Ability to stand (Dan. 1)
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Daniel 1
Ability to stand (Dan. 1)
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Would you look again at verse 4.
And as you do, remember that about 600 BC, God rejected Israel and set up a Gentile Empire
with a king, whose formidable name was Nebuchadnezzar, who had formidable habits.
He was a man of autocratic power.
He was a man to whom God had conceded power.
And he was a man that God had to call his servant, because he was using him to chasten his people.
God's strange work, judgment.
But Nebuchadnezzar, as he expanded his empire, and as he turned his eyes to that pleasant land,
which he couldn't have touched unless God had allowed him,
but as he looked there, and he saw what treasure there was there,
residual from Solomon, and of the princes and the seed royal,
he gives a command that from Jerusalem, verse 4, bring children in whom was no blemish,
but well favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science,
and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace,
and whom they might teach the learning and tongue of the Chaldeans.
I believe that should be the writing and tongue of the Chaldeans.
We must admit that Nebuchadnezzar was a man who knew what he wanted.
And he drew a profile of the kind of person he needed to stand before him.
May we just turn aside and say,
oughtn't we to be glad that when God sent his son into this world,
he didn't come looking for men like that.
He came, the Lord from heaven, to preach the gospel to the poor.
He came to heal the brokenhearted.
His mission was quite different from finding this excellence.
Because there is no such excellence, no.
Because in its highest degree, such excellence only is attributable to one person.
Now may we go down just for a few moments through these attributes.
The first, he wanted someone in whom was no blemish.
And Daniel was chosen.
Let's for simplicity's sake forget his other great companions.
Daniel was chosen, a man in whom was no blemish.
Sufficiently so to qualify for the court of Nebuchadnezzar,
which was only an earthly court.
But they chose a young man, a prince in his own right,
because at this first attack on Jerusalem, they only took the aristocracy,
the king's household, the seed royal, the princes.
And there was Daniel.
And if you can imagine Daniel's plight, and I mustn't dwell on this,
if you can imagine his plight when he saw his own city,
his own people being beaten down and carried away to the east,
to the most notorious city of idolatry there in the world at that time.
Poor Daniel, he must have had a very unhappy journey across that desert.
But he'd been chosen because in the eyes of the person given this election,
he was a person who had no blemish.
Well let's look at that.
It must bring to your mind what kind of blemish.
Well, if we think back into the book of the law, Moses,
and the Lord spoke of Moses on that day of resurrection,
we think of the Passover lamb, which was to be a lamb without blemish.
The sin offering that we come across later in Exodus was to be without blemish.
And the burnt offering, most certainly, an animal without blemish.
But the actual word used in the original for those sacrifices doesn't quite fit here,
because this is a man.
And it is not just physical blemish, but the word implies no moral blemish.
Because the man who was to stand in the highest court of the king
was to have no stain on his character,
no physical incapacity, no moral delinquency,
in fact, to be blameless.
Blameless, not immature, and certainly not senile.
Now may I just gather these things together and say
that there is one person, God's beloved Son,
who not only fits this description,
but he is described by Peter as a lamb without blemish, spotless, pure.
In manhood, someone who attracted his thousands
because of his wisdom, because of his personality,
or more than that, because of his message,
but was ever fairer than he.
He was the one whose face was more marred than any man's,
but in himself he fitted into not the requirements of Nebuchadnezzar,
but the requirements of a holy God who needed someone without blemish.
And we can put our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ himself
and know that not only was he put forward as such,
but he demonstrated himself to be as such.
His judge had to say, I find no fault in this man.
Those who were sent to capture him
came back saying, never man spake like this man.
And so you needn't make a note, the scripture notes it for you.
The first comment, without blemish.
I'm sure in your meditations you can project that very much further.
Come to the next phrase.
Well favoured.
Excellent in appearance.
Nebuchadnezzar wanted no cretin in his court,
no half-wit.
He wanted perfection.
And he wanted it to look like what it was.
Good to look on.
Excellent in appearance.
How these phrases eliminate every one of us.
But leave exalted as the very Son of God
who came to be the one who was our Saviour.
Now Daniel, he passed that test.
Probably you feel with me, I couldn't.
But Daniel did.
But even Daniel in his 10th chapter, verse 8,
you turn it up at your leisure, not now please.
He says, my calmness was turned into corruption.
And that's when he had a heavenly vision.
And no matter how perfect a man may seem to be on earth,
no matter how much without blemish or well favoured,
favoured with all that nature, all that education could give,
even Daniel, who stood that test,
and that selection in the 10th chapter uses this phrase,
my calmness was turned to corruption.
Now let's think of our Lord.
You may think of him in the 16th chapter of Matthew.
Now Peter was no fool.
He might have done some foolish things,
but that doesn't make him a fool.
He was a man, impulsive, but deeply devout.
He had made up his mind.
He was prepared to die for his master.
And God took him at his word.
It would seem eventually he did.
But in the meantime, he proved his weakness, as we know.
We're not here to denigrate Peter.
We're here to listen to his answer.
When the Lord Jesus Christ challenged him in the 16th of Matthew,
in that 16th verse, when Jesus said,
Who say ye that I am?
He could look at him and say,
The Christ, the Son of the living God, Messiah,
the answer to all the prophets,
and something added to it,
the Son of the living God.
And our Lord's reply to that, so gracious.
Well, nobody's told you that.
You didn't find that in a book, Peter,
nor did you learn it in Galilee in your fishing trade.
It's been revealed of the Father,
and it's the Father in heaven,
whose good pleasure it is to open the eyes
of those who trust in Jesus Christ
to see in him all the perfection
and all the grace and favour
that really are resident in this glorious person
of whom we try, in faulting words,
to speak this morning.
In the 17th chapter of Matthew,
on the basis of the inner belief
and conviction that Peter had
as to who Jesus Christ was,
the Lord chose Peter to be amongst the three
who were to have a preview of his glory.
And my dear young brother and young sister,
if you've got a love in your heart for the Saviour,
he's going to manifest himself to you.
He's promised to do it to those who love him.
I will manifest myself, he says.
He will make an open declaration,
not just through what I say,
not just through the books you read,
but in the quietness of your own meditation.
The Lord himself will come through,
put himself beyond doubt,
and show you, I am sure,
not in some airy, fairy way,
but in some deep heart conviction
that the person you know as Saviour
is indeed the beloved Son of God.
And Peter had this experience,
and here we look for a moment, don't we,
on the one who was well favoured.
He grew in favour with God and with men.
I must turn you now to the next statement.
It says, skilful in all wisdom,
skilful or expert,
wisdom in its best sense,
wisdom that is used here in its very best sense.
And Daniel, of course, was a young man
in whom resided wisdom.
We read that the first choice of Daniel
was confirmed three years later
when Nebuchadnezzar, conversing with him,
found him ten times better
than the best that he had.
And as Daniel stood in one way
highly exalted in a heathen court,
he had a heart that showed
that not only in Nebuchadnezzar's eyes
was he a man without blemish
and a man of grace
and a man that was skilled in wisdom,
but we read in that chapter,
if we had time to have read it all,
that he was a man with a purpose
because he had purposed in his heart
that he would not defile himself
with the king's meat.
And God honoured that purpose.
God doesn't look on the outside of a man.
He looks upon the inside.
He knows the depth of our hearts.
And when I creep away from someone else
into the quiet of my room
just to tell my Lord how much I love him,
how weak I am,
the great circumstances of rage round me,
but the purpose of my heart
entirely fixed on him,
then he's going to give the kind of strength
that we read in the last verse
of that first chapter of Daniel.
Daniel continued even to the first year of Cyrus.
He saw Nebuchadnezzar go off his seat.
He saw his successors.
And Daniel was a man who was skillful in wisdom.
What does the New Testament tell us of our Lord?
Well, in 1 Corinthians,
and again we haven't time to turn to it,
in that first chapter,
it is said Christ, the power of God,
and the wisdom of God.
He brought into this world with him
because he was deity,
the very power of God.
Remember, he was creator.
Remember, he was sustainer of all things
and skillful in wisdom.
Aye, the very wisdom of God.
This is a wonderful attribute of the Lord Jesus Christ
and it should call out our admiration,
our affection, our loyalty
to the one who's loved us and died for us.
Can we imagine a person with all these attributes
taking up a task such as he took up
because he was the only person
who could come to the rescue of people like you and me?
And I must pass on.
There is another phrase, cunning in knowledge.
I'm not going to linger long on this, I'd like to,
but perhaps sufficient to say
that when we think of cunning,
it has several peculiar meanings in the British language.
It's a terrible language, really, it's a British language
and of course there was a writer who said
when I use a word, it means what I want me,
what I intend it to mean, nothing more and nothing less.
But though that may seem trite,
it is something we must look at
because if you speak of cunning,
nearly everyone will quote that little verse in the Psalms,
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
let my right hand lose her cunning.
And if you look closely, you'll find that word cunning
is in italics, it isn't in the original.
About a year ago, it was the privilege of some of us
to be in Israel,
and an educated Israeli quoted that verse
in a free translation that I'll never forget.
As we entered Jerusalem, looking at those beautiful walls,
said, If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
let my right hand die.
Let it atrophy, let it die.
But that doesn't get us far with cunning,
only to put that idea of it out of our head.
Cunning brings in action.
It is the active use of knowledge.
Now there are some people who pack their head with knowledge.
I was speaking to a young man, he's not in England now,
but I said to him as he'd taken his doctorate,
Well, what are you going to do now?
And he looked at me rather bewilderedly and said,
Well, actually I'm in a difficulty.
I've studied a subject that's so abstruse,
I can't find any practical use for it.
Poor man, poor man.
No practical use for it.
Now God is a God of doing.
He doesn't ask us to do anything to save ourselves
because he knows we're incapable.
But he's a God of action.
And to be cunning in knowledge is not only to be able to use it,
but it is to be able to use it properly.
Now the Lord Jesus Christ had knowledge,
knowledge to the utmost.
And I'm attracted to the fact that in Luke chapter 10,
Jesus said,
No man knows who the son is but the father,
and who the father is but the son.
There is knowledge in the Godhead
that we could never acquire by any reference book
or by any logical process of argument.
But there is such a thing, thank God, as revelation.
And here we have it written in the scripture
and the Holy Spirit ready to help the inquiring soul
who reads his Bible.
And there is this wonderful knowledge that the Lord had
when confessing himself to be the son of God,
he said that there was an intimate understanding
between father and son.
He goes further in another place, he says,
I and my father are one.
And so if you want an extreme and only valid example
of someone cunning in knowledge,
then again we have to look adoringly
at our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nebuchadnezzar had another degree that he required,
understanding science.
The ability to perceive and acquaintance with.
The ability to analyse, to separate mentally.
I can remember once discussing with one of the hierarchy
of the company that I worked,
a branch that we had overseas,
and the chairman turned away saying,
of course the whole trouble is that that man over there
is muddle-minded.
He's muddle-minded.
And he walked away saying,
what can you do with a man who's muddle-minded?
But Nebuchadnezzar wanted someone who could discriminate,
who could distinguish, who could understand and separate.
And Daniel passed that test.
And Daniel was the only man who could discriminate
in that court.
He saved the lives of Nebuchadnezzar's magicians
because he was in touch with the God of Heaven
who had knowledge.
He was the one who understood.
He was the one in whom it had to be admitted
that in him was excellent understanding.
What a man Daniel was.
But I want to move quickly over
to think again about Lord Jesus Christ,
who is spoken of in the Proverbs,
in the 8th chapter,
under the cover of that word wisdom.
He was from everlasting.
He claims to be daily the delight of God.
He was the one who from the beginning was creator.
He was in the now, as we say.
There was nothing that was not open to him.
And here again I wish to pass quickly
because the next paragraph, the next degree,
really catches my heart.
These things that we're speaking of,
the first one of being without blemish,
the second one full of grace, well favoured,
and now ability to stand in the king's palace.
To be called into the king's palace,
albeit the queen's,
is enough to throw a man back on his heels.
Some of you have seen folk who have just been
brought up into this city for some honour
and seen how worried they are
on account of all their deficiencies.
But the king, an earthly king,
said he was looking for someone
with ability to stand in the king's palace.
That he wanted a man who could stand firm.
Someone who had the strength,
someone who had the right,
someone who was already endowed with those virtues
that we've looked at very sketchily this morning
and I hope you'll meditate upon them a little later.
And someone who could stand fast.
And we find that in the 19th verse
of that first chapter of Daniel,
it says a king communed with them
and among them all was found none like Daniel
and Amishiel, Amazar.
Therefore stood they before the king.
They made the grade.
They didn't fail.
They were held up by God.
Their ability is here.
Their character is written for us.
They stood before the king
because of the excellence that was found in them.
And of course it is qualified by that which we've already said
and Daniel continued.
He started with a purpose
and he continued because he was able to stand.
May we again move
to put this as we may for a moment or two
for your contemplation to the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was Stephen, the first martyr,
who in his last moments
said, well, he saw Jesus
and he said, I see the Son of Man
standing at the right hand of God.
This is not inconsistent at all
with what we were talking about on Saturday
where it says having made one sacrifice
forever he sat down
also forever at the right hand of God.
But there he's shown as a man
standing at the right hand of God.
He had a position
where he had a standing before God.
He was of that type of person,
never ever to have an equal.
The Son of Man
standing at the right hand of God
and that's what Stephen saw
as he closed his eyes in death
saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
The one who stands at the right hand of God
will stand
and I mean that the right of standing there
not just the posture
but the right of standing there
when every other knee bows
because God has decreed
that every knee in heaven, on earth and below
will bow to the name of Jesus.
He alone has the right to stand.
Nebuchadnezzar knew what he was doing
when he said he wanted a man like that
who was able to stand before the King.
Now we're much more like
mafeboosheth by nature, aren't we?
He's a picture that fits us
unable to stand on either of his feet.
He couldn't even prop himself up.
But what a wonder
that the Lord Jesus is put before us
in this small verse
to show that there is one
who has a right of access
and of standing before God
which God accepts
because of who he is
and because of what he's done.
But it would seem that the Lord himself
had a great impediment.
That was you and me.
And this again enhances
his character and his work
when we think that having taken our sins upon us
having died upon the cross
that he's raised by the glory of the Father
and he stands in the presence of God
the Son of Man in resurrection.
And if he stands there
I'm safe.
The fact that he is not
in any way embarrassed
by having become my saviour
is a wonder that I shall never overcome.
And then lastly
as we look down this list
and before we try to tie off the ends
Nebuchadnezzar demanded that the people
of whom Daniel qualified with full marks
should be the kind to whom they could teach
the writing and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
And Daniel was the man who triumphed in this.
And may I just remind you
we've spoken of him as a man
who in the first chapter had a purpose
that he would not defile himself
and God gave him the grace and the strength
and opened the way for him to keep that
and yet we find in the second chapter
again verse 18
that he was a man of prayer.
And that goes right through Daniel, doesn't it?
The man with a purpose
and the man of prayer.
And prayer always shows a sense of need.
Earnest prayer is the basis of standing
and little did Nebuchadnezzar know
the quality of the man he had in Daniel.
But Daniel was not only a man of purpose and of prayer
but he was a man to whom God communicated his will.
And Daniel's prophecy takes us to the end of the time
that we can think of.
It is not yet fulfilled.
And there's a wonderful thing said of Daniel
He prospered.
Now God can make us to prosper.
But leaving Daniel again
let me turn again to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nothing I can say gets anywhere near
the exquisite truth of the fact
that in him all these perfections and more are found.
In Isaiah, prophetically,
he speaks of having the tongue of the learned
so that he may speak a word in season
to him that's weary.
What a savior.
What a person.
Because if Daniel was a man who could learn
the tongue of another nation
and excel in it.
Isn't it true that our Lord himself
who was in highest glory
he came down and may we humbly say
in figurative speech
he learned to talk our language.
No matter how low my intellect
no matter how low my status
as an untouchable
he is the one who can communicate to me.
He had this ability to communicate.
He offended the people who thought they were somebody
in Luke 15 when they said
he's a friend of publicans and sinners.
And that wrote him off in the eyes
of the so-called decent folk of the day.
The person who was able, may we say,
to borrow the words
feeling that they're unfitted
but they do carry the thought
that the Lord himself
so high, so great
was the one who was willing
to learn to speak to people like you and me
and he'll speak to you through the scripture
in the sweetest voice you've ever heard.
Now, my time almost evaporated
I want to make a very quick recapitulation of this verse
because that isn't where my message ends today.
Not to repeat what I've said
but to say that there are
three vertical areas
to which I am trying to draw attention
based on the demands of a king
who knew what he wanted.
I'd like to speak more about king
but time prohibits it.
He selected a man
with all these virtues
and thank God he was a man of God, was Daniel
and God saw that that selection was Daniel
because he had an important place to play
in the lives of folk like you and me
written into Holy Scripture.
We've looked as best we can
though faultily
at the glories of our Lord
that we may see mirrored in this verse
and then
there's another communication
because the Lord himself
is capable
and determined
to confer on folk like you and me
the very perfections and virtues
that this verse contains.
So, we, the church
those who are redeemed by his precious blood
down this list of seven virtues again
blameless, without blemish
yes, in Ephesians 5.27
the Lord has determined
that the church he loves
will be eventually without blemish
holy, set apart, blameless
when he presents it to himself
as his spotless bride.
We may stand in wonder
that such a thing could ever be
but the Scripture leaves us in no doubt
that the perfections that are to be found in Christ
will have their true reflection
in that wonderful company
of every believer who constitutes
the church of God
as we look forward to a time
when he has completed fully his work.
Well favoured, ah yes
in Galatians chapter 1
we could read in verse 12
giving thanks unto the Father
who has made us meet to be partakers
of the inheritance with the saints
in light
who has translated us from the power of darkness
into the kingdom of his dear Son.
It speaks of a spiritual position
it speaks of favour
beyond anything you and I deserve
or could have expected
but it's in the counsels of God
to work out by the one who has these perfections
the very position to be conferred
on folk like you and me.
Then we spoke of skillful in wisdom
we spoke of Christ the power of God
the wisdom of God
and further on in that chapter
chapter 1 of 1 Corinthians
it says he's made unto us wisdom
righteousness, sanctification
and redemption.
That list to me
at my point of living
seems to be inverted
because the first thing I need is redemption
cleansing by the precious blood of Christ
and if there's one amongst us
who isn't convinced that they know Jesus as Saviour
time is getting short
and it's something you need to do
to come to see that in the Lord Jesus Christ
there is a Redeemer
who has a place for you
in his plan of salvation
and don't, don't I beg you
be foolish enough
to fritter away your life
into an eternal loss
but rather
to be translated into the kingdom of his dear Son
and to be there
then you've got to be well-favoured
you've got to be gracious in appearance
I was reading some time ago
in the course of my business
a short article
written by what was supposed to be at that time
the leading man on the cosmetic business
in this country
and I only read the few opening paragraphs
but it said
to have a lovely face
but first of all have a lovely soul
cosmetics can do nothing for you
unless you have a lovely soul
that's a man who's selling paint and powder
he should know
it is that inner change
it is that cleansing by the precious blood of Jesus Christ
that can give you a position
of grace and favour
our Lord had it by right
it's there for every believer
and eventually
thank God
will be our portion
made wise
the wisdom of God
the righteousness of God
the sanctification of God
and the redemption of God
redeemed, sanctified
made righteous
and then
given wisdom
wisdom that is from above
that's why some of us fail, isn't it?
we're sure of our redemption
our sanctification
never quite satisfactory
our righteousness before God absolute
but our righteousness in this world in behaviour
still in doubt
and wisdom
not always wise
but Christ has these
and is ready to confer them
so the scripture tells me
we speak of the person who's going to stand before God
is to be cunning in knowledge
and when the Lord Jesus Christ said
that he as a son was the only one who knew the Father
he added a rider to it
and he to whom a son will reveal him
have you got on to that line of communication?
do you know the Father?
if you do, it is because the Holy Spirit
is resident in your heart
the spirit of adoption
which enables you to look up
and say, Abba Father
these are the wonders that come in a practical way
as we contemplate the perfections of Christ
but you say, understanding signs
what are you going to do with that?
well, this was mentioned on Saturday, wasn't it?
where John says, ye have an unction
and know all things
ye know the truth
this is one of the graces
one of the wonders of Christianity
that the person who grows as a believer
it isn't the student
though you must study to show yourself approved
it isn't as a student that we grow
it is as a believer
as we come to know experimentally
the glories of our Lord Jesus Christ
and walk in association with him
and now the ability to stand
what have we got there?
well, Paul speaks to us in Romans
of the grace wherein we stand
given the law to keep
we would have fallen
we would have tripped on the very first commandment
and gone to pieces on the last
but it's grace
and it is by grace that we stand
and Peter speaks of the true grace
wherein we stand
there is a standing before God
even for men and women like you and me in this world
a standing and a security and a knowledge
and then lastly
these men were to be men of potential
who could learn a new language
well, there's a new language in heaven, isn't there?
or you may say
in Revelation chapter 4 and chapter 5
they're singing, aren't they?
well, read it again
when they sang, they said
says so in both cases, doesn't it?
they sang a new song, saying
one of the directors in my office
fortunately I was not the culprit on this occasion
he'd read a long letter that someone had written
to a customer
and he wrote a stinging comment across the top of it in red ink
when we write a letter, I think we should say something
when we sing a hymn, we should say something
how often we can sing a hymn and say nothing
I heard a woman with a beautiful voice
one who sang in some of the greatest theaters of the world
say, oh the words don't mean anything to me, it's the note
she could sing, jeez you lover of my soul
but it was the notes that mattered
may I just say
when we sing, we should say something
and if we're going to say something, we've got to know the language
and in heaven, there will be a universal language of praise to the Lamb
because it says you've redeemed us out of every kindred and tongue
so we won't be stulted by the inefficiency of the English language
we'll be able to speak in unison
and say in words that carry the meaning fully
worthy is the Lamb that was slain …