Stephen - Some of the characteristics of a Christian
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Stephen - Some of the characteristics of a Christian
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The life and death of Stephen and what we want to see there are eight or nine
features of Christianity seen in these two verses as we see Stephen standing
before the Sanhedrin, the council, the 70 men, the religious rulers and as he seals
his testimony with his blood as a martyr and we want to see the features that
came out in his life and his death which should be true in your life and in my
life as as believers. So we're going to look this afternoon at the features of
Christianity, at least some of the features of Christianity as we see as we
see in this in this passage. Just a little background in connection with
this, there are four or at least four or five outstanding factors about
Christianity and one we know what that is, that's the death of our Lord Jesus
Christ, his crucifixion, his sufferings, his passion and how good we could, how
wonderful we can relate to that, so how wonderful to relate to his death. But not
only did he die but he arose again from the dead, he's a risen Savior, so how good
to think about Christ being risen and the wonderful resurrection ministry of
our Lord Jesus in the in the book of Acts as well as in the four Gospels we
see his resurrection ministry. And then we know his ascension and glorification
and that's what we're going to emphasize a little bit this afternoon, the Lord
willing, as we look at these various features of Christianity. And then we
know we know his soon return, his coming again to take us to be with himself.
These are outstanding features of the Christianity. But in the life of
Stephen as he's standing before these Jewish Sanhedrin giving them a history
of the nation of Israel and they're getting ready to stone him to death, in
verse 55 notice what it says about Stephen, but he being full of the Holy
Ghost. Now that's the first point, Stephen was full of the Holy Ghost. Now
how is that so? Look back at chapter 6, chapter 6 and verse 5, chapter 6 and
verse 5, the Apostles told him to select seven men of good report full of the
Holy Ghost and they would appoint them as deacons. The local brethren cannot
appoint them because we don't appoint deacons, but the Apostles did that. And
in verse 5, the saying pleased the whole multitude and they chose Stephen, a man
full of faith and of the Holy Ghost. And then down in verse 8, and Stephen full of
grace, your Bible says faith but it should read grace, what a gracious man
Stephen was, and power, and did great wonders and miracles among the people.
Well anyone who's going to have such Christ-like features, there's going to be
opposition, and there was opposition. Notice what happened, there arose of the
synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines and Cyrenians and
Alexandrians, and them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. Notice verse
10, they were not able to resist the wisdom and the capital S, that should be
a capital S, the Spirit by which he spake, not his spirit, but he spoke by
the power of the Holy Spirit. So here's one who is full of faith, full of the
Holy Ghost, full of grace and power, wisdom, and here he spake by the power of
the Holy Spirit. And then these Sabuan men, verse 11, which said we've heard him
speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God, and they stirred up the
people, and the elders, and the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and
brought him to the council. So here he is standing before the Jewish council, 70
men, the representatives of God on earth, and set up false witnesses which said
this man ceases not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the
law, for we've heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this
place and show change of customs which Moses delivered us. And all that set an
account, so looking steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of
an angel. He showed whose company he'd been keeping, he'd been keeping company
with that man in the glory, the man Christ Jesus, his face shown as a face of
an angel. And so here's the background of this of this man, this deacon, who
was a wonderful man of God. Now back in chapter 7 it says he was full of the
Holy Ghost. Now how can you and I be at least filled with the Holy Spirit?
Stephen was occupied with that man in the glory. How can we be filled with the
Spirit of God? Because Scripture tells us to be filled with the Spirit, be not
drunk with wine, wherein is excess, don't be intoxicated by things down here,
mundane things, but to be filled with the Spirit. How can that be? Well, can we
pray and ask God to fill us with the Spirit? Well it's good to pray, it's good
to be at the prayer meeting too, but praying will not fill one with the Holy
Spirit, as important as prayer is. We should pray, confess any unconfessed
sins in our lives so that he can fill us, but just praying will not fill one with
the Spirit of God. What about reading your Bible? Well it's wonderful to read
your Bible, in fact we should study the Word of God, we should read the
Scriptures, but reading your Bible doesn't fill you with the Holy Spirit.
Well what about attending meetings? Well certainly we should attend the meetings,
not forsaking of assembling of ourselves together as a manner of some is,
encouraging one another so much the more as we see the day approaching, but just
going to meeting doesn't fill one with the Spirit. You say, well what will fill
one with the Spirit? To be occupied with that man in the glory that my life, my
heart, and soul is so taken up with him, that is what will fill one with the
Spirit. If we're occupied with that one who delights the heart of God, we will be
filled with the Spirit of God. We'll be walking in the Spirit and will not
fulfill the lust of the flesh. Now this is a feature of Christianity, and if you
don't remember anything else that I say today, there are two major things. One,
there's a man in heaven, the man Christ Jesus. Two, the Holy Spirit indwells the
believer down here. That's what Christianity really is, that's what it's
all about. So how wonderful that we too, we too can have the support of heaven if
we're occupied with that man in the glory. So Stephen was full, not just filled, but
he was full. You say, what's the difference between being filled and full?
I believe on certain occasions God may have a job for us to do. Not that we
shouldn't be full, but the scripture in Ephesians says to be filled with the
Spirit. But sometimes if we have a special job to do, God will give us that
special unction, as it were, to do that very job. And here's a man, Stephen, what a
job he did giving the wonderful Hebrew history to these people. And they listened
to him also to a certain point, to a certain point, and then after that they
stoned him to death. But he was full of the Holy Ghost. We too should be at least
filled with the Holy Spirit. Notice what he did, he being full of the Holy Ghost.
The second thing, he looked up. He physically, literally looked up. He did,
because he's being stoned to death and he just looks up. Well, what about us? Where
are we looking? If we look around at the world, we would become discouraged. If you
look within yourself, you're going to become disgusted. If you're going to look
at the brethren, you're going to become disappointed from time to time. But oh
dear friends, if you look up, you can become delighted, delighted with that
man, Christ Jesus. Look back at chapter 3 if you will, just a moment, I'm sorry,
chapter 1 of Acts and verse 11. It says, verse 11, which also said these two men
in white apparel, Ye men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? This same
Jesus which is taken up from you in heaven shall so come in like manner as
you've seen him go into heaven. They were told not to gaze up, they were told not
to look up into heaven, because God was going to send the same Jesus right back
and chapter 3 tells us that. But the nation of Israel rejected, they
rejected the testimony of the Holy Spirit, and so now we are to look up. We
see Jesus crowned with glory and honor and majesty, gazing on the Lord in the glory
we sing in our hymn book. So we too are to look up, by faith of course, you don't
have to physically look up, but how good it is we can go out and see the the
heavens, declare the glory of God, the firmament showeth forth his handiwork. So
where are we looking? Are we looking up? Let's look up and we'll become, we'll
become delighted because of that man in the glory. The third thing, he looked up
steadfastly. Mr. Darby's translation says he fixed his eyes. It wasn't just a
casual thing, of course we know there was one there that fixed, that Stephen fixed
his eyes upon, physically, literally. Heavens opened and gave him a special
revelation as he was being received in the glory, his soul and spirit. But what
about us? Do we have purpose of heart? We're not just playing meeting are we? Or
playing Christianity? I trust not that we really, we really have purpose of
heart. As partakers of the heavenly calling certainly we should be gazing up
steadfastly. Anytime during the day, in the evening, at night, we can look up. You
can be at home, you can be in the kitchen, you can be driving your car, you can be
at work, you can be at the university, it doesn't matter where you are, you can
look up. And how good that we can look up by faith and see of that man in the
glory, the man Christ Jesus. So he looked up steadfastly. So let's not be casual
about these things. I'm sure no one here is casual about them, but just in case
there might be someone who is casual, these things are eternal verities. These
are eternal realities that we're going to be occupied with for all eternity. And
so it's so good to become familiar with them right down here in this scene while
we're waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Notice the fourth
thing, he looked up steadfastly into heaven. That's where he looked up, he
looked up into heaven, physically, literally. But we too can look up in
heaven. You know it was said of Moses, he endured as seeing him who is invisible.
So really, faith sees the invisible. We look up, we see the invisible. Noah, he did
the impossible. Noah built an ark to the saving of his house. And so faith not
only sees the invisible, but faith does the impossible. With Abraham, Abraham 100
years of age and his wife was 90, they were told they were gonna have a baby.
Why? Faith believes the incredible. That's an incredible thing to happen, but it did
happen. So faith sees the invisible, faith does the impossible, it believes the
incredible. I'll tell you something incredible happened to me a few years
ago. I was in Norfolk, Virginia at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and I wanted to
go over to Portsmouth, Virginia. If I could go through the tunnel, it only
takes five minutes, but it cost what we call a quarter of a dollar, 25 cents. And
I didn't have 25 cents. I had a check in my pocket, but I didn't have 25 cents. You
know, the tollgate doesn't take IOUs or checks or anything like that. You've
got to have a 25 cent coin and you put it in the slot and a gate comes open and
you go across the tunnel and you're there in five minutes. Otherwise, it takes
one hour to drive around the peninsula at five o'clock in the afternoon when
cars are just coming up by the literally thousands. And you know what I did? I said,
Lord, I need a quarter. You think a quarter fell out of heaven? Almost. I had
purchased my mother-in-law's 62 Valiant automobile, Plymouth automobile, and I put
my hand right in the back seat of the car and there was my quarter. And I put
it in the tollgate. The tollgate opened. I was there in five minutes. Now to me,
that was incredible. Someone might say, oh, that was a coincidence. That was a
coincidence. Your mother-in-law carried some older sisters to the
meeting and one of those older sisters dropped a 25 cent piece in the seat.
Well, of course that's what happened. Of course that's what happened. But the Lord
knew I needed that quarter for that tollgate that afternoon at five o'clock.
I'm sure you could tell me some incredible things that have happened in
your life too that the Lord has worked in your life. So really, dear friends,
isn't it wonderful? The world knows nothing about that. Faith sees the
invisible. Faith does the impossible and it believes the incredible. You tell
someone that a man 2,000 years ago came down here to this earth and lived 33 and
a half years of age and he died on a cross, a shameful cross, and his blood is
efficacious enough to save anyone who would come to him and he arose from the
dead. Why? They wouldn't believe you lest the Spirit of God works on their
hearts and reveals it to them. But we believe it and we go on our way
rejoicing and receive the benefit from it. So he looked up steadfastly into
heaven. Well, what did he see? The fifth thing, notice in verse 55, he saw the
glory of God. Must have been some phenomena that he saw. He saw the glory
of God. But you know something? We too can see the glory of God because the glory
of God is in resonance in the face of Jesus Christ. Turn to 2nd Corinthians
chapter 3, 2nd Corinthians chapter 3. Notice the last verse. Yes, I believe it's
verse 18, 2nd Corinthians 3 and verse 18. But we all, it says with open face, but it
doesn't mean our face is open, that's not the thought. It means the Lord Jesus
has an open face. But we all, beholding as in a glass, and I understand the word
beholding is a Greek word which means also reflecting. It means beholding and
reflecting, that's the meaning of the word. And so as we behold that man in the
glory, as we behold the glory of God, that will be reflected in our lives. So we
all, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, all change unto the same
image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. You see, the Lord
Jesus doesn't have a veil on his face. Moses did. He had to have a veil over his
face because the people couldn't look at him. But our Moses, the Lord Jesus, and
that's what that means, he has open face. He has an unveiled face, and we by faith
can look up and behold the glory of God, because it's in resonance in the face
of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit would occupy us with that man in the
glory. And as we're occupied with that man in the glory, we too will see by
faith the glory of God. Look at chapter 4 of 2nd Corinthians, verse 3, But if our
gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this
world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest a radiancy, or
the light of the gospel of the glory, the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the
image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ
Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who
commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to
give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus
Christ. You know the Apostle Paul, when he was converted, he said he saw a light
from heaven, and then when he told it he said he saw a great light, and then later
on he said it was a light above a noonday sun, and so that light just got
brighter and brighter and brighter all the time. And you know dear fellow
believer, as we are occupied with him there in the glory, we too will say that
it's radiant. We too can see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. So
might we too be occupied with him there in the glory. Also we should see the
glory of God in our lives, in our families, in our assemblies, when things
happen. We should praise the Lord that there's a blessing, or someone gets saved,
or someone identifies himself to the assembly testimony, or a new baby comes
into a family. Why? That's all for the glory of God. Here's a man who's out of
job, and he's not employed, and he gets a job, he's employed. Well praise the Lord
about that. We can see the glory of God all around us, if we have eyes to see and
ears to hear. So certainly even though we don't see some strange
phenomena as Stephen saw, we certainly can see the glory of God as occupied
with that man in the glory. Back in Acts 7 verse 55, the sixth thing he sees, he
sees Jesus standing on the right hand of God. We'll talk about standing in just a
moment, but here Stephen sees Jesus. Why didn't he see Christ? Or why didn't he
see Christ Jesus? Same person of course, same person, but he says he sees Jesus. I
think it's wonderful that one who was rejected by the nation of Israel, that
one who mankind generally rejected, will not have this man reign over us, that
very one, this same Jesus whom you've crucified, there he is, he's both Lord and
Christ. You see the nation of Israel knew about Christ, they knew about the
anointed one, if they read the Old Testament writings they knew there was
one to come, but to say that this Jesus was Christ, oh no, they couldn't accept
that, that infuriated them, and so he sees Jesus. And how good that we too can look
up by faith and we see that object, that object for our faith, Jesus. Even in the
last chapter of Revelation he says, I Jesus, he still remains the same.
Wonderful. I realize we're not in Jesus, we're in Christ and in Christ Jesus, but
still we're identified with Jesus. And so Stephen looks up, what a sight to see,
what an object for faith for the believer down here, he sees Jesus
standing on the right hand of God. We'll talk about standing in just a moment.
Verse 56, the seventh thing that he sees, he says, I see the heavens open. He saw
heavens physically opened. But you know something, we too can see open heavens by
faith. At one time the heavens were closed, the heavens were brass as it were,
but at the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ the heavens opened and all the
heavenly hosts welcomed his birth, glory to God on the highest and peace on earth,
goodwill towards men. Angels had never seen the Lord Jesus before, he was seen
of angels. So when he was born in Bethlehem, Manger, they welcomed his birth.
Why, at his baptism the heavens opened, this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well
pleased. At his transfiguration, when he was transfigured on that high mountain,
the heavens were open. But oh dear friends, when he ascended, the heavens
opened to receive him back up in glory, what a glorious reception he received
when he went back to glory. You know something, the heavens are still open,
God is now coming out and blessing to his creatures. Why, not only that the
gospel of the glory can be preached, there's still open heavens. And you know
for you and me for who are believers, what a support, what an encouragement to
know that the heaven supports us. There are open heavens, not physically,
literally, but by faith the heavens are open. We have every resource at our
disposal. You don't have to feel sorry for yourself, you don't have to say poor
me, nobody loves me, or that type of attitude. No, because we have every
resource of heaven. Why, the Lord Jesus is there. We talked about heavenly resources
already at this hall. The Father's house is there. Why, the heavens are open and
what a wonderful thing. And if you be risen with Christ, seek those things
which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your
affections on things above and not on things on the earth down here. So there
are still open heavens. Oh yes, they're gonna literally open someday and that
blessed one is gonna come back. He's gonna come back and reign as King of
Kings and Lord of Lords, and shortly before that he's gonna call us there to
be with him in the heavens, is he not? He's gonna rapture us to glory. Well, he
sees the heavens open and then he says in verse 56, he says, and the Son of Man
standing on the right hand of God. Now why doesn't he say the Son of God? He
says the Son of Man. Well there's a reason for that. The Lord Jesus is
uniquely the Son of Man. We read about Son of Man or a Son of Man, but here the
Lord Jesus is the Son of Man. What if you'll see the Son of Man ascend back
up where he was before? What if you see angels ascending and descending on the
Son of Man? He calls himself the Son of Man, he is, and you know we can be
thankful that he's there. He's there as a Son of God, God the Son, eternal Son, we
realize that, but he's there as a Son of Man, and because he lives as a man in the
glory, we too will live as men. We'll have a body of glory fashioned like unto
his glorious body. So there he is, the Son of Man, but he's standing at this
particular instance. You say, why would he be standing? Well if he were standing in
chapter 3 we could understand that, because Peter says repent, be
converted, have your sins blotted out, and God will send Jesus Christ whom the
heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things. If he were
standing there we could understand that if a nation of Israel would have
accepted Christ, at that point he would have come back right that moment
established his kingdom. Now God of his full knowledge knew they would not do
that. So if he were standing there, yes there would be a city of refuge, but
that's not why he's standing. He is standing to receive his martyr Stephen
into glory. Isn't that wonderful? The Lord Jesus was aware of what his
faithful servant Stephen was going to have to go through. You know something? He
is aware of what you may have to go through. He's aware of what I may have
to go through. We remember we just heard about, in fact we were at the funeral
service of our sister Minnie Anderson. She told her daughter the day before she
died, she said, she said, I've seen the Lord. I knew a man in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, the day he died, he sat up on his sofa, he sang a hymn from the, we
used to call it Little Flock Hymn Book, sang a hymn from the Black Hymn Book, he
said to his wife goodbye, he said to his brother goodbye, and to his sister-in-law
said goodbye, he said, I see the Lord. He was gone, he was gone. Stephen is, sees the
Lord Jesus, the Son of Man, standing. Then the right hand, there's something about
the right hand. Right hand speaks of power, right hand speaks of authority,
right hand speaks of dominion. Now when he was on earth, all power on earth was
committed unto him. He had power on earth to forgive sins, but his power goes
further than that now. All power in heaven and on earth is his, now that he
has risen and glorified at God's right hand. So how good to see him standing at
the right hand of God. Would you just glance back at verse 51, I just wanted to
comment on verse 51. Before I read the verse I might mention this, someone might
say at this point was this council, the Jewish nation, the representatives, were
they rejecting Christ at this point? No, they had already rejected Christ and
nailed him to the cross of Calvary. So this incident is not rejecting
Christ, you say well what were they doing? Look at verse 51. Ye stiff neck and
uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Ghost. As your
fathers did, so do you. You're a bunch of a trash, you're a bunch of murderers, he
says in the next verse. Now what they were doing at this point when they
stoned Stephen to death, they were not rejecting Christ, they'd already done
that. They were rejecting the testimony of the Holy Spirit about Christ, that's
true, but once a person rejects the Holy Spirit's testimony, the Holy Spirit's
wooing and convicting, there's nothing for them. And at this point, at this point
the nation of Israel was set aside until the tribulation period as a nation. Now
anyone can be saved individually, individuals can be saved, but at this
point the nation of Israel is set aside and by and large Gentiles, those of the
nations, you and me, we are being saved through trusting Christ as Savior. So in
that sense at this point, this is the great turning point in Christianity. Acts
chapter 7, the stoning of Stephen is a great turning point in Christianity
because shortly after that the Apostle Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles
comes upon the scene. But now we don't want just linger on that, we want to get
something practical, that's called, that's called dispensational truth. Look at
verse 57, Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and
ran upon him with one accord. They cast him out of the city, and stoned him. A
re-enactment of the death of Christ, not by crucifixion of course, but by stoning.
The Lord Jesus had told his disciples in the upper room and walking over to the
Garden of Gethsemane that they think they would do Levitical service by
taking people's lives, the religious people. And so he told them that, and just
about every one of the Apostles were martyred, even Peter crucified upside
down, as we as we see in the book of John's Gospel, John 21. So here
they take Stephen's life, and look at verse 59, we're not going to take up
about Saul, but verse 59, As they stoned Stephen, and they stoned Stephen, calling
upon God, saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Who else said receive my spirit?
The Lord of glory says, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Now we
couldn't commend our spirits, the Lord could do that. The Lord Jesus literally
gave his spirit permission to leave his body. When it says he dismissed his
spirit, that means he was in control of everything all the way through. No man
taketh my life, I lay it down to myself. On the other hand, wicked men crucified
and slayed the Lord of glory, and yet the other hand, he laid down his
life for himself, and he gave his human spirit permission to leave his body. But
here Stephen says, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And notice what he does, he's
praying for his enemies, he's kneeling down, he cried with a loud voice, the Lord
Jesus cried with a loud voice, it is finished. And Stephen says, Lord, lay not
this sin to their charge. The Lord Jesus says, Father, forgive them, they know not
what they do. And then having said this, and when he had said this, he finishes his
course, he fell asleep, and he woke up in heaven. Now the last point is this,
Stephen looked like Jesus, Stephen talked like Jesus, Stephen had a Christlike
spirit, he had the Spirit of Christ, that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit, that's
different from the Holy Spirit. That verse in Romans 8, when it says, if any
man have not the Spirit of Christ, that's not the Holy Spirit. If any man have not
the Spirit of Christ, he's none of his. It's illustrated in Paul's life, Paul
wrote to the Philippians and he said, Brethren, you pray that I might have the
supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Why, it wouldn't be the Holy Spirit, he had already
been saved 35 or 40 years when he said that. He wanted to have the same attitude,
he wanted to have the same Christlike spirit as the Lord Jesus did when he
stood before Herod, and Pilate, and Annas, and Caiaphas. He wanted to have the Spirit
of Jesus Christ. Here's one who has a Christlike spirit. Now that's the
last point, what about us? Are you in a meeting where people don't speak to one
another? I'm sure that doesn't happen here, but there are some meetings where
people have an unforgiving spirit, they break bread together, they avoid one
another. That takes the sharp edge off of the testimony. The Holy Spirit cannot
feel free to work like He would amongst the Lord's people. I love to be free with
every one of my brethren. Sometimes we have favorites, and it's not good to have
favorites. I know we like people because they think like we do, but let us be
Christlike, and if we have anything that's in our lives, the unforgiving
spirit, judge it, take care of it, confess it, go to that person and say I'm sorry.
That happened in a place, one place, I don't know if it was in this country, or maybe in
U.S. or Canada, and my, once people confessed those little things that were
hindering, the blessing of God fell. There were showers of blessings, souls were
saved, people came into the meeting, and it really was wonderful. And so let us,
let us, let us too have a Christlike spirit. Now these lovely features are not
enough that we've talked about this afternoon. These lovely features that
were coming out of the life of Stephen and his life and his death, these
features of Christianity can come out in our lives too. There's only one way, and
that's having our lives occupied and taken up with that man in the glory, and
of course, of course his wonderful things. So may we, may we also be like the Lord
Jesus. May we have these wonderful features coming out in our lives as
we're occupied with that man in the glory, the man Christ Jesus. May God add
the blessing to his word for his namesake this afternoon. …