Are the conditions right? (Acts 2)
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Acts 2
Are the conditions right? (Acts 2)
Automatic transcript:
Acts chapter 2, verse 1.
When the day of Pentecost was come, we were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where we were sitting.
There appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as a spirit gave them utterance.
A few verses in John 12, verse 1.
Then Jesus, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.
There they made him a supper, marked the step, and Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.
Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spiky man, very costly, anointed the feet of Jesus, wiped his feet with her hair, and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.
Lastly, in the book of Chronicles, second Chronicles, chapter 5, verse here and there, verse 11.
And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, for all the priests that were present were sanctified.
Middle of verse 12, and with a hundred and twenty priests, sounding with trumpets, it came to pass as the trumpeters and the singers, verse 1, to make one sound to be heard and praising and thanking the Lord.
When they lifted up the voice with the trumpets, cymbals, and instruments of music, and praised the Lord, saying, He is good, His mercy endureth forever.
Then the house was filled with the cloud, even the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of glory.
There was a remark made this afternoon, in her Bible reading, that has brought those spiritual forward readers to pass on a very short word, this afternoon, this evening.
And it was this, are the conditions right? Are the conditions right? Are the spiritual conditions suitable for God to bless us?
Well, in those three scriptures, the Spirit of God would present us conditions spiritually right, for God to come in and bless us.
Our Bible reading this afternoon, for those who were not here, was in 1 Corinthians chapter 2, in connection with the Holy Spirit, revealing and communicating spiritual things by spiritual means.
Hear the deep things of God. And it was said that the Spirit of God is not only an influence, as some say, but He is a divine person, and He dwells in your heart and mine.
And He takes up the things of Christ and shows them unto us. Thank God we are not left to natural resources.
And this, we have a little picture of the Spirit of God moving in the midst of God's people when conditions are right for blessing.
You will notice in the Acts here, chapter 2, wonderful day this, the day of Pentecost, the 15th day, the day when the Holy Spirit came down, came down from heaven.
The Body of Christ was born. The Ascension was born. Wonderful day wasn't it? The Body of Christ was born.
Conditions were suitable for God to come down with the power of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is still in the sea, and He still dwells in your heart and mine, and He still delights to take up the things of Christ and make them precious to our hearts.
Chapter 1, we have a glorious man living in heaven going up into heaven. Chapter 2, we have the Holy Spirit of God coming down from heaven.
You can notice some of the spiritual conditions when the Spirit of God came down to Pentecost.
He says, they were all of one color, and they were all in one place. And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven. Notice where this sound came from. Mind you, this is a very noisy world we live in.
This is the right sound isn't it? A heavenly sound. Have you ever thought of it? It was a sound from heaven. All the noises of the suns today are the mother of heaven, the mother of earth.
This was a sound that came down from heaven. You know it gives me joy and delight to read through the Acts of the Holy Ghost if you like. We are in continual touch with heaven that way.
Chapter 9, we have the Apostle Paul's conversion. What happened then? It was a voice from heaven. He saw a vision from heaven.
You remember in Peter's case, the sheep came down from heaven. I think there are about 26 expressions from heaven in the Acts.
Here they were, one place, one at all. This sound came from heaven, and it filled all the house.
Ah, the work of God is full. God is not content with half measures.
Do you remember when the Bishop was here? In John 2 of the day, he says to them in relation to turning the water into wine, fill them up to the brim, get them up, get them filled.
God's standard, things might be filled. He wants you and I to be filled, filled with the Holy Spirit.
In Ephesians, Paul's second prayer, that we might be filled with the fullness of God. That's God's standard, things might be filled.
And you know God never lowers his standard, we lower the standard. God never lowers his standard, the standard is high.
And they were filled with the Holy Spirit. If we read through the Acts, we see men under control of the Holy Spirit.
Men who were filled by the Spirit, steeped, filled with evangelists, motivated, guided by the Spirit of God.
Come in little men, full of grace, full of power, full of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit removed in relation to God's presence and God's glory. Why? Because they were under control of the Holy Spirit of God.
Is the conditions right? The conditions were right.
I want you to notice, I want you to notice at the end of verse 2, I want you to notice one word, they were sitting.
They were sitting. We're living in a day where we can't get people to sit, that's what's wrong.
It was raised in the Bible, the other judge said that.
And if you don't sit at the Lord's feet and read the Word, you won't be able to stand in testimony for God's glory and praise.
Scripture says so.
And they were sitting, sitting.
We're living in a day of movement, a day of movement.
I know there's a blessing for those who find time to sit at the Lord's feet.
How often the Word of God has to grab us and say, be still and know that I am God.
Sit still, and you'll come to a woman who took pleasure in sitting at His feet.
What a wonderful message this is.
This is God's dwelling place.
The house of God is a spiritual house, of course it is. It's not stone and iron, it's spiritual.
God's house is to be filled.
But my house may be filled.
Filled with what? With people such as you and I, sinners saved by grace.
The Spirit of God has worked with us.
And we have a divine nature, a divine capacity to enjoy these things and to appreciate them.
We're giving out in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Ah, this is it. The house of God is a spiritual house.
Where He's known, where He's loved, where He's worshipped.
We're going to touch on this from another moment.
Spiritual sacrifices.
I was speaking this afternoon about spiritual things.
We were speaking about spiritual things.
God has brought us to a spiritual house.
He has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings.
In Christ, in heaven and places.
He's provided for us spiritual food.
Fast food instead.
We all ate of the same spiritual meat.
We all drank of the same spiritual rock.
And that rock was Christ.
Of course it was.
And if you and I want to offer up spiritual sacrifices.
We've got to feed upon spiritual food.
Because He provides the spiritual sacrifices.
And the spiritual songs.
And with such sacrifices, God is well pleased.
Conditions are there.
Conditions for God.
Conditions for us.
To get God and glory.
I was thinking about the woman I knew earlier.
The people thought she was out of condition, so she was.
But you know, once you get in touch with the Lord, you're out of condition.
And what are the conditions you've got?
Travelling to the Father.
The Father is seeking worshipers.
To worship Him.
In spirit and in truth.
And oh, God's house is going fast.
The music and the dancing is what we feel with people.
My house made me feel.
The elder son was out of condition, wasn't he?
Couldn't go in.
Are you in?
Ah, the music.
And the dancing.
Ah, it's not the sounds of this world.
It's spiritual.
It's spiritual.
And it's going up to God as a sweet snake saver.
Well, there's much more to be said.
They were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
And we managed to speak.
I read that scripture.
I said I wouldn't need room for another speaker.
Draw your attention to the conditions.
In a hall where Martha was.
Well, we see him here.
The place was filled.
Filled with the Son from Heaven.
Filled with the Holy Spirit.
In the next house.
Mary comes out.
With that precious one.
It was very costly.
And he says.
The older one.
It filled the house.
It filled the house.
Filled the house.
Ah, the conditions were there.
But it must have been to the Lord's own heart.
I was thinking about Martha, you know.
We need the Martha student.
She speaks of service.
Lazarus communion.
And we helped Mary.
She started to speak.
She was a worshipper.
And we need to sit.
The Lord speaks.
Well, Martha gave the Lord her attention.
And her appreciation.
But you know.
The thought here that fills my heart.
Is that Mary.
Not only gave the Lord her attention.
But she poured out her attention for him.
For him.
I often challenge myself.
Where is my affections?
David spoke about his affections.
Didn't he?
He said so.
Paul in Colossians.
Sets his affections.
On things above.
But Christ said.
You as Mary.
Our affections was right.
Our affections was right.
Filled with praise we bow before him.
You and I are filled with praise.
There's no one else that fills the house.
But our Lord takes a cup of it.
I'll tell you more.
He appreciates it.
He appreciates it.
He appreciates it.
Conditions were right.
And the order.
Filled the house.
Filled the house.
And you come to the last scripture.
In Chronicles.
Conditions were right.
The priest was sanctified.
You set aside.
There was 120 ministers of God came down.
And there was 120 here in this house.
And the trumpeters.
And the singers.
Were as one.
I often think about Hebrews 3.
Lord is the leader of the priests.
And he only tells our hearts.
He's not ashamed to call us brethren.
And we join in with him.
And we only tell our hearts to the father.
And we worship his praise.
And adoration.
Eyes our hearts and bless our heart.
Ceaseless song in here began.
Praise and adoration.
To the father.
And the son.
Father is seeking worshipers.
To worship him.
In spirit and in truth.
And the spiritual conditions was here.
And he says.
And the house was filled with the cloud.
Even the house.
Of the Lord.
So that the priest could not stand to minister.
By reason of the cloud.
But the glory of the Lord.
The house of God.
Our things were so full here.
And the glory of God.
Filled the house.
You remember when Moses.
Erected the tabernacle.
When it was finished.
Conditions were ripe.
And the spirit of God came down.
And filled the house.
Likewise the temple.
I think Christ in this evening.
We're getting seen from.
Glory of God.
Filling the temple.
We know that failure came in.
Not suitable for God.
And he had to withdraw.
His glory.
Pointing forward to the work of Christ.
When ah.
There was added glory given to him.
Redemption glory.
When he finished the work.
When he went back to heaven.
Acts 1 again.
When that glorious man.
The living man he went back.
He stood raising.
Up into heaven.
And saw this man.
The man of Calvary.
Going back.
Into heaven.
40 days.
10 days afterwards.
The spirit of God came down to him.
Ah but there were conditions.
He was ready.
He had won a cause.
And God.
Finds suitable things.
He can come in.
Bless us.
Bless us in the joy.
Of course we devote.
He'll bless us.
Household rights.
And he'll bless us.
Assembler right.
Of course he will.
May we give him all the praise.
And the glory.
For he is worthy of it.
So there we have it.
We'll touch this afternoon.
Giving good out in the power of the spirit.
John 10.
Still to be fulfilled.
On his second cross.
The glory of God.
Household rights. …