.
And the judgment.
They put that which represented the curse upon his blessed head.
The one who should have the crown and would have the crown.
Crowned him with the crown of thorns.
And then they nailed him to that accursed tree.
And then we hear those blessed words.
Father forgive them.
Forgive them.
They know not what they do.
As it were.
Make it not murder.
They don't realise what they're doing.
They don't understand what they're doing.
We know very well in the day of Pentecost.
What happened didn't it?
Peter said you've killed us all in the just.
You've granted a murder in his stead.
You've killed the people.
You've killed all the people.
You've killed himself.
You've killed all the people.
You've killed all the people.
You've killed your brother.
You've granted a murder in his stead.
You've killed the prince of life.
And they said what shall we do?
Repent and be baptized.
The sea of refuse to come to.
Because the Lord had said it's a manslaughter.
It's not murder.
Father forgive them.
They know not what they do.
How could they know what they do?
Can we understand what they're doing?
Could you understand a tiny creature put in the creator
who'd come into manhood in wonderful grace
to make known the heart of the blessed God.
Take that wonderful person who'd done the wonderful miracles
in every hand.
Live that perfect life.
The most wonderful life that's ever been lived
through those wonderful miracles,
acts of kindness and compassion
wherever he went.
Put that wonderful person upon a cross between two thieves.
Could anyone understand what they were doing?
You know they said this is the heir.
Come let us kill him.
Caesar for the inheritance.
They wanted it for themselves.
They were robbing it.
It was God's.
It's God's people.
They wanted it for themselves.
Here is the heir.
Come let us kill him.
But the blessed Lord said they don't know what they do.
We think of another, another one, another case.
We spoke of Adam Ware out there.
I want to speak of another case.
There's a man you know.
The blessed Lord has been upon a cross.
He's put in a tomb.
He's risen.
He's gone to heaven.
Many witnesses have seen him.
They're preaching.
He's risen.
They tell him the wonderful works of God
that the Lord Jesus who they put in the grave,
they put on a cross and in a tomb.
He's risen.
He's in heaven.
Therefore the gospel is preached.
A miracle has been done.
Many have been brought into blessing.
There's a man there.
He's a Pharisee of the Pharisees.
He's the son of Benjamin.
Here he is.
Raving like a wolf.
He's mad against his people.
He's seeking to put them in prison.
He's giving his word against them.
He's exceedingly mad against them.
There he is.
He's making havoc in the church.
Here he is on the way to Damascus.
There was a work spoken in.
Not Adam we're out there.
Why do you persecute me?
Oh what loving tombs.
You could have struck him down.
That light could have struck him down.
That light which blinded him could have struck him down altogether.
Could have done it long before that if he wished to.
But no.
Because of God's wonderful love.
Seen in our blessed Lord Jesus.
A just one.
I know because you've seen it.
You've seen the just one.
Heard words of his lips.
The words of his blessed lips.
Why do you persecute me?
What a change that made didn't it?
What a great change that made.
That man's heart was touched.
Our hearts have been touched too haven't they?
That wonderful love has laid its hold upon us.
Love in all its greatness.
He could say a little bit further on.
But God it was rich in his mercy.
With his great love over his loved us.
There we see that great love seen in our blessed Lord Jesus.
Love which paid the price.
Love which made a way of blessing.
Not only made a way of blessing.
But such a way as we understand that love.
When we come to the Lord saying Romans what we read.
The Lord laid this upon my heart to speak about it.
On our Bible reading we had this very verse.
I didn't intend to speak upon it actually.
But it came home to me so forcibly.
I felt that it was perhaps.
That was what we should have before us.
This night as well.
These wonderful words to me.
It's so tremendous.
I only read verse 5.
I'd like to speak upon.
One or two other verses as well.
We might perhaps start from verse 1.
Speaking of course of the verse before.
Liver for our offences.
Raised for our justification.
Being justified by faith.
Peace with God.
To our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh wonderful.
We're brought into peace.
We weren't once enemies.
Brought into peace.
Not only so.
We are accessed by faith.
Into this grace.
Grace we're in his favour.
This grace.
This wonderful grace in which we stand.
That grace will be displayed.
In the love of our blessed Lord Jesus.
What is grace?
Well it's love isn't it?
It's love coming down.
Stomping down.
To meet the object of his love.
Accessed by faith.
Into this very grace in which we stand.
And rejoice.
In hope of the glory of God.
Oh how wonderful.
Rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
The glory of God.
Perhaps we'll see more about the glory of God.
As we go down.
Not only so but we rejoice.
It's the same word.
It's a glory.
Same word in the Greek.
Glory in tribulations also.
You say glory in tribulations?
How can we do that?
Tell us how we can do it.
We know that tribulation.
What is patience or endurance?
And then endurance was experience or proof of things.
The same as Abraham.
He had experience of God.
He trusted God.
When God said take his son he took his son.
He had experience with God.
He realized what God was.
God was able to raise him from the dead.
So he had no fear.
His faith was strong.
He had no fear.
He knew that God could deal with the matter.
God was able.
The same as those we get here, don't we?
Those in the far and far.
God is able.
He knew that God was able.
We learn that God is able.
What's hope?
Hope looks on, doesn't it?
Looks on to the future.
What does it look on to?
Hope doesn't make us ashamed.
You know we can say I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
There's a power of God and salvation.
Hope makes us not ashamed.
Because the love of God.
The love of God is shed abroad or poured out into our hearts.
I hope you understand it.
The thought of a vast ocean of love.
And this love poured out into our hearts.
So wonderful.
Think of that.
Poured out into our hearts.
That's why the hope is.
The love of God.
That's why the hope doesn't make us ashamed.
Because the love of God is poured into our hearts.
By the Holy Ghost which has given us.
The Holy Ghost has given us.
We look forward to the day.
And see that blessed one.
Who was mine more than any man.
See his blessed face.
Who loved us so much.
We're going to see him with love.
In all its blessedness.
It's going to be known and enjoyed by us.
As we read in Corinthians.
We should know as we're known.
Should know then all the blessedness.
Of the love that made us thine.
The love that has brought us here together.
The love that has worked in this heart of ours.
Caused us to.
Repent of our.
Evil sins and trust the Saviour.
Who died for us.
That love which has been expressed in Calvary.
That mighty love.
Was made known.
God's love in all its blessedness.
There we're going to see it.
We're going to be there.
We're going to be the Father's house.
Home of love.
And joy and song.
We're going to be there.
We're going to be there.
And this is.
What I believe.
That's why tribulations.
Are a blessed thing to us.
Because they give us experience.
Give us patience and endurance.
They give us experience to trust God in them all.
And realize his faithfulness.
And know that one is faithful.
Faithful to us down here.
Now tribulation.
Is the one that we're going to be with forever.
There to enjoy.
That love which has.
Poured into our hearts.
Think of how wonderful it is.
Think of.
Time commits.
I'd like to just mention about.
There's one other thing I'd like to.
Just turn to.
Could turn to Corinthians.
But I think.
I'd like just first of all.
To turn to.
It is in Corinthians actually.
Chapter four.
Not chapter thirteen.
Second Corinthians chapter four.
You know it's true.
Think we read about God.
God is love.
Twice in John's gospel.
John's epistle.
Chapter four.
We read God is love.
He is love.
That's what he is.
We also read.
God is light.
And I want to speak about.
This verse.
In the fourth chapter.
Of second Corinthians.
This verse.
Of second Corinthians.
Verse six.
For God.
Who commanded.
The light to shine out of darkness.
In the very beginning.
And God said let there be light.
And there was light.
As shine into our hearts.
Only have the love of God been.
Poured out into our hearts.
But the.
But the light.
The same light.
God has shine.
God has shined.
God himself.
God who is light.
Shine to our hearts.
So with.
The love is poured out into our hearts.
The love of God.
And the light is.
Shine into our hearts.
To give the light.
Of the knowledge.
Of the glory of God.
The face.
Of Jesus Christ.
Hope we understand it.
What does it mean the face of Jesus Christ.
Well I mean all the precious love.
That loving countenance.
Which speaks of what he is.
All the precious.
Precious saviour.
And all his wonderful love.
Shines out.
In that blessed face.
There we see what God is.
In the face of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The light.
The light of what?
The light of his love.
What shines in that blessed face.
Is love.
Love which has been.
Because God is light.
And his love.
What we are.
Tells us everything.
Also tells us.
What God's love is.
The face of Jesus Christ.
This treasure.
That's this treasure.
Which have it out from vessels.
We have it in here.
That it's been shone into our hearts.
Hearts take in.
Takes in.
Takes in.
Just a verse in a hymn.
We've got a hymn book.
Actually it's a gospel hymn.
All the glory.
The grace.
Shining in the saviour's face.
Telling sinners from above.
God is light.
And God is love.
Two things go together you know.
You can't have love without light.
You have darkness.
You can't have.
You can't have love.
It's in the.
It's truth.
Merging truth together.
It's when.
Love is satisfied.
When the claims of God have been met.
And all this love can come out.
All shining in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is love.
Light and God is love.
Oh how wonderful these things are.
We have this treasure.
Out from vessels.
Oh what a treasure we have.
In earth and vessels.
The love of God poured in our hearts.
The light shining in our hearts.
To shine out to others.
Shine out to those we come in contact with.
Oh the preciousness of the love of God.
All that is.
How he's dealt with the darkness.
How he's dealt with the darkness in our hearts.
His hearts which were dark with sin.
Been cleansed and made fit.
The light has shone in there.
Revealed what we are.
Made us white and pure.
So we can now enjoy the love.
Love and light go together.
In John's epistle we get first of all.
This is the message.
Remember that wonderful epistle of John.
Chapter one.
First four verses.
It speaks about life.
It speaks about the word of life.
Eternal life which is with the Father.
Manifest unto us.
Then he says in verse five.
This is the message that we have.
God is light.
Him is no darkness at all.
No darkness at all.
He is light.
Then we go on to chapter four.
God is love.
Oh how wonderful it is.
These wonderful things.
Could just perhaps turn it for a few moments perhaps.
John's epistle.
Chapter four.
First epistle of John.
Chapter four.
What wonderful words we get there.
So much we can say about them.
But the words speak themselves.
How much more wonderful than anything we can say about them.
It says verse seven.
Let us love one another.
Oh you know.
If this love is shown in our hearts.
How we should love one another.
And there we get here.
We are beloved.
We are in love with everlasting love.
Drawn by loving kindness.
And then it says.
Love one another.
For love is of God.
It has come from God.
It has come from nowhere else.
It has come from God.
There is no love apart from God.
It has all come from God.
God is love.
He that loveth knoweth not God.
For God is love.
Everyone that is loved is born of God.
And knoweth God.
Love goes together.
With the knowledge of God.
This is love we know isn't it.
Love of course is the center of Christianity.
It must be.
Everything depends upon it.
God's love.
God is love.
That's why he is himself.
How wonderful that is.
We are brought to know this love.
As still as ever were to know the depths of love divine.
We can know it.
We know it's only a field down here.
We can know it.
It's been displayed to us.
In our blessed Lord Jesus.
He that loveth not knoweth not God.
For God is love.
This was manifest.
The love of God towards us.
God says.
Oh never gotten son.
Oh never gotten son.
Into the world.
Son who is dear to him.
So dear to him.
Into the world that we might live.
Live for him.
Have life.
He wants us to live in the enjoyment of these things you know.
Light and love goes together.
I believe some of you are going through John's.
John's gospel.
High Street I believe.
We find in John's gospel don't we.
The first seven chapters.
Is life.
The next five I believe it is.
Is light.
And then the last chapter is love.
Love showed out in all its fullness.
In the blessed Lord Jesus.
Given himself.
To bring us to him.
We might live.
He wants to live in this life.
In the enjoyment of it.
Even now.
We shall for all eternity.
And then we come down to verse 16.
We have known and believed the love that God has towards us.
Because God is love.
He that dwelleth in love.
Dwelleth in God.
And God in him.
So on.
There's much more we could say about it.
So many wonderful things in this wonderful verse.
I would just like to turn to Corinthians.
Chapter 13 again.
And I must close.
It's a word to us as it comes to us.
Though I speak with the tongues of men.
They have not love.
Every day if we come here minister the word.
Every day in our meetings.
If we don't have love.
It's of no value.
If God was a great creator.
As he is of course.
If he was absolutely righteous.
If he had no love.
Where would we be?
We'd have been largo.
We shouldn't be here.
Talking about these wonderful things.
We can't deny it.
And if it applies to God.
It applies to us.
If we do wonderful things.
But we don't have love.
It's of no value.
And then he speaks about love suffered long.
We know that.
Oh blessed Lord what he suffered.
Here is a man.
How they mocked him.
They tried to stone him.
Time and again they took up stones to stone him.
Took the brow of the head to push him headlong over.
And then of course.
And now to that carter tree.
We find all these wonderful things.
In their fullness.
Applied to the Lord Jesus Christ.
He suffered long.
Kind and so forth.
Oh think of his lowliness.
Think of his not easily provoked.
How they sought to provoke him.
All sorts of ways.
All his pathway.
How wonderful.
And when we come to the end.
The greatness of these.
There's knowledge.
There's prophecies.
And there's faith and there's hope.
The greatness of these is love.
Isn't that wonderful.
We can revel in these wonderful things.
These precious things.
Come to us.
As we learn of them.
As we appreciate them.
Oh again I feel how we should impress upon it.
That God has made himself known to us.
In the past of his well beloved son.
The darling of his bosom.
He has brought him to us.
So we can understand that love.
Love that exists and did exist with the father son.
All eternity.
There now.
That which was with the father.
To manifest to us.
We might have fellowship.
For the nearness and dearness of a love.
Fellowship with the father.
And with his son.
In all the dearness of a love.
Of his own blessed heart.
And we are able to understand it.
And appreciate it.
What does the world know about it?
What does the world know about the love of God?
I don't know.
I don't understand it.
I can't know what is God's way to do that.
I think they know better than God of course.
I think they can do it better themselves.
Oh the tiny creature.
Just as tiny you know.
Tiny creature.
God manifests his love towards us.
He reveals it to us.
And we are in the good of it.
And we can enjoy it.
How we should live and show this love.
One to another.
In this world. …