The Rapture and the Appearing
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Titus 2.13
We look for that blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
It has been announced that while the Word of God is addressed to all of our hearts and consciences,
that this morning's meeting has been convened particularly with the young in mind.
I will therefore make the following concessions to you.
I will assume that we are all young in heart and young in spirit.
I will assume that we all love the Lord Jesus, who loved us and gave himself for us.
I will assume that we have not yet lost our first love, our chief love.
I will assume that we are interested in the subject matter that the Scriptures reveal.
I shall also assume that we are alert in our minds, that we read the Scriptures and pray every day,
and because of that it won't be necessary to repeat things more than once,
and that we'll be concentrating sufficiently to move quickly from one point to another.
Building upon what we've had so far this weekend, this morning's exercise is to see what light Scripture gives
on the distinction between the rapture and the appearing.
There may just be time for a brief comment on the timing, the relative timing of the events,
but mostly we will be concentrating on the distinction in character of the rapture and the appearing.
My basic suggestion is this.
The rapture is entirely a matter of privilege.
The appearing is related to our responsibility.
So let us start with those two words, privilege and responsibility.
And just so that we remember these things,
I want to suggest a few simple words related to this great privilege of the rapture,
and just to fasten it in our minds, each of those words will begin with the letter P.
And when later we come to consider the appearing as such,
again, just to remind us that this is a matter of responsibility,
I want to suggest a few words, each beginning with the letter R.
I would love to know the original tongues in which the Scriptures were written, but I don't.
But one of the things we want to encourage ourselves in this weekend,
is that even if we haven't a knowledge of the original tongues in which the Scriptures were written,
the Scriptures in our hands, in ordinary English,
are sufficiently clear on the matters we are considering to leave us in no doubt at all.
So, as far as possible, I'll be using simple words of English,
and if you have any simpler ones to give me afterwards, I'll be delighted.
First of all then, let us get straight into this happy matter of the rapture.
The first thing I want to say, and we did touch upon it on Saturday in the reading,
that we need have no doubt at all that this is positive.
Now that's our first P.
There's no doubt at all that the rapture will occur.
The Scripture we read in 1 Thessalonians 4,
this I say unto you, said the apostle, by the word of the Lord.
This is not ecclesiastical theory.
This is not the opinion of a sect or section of Christendom.
This is basic truth from the Scriptures.
This I say unto you by the word of the Lord.
It's positive.
A Scripture we haven't read in detail this weekend,
but it is referred to and probably will be referred to again,
is the first epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 15,
words something like this.
We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
This mortal must put on immortality.
This corruptible must put on incorruptibility.
It's positive.
No shadow of doubt in any of the Scriptures.
So again, looking at the time, we will pass quickly on,
bearing that in mind that we are considering something
which Scripture attests as a positive truth,
one of the cardinal features of Christianity.
I think we need to consider again,
as though we never heard it for the first time,
that the rapture will be personal.
And that's my second P.
How often have our souls been ravished
to realize the Lord's own words,
personal from him to us as individuals.
I will come again.
John 14.
He personally will come.
1 Thessalonians 4.
The Lord himself and not another.
I often consider that it is quite appropriate,
as we read the Scriptures,
that many important things are delegated to angels.
Many things are delegated to men.
But some things are so precious, so important,
that they are delegated to neither angels nor men.
They will be done by the Lord himself.
Oh, how sweet that the personal ingathering
of his saints to himself is so precious to the Lord Jesus
that he will not delegate this to another.
The Lord himself shall descend from heaven
with a shout and so on.
We wait for his son from heaven.
1 Thessalonians 1.
Personally, we wait for him.
Philippians 3.
We look for the Savior.
Note that we have a knowledge of Scriptural truth,
happy as this is.
We look personally for the Savior.
And I like that little touch that Paul gives to Timothy.
We might discuss at great length what is the Christian hope.
But I love Paul's salutation to Timothy
when he talks about, he says,
the Lord Jesus Christ, our hope.
Now, there is much bound up with our hope.
But unless it's held personally in relation to him who is coming,
we are accepting less than the best that Scripture offers us.
We are thinking then of that which is personal.
The Lord Jesus Christ personally is our hope.
The rapture will be private.
It will be private.
The Lord Jesus said, commenting on the world's rejection of him,
the Lord said,
The world seeth me no more.
How right it is that when they have rejected him
in unmistakable manner,
it is right that when he comes for his own,
that it will be private to him and to his own.
And we can base our thoughts upon that specific Scripture,
the world seeth me no more.
We think again of Scriptures like Ephesians 5,
that private occasion when we are told by the apostle
that Christ will present to himself a glorious church
not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
Again, that will be a private matter.
Almost the same, I suppose, at the end of that stirring epistle of Jude.
Right at the end, he says in this grand doxology,
Unto him who was able to present us faultless in his presence.
And that will be an occasion which is private
and not to be seen by the public at large.
I think at the present time,
one of the most vital things we can say about the rapture after character
is that all Christians are included.
Give me a better word if you have one,
but I would use the word plenary.
I suppose in the course of our jobs and our studies,
we are used to councils, committees, groups,
and there are sometimes when things are,
there's one small group or another,
subcommittees, working parties, councils, the rest of it,
but every now and again, they have what is called a plenary session.
When everyone is there and no one is missed out,
the rapture will be like that.
We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
In a twinkling, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and so on.
The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
one Thessalonians 4.
The dead in Christ, the living saints,
caught up together, not one missing.
Again, not a theory, not a proposition.
The clear, unequivocal statements of Scripture
that none are to be excluded.
It will be a plenary session.
None will be missing.
And I think in a positive way, we need to consider.
One last Scripture before we move away from that.
In the epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 15,
about the middle of the chapter,
Paul, commenting on the resurrection,
he says, everyone will be raised in their own rank.
And he says, in that context, he says,
there that are Christ's at his coming.
Not selective, not partial, there that are Christ's at his coming.
Oh, let us have no doubt that this being a matter of privilege,
keep responsibility out of our minds altogether for the moment.
As a result of the work that Christ has done,
and because of his personal intervention,
he himself will come for us,
and our responsibility, important as it is,
will not affect whether or not we are ingathered at the rapture.
It is positive. It is personal.
It is private. And it is plenary.
Now, I have a bit of difficulty with the next word,
with my simple English tongue.
I've looked round for a word which will tell us
that it will be instantaneous.
No warning, either to the Christians or the world at large.
Let us remind ourselves,
there is no unfulfilled prophecy in the Bible
which needs to be fulfilled before the rapture.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, instantaneously,
without any delay, the rapture will occur.
I've sought in vain for a word beginning with P for that.
The best I can find is prestissimo.
I don't know Hebrew. I don't know Greek.
I struggle with English, but the only word I can find is prestissimo.
My musical friends tell me that prestissimo
is the shortest possible interval of time that can be envisaged.
Now, you think of a word that means that,
a word of one syllable beginning with P,
I'd be delighted to have it.
But until I get it, the best I can offer you is prestissimo.
No delay, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
Isn't that wonderful?
While we're gathered here, in a twinkling of an eye.
Time doesn't permit to go into illustrations of that.
We must pass on.
A simple word about the rapture, it will be permanent.
So shall we ever be with the Lord.
Not on probation.
Not on trial.
Not to be reconsidered at any later stage.
The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout.
The dead in Christ shall be raised.
The living changed.
So shall we ever be with the Lord.
No doubt about it at all.
I will come again, John 14.
I will come again and receive you unto myself,
that where I am, there ye may be also.
The eternal Son is coming for us,
to take us to be with himself.
And once he's engathered us to himself,
we'll never be away from him again.
It will be permanent.
All this is wonderful for us.
But one little word I'd like to give you.
For Christ, the rapture will be sheer pleasure.
The rapture is for the pleasure of Christ.
How wonderful that something which is for our joy and blessing
is for the pleasure of Christ.
Oh, with what feeling the Lord said,
I will come again and receive you unto myself,
that where I am, there ye may be also.
Ephesians 5, Jude 24 referred to before,
the delight to the heart of Christ
in presenting to himself that which is most precious to him,
Christ's assembly, his bride,
that upon which he has set his affection,
to him that pearl of great price.
It will be for his pleasure, his joy.
It is a matter of joy,
whereas the appearing will be a matter of judgment and justice.
So make a note of that word, pleasure,
and it's something that will give delight to your own heart.
Thinking about that word, privilege,
I would suggest to you
that the rapture is pure grace and mercy.
That's my letter P, pure grace and mercy.
If you like, privilege.
From start to finish,
our blessing is governed and based
upon pure grace and mercy from the outset,
not by works of righteousness which we have done,
but according to his mercy he has saved us,
right unto the end.
Jude, isn't it, who says,
awaiting the mercy of our God.
Oh, I like to think
that having saved us by his mercy,
by grace,
having cared for us all the days of our life,
the last act of mercy of our God
is to take us out of this scene altogether
to be with himself forevermore.
Those of you who are interested
in the truth that comes to light
in the book of Nehemiah will have noticed
that in that circuit of the city,
the first gate and the last gate is the sheep gate.
Oh, everything that is encompassed
in that which is precious to God
begins and ends on the ground of mercy.
So we need to consider
and remind ourselves again and again
that from start to finish,
everything is pure grace and mercy.
The verse I read from Titus 2,
it's the climax of verses that remind us
that the grace of God,
which brings in its train salvation to all,
has appeared in the past.
That at the present time,
the grace of God educates us
to be sober, righteous, and godly
in this present course of things.
But the final touch will be
when that blessed hope is realized,
when the Lord Jesus comes
to take us to be with himself.
I think it is a happy thing
at the beginning of every day
to think that the rupture of the saints
will be perhaps today.
Perhaps today.
Again, let us say,
there is no unfulfilled scripture
which could cause the delay for a moment longer
when Christ will come for his own.
We read at the end of scripture,
the spirit and the bride say come.
Increasingly, the saints of God
appear to be having a sense of the preciousness
of the coming of Christ.
Increasingly, the bride is saying come.
I would suggest that when the moment comes,
when that response of affection is at its climax,
and when the spirit adds his voice to that of the bride,
when the spirit and the bride say come,
he that shall come will come
and will not tarry.
The spirit and the bride,
in unison with all our hearts,
saying come, Lord Jesus.
I think I'd better move on from there.
Perhaps we'd better look
at the book of Daniel, chapter 9.
Daniel, chapter 9, and verse 24.
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people
and upon thy holy city
to finish the transgression,
to make an end of sins,
and to make reconciliation for iniquity,
to bring in everlasting righteousness,
to seal up the vision and prophecy,
and to anoint the most holy.
Know therefore and understand
that from the going forth of the commandment
to restore and to build Jerusalem
unto Messiah the Prince
shall be seven weeks
and threescore and two weeks.
The street shall be built again
and the wall even in troublous times.
And after the threescore and two weeks
shall Messiah be cut off,
but not for himself.
And the people of the Prince that shall come
shall destroy the city and the sanctuary
and the end thereof shall be with a flood.
And unto the end of the war
desolations are determined.
This morning will only permit this to be said.
It is a matter of authenticated history
that from the commandment of Artaxerxes
that permission should be granted
for the rebuilding of Jerusalem
until that moment
when the Lord Jesus manifested himself
offering himself as Messiah
at Jerusalem
was identically in line with this prophecy.
These weeks are demonstrably weeks of years,
sevens of years.
Seven times 69, 483
is exactly the period
between the issuing of the decree
and the Lord Jesus Christ
presenting himself to the nation.
That's a matter of history
which can be followed up.
This prophecy says
that after that time
one week of prophecy remains to be fulfilled
as to timescale.
The Bible is clear
that the church period as such
is not a matter for prophetic fulfillment.
This is in parenthesis.
This last 2,000 years
since the Lord Jesus presented himself as Messiah
if you like, God's prophetic clock
has stopped ticking
and it will resume ticking
after the rapture.
I have not quite said at the rapture
but after the rapture
the keen student of scripture
can come to no other conclusion
than that the appearing
in glory of the great God
and our Savior Jesus Christ
will take place about
seven years after the rapture.
There are certain things
that the scriptures speak about
in Daniel and Revelation
which give a slight blurring of the edges
at the beginning of the seven years
and the end of the seven years.
But we can be clear as to this.
At about
or just a little more than seven years
after the rapture
Christ will appear.
Now that's all I have time to say
but would you look now please
at the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24.
Just to orientate our minds.
Now have in the back of your mind
these matters of privilege
that we've been talking about
for the last half an hour.
The affection,
the sensitivity,
the intimacy
of these matters relating to the rapture
and discern immediately
the difference in tone
of scriptures about
the public appearing
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Matthew 24 verse 27.
As the lightning cometh out of the east
and shineth even unto the west
so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
For wheresoever the carcass is
there will the eagles be gathered together
immediately after the tribulation of those days
shall the sun be darkened
and the moon shall not give her light
and the stars shall fall from heaven
and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken
and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven
and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn
and they shall see the Son of Man
coming in the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory
and he shall send his angels
with a great sound of a trumpet
and they shall gather together his elect
from the four winds
from one end of heaven to the other.
Very little as to detail
is said in scripture
about the rapture.
A great deal is said about the appearance
in fact it is patent in scripture
that the appearing in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ
is the grand climax
the focal point of all bible prophecy
not the rapture but the appearance
and perhaps we'll have a few moments
to consider the reasons for that.
Matthew 24 reminds us
something that was implied
forecast, prophesied in Daniel 9
that between, in this last seven years
before the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ
is ushered in
that this will, half way through the period
become a time of great tribulation
and trouble to God's earthly people Israel
I would only say again
by then, because the rapture has occurred
we will not be personally involved on earth.
God's people on earth at that time
will experience a time of great sorrow
we were reminded, weren't we in passing the other day
this time of Jacob's trouble
Jeremiah 30 and other scriptures speak about that
but the grand climax of the prophetic word
is the appearing in glory
of our Lord Jesus Christ
now I think we need to bear that in mind
when we think about responsibility
one of the difficulties when we read the New Testament and the Old
is that there are things which don't directly affect us
we are not the subject of the prophetic matter
but God, in his wisdom
draws to our attention
things that don't directly affect us
in the fulfillment
but are anticipated will affect us now
now if there's time I'll say this at the end
but in case I forget I'll say it now
prophecy may well give us information about the future
but that is not the prime intent of the prophetic word
God's intent by the Holy Spirit
in giving us details about the future
is in order that our conduct at the present time
might be regulated, affected
in the light of what God tells us about the future
and again, in case it's squeezed out by time
let me say this
God is pleased
to give us details
about his ultimate, absolute judgment on things
so that now at the present time
in our days of responsibility
we can come to that same moral judgment now at the present time
which will affect our lives now
in the light of what God is going to do in the future
now it's because of that
and because it is largely related to responsibility
that I have used that word responsibility
in directing our attention to salient matters
that arise in the study of the appearing
of our Lord Jesus Christ
Matthew 24 where we've read
and many other scriptures
tell us that one of the matters
at the appearing
will be that those who wait for it
will find it a matter of great relief
now that's my first R
rest and relief
God's elect on earth at that time
will be in such a state of agitation
that they will be longing
for Messiah to come
because it will give them the rest
and relief from the pressure, difficulty and affliction
which this world has never seen before
now because of that
it is not surprising that occasionally
in the New Testament
epistles addressed to Christians
the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
is linked with this matter of rest and relief
would you turn please, just briefly
to 2 Thessalonians chapter 1
which is a case in point
bear in mind again
the apostle is not speaking of matters
which will happen on earth
while we are here
but he does bring to bear the truth of the appearing
upon their present circumstances
2 Thessalonians chapter 1
and verse 7
to you who are troubled
rest, that's the word, rest with us
when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven
with his mighty angels
in flaming fire taking vengeance on them
that know not God
and that obey not
the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
who shall be punished with everlasting destruction
from the presence of the Lord
and from the glory of his power
it is a matter of great relief
in present pressure for the Christian
who doesn't know where to turn
absolutely distracted
to be conscious of the fact
that the day will come
when everything will be put right
everything will be set in order
everything will be seen in proper perspective
when as the scripture says
God has appointed a day
in which he will rule the world in righteousness
by that man whom he has ordained
and it is a matter of present relief
to the saints of God
to think on to the time
when everything shall be put right
and what matter if it is the Lord's will
that I have some little trial
some little difficulty
some little pressure
at this present time
it is a matter of rest and relief to me
to know that for him
as well as his people
the day will come
when everything is put right
I think that's the significance of that expression
we love his appearing
wasn't it grand to know
that we are longing for the day
when the Lord Jesus
shall hold universal sway
when everyone shall bow their knee to him
and it is a matter of consolation
at the present time
affecting our attitudes now
to know that in the future
that day will occur
in passing let us notice that the day
that day
is one of the significant expressions
in the New Testament
telling us about his appearing
that day
when he shall hold rightful sway
I think I'd better move on a bit
and Matthew 24
tells us
that the Lord Jesus Christ
Thessalonians 1 as well
2nd Thessalonians 1
as well as being a matter of rest
and relief
for God's people at the time
and by inference to us now
it will be the time
when retribution
is afforded, accorded
to the enemies of God
those who obey not God
will have due retribution
levied against them
this is not a matter of being vindictive
this is not a matter of enjoying
other people's difficulties
this is not a matter of selfishness
saying well it'll be fine for us
we'll be with the Lord
and it's all they deserve
those who've obeyed not the gospel of God
as well as responsibility
it is a matter of righteousness
that the rights of God
are given due accord
and it is only righteous
that those who have set themselves
against the Son
who will rule in righteousness
that they should be dealt with
that's all I can say
it's a matter of judgment
upon the enemies of God
and it is a matter of righteousness
that it be so
now would you turn please to
2 Thessalonians chapter 2
where we read from
one of the gains of spending a weekend together
are the things that there aren't time to say
or not appropriate to say on the first day
can perhaps be covered a little on the second
2 Thessalonians chapter 2
and verse 6
you remember in verse 6
we considered
that there are certain things
at the present time
which need to be changed
before Christ appears
in power and great glory
one thing we considered in verse 6
that there is that
which restrains
at the present time
when the church is a restraining influence
we were also reminded that in verse 7
that there is he who restrains
that if the church is a restraining influence
that the Holy Spirit
is a restraining power
but when the Holy Spirit
indwelling the church as such
and when the church as such
is removed at the rapture
in chronological sequence
it is then possible in verse 8 to say
and then
another confirmation
that by the time these events take place upon earth
the church and those who compose the church
will no longer be here
the mystery of iniquity
already works
just bubbling up to the surface
oh we feel increasingly don't we
that the lid is being taken off the cesspool of iniquity
more and more is bubbling through
laying open the way
for the horrible mass
to take effect
when the church and the Holy Spirit
have been taken away
and here we find that when that occurs
it will no longer be in mystery form
but that which is seen
to those who have an eye anointed to see
at the present time will become full-blown
and it will need the full-blown revelation
of the Lord Jesus Christ
in order to deal with it
and that's my next R
everything will be seen in perspective
everything will be seen in its true colours
and we are reminded in this scripture
again in Luke 19
at the time the Lord Jesus was on earth
it was not appropriate
that the kingdom should come to light
in outward show
in manifestation
but when he comes again
at his appearing
in power and great glory
with his consult with him
he will then be seen
in his rightful array
and social everyone and everything else
if we lament at the present time
that things are not as they seem to be
clear, plain revelation
of all things and all people
the secret of all men being revealed
awaits the appearing
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
now just one scripture I'd like to cement that home
John's first epistle chapter 2
the last verse, verse 28
and now children
abide in him
that when he shall appear
when he shall appear
we may have confidence
and not be ashamed before him at his coming
we come back to this again
when he appears
there'll be nothing hidden
everything will be seen in its true light
how tragic
if there are some things about us now
which will only be seen
and dealt with
when Christ appears
everything will be seen in proper perspective then
and John among others
brings to bear the moral import of this
and says in the light of his appearing
let us so live
let us so act
that things that need to be dealt with
are dealt with in this present life
again, scripture goes into detail
after the rapture
we are told, 2nd Corinthians 5 isn't it
we must all appear at the judgment seat of Christ
not as to our persons
not to us as to our security
but as to our works
responsible acts that we have performed
we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ
after the rapture
before the marriage supper of the Lamb
Revelation 19
we must all individually
be interviewed by the Lord personally
and get everything sorted out
that's both an encouragement
and a challenge
but here in the light of these things
John writing to Christians says
to the whole family
I write unto you children
that when he appears
that it will be seen then
that we are not put to shame
from before him
at his coming
things will be revealed
in their right colours
let us think of the Lord Jesus
how it will affect him
it gladdens my soul
to appreciate
that at the appearing
there will be due
for the Lord Jesus
for all his suffering
for all his rejection
for the mocking
and the sneering
that has been accorded to him
in the days of his flesh
a Christian that many of us have appreciated
for a long time
has often said
it gladdens his heart to know
that the devil will say Lord to Jesus
that those who have the name of Jesus
only upon their lips
as an oath and a curse
will say Lord to Jesus
will give it all to him
in the praise, the worship
and adoration of our souls
I've moved on of course
in these crowns to something that might well
be called the rewards
the rewards
rewards have nothing to do with the rupture
they relate to the appearing
let me pinpoint this again
it is a matter
entirely of
when we think of the appearing
entirely a matter of privilege
when we think of the rupture
a very happy thought
about the appearing
is that
it will be then
that we will be seen
to be in relationship
with Christ
Christ and his
where we started reading on Saturday
we had this haven't we
if we believe that Jesus died
and rose again
even so them also
which sleep through Jesus
sleep by Jesus will God bring with him
oh let us
enjoy that again
by Jesus
subject to his
sweet constraint
how nice
that he layeth his beloved
to sleep
not a moment in life
or in death
which is attributed to any other
first cause
than the Lord Jesus Christ
in life or in death
this word sleep
we discussed
sleep not in the sense
of lack of awareness
or lack of consciousness
but sleep in the sense of
something transient
something which is passing
something out of which we shall be
awakened and those
whose relatives thought
that they might be missing something
might be excluded from some blessing
were let into the secret of
the sweetness of the portion
who those who were
caused to fall on sleep
as a result of the sweet
constraint of the Lord
Jesus Christ but he goes on to say
even so those
also which sleep in Jesus
will God bring
with him
he is coming
for us at the
rapture so that
at about
seven years later in
earth's timetable
we might be with him
we are going to be
with him we are going
to be conformed to his image
in order that we might be
associated with him
at the appearing
and throughout the kingdom
of our Lord Jesus Christ
what a happy thought
conformity in
full degree to our
Lord Jesus Christ
when he comes again for us
again we have these words
Colossians 3
we know that when he
shall appear we
shall be like him
in glory we shall be
with him and we shall be
like him and again
the verse we've quoted from 1st
John chapter 3
time has almost gone
but I would just like to come
back to an all important
matter and it's the last
or I would like to leave with
you and that is the word
there is nothing
better calculated
to regulate
our present life
than to see God's will
revealed after the future
particularly in relation to the
rapture and the appearing
I have known
I have heard from
platform brethren
say that prophecy
is cold
that prophecy is academic
now I would say this
anything that affects
him who is precious to
me should affect my
heart and conscience
and if it's important to Christ
that these things
should be revealed about him
on the day of his glory
it must be important to me
but I must also see
that if God gives
us information as to the future
as he does it's in
order that our lives at the present
time might be duly
we've mentioned 2nd
Timothy chapter 4
let us say it
was ready to be offered
conscious that henceforth
there was laid up in store
for him a crown of righteousness
not only for him
but for all who loved
his appearing and he
said that had effected the way
that he lived and served
the master
towards the end of 1st
Timothy 6 and I cannot remind the words
I'll look at them
1st Timothy
6 14 that thou keep
this commandment without spot
in relation to
the appearing of our lord Jesus
Christ which in his
times he will show
who was the blessed and only
potentate king of kings
and lord of lords
but my last scripture
due to the brevity
of time will be 1 John
chapter 3
and I want to read 3 verses
and I would covet for
each of us
the opportunity of
hearing God's word
bearing upon our
consciences in relation to
everything we've heard this weekend so far
and what we shall
hear for the rest of the day
1 John chapter 3
what manner of love, what an unheard
what kind of love
the father hath bestowed upon us
that we should be called the sons of God
therefore the world
knoweth us not because it knew him not
now are we the sons of God
it doth not yet
appear what we shall be
but we know
that when he shall appear
we shall be like him
for we shall see him as he is
now listen to this
have this hope in him
purify of
himself even
as he is pure
this is not an exhortation
although it bears
its exhortation with it
it is a statement of fact
or she, that Christian
who has
who holds
all truth in relation
to the person of Christ
he whose hope
is centered in him
not should or might
or may but does
he that hath this hope in him
purifies himself
as he is pure
now may the Lord help us
as we discuss
and study any aspect
of scripture truth
let it have this effect upon us
whether we think of the
privileged occasion of the rupture
whether we think
of all responsible matters
which relate and have their
bearing upon the appearance
let us bear all
in relation to the person of Christ
that our hope
being centered in him
will have the practical moral
effect now of giving
us that judgment upon things
that God will ultimately execute
upon all things
and it will have this practical result
that we shall be pure
in practice even though
the standard is so high
even as he is pure …