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Bible Basics Conference 2011: “Christ the Lord, Christ the Head, Christ the King”

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15 addresses on the “Christ the Lord, Christ the Head, Christ the King”

Bible Basics Conference 2011:

“Christ the Lord,
Christ the Head,
Christ the King”

  1. Introduction by Michael Hardt
  2. Introduction, Definitions, and an Overview of Ps. 110 (Hugh Clark)
  3. Christ is Lord universally (Robert Wall)
  4. Christ as Lord now to those who are His (Rusty Warnes)
  5. Lordship in connection with the Lord’s table and supper (Andrew Poots)
  6. The joy of willing recognition of His Lordship (Mark Grasso)
  7. Christ the Head (Simon Attwood)
  8. Practically, how does (Nick Fleet)
  9. Holding fast the Head (Michael Hardt)
  10. Christ the King (Robert Wall)
  11. Questions and Answers (Saturday)
  12. Typical teaching regarding the King (Paul Dronsfield)
  13. The King’s coming in grace, His rejection, and the present position (Derek Cooper)
  14. Coming things: the King of glory (Geoff Hawes)
  15. Summary and Q&A (Michael Hardt)

The Slide show of the addresses is also available: Slide Show

Parte 1
Parte 2
Parte 3
Parte 4
Parte 5
Parte 6
Parte 7
Parte 8
Parte 9
Parte 10
Parte 11
Parte 12
Parte 13
Parte 14
Parte 15

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