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3 journeys - Jonah, Paul and Jesus / Sidney Thurston
Acts 19 / Michael Vogelsang
Acts 2 (Gospel address) / A Lindsay
Acts 20 / Michael Vogelsang
Acts 20 (gospel) / T.S. Davison
Are the conditions right? (Acts 2) / King Thomson
Being with the Lord / Rob Skelton
El Bautismo Cristiano / Bernd Bremicker
Ephesus / Michael Vogelsang
Features of the early church / F.B. Hole
Foreknowledge / Ernest Brown
Full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2) / J. Packer
Lectures on the life of Peter / W. Missen
Paul's address to the Elders of Ephesus / Arend Remmers
Paul's companions / Neil Short
Paul's vision / Ernest Brown
Plumstead Bible Conference 2012 / Arend Remmers
Service abroad (Acts 9) / N. Packer
The Appearing of the Lord Jesus / Arend Remmers
What are 'assembly meetings'? / Gavin Hughes