The Law - Exodus 20
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Exodus 20
The Law - Exodus 20
Automatic transcript:
The Book of Exodus, Chapter 21.
Chapter 21 of Exodus.
The last verses in verse...
Chapter 20, verse 24.
Chapter 20 of Exodus, verse 24.
An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me,
and shalt sacrifice thereof thy earth offerings,
and thy piece of things, thy sheep and thine oxen.
In all places where I record my name,
I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.
And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone,
thou shalt not build it of hewn stone,
for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.
Neither shalt thou go up by step unto mine altar,
that thy nakedness be not discovered thereof.
Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before me.
If thou find Hebrew servant,
in six years he shall serve,
and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.
If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself.
If he were a married man, then his wife shall go out with him.
If his master had married him a wife,
and she had called him son or daughters,
the wife and her children shall be her masters,
and he shall go out by himself.
And if the servant shall plainly say,
I love my master, my wife, and my children,
I will not go out free,
then his master shall bring him unto the judges.
He shall also bring him to the door,
or unto the doorpost,
and his master shall bore his ear through with an oar,
and he shall serve him for ever.
Now the New Testament, just about two verses in 1 Corinthians 11.
1 Corinthians 11, verse 23.
For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you,
that the Lord Jesus,
the same night in which he was betrayed,
took bread, and when he had given thanks,
he drank it, and said,
Take, eat, this is my body for you.
For those of us who wonder the good hand of the blessed God
have been able to gather together this week.
We have traveled from
by our pilots, I think that's the name,
in Egypt, across the Red Sea,
and then by way of Marlow, and Eden, to Rephidim,
and then to the Raising Sermon, and across Jordan.
Beloved saints of God, we have thoroughly, I trust,
enjoyed this experimental journey
that is set before us in the book of Exodus and Numbers.
But I've passed over this chapter,
this pearl, one might say this pearl of great price,
this precious chapter concerning our Lord Jesus Christ,
keeping this tidbit, so to speak,
for our gathering together tonight.
You'll look a long way, beloved saints of God,
for the word of God to find anything sweeter
than what is brought before us by the Spirit of God
in these verses that we've read together.
I began this tour with the altar.
I'd like you to see, you probably have already,
therefore I'd like to remind you
that there are four suggestions here,
or types of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Three in the verses I've read to you,
and one I didn't read.
First of all, you notice is the altar of earth,
then the altar of stone, and then the board here,
and one I didn't read, the redemption is in verse eight.
Four striking types, beloved saints of God,
of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now I feel it imperative to draw your attention
to verse 24 of chapter 20,
and there to see that there's no if.
When you come to the altar of stone, there's an if.
As though it is left to the spiritual acumen
of the saints of God.
But when it's an altar of earth, there's no if.
This is an imperative.
This is the command from God himself.
What God says to his people is this,
an altar of earth thou shalt make,
unto me.
No ifs here, beloved.
No ifs at all.
This is God's command.
Thou shalt do this.
I say again, when you come down to the level,
to the permanent altar of stone,
which may suggest resurrection,
then it seems to be left to the spiritual understanding.
But here in the altar of earth,
we are directed that this is something
that's laid as an imperative upon all affections.
Raising an altar of earth unto me.
In the name of the Lord.
There's nothing surprising in this,
beloved saints of God.
The words that are here, of course,
as you know, is Adam.
And it simply means this,
that there is a recognition there
that in no place at all up to now
has there been anything satisfactorily
provided for God.
The altar of earth would take us back
to the message man who came in
and took up all the liabilities of the race,
so to speak,
and settled them to the satisfaction
of the Lord and the blessing
of the saints of God.
So I just leave that first thought
with you, beloved.
Here is an imperative.
This is a question of approach.
I want you to notice this, of course.
The altar suggests approach.
Now the remarkable thing to notice
about the end of this chapter is
that the up till now,
it's been an organ.
You know, this is a great chapter.
You see it up at the churches
or what they call the altar
in chapter 20 of Exodus.
And yet the amazing thing, beloved,
before the chapter closes,
there's no longer a demand
to do anything at all.
But the God comes out
in his marvelous grace
and says give an approach to me
on these terms.
Does it indicate how very well
our God knew exactly what would happen?
Knew very well there would be
none at all able,
confident to keep the law
that had just been given
One might have thought
he might say do this or that.
Certainly would have expected him
to say well build an altar
and offer a sin offering
or a trespass offering.
But he doesn't.
And this is striking.
This is marvelous really.
What he's saying to your afflictions
and mine is this.
Raise this altar of earth,
that is the death of our Lord
Jesus Christ who has gone
into the whole question so to speak
of the sin offering.
And so I said to you
and I might have thought he would say
maybe the sacrifice of a sin offering
and following immediately the law.
He doesn't.
He points out to your afflictions
and mine beloved saints with God
that what is in his mind all the time
is this illustrious person,
this impeccable Jesus,
this precious Christ,
the man who adorns the throne
of the Father.
This is always for him
and always for us too.
We saw last evening
the lamentable condition
in which the people of God
found themselves when it says of them
when they said Father we know
this like her.
Dreadful thing,
especially in our day
if a saint of God turns aside
to what the world can provide
whilst Christ isn't sufficient for him.
Everything the beloved saints
of God in our lives
which in any way
isn't satisfied on precious Christ
and we're looking for something
to stimulate the man
whom God has finished with at the cross.
I think we saw that clearly enough
at the brazen supper.
That which was
unsuitable for the presence of God
has been put away
by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And that which is suitable
that's been brought in.
And I might say
if I didn't say it last night
the people who went across Jordan
to the good land
were the people who had looked
and lived.
That is they had a life
so to speak from another
and in this new kind of life
they crossed Jordan
to enjoy what God had for them
over the water.
But I suppose in the measure
in which we enjoy
being over Jordan
in the measure at least
in which our souls
have been over the seas
and if they fed at all
they must feed on what the land produced.
If you and I beloved saints of God
are fed upon what this land produces
if you're a faithful mind
and we caught up in where
the Christ of God is
and you're feeding upon
the old corn of the land
well then you'll be in a position
to appreciate what he means here
when he says
and I shall sacrifice it all
thy birth offerings.
And I could be saying
you put me first
not yourself first
put me first.
This is a wonderful exhortation
and a very important one
in these days
when you might say
in the terms of another scripture
it's not to do with of course
there is a going to and through
to and through
to and through
in service of some description
to satisfy I don't know what
he says talk to me
about this precious Christ
this son of mine
in whom I welcome.
Talk to me about him first
offer your burnt offering
for my appreciation
show at least that you are
in some measure or another
interested in what I'm interested in
I'm interested in this son of mine
and I want you to be interested in him
he is the man who came down here
to represent me
and he went to the cross
and walked into the father's house
before the father.
So the first thing then beloved
although the law comes in that chapter
an insistence that men
should do certain things
immediately God turns round and says
make an altar of earth
offer a burnt offering.
Wonderful change round isn't it?
Not a demand at all
a gift so to speak
because he says
you notice a little law of God
in all the places where I record
I will come unto thee and bless thee
you think of this
doesn't sound much like
legality does it?
Doesn't sound very much like
the tomes of Moses
the great law giver
no these are the words
of the blessed gracious God
I'll come he says
wherever I put my name
I'll come and I'll bless you
wonderful promise beloved
for your heart and mine to claim isn't it?
I'll come he says
and you'll find a blessing there.
There's peace offerings of course
all the day
in other words of course
there's thanksgiving offerings
it's assumed beloved
saints of God
they're the hearts of the people of God
treasure therein
something of the preciousness of Christ
so there's something within
that turns them in thanksgiving
to the blessing of God.
I'm not aware of that
the only way
in which you and I
approach to the blessing of God
but now an if comes in
if thou make me an awkward stone
thou shalt not build it
of hewn stone
for if thy
if thou lift up
thy tool upon it
thou hast polluted it
very striking
may I say beloved
very strong
the human mind
is always ready to help
arm the things of God
not that God wants it
God has set it aside
and finished with it
you remember Isaiah 50
all flesh is grass
he finishes with the first man
and he brings in another
the second man
all flesh is grass
you can't lift up a tool
a sharp tool of human ability
upon an altar
I've learned this simple lesson
that the spirit of God
is utterly sufficient
for everything God will
or may
utterly and completely efficient
and if you do presume
to use some of your mental ability
or agility
or something else
you will find that God here
describes it as
polluting his altar
have you thought of this beloved
now I know full well
the possible motives one might say
from their point of view
dear men of old
have done all sorts of things
to try and hold the saints of God together
and to keep the evil out
of course they did
from about the 23rd or 24th centuries at least
men have tried to do this
with the best intentions
not that they've succeeded
but they've tried
here's a lesson for us beloved
do you want to pollute the altar of God
of course we don't want
but there is something within us
that will help to support
or sustain the work of God
the Holy Spirit
either in worship or in service
God doesn't want it beloved
this is a lesson I believe
we have to learn
none of us here tonight
will want to pollute
the altar of God
and the simple way to pollute it
is to use the sharp instrument
of human wit or ability
well next
that thy nakedness
be not discovered
in other words
these human beings
of which we have been speaking
God says
if you go up to my altar
you just simply expose yourself
expose yourself as being naked
now shall they go up
by steps
unto my altar
that thy nakedness
be not discovered
this is Jehovah's
considered judgment
upon human activities
in divine things
you're just exposing yourself to God
I was in a Bible reading
the other night
down south
and the question cropped up
in the sight of God and angels
or something
God's exact quotation
before angels
when I said my dear fellow
they're onlookers
have you realized beloved saints of God
that we have heavenly onlookers
they're looking down here
to see the mind of God being worked out
according to
heavenly divine ideas
what a sight they must see
as they look down upon the professing church
how far astray it has gone
from the word of God
be it there they are
let's keep in mind perhaps
a little more
that as we walk down here
treading the paths that we trust
are laid out
the paths that the spirit of God
has laid out for us we trust
that we understand that we are being
we are being watched so to speak
there are heavenly onlookers
who are looking for the
display of the features
of the precious Christ of God
who has been received back
into glory
we want to push on
chapter 21
presentation here
beloved saints of God
I wish I could do it justice
you'll have to forgive me
I simply can't
your affections only will lay hold of this
only as spirit taught
when your heart be lifted up
to that fearless man in glory
of holding an all instant speech
you'll never see anything like it
anyway beloved saints of God
I want to God that you and I
tonight take it to heart
that he gave himself
for us
he came in with his body
and he wouldn't go out with his body
we have to look at it
because it wouldn't do to miss
anything that the spirit of God
brings before us in these
very few verses
that open chapter 21
be thou by and be gruesome
it says
he shall serve six years
and he shall go free
this was the law
laid down by Jehovah
for the well being of course
I suppose of the servants
those slaves who were compelled
thus to serve
but there's a term put to that sentence
it was to be for six years only
and on the seventh year
beloved he was to go free
I draw your attention to
a passage in Luke's gospel
where the Lord Jesus Christ
is presented to us
in a little rehearsal
of kingdom law
on the mountain I mean
I draw your attention to the fact
that after this display
it says he came down
he came down
beloved saints of God
this purest Jesus
he served six years
and he could have gone
could have gone free
but he didn't
dwell upon his beloved saints
tasted the sweetest
spiritual morsel you've ever had in your life
this purest precious impeccable Jesus
didn't go back
there are two ways you're going to heaven
he could have gone from the mountain top alone
or he could come down
into the valley
and take you and I with him
now what do you think of this
what a marvellous display
of love and grace this is
beloved saints of God
in this saviour of yours and mine
so six years
six years he was served
this was God's intention for his people
six years only
seventh year
out you go free
let us see how Jesus
how this is treated by the Lord Jesus Christ
in practice I mean
in his pathway down here
if he came in by himself
actually in the margin of some Bibles
it says
if he came in with his body
that's the Hebrew way of putting it
if he came in by himself
he shall go out by himself
he had limited to do this beloved
he couldn't go on up
there was nothing whatsoever
to keep that purest impeccable Christ
out of heaven
of course there was
you and I know that
nothing at all
he dwelt in the bosom of the Father
that was his home
that was the place from which he came
that was the place to which he was going back
but he was not going back alone
he was with his children
blessed be his holy name
so when the moment of release comes
what does he say
verse 4
if his master give him a wife
and she hath borne him sons or daughters
the wife and her children
shall be her masters
and he shall go out by himself
what does he say
the Hebrew servant say
if the servant shall plainly say
I love him
mark you beloved saints of God
that's why I read you
from Corinthians
he says
if he says
I love him
did you read the language of love
in 1 Corinthians 11
maybe just look at it
1 Corinthians 11
did you hear what he says
when he hath given thanks
he breaketh
that's the rib
and said
take, eat
this is my body
for you
you can leave out the little words
which is broken
because they shouldn't be there
but this is my body
for you
you see
you see the language of love here
he is sharing his precious blood
what he is doing first of all
is to draw your attention
to a person who loves
my body
he says my body
it's for you, for you
I'm standing for you
my body for you he says
when you break bread tomorrow morning
will this be in your mind
beloved saints of God
that it's his body for you
it's a person that you come
not for people
but beloved saints of God
we need to get beyond the work
to the person who effected the work
the purest son of God himself
that's the person
and he says my body
the body he came into this world with
you get it in Hebrews
a body hast thou prepared me
he came into this world
with a body prepared for him
and he says to his
those who are surrounding him
he says this
I'm not going out free
blessed be his holy name
I'm not going out free
I'm taking you with me
marvellous love isn't it beloved
where do you and I stand in response
to love like this
if the third shall claim to save
thy love
what a contrast to the previous chapter
where it says thou shalt, thou shalt not
thou shalt not, thou shalt not
my word beloved saints of God
this love is excessive
this is all the abundance
of love
if the servant shall plainly say
I love, love all
I love my master
well we understand that of course
he ever dwelt in the bosom of the father
he came down here as a humble obedient servant
as you know
and being a servant we were seeing
last night I think it was
he was driven by the spirit
into the wilderness according to Mark's gospel
yes he loved his master
I love him
love, obedience, dependence
these features are seen in his precious pathway
I love my master
does it finish there
he says
my wife
my children
I love my master
I love my wife
I love my children
my wife
my children
the children that God has
given to me
I love them
well we might say blessing God
what's the result then
what happens now
you love the father
you love the master of saints
you love thy wife
thy children
what next
I love God
I love myself
I wonder beloved saints of God
if you and I had been
and been in these circumstances
and we had seen
a Hebrew servant
at the end of his time of service
saying I love my master
I love my wife
I love my children that have been given to me
I won't go out free
well where's the token
he goes to the door
beloved saints of God
if you and I could see
had been there and could possibly have seen
that pierced ear
what a moment it would have made in your heart
you would have said
look at this my husband
my father
his ear is pierced
can you see the wound in his ear
a perpetual reminder of his words
which were not mere words
but what he put into practice and action
his love
I love he said
I love, you think of this
a divine person is saying to your affections
and mine tonight
I love, you get this
tomorrow morning at break bread
I wouldn't go out free
instead I went into death
I had an ear bored
you see there
altar of course speaks of death
as you know
two kinds of altar we've looked at
there's another figure of the death
of this precious Jesus
he died in order that he shouldn't go back alone
you see there
we saw that at Rephidim
he died in order to give us the spirit
but we see here beloved
he died in order that he should not go back alone
that's enough for you
think of that
all the enticements of the place
from which he came before him
but no
he turns his back on the door
he said I'll have my ear bored
they take him to the door
and they pierce his ear with an awl
and he is a servant forever
do you see this beloved
he is a servant forever
never, never
expression of love beloved
which I can't explain to you
one only decides the spirit of God
would impress upon your affection
something of the unique preciousness
of this Christ to come
then his master shall bring him
under the judges
there were witnesses to all this you see
he shall also bring him to the door
and under the door post
and his master
shall walk
you notice in the 15th of Exodus
how we saw Christ rejoicing
in the effect of the great work
that he had done
worked out with God
it's Moses I know said
but it's Moses typically
it's Christ typically
singing a song
of this redemption song
a song of utter and complete victory
and here
not only has done all this
but it says
and he shall serve him forever
why does the master
pierce his ear beloved
because he accepts the decision
this is a wonderful thing
God has accepted
Christ's decision
to stay here
for you and for me
so that not going out alone
he comes back
with his people
you see that
he appears
God has given his approval
of this servant of his
you know in
Isaiah 42 is it
Jehovah says
behold my servant
can you wonder at this
is it any marvel
that he should draw attention
to this fearless man
and call him my servant
but he does in Isaiah 42
says behold
let us take account
that he who sits here
serve forever
because he is here
as a people
any young brothers or sisters here
or any students
Bible students
dear beloved late
George Davidson
said to me on many occasions
in recent years
he said you know Sidney
there are no Bible students today
and I said George I don't believe
in the word of God
and I'm guided by it
that's the point
that's the acid test
not merely read it
but I'm guided by it
you think the word of God can't guide
I wish you could listen to some
of the stories I've heard
of sinful people
who have taken the word of God
and read it together
and they have discovered
the Bible says this
and we're not doing this
do you read it as being
God's authoritative word
to your conscience
do you read it as God's demand
so to speak
not that we speak of demands
in the days of grace
but God's request
that here is his word
and he's just asking you
to do this or that or the other
or do you say I could have my own way
there's no harm in this
or the frequent expression
we find on the lips
we are concerned at the moment
with of course
the only unique
Lord Jesus Christ
and we're talking about him
in the capacity of eternal service
or service
past, present, future
in the past
he died on the cross
in the past
he served God down here
as you know full well
in the past you may remember
the Lord
he goes in the midst of his own
and he says to them
behold my hands
behold my hands
and my feet
did you ever notice
tender wonderful hands
the hands of Jesus
have you ever looked
at the hands of Jesus
see what they've done
behold my hands and feet
in John he says
look at my hands inside
the hands what do they mean
what he's done
the activity of Jehovah's servants
think of those hands
touching the needy
restoring the evil and the dead
bringing the bread to the thousands
those hands beloved
those tender hands
those precious hands of Jesus
ever once outstretched by wicked men
and fixed to a cross
those hands he draws attention to
he draws attention to them tonight beloved
to your affections and mine
to the precious sight of
or perhaps
seen once
more deeply than ever before
something of the significance
of the hands
of the servant of Jehovah
and then the feet
did ever feet
tread a path so unweariedly as his feet
was there ever such an obedient
dependent man
you know the two carbon features
of a perfect man
are dependence and obedience
he takes him through the gospels
all those blessed feet
where did they go
beloved they went to Calvary
for you and for me
let's never forget this
but they've gone further than that
bless his holy name
he's gone up
he's gone up to the glory
I draw your attention
not to a man on the cross
so much tonight
I draw your attention
to a man who is sitting
so he served us in the past
I restore
and now the risen man
he knows he was a risen man
he'd been into death
and he says
handle me and see
oh beloved saints
have you ever handled
this fearless Jesus
handle me he says
am I telling the truth he says
handle me and see
well then we have
what he's doing now
it's only just occurred to me
the advocacy of Jesus
you see this fearless Jesus
this living Christ up there
he's acting on your account
and mine this very moment
you understand this
this man has said
I will always serve you
eternally I will be your servant
that's what he's doing now
he's serving us this very moment
don't let us dwell
always exclusively
on what he did in the past
don't get your mind involved in that
we're prone to think
a great deal of ourselves
let's forget ourselves
and think of him
what he means to God
what rights he has
you know he has rights to go back
and sing a song of triumph
when he realizes what's been done
but he's a servant
and this first thing
that comes before us
is he's up there
as an advocate
and that means to say
you are recognized as being
in the family
a son to the father
not to God
he's not advocating with God
he's advocating with the father
that's one of his precious services
at this very moment
there he is up there in glory
his love for us
is streaming down into your faces
at this very moment
and then he's concerned
with the father
he lives for us
this is the father
what do you and I know about this
do we deserve it in any way
there he is tonight
on the throne of the father
living for you as you sit there
living for me as I stand here
living in order to be our advocate
because we need him
there's only one of the many features
that fills his time
as we might say
at the moment
you can think of many others
for instance John 13
what does it say there
it says he took an anchor
and he girded himself
what would you say
of a man who put an anchor
around his waist and tied it up
why you say he's not going to do something
exactly, he girded himself
and why did he gird himself
love it is almost
but don't want me to tell you
but he girded himself
because he wanted you
you see then
you couldn't enjoy his company
which is another thing
it is true
but he wanted you to enjoy his company
let's put it that way
and he knows very well
you can't enjoy his company
while there's a little tiny bit of dirt on you somewhere
and so he washes it off
you see then
you can't go into the holy of holies
you can't go into the presence of the father
carrying any of the filth of this world
it has to be got rid of
who does it
and he kneels at thy feet
do you think of that
have you ever had your feet in the hands
of the wounded hands of the precious Jesus
the Christ of God
what an experience beloved
handle me and see you remember
here's the exhortation
handle me and see
well so we might go on
if you turn to Hebrews of course
it's very easy
you all know the order in which they come
there's succor there, there's salvation there
there's sympathy there
there's salvation
of the living Christ
who is eternally the servant
but is acting now
we've seen his service in the past
touched a trifle on his service in the present
but that's not all
he comes forth it says in Matthew I think
or is it still in Luke perhaps
Luke 12 is it
he comes forth and he says
that he will serve them forever
I don't like big kingdom truths
but the principal thing beloved
is the words of the Christ
is he likely to break his word
far be the thought
of course he'll keep his word
and you and I ordinary folk
perhaps sitting and standing here tonight
it's a marvel to your soul
that this peerless impeccable Christ
this son of God himself
has decided eternally
to serve people like you
isn't that marvelous
did you think so
did your heart go out to this man
as he sits there in the glory tonight
he hasn't served you in the past
but he's serving you in the present
and he'll serve you forever
he says so himself
let's go a little step further
beyond his being savior
I don't know what to say about this
he is a savior
a precious savior
a marvelous, wonderful savior
one has no doubts at all about this
but beloved you must begin
to climb the ladder a little bit
you can't stay all your life
going round and round
the brazen altar you know
you've got to make some spiritual progress
and you've got to go past
the labor of course
because you've got to have the guilt
or the filth washed off
but there's the only doorway so to speak
the presence
the august presence of divine presence
and you welcome there
are you a welcome guest
to the house of the father
my word, beloved saints of God
you're as welcome there
as I welcome you there
be servants
and now
once the scripture
I'd like to turn you to Ezra
I don't think I read it
just one verse in Ezra
comes before me
it's to do with the activities
of the people of God
if I can find it
I'm not very good at finding this
I may have to pass it by
just draw your attention to it
it's in Ezra 1
that I was looking for
a verse in which it says
they brought 5600 golden vegetables
out of Babylon
and you might say
well what's that to do with this one
it has less to do with it probably
he is not only served
in the way which we've already suggested
serving us in the past
we are under his hand
he is the chief servant
the supreme servant
and he has the servants down here
and in Ezra it tells us
all they have been in Babylon
so many years
when the time come for them
to get out and go back
to the place where Jehovah
had put his name
they took 5600 vessels
of gold and silver
do you see that
in spite of their being
the opportunity come
these vessels were taken back
to sew in the temple
I think indeed
I needn't emphasise this
but one can readily see
that 5600 is a fixed number
everyone taking account of it
and may I suggest
beloved saints of God
I know it's a typical number
but may I suggest
that you and I
are among the 5600 vessels
expected to be back in Jerusalem
and there serve
this holy and blessed God
do you see how important it is
vessels of gold
vessels of silver
not just common any sort of vessels
but vessels suitable
for the service of God
you remember Paul writing to Timothy
he said that he desires
that he might be a vessel under water
meet, suitable
for the master's use
there's 5600 of them
suitable for the master's use
way over there in Jerusalem
where did they come from
well they certainly originated there
Solomon perhaps had made them
but they'd gone into idolatry
but they were recovering
Milder stayed beloved
when recovery comes in
and 5600 vessels go from
this idolatrous region
go back as suitable vessels
to serve in the house
of Jesus Christ
so when we talk
very feelingly
of the service of our Lord Jesus Christ
who came in with his body
and would not go out with his body
whose ear was pierced
I was going to say
I don't think I went on to finish it
I was going to say to those
who are students of the word of God
here's a little thing for you
if you like, look up
in the dancers book as I call it
the lexicon
how it is related
to our Lord Jesus Christ
you don't see it, you will notice it
in Psalm 40
and in Isaiah 50
and in Exodus 21
you find his ear mentioned
in one case he says
he opens my ear every morning
what a kind of life is this
why bloody
this is a life of a golden or silver vessel
made for the master's use
this is a life of an obedient dependent man
he opens my ear every morning
and he sees us by the well site
in Samaria
because the father opened his ear
that morning and told him
and there he goes
the obedient dependent man
and what's the result
a soul is secured as a worship
to the father
why had blessed men came to secure
men for God
we say men need God
but beloved saints of God
is equally true
God must have men
opened his ear
early in the morning
and sent him on his journey
to secure a soul
who would be a worshiper
to the father
isn't this wonderful
and in his life in Isaiah
you find the same thing
in his life
his death is mentioned
that will be Psalm 40
linked with Hebrews
his ear was pierced
I think Hebrews changes the reading
to Psalm 40
my memory is right
but in Hebrews the Holy Spirit
takes the theme up
and talks about his body
the same thing
if you haven't got a body
beloved you can't have an ear
an ear to be pierced
and so it means the same thing
so I'm saying to the students of the world
if you're looking for something to do
you will find
look up this term here
and before you know where you are
you'll fill your heart
so that you'll bow in adoration
and deep thanksgiving
at his blessed feet
and so under his eye
under his guidance
under his ministry
because he's the ministry of the sanctuary
you remember
his service is not always your ward
us ward
there is a service of our ward
his ministry of the sanctuary
and there beloved you and I come into
he is the chief
a spirit born
a note of praise
raised saying here tomorrow morning
at the supper
it will be under the guidance
and direction of the one
who is the minister of the sanctuary
the holy place
it will be the moment of God
the Holy Spirit
God the Lord
our Lord Jesus Christ
not only serves us
as we've seen I trust
very vividly and beautifully
in supreme control
one might say
over the exercises
the affectionate exercises
the spiritual exercises
of the saints of God
and we were trying to see
only last evening
how vital this is
because if the exercises
of the saints are not to be found
in the assembly
well then there's no vote
for the Levites
and there's no vote
which perhaps I ought to have done
it says there
I think I'll quote it
before I come down
1 Corinthians 11 again
where it says
he that eateth and drinketh
eateth and drinketh
shall national judgment to himself
this is the body
not deserving the Lord's body
not deserving the Lord's body
see how imperative it is
beloved saints of God
this is my body for you
and if we come together
tomorrow morning
to break bread in remembrance
of this fearless Christ
and we don't discern the body
you see we won't know
what really breaking bread means
I just leave that with us
I see the time is running …