Crucified, Died, Buried, Raised, Glorified
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Passagens bíblicas
Gal 2:20; Col 2:20; Rom 6:4; Col 3:1; Rom 8:29-30
1. Gal 2:20 - Crucified2. Col 2:20 - Died
3. Rom 6:4 - Buried
4. Col 3:1 - Raised
5. Rom 8:29-30 - Glorified
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Jesus, Lord, I will honor Thy forever, one with Thee evermore.
Praise the Lord always, Alleluia!
Who art the Son!
Thine estate from every nation, every time and hour.
Praise to Thee for history, sin and shame.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise the Lord, Amen.
God preserve thee!
God protect thee from all sin and shame.
Bless us, O Master, and your glory.
Thyself a treasure that I long to be.
Thy glory, O Lord, at last I have found.
To thee, O Lord, give a blessing of life.
In sunshine and sun, God's love on earth's face.
Give thee thyself by the Father's grace.
Thy goodness, O Lord, I cannot deny.
O holy cross, O pilgrim I deny.
Lamb of God, see the glory in this day.
Have fulness in every coming age.
When all things fail, I be a glorious.
And God's people, free from all distress.
Give them eternal peace to live of peace.
Thy greatness, O Lord, the universe shall sing.
Thy beauty, O Lord, thy holy presence well.
Serve us in full to give the joys of earth.
And thank the hearts of joy, life, hopes and love.
Thyself a mountain in God's eternal love.
In death and death, O God, shall we call upon thy name.
Rejoice, ye the risen, of earth's heavenly King.
Come, O Christus, come, let us sing.
And to God in his Son.
To him, to him, the Lord, and to him our cause was done.
He rose and was ascended, in him who came to die.
In him who now is seated at God's right hand of dying.
With praise, praises unchanging, we serve from day to day.
And with a boundless mercy, we serve from death and grave.
And when the day of mortage shall pass upon this sea,
This heavy load of blindness, which deep in sin hath been,
Whom every eye shall see.
And raise him up and glory, and we shall with him be.
For he who left the glory to die upon the tree,
We'll serve from heaven's story, and from our death and grave.
For glory to his name is justly brought to us.
And with him we sing fervor, as Jesus' praise shall flow.
I would like to read this evening five verses from Paul's writing.
One in Galatian, two in Colossians, and two in Romans.
Start, let's turn first to the epistle of Paul to the Galatians, chapter 2 and verse 20.
Galatians, chapter 2 and verse 20.
I am crucified with Christ, and no longer live I, but Christ lives in me.
But in that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith, the faith of the Son of God,
who has loved me and gave himself for me.
Colossians, chapter 2, verse 20.
Colossians, chapter 2 and verse 20.
If ye have died with Christ from the elements of this world, why, as if alive in the world,
do ye subject yourselves to the ordinance?
Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch things which are all for the destruction in using them,
according to the injunctions of the teachings of men.
Romans, chapter 6.
Romans, chapter 6, verse 4.
We have been buried therefore with him by baptism unto death,
in order that even as Christ has been raised up from among the dead by the glory of the Father,
so we also should walk in the newness of life.
Back to Colossians, chapter 3.
Colossians, chapter 3, verse 1.
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek the things which are above,
where the Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.
Finally, in Romans, chapter 8.
Romans, chapter 8, and verse 29.
Because whom he has foreknown, he has also predestinated to be confirmed to the image of his Son,
so that he should be the firstborn among many brethren.
But whom he has predestinated, these also he has called,
and whom he has called, these also he has justified.
But whom he has justified, these also he has glorified.
Let's just look to the Lord for help.
Lord Jesus, we are conscious this evening of the greatness of thy word,
the greatness of thy truth, and the weakness of the vessel.
We would pray this evening that thou will undertake for us
that the Spirit of God will open our eyes, our hearts, and our understanding,
that as a result of being together under the sound of thy word,
that there will be fruits for thy glory and for thy honor.
We cast ourselves upon thee this evening, Lord Jesus. Amen.
I would like to draw your attention this evening to five things.
We read five verses, but there are five things, or five words,
that even the youngest person in this room tonight could remember.
And I see there are quite a few young peoples here.
The five words are crucified, died, buried, raised, glorified.
They're easy to remember.
Crucified, died, buried, raised, glorified.
As you have seen from the statement, from the verses that we have read,
that all of these things are true of the Lord Jesus.
The Lord Jesus was crucified.
The Lord Jesus died.
The Lord Jesus was raised from among the dead.
The Lord Jesus also was buried.
He was raised from among the dead.
And he was glorified.
So these truths are absolutely true of the Lord Jesus.
But if you notice in the verses that we have read, we are connected with him.
So you realize as you study the word of God,
that there is something called objective truth.
Objective truth is that which is outside of ourselves,
connected with the Lord Jesus.
Subjective truth is that very same truth is taken up,
applied by the Holy Spirit in our lives.
You have heard this morning in a Bible study,
that the first three chapters of the Epistle to the Ephesians
contain the objective truth.
Chapter 4, 5 and 6 is the working out of those truths,
or what we call it, subjective truth.
It is the Spirit of God that takes these truths
that are real and true of the Lord Jesus
and works them in the life of the believer.
Because after all, the greater triumph of God is this,
is the reproduction of the life of the Lord Jesus in the believers presently.
There is no greater triumph for God than that.
That you and I, that we are all collectively,
will display the features that was displayed in the Lord Jesus
when He was here on earth.
I would like to start with these five facts that have taken place.
And together we will see how the Spirit of God applies them to our life,
operates them in our life,
to the end that the life of Christ will be manifested in our life.
We start with crucifixion.
Paul said, I am crucified with Christ.
Now that's not actually.
Paul was not crucified actually with Christ.
Morally, he was.
But what does that mean?
The cross of Christ is the end of man's world.
That world which started in Genesis chapter 4,
when Cain built that city away from God,
where he was self-sufficient to have everything,
the civilization started there,
but it was completely away from God.
That world came to an end in the cross of the Lord Jesus.
Because when the Lord Jesus was here on earth,
He was the one who revealed God.
He was the manifestation of the truth.
He was the truth personified.
And the question that faced the world,
the crisis that faced the world when the Lord Jesus came here,
is what is the world going to do with the Lord Jesus?
And you know the answer.
At His birth, there was no room for Him in the inn.
As one has said, the best man, the rich man of this world,
gets the best room in the inn.
The poor man of this world gets the worst room in the inn.
But the Lord Jesus had no room in the inn.
At His birth, and at His death,
at the end of His life,
what was the cry of the multitude?
Away with Him.
He could not fit in their buildings.
He was the stone that the builders have rejected.
He could not fit in their system.
They did not know what to do with Him.
And the answer was, crucify Him.
It wasn't the Lord Jesus who was on trial.
It was the world who was on trial.
The answer that they had to face,
the decision they had to make,
what are they going to do with Him?
Pilate didn't know what to do with Him.
He sent Him to Herod.
Herod didn't know what to do with Him.
He sent Him back to Pilate.
The Pharisees and the Sadducees,
who were enemies all the time, they became friends.
Pilate and Herod, who were enemies all the time, became friends.
They all came to the same judgment.
Away with Him.
They could not fit Him in their system.
But in the cross of Christ,
God had finished with that world completely.
The cross of Christ is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 1.
It's mentioned in Galatians 2, the verse we have read.
It's mentioned in Colossians 2.
In 1 Corinthians 1,
the cross of Christ has to do with that world
of power and of majesty and of wisdom.
The wise men of this world did not know
and they crucified Him in the place of a skull.
The cross of Christ ended that world.
When you come to Galatians, you have the religious world.
The cross of Christ ended that religious world.
When you come to Colossians,
they have the world of intellect and philosophy.
And the cross of Christ ended that world completely.
And Paul, who had appreciated the fact that Christ was crucified,
he is linking himself with the Lord Jesus and saying,
I am crucified with Christ.
Now what does that mean?
Three things.
A crucified man is facing one direction.
Number one.
Number two, he is not going back.
And number three, he has no further plan of his own.
Let me explain what I mean.
A crucified man is facing one direction.
The Lord Jesus told us, remember Lot's wife.
She was running away from the world that is going to endure,
going to face the judgment of God.
She was running in that direction,
but she was facing the other way.
She wanted to have one hand away from this world
and another hand holding into that wicked world
that is under the judgment of God.
A crucified man is facing one direction.
He is not going back.
No turning back.
He is not going back.
I am crucified with Christ.
Nevertheless, I live.
There is no turning back.
And the third thing.
He has no further plan of his own.
How about you and I?
The world is a very attractive place.
Moses realized that there are great pleasures in Egypt.
But he was a good accounting.
He made a good accounting.
We are living in a world where there is a lot of creative accounting.
And it usually leads to bankruptcy.
And if the believer does the same thing,
it would lead to the same thing also.
Paul said in Philippians,
I count all things but loss.
Well, you might think to yourself,
did he change his mind later on?
If you look at those verses, the verb there,
and he said, I do count.
It's not only I've done it once in the past
and maybe I regret it now
when there is persecution and when there is suffering.
No, he said, and I do count all things but loss
for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord.
Nevertheless, I live.
That was the soul of Tarsus.
Who lived in touch with that world
that God had condemned
and finished with in the cross of Christ?
Not I, but Christ lives in me.
If you read the last chapter in Galatians chapter 6,
he said, let me read the verse so I can quote it right.
Galatians chapter 6.
There, it's not a real theoretical thing
to say I am crucified with Christ.
He said in verse 14,
but God forbid that I should glory save in the cross
of our Lord Jesus Christ
by whom the world is crucified unto me
and I unto the world.
Do you see here?
The cross of Christ is connected with the world.
This is the first time, probably the only time
I think you get that expression in the scripture,
the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He said in verse 17,
for henceforth, let no man trouble me
for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
What does that mean?
If you remember, I think it's in John 20,
when the Lord Jesus appeared to the disciples
after his resurrection,
he showed them the marks in his hand
and in his feet and in his side.
Paul is saying that I have,
it's the same word, the marks, the stigma
of the Lord Jesus.
Now, does that mean if you look at Paul,
if you look at his hands,
we heard last night of the hands of Paul.
We heard last night of the tears of Paul.
We heard last night of the knees of Paul.
Verse 31, verse 34, verse 36.
What does that mean?
That means if you look at the apostle Paul,
you would see a man who is crucified with Christ.
Morally, he had bare in his hands,
in his feet, on his knees,
the same features that the Lord Jesus had bare.
Morally speaking, he was a man
that had finished with that world
that God had finished with.
He could say, Christ lives in me.
A new life, a new aspiration,
and a new direction.
We move on to the second thing,
historically speaking, that happened
to the Lord Jesus.
Not only that the Lord Jesus was crucified,
the Lord Jesus died.
What does that mean?
He did not die because of his sins.
Let's make that very clear.
The Lord Jesus was holy.
He did no sin.
In Him, there was no sin.
And He knew no sin.
He was perfect humanity.
100% man, 100% God in one person.
That fine meal offering.
Fine flowers.
But why did He die?
To do the will of God
on an account of my sins and yours.
Because you and I have received
as a result of Adam's sin,
something called the old man.
And if the cross of Christ
is the end of man's world,
the death of Christ
is the end of that man altogether.
Dr. Patterson used to say,
what could not be mended
must be ended.
God could not fix the old man.
He could not mend it.
He could not fix it.
He could not do anything with it.
He was hopeless.
It's like a rotten piece of wood.
You give it to the most skillful artist
or carpenter,
he cannot do anything with it.
The only fitting place for it
is a fire, fireplace.
God could not do anything
with our old man.
And the Lord Jesus in His death
took that
and He died outside
of that condition of things
that is attached itself
to you and I.
We read in Colossians chapter 2
if you have died with Christ.
It is true historically that Christ died.
But you and I
died also with Him.
And the challenge to you and I is this.
Are we
having before us
that man
that God had finished with?
Or are we
done with that man just as God did
in the death of Christ?
The Colossians saints were in the danger
of putting that man again
before their eyes.
They were attracted
to clever men.
Men who had the ability
and the intellect.
And there are many of them in our days today.
There's nothing wrong with being smart.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Nothing wrong to have a good brain.
It's a good thing.
But when you start putting your head
in the things of God
when you get this old man
to try
to explain
and justify it
and explain
and understand
the things of God
he cannot.
It's impossible.
The man of this world
we read that in 1 Corinthians
could not understand the things of God.
The spirit
could not understand the things of the spirit.
He cannot.
He's incapable.
And the saints in Colossae
were in the danger
of following these philosophers.
And the apostle warned them.
He warned them because he doesn't want them
to turn to be allowed to see him.
People who are self-sufficient
have all the intellect in the world.
I always hear that thing
and it bothers me to no end.
When they tell you that man has a great brain
that he only uses 5% of his brain
I don't know where they get that from.
But they try to tell you
that you are able.
You are capable.
You are God.
You could do a lot of things.
Let your potential go.
You who are in colleges and universities
you hear that stuff all the time.
And it sounds good.
And man is creating a God
in his own image.
Man has his own idea
how God should be.
And they are imagining that kind of God.
And they will have one
in that day.
Not gonna be here.
But they'll have him.
And God will come in judgment.
It's very interesting.
When John wrote to
the seven assemblies in Asia
Colossae was not one of them.
Colossae was not one of them.
And I really wonder sometimes
if it was the first assembly to go.
I really wonder.
They have followed after the wrong man.
And you and I
and you and I
are warned
because we know
it is true that God did not only
finish with that world of man
but he finished with that man
all together.
He terminated that man
in the death of Christ.
Not only that Christ
was crucified
and you and I
are crucified with him.
Not only that he died
and you and I
have died with him
but Christ also was buried.
Now burial
in the scripture
we learn that from Genesis chapter 23
the first time we have
the burial of anybody
mentioned in the word of God.
And there Abraham said concerning Sarah
that I might bury
my dead out of my sight.
When you bury somebody
you just remove him out of your sight.
You don't see the dead person anymore.
In the cross of Christ
it was the end of man's world.
In the death of Christ
it is the end of that man
all together.
And in the burial of Christ
is the putting
this man out of sight.
does not
really see us
as buried with Christ.
Burying is the believer
to the cross
and the death
of Christ.
Now if you remember when we read in Romans chapter
chapter 6
and in verse 4
we are buried
with him by baptism
unto his death.
So the believer's answer
to the burial
is in baptism.
Now let me
explain that
or draw an illustration
from the word of God.
Two men in the gospel of John
that might help us
understand the truth of burial
the truth of baptism.
One of them is Nicodemus.
Mentioned three times in the gospel of John.
In chapter 3
in chapter 7
and in chapter 19.
In chapter 3
he came to the Lord Jesus by night.
He was a teacher
in Israel.
In chapter 7
in the end of the chapter
you read there
that he stood for the Lord Jesus.
There was a discussion
among the Jewish leader
of what should he do with the Lord Jesus.
And he said there, does our law judge any man
without hearing him?
He was trying to stand for the Lord Jesus.
But it's interesting the spirit of God
record there to us that
he was one of them.
Nicodemus was known
to be one of them.
And one of them
Jewish people.
Joseph of Arimathea
we read of him
in chapter 19.
He was a secret disciple.
He was a true believer.
But no one knew it
but himself
and God.
was one of them.
Joseph of Arimathea
was a secret disciple.
The Lord Jesus said
that we should not have
two courts.
The believer should not
have two courts.
Joseph of Arimathea
had double life.
He had his own life
in public that nobody knew
that he was a true disciple of the Lord Jesus.
And he had a private life.
How many of us
tonight here
have that kind of life?
The Lord Jesus said
you do not have two courts.
And I'm not talking about this.
The very same court
that you wear in the presence of God
should be the same court
that you wear when you are
outside in the world.
There is no secret life.
There is no double life.
But when that
came out
it came out
in the barrier of the Lord Jesus.
Because there Nicodemus
who was one of them now went
as a brave man really
you have to be brave and go and ask
for a body of somebody who was crucified.
The Jews have accused that
if you let him go
they told that pilot and they scared him
you are not a lover of Caesar.
So now to go and associate yourself with him
well you are in a danger
of losing your life.
But Nicodemus came out
and so is Joseph of Arimathea.
Now you and I could not
actually be there at that time.
We can't. We are in the year 2005.
But you and I could respond
to that in baptism.
Now many of us
probably did not understand that
when we were baptized.
But it was very interesting to hear
this morning that a 16 years old
wrote such a hymn
before she got
How many 16 years old are here in this room?
Don't have to raise your hands.
How many hymns you have
You think you are young?
You think you cannot start
till you are 50 or 60 or 70?
Thank God for the older
brothers and sisters that we have.
For their faithfulness.
They have kept things going.
But young peoples,
it is time
for you to wake up.
And to throw that other
coat out.
And to show your real color.
That you belong
to the Lord Jesus.
And to study the word of God.
And to be help in your local
And to be serious
about your Christianity.
The army of God
is filled with young
The generals are usually sitting in the back.
Giving direction.
But in the battlefield
there are young men.
And where are the young men in our local
If the Lord leaves us here
another 20 years.
Or 30 years.
Are you going to be able?
Brothers and sisters.
You sisters are very important too.
Young sisters.
Look. Moses' mother
did not cross the Red Sea.
Did not part the Red Sea. Did not write the five books.
But she raised
Moses, Aaron and Miriam.
There is a place
for the sisters.
You young sisters should know the scripture.
It was Samuel's mother.
It was Moses' mother.
It was Josiah's mother.
They have tremendous place.
Sure you cannot stand here and preach.
But you could
make preachers.
There is no time to waste.
We have done with this world.
And we come out of
this water of baptism.
To walk
in the newness of life.
Christianity is not
a negative thing.
It is not, oh
if I become a true believer
then, well I am not going to be
able to do this. And I am not going to be
able to do that.
That is pathetic.
Christianity is a wonderful thing.
It is a wonderful
thing to be a Christian.
It is a wonderful thing to be for the Lord.
To stand up for Him.
To stand apart
from everybody else.
And to show everybody that you belong
to Him.
Nicodemus did it. He was an old man.
I think Joseph of Arimathea was a young man.
Also he was already
thinking of his death. I don't know why.
He had a tomb.
But God had a purpose for it.
But these
men came out
in the barrier of the Lord Jesus.
They showed their true color.
And you and I
are called to be true to our
baptism. I don't know if you
are baptized or not.
But if you are
live and let's be
true to our baptism.
We walk in the newness of life.
He said there
For we have been planted together
in the likeness of His death.
We shall be also in the
likeness of His resurrection.
So death really
and burial is not the end of everything.
And we read in Colossians
chapter 2
I'm sorry.
In chapter 3
in verse 1
If therefore ye have been
raised with Christ.
The Lord Jesus
was raised from among the dead.
The truth of the resurrection is
very important.
We're living in a world where
it's not
It could not be denied that the Lord Jesus
lived. They do not deny that.
They do not
deny that He died either.
But they go out of their way to deny His resurrection.
Yet it was
essential for the work of redemption.
He said I have power to lay it down.
And I have power to take it up again.
And Paul said in 1 Corinthians chapter 15
If Christ was not raised from among
the dead we are still in our sins.
The truth of resurrection is very important.
It's a most powerful
in the universe.
The resurrection of Christ.
Because the greatest power in the universe is the power of death.
And He had conquered death.
He was raised triumphantly from among
the dead.
And you and I are raised together
with Him.
What does that mean?
In John chapter 20 the Lord Jesus
appeared to His disciples.
And there the scripture tells us that
He breathed
into them
and He said receive ye
the Holy Ghost.
Now there He is not really talking about
the Holy Spirit that the disciples
have received.
In the book of Acts chapter 2.
In John chapter 20
He's speaking of the spirit
of the new life. He's imparting
to them His spirit
and resurrection.
So what does that mean?
If you remember in the book of Genesis
when God made Adam
out of the dust
we read there that He breathed into him
the breath of life
and Adam became a living soul.
That is only unique of Adam.
It did not happen to any other creatures
that God have created before that.
What does that mean?
Adam was able
to respond to God.
To communicate with God.
That is
could not happen to the other creatures.
Only Adam received that.
The Lord Jesus is doing
the same thing in John chapter 20.
He is communicating to them
the spirit of the new life.
Now you and I
have the ability
and the capability
to communicate
to enjoy, to have part
with the Lord Jesus
where He is. Remember in John chapter 13
when He tried to wash
Peter's feet
and Peter did not
want the Lord to do that to him
and the Lord told him if I don't wash
you, you are not
going to have part with me.
Where? Not here on earth.
But where He is because the first verse of John 13
said that the Lord Jesus was going
having loved His own
He was going to the Father.
You and I now
have a place of enjoyment
that the Lord Jesus Himself had
as a man in resurrection.
You and I
being raised with Christ
we could walk in the newness of life.
In that wonderful
sphere of Christianity
that all of the unbelievers in the world
with all their wealth
with all their intellect
with all the things that they have
they could not have anything
to do with or any enjoyment of.
You and I have it because
we are raised together with Christ.
In Ephesians chapter 2
we were cooking together with Him
and we are seated
in Him
in the heavenly places.
You and I
have that wonderful place
that the Lord Jesus Himself had.
It did not end at the cross.
It did not end
at His death. It did not end
at His grave. But we are raised together
with Him. You are in Christ. That's why
if you are in Christ. He said
seek ye. Why are you seeking the things
that are on earth?
Seek ye the things that are above.
Now what are these things that are above?
I'm not going to tell you. You search them out.
treasures that are revealed
to us in the word of God.
Seek these things where Christ is
at the right hand of God.
That is our portion.
Not only that
we read the last
in Romans chapter 8
we have said
that the greatest triumph
of God
is the reproduction of the life
of the Lord Jesus in His
scenes here below.
But there
we have it when it will happen
in perfection.
The last part of verse 29
it said that
to be confirmed to the image
of His Son that He might be
firstborn among
many brethren. Now imagine that.
Now imagine that.
You and I will bear
the image of the Lord Jesus.
Mr. Darby
put it in his hymn, and is it so?
We shall be like
Thy Son.
Is this the grace
which He for us has won?
Father of glory,
thought beyond all thought.
He was
overwhelmed probably when he realized that
that He will bear
the image of the Lord Jesus.
That you and I will bear the image
of the Lord Jesus.
All like Thee.
All like Thee.
For Thy glory like Thee, Lord.
That He might be
the firstborn.
Now that term firstborn
is an interesting term.
You find two
expressions in the scripture
in connection with the Lord Jesus.
The only begotten and the firstborn.
When it comes
to the only begotten,
He is unique there.
He is the eternal son of God.
Whoever dwelled
in the Father's bosom.
And that is essential.
Those who tell you that
He was not the eternal son,
you know what they are telling you also?
That the Father was not the eternal Father.
And that is very serious.
He is the only begotten.
But here,
in connection with us,
in connection with us, He is firstborn.
Now, firstborn
have nothing to do really with birth.
If you remember
Abraham, who said of Isaac,
Take thy
only son,
Isaac. Now, was Isaac
Abraham's only son?
He wasn't even Abraham's first son.
But what does the scripture say?
Take thy only son, Isaac.
It's a rank.
The only that He might be
the firstborn, it's a rank.
It's a rank.
It's a title. It means He's a chief.
And you will find through the scriptures
that He takes that prominent
When it comes to brethren,
this verse here, Romans chapter 8,
He is the firstborn among
many brethren.
When you go to Colossians chapter 1, in connection with
the creation, He is the firstborn
of the creation.
When you come to Colossians,
I think it's chapter 1 still,
in regard to the new creation,
He is the firstborn.
When you come to the angels in Hebrews chapter 1,
He is the firstborn.
When you come to the princes
of the kings,
or the kings of the earth, in the book of Revelation,
He is the firstborn.
In everything,
He is the chief.
That is your lord and mine.
He is the chief, but He will be
the firstborn among
many brethren.
God will fill heaven,
and the
Father's house will be filled
with many
who will bear the image of His
Trust me,
there will be more people in heaven
than in hell.
God will
have the triumph.
God will have the triumph.
You and I
will have a place
that even the
worthy of the Old Testament
will never obtain.
You and I
will be glorified with
What a place!
I could understand that God
will glorify the Lord Jesus.
He deserves it.
But you and I,
to bear His image,
and to be glorified with Him,
the day will come,
the great day
of display,
when God unveiled before
a wandering
eyes of a whole universe
His handy work,
when He will bring us
with Him,
and introduce us to this world.
The Corinthians wanted
to have a place in this world.
They wanted to have
a position in this world.
And the Apostle Paul
said, no,
don't get involved in the politics of this world.
It is not time.
The time will come
when you and I,
bearing His image,
will reign
with Him.
We'll reign with Him.
And He will be admired
in His scenes.
That's a wonderful
plan of God
concerning His Son
and concerning
those who are
connected with His Son.
Remember the five
things that I have mentioned
this evening.
Take them
as David did
when he went to the brook
and he picked five
smooth little
So when the enemy comes,
when the world
come, you take that stone
and you say, no,
I am crucified
with Christ. I am done with this
world that God had done with.
When the old man tried
to raise
his ugly head and act up,
you put him
where he belonged.
And when the fact of living
the newness of life,
you realize that
you are buried with Him.
When you start
looking at the things around you
and be motivated to seek the things
that are here, remember
that you are raised with Christ
and you ought to seek the things
that are above.
And when things seem
very difficult here,
Romans chapter 8
speaks about difficult circumstances
that the believers will go through.
The Lord Jesus never promised
that you become a Christian and everything
will be fine with you. He said,
He made it very clear,
in the world you will have trouble.
He said that.
But what was His last word before
He went to the cross?
Be of good fear.
Be of good courage.
I have overcome the world
and that will be displayed in that day
when we will be glorified with Him.
May the Lord encourage our heart
and establish us
and help us to understand
that the truth of the word of God that is seen
objectively in the Lord Jesus
are worked out by the Spirit of God
subjectively in our life
that we might have the triumph and the day will come
when we will triumph together with Him
when we will be glorified with Him.
In …