Eternal Life
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1John 1:1-2:2; 5:20-21; John 14:1-3
"And we know that the Son of God is come, and has given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life." (1 John 5:20)
Transcrição automática:
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
1 John 1, verse 1
Chapter 5 of John's first epistle, verse 20
And we know that the Son of God is come,
and hath given us an understanding that we may know Him that is true,
and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son, Jesus Christ.
This is the true God and eternal life.
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
And lastly, just three verses in John 14,
John's Gospel, chapter 14
John chapter 14, verse 1
John chapter 14, verse 1
Let not your heart be troubled.
You believe in God, believe also in Me.
In My Father's house are many mansions.
If it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again and receive you unto Myself,
that where I am, there ye may be also.
In reading to you, mainly from the epistle of John tonight,
I want to speak very simply and directly about eternal life.
I was interested to listen to Mr. Thurston this afternoon.
We were able to listen to what he said from Matthew 16 onward
about Peter's confession of the Lord.
I think it must be true of everyone who speaks,
who endeavours to serve the Lord in ministering the Word,
that you humbly seek the Lord's direction in what you say.
It's not difficult to say something, is it?
But to say the kind of things which will touch and stir
the hearts of the saints and challenge the consciences,
you really need to be directed of God.
In listening to what he said and identifying with him
over the matter of the meeting for prayer,
when prayer meetings somewhere are being given up,
sometimes the lower level of the times that we gather to the Lord
to remember His name, and often we have to say
with a good deal of humiliation and confession,
barrenness in open ministry of the Word.
And I really have no shadow of doubt that if the thing
that the Lord has laid on my heart really grips us as individuals,
then when we gather to the Lord's name,
prayer meetings won't be marked by the kind of things
that Mr Thurston enumerated.
They'll be marked by real power and real, earnest, God-given prayer.
The breaking of bread will be marked by sweetness,
and dare I say, tears.
The ministry of the Word will be the kind of thing
we all must have listened to,
and had our hearts challenged by God in days gone by.
And I was encouraged when I was listening to him
to think that at least what I had to say
was complementary to the ministry that he undertook.
I want to speak very simply then about eternal life in the sun,
a long gaze at the Son of God to see the thing in all its perfectness.
Later in the first epistle of John,
eternal life in the saints,
in the fifth chapter of the epistle,
to face our hearts with a challenge about the days in which we live,
and the kind of things that can rub us
of the enjoyment and the power of eternal life,
and right at the end, a glimpse of the place where eternal life is at home.
We don't have to try to conjure up why John's epistle was written.
We're told very plainly, we read the words in chapter 1,
These things I write unto you, that your joy may be full.
In a Bible reading some five months ago,
a young brother said,
Why is it, if we really have the truth of God,
are we not marked by evident joy in the Lord?
A fair question in the light of the words,
These things I write unto you, that your joy may be full.
In chapter 2 we read the words,
These things we write unto you, that ye sin not.
And what man of us, what woman of us,
would not earnestly long to God to live the kind of life
which is dominant over things within and things without?
And then later in the epistle, chapter 5 isn't it,
where it says, These things we write unto you,
that believe in the name of the Son of God,
that ye may know that ye have eternal life.
And I fancy not a few in our company at times
will lack the assurance of eternal life.
There's no reason to think about what it was John wrote his epistle for.
They're given very plainly, the reasons for writing his epistle.
And if I were able to say the kind of things that I feel,
the things that have been laid on my heart by the Lord for,
it's certainly that we might have a deeper appreciation of the Lord
and that our hearts might be marked by the spirit of worship
and that we might really live again to the nature of the favour
that God has bestowed upon us
and that we might face very squarely and fairly
the kind of idols that are robbing us individually
of power for God in this world
and robbing us of the enjoyment of that which is our normal part.
Eternal life in the Son.
We read the words in the first chapter of the epistle,
the word of life at the end of verse one,
our hands have handled of the word of life.
When the word is spoken of in scripture
it's one of the many ways which God uses to
outline the unique glory of his Son.
In John's gospel, chapter one,
we start with the words,
in the beginning was the word
and since in verse fourteen it tells us
that the word became flesh
before ever there was any opportunity
or in following out the purpose of God the fact
that in this world God would not be made known partially
as he was made known to the patriarchs,
as he was made known to Moses as the covenant keeping Jehovah
before ever those times became
the Son of God was the word
saying very simply that he was in himself
sufficiently great to make God known
not partially but to fully make him known
that not one thing should be lacking.
And the background against which
the epistle was written was simply this,
in the first century there came along men who said
yes, what was communicated by the Son of God
to the apostolic company was good
for unlearned fishermen
but we need a development on it
and by the Spirit of God
John pens his epistle and makes it perfectly plain
there can be no development upon it
our safety lies in that which was from the beginning
because that which came out in the Son of God
was absolutely perfect
nothing could be added to it
there's no development upon it
because when he was here
God's last and final word to men was spoken
God at last was fully made known
and that's what John says
he says that life was manifested
and we declare and show unto you
that eternal life which was with the Father
and was manifested unto us
now I'm not going to where I'm able to
distinguish clearly between new birth and eternal life
but when I read the words in verse 2
that eternal life which was with the Father
and was manifested unto us
I cannot escape the fact
that until he stepped into this world
eternal life was never seen
I think that can be adequately backed up by
what is said in John chapter 3
before ever we could have it
John chapter 3 verse 15
as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
even so must the Son of Man be lifted up
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but have eternal life
the Lord had to die before any one of us
could receive eternal life
and I can't escape that when John pens these words
that eternal life which was with the Father
and was manifested unto us
until the Son of God stepped down into this world
eternal life was never seen
I've often thought to myself
that when John penned his epistle
had he been subject to his own impulse
and had he written of the glory of the Lord Jesus
that most stood out
he would have been hard pressed
to have decided which one he should speak about
whilst we speak of John's gospel as the gold
and as the sun
there are no more touching incidents to any heart
of his true humanity
when he wept by the side of Lazarus' grave
when he groaned within his spirit
when he saw the appalling power of death
when you think of the word of the King
with whom there's power
there are no end of his glories blended
in the gospel of John
but when John enumerates that one glory
which above all glories stood out for him
he said the glory was of an only begotten
with a Father full of grace and truth
wasn't just that God was being made known now
in the power that ever belonged to him
certainly it was there
and ably demonstrated when the Lord was here
it was not just now
that he was the covenant keeping Jehovah
whose word given will never be withdrawn
but what John focused upon
was that glory of relationship
and he spoke of that glory
and he said the glory of an only begotten
with a Father full of grace and truth
and we read the words
that eternal life which was with the Father
the words of scripture may be very few
about many things
we had a brother in Denmark Street
who periodically would take up
untrodden paths of scripture
and I more than once remember him saying
the words of scripture may be few
but how mighty
and the words of scripture
about the Lord in eternity past
are very few
but how wonderfully full and touching
recently somebody said to me
that he'd been reading one of the newer Bibles
and that it seemed that nearly every one
of our proof texts for the Lord's deity
you could very easily do without
and I said to him
you know I came to the conclusion some while ago
that if the textual critics were to take out
all the plain proof texts
we'd have no difficulty in proving
that he's still overall God blessed forevermore
and I referred to one
you read one this afternoon
a brother in Tyneside
some couple of years back
repeated a verse that you read this afternoon
with emphasis as a proof of the Lord's deity
where the Lord says to that marvellous confession
of Peter
Thou art Peter
and on this rock
I will build my assembly
and he said these words at that time
he said
Blessed art thou
Simon Bar-Jonah
for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee
but my Father which is in heaven
and I also say unto thee
an undeniable proof of his deity
and there's another in John 3
and that's why I referred to this
the Lord said words that no other man could say
he said
we speak that we do know
and testify that we have seen
now a man like David
might be able to say
as he says in the 23rd chapter of 2 Samuel
the Spirit of the Lord spake by me
and his word was in my tongue
but David could never say
we speak that we do know
and testify that we have seen
because when the Son of God
spoke of the time before he came
when he spoke of heaven
it wasn't a report
by the Spirit of God
it was that which he had seen
it was that which he had witnessed
it was the very heaven
which he had given character to
and John says of him
that eternal life
which was with the Father
and was manifested unto us
now it's beyond my ability
and beyond my time
to be able to fill out those words
but just a couple of glimpses of it
think of this world
where to a greater or a lesser degree
every man has done his own will
and at the point of entry
into this world
Hebrews 10
again which marks out the Lord
as being absolutely unique
he says
when he cometh into the world
he says
I come to do thy will O God
being but a youth
he said
wist ye not
that I must be about my Father's business
we have four children
that we pray for day by day
we've witnessed
how easily and how early
in the life of a child
self-will can be dominant
but there was one who was in this world
being but a youth
who was dominated by the will of God
there was one
who all the way through his life
went in the path of obedience
when Mr. Thurston was quoting this afternoon
those striking
stirring words
from the 15th chapter
of 1st Samuel
to obey
is better than to sacrifice
and to the hearken
than the fat of rams
I thought of the words which came later
in the new translation rendering of them
where our authorize says
stubbornness is as idolatry and iniquity
the new translation reads
self-will not obedience
self-will is as iniquity and idolatry
and to the extent that on one occasion
right at the end of his path
not in the circumstances of the Garden of Eden
where everything was favorable
but where everything was against him
he said these words
oh my father
if it be possible
let this cup pass from me
not my will
but thy will be done
little wonder that John said
that eternal life
which was with the father
and was manifested unto us
it will take eternity
to fill out the meaning of those words
but in all its unique
divine fullness
eternal life was seen
when the son of God
stepped into this world
I'm persuaded
it never had been seen before
and in all its uniqueness
it's never been since
the son of God
was cast out of this world
by the way of the cross
but that
is what the scripture says
about eternal life
one who wholly lived
in doing the will of God
now when you think of that
it seems a little beyond scriptures
isn't it?
to talk about eternal life
in the believer
particularly when you read the words
as we read them in verse 5
this then
is the message
which we have heard of him
and declare unto you
that God is light
and in him
is no darkness at all
I know we can
very easily pass things off
but not a man of us
would be prepared
to let everybody see
everything that passes through
I read a remark
which made that stick with me
in a book by James Boyd
some while ago
I think it was a comment
on the
the verse in the second chapter
of first Corinthians
God has given to us his spirit
but he said something like this
these are not his words
but it's the drift of his words
he said
I wouldn't
you know if I gave you
my body
you would know something
of the ills
that my body is subject to
if I were able to give you
my soul
you would know something
of the emotion
that often wells up in my heart
as a believer
as a father
as a husband
but if I gave you my spirit
there wouldn't be one thing
about me
that was hidden from you
I wouldn't dare
give you my spirit
but God has given to us
his spirit
and I think
what James Boyd said
every one of us
to some degree
if we are honest
we would re-echo
and how would it stand
in the light of a verse
that the message
that John declared was this
that God was light
and in him
is no darkness at all
had we not those precious words
in verse 7
not one of us would stand
in the light of them
but we read the words
in verse 7
and the blood
of Jesus Christ
God's son
from every sin
before ever there can be
eternal life
in any believer
it necessitated
the death of the son of God
I read the other evening
the remarks
of one of those
brothers last century
so gifted by God
in ministry of the word
and he was but a few
days from going home
and he said to somebody
during my life
and humble service for God
I've endeavored to set in front of people
the plain teachings of scripture
to speak honestly
about the teachings of Paul
about the church
as the body of Christ
and as the house of God
and as the city of God
and the bride of Christ
I've sought to speak to them plainly
about that abiding life
and nature
of the family circle
that John speaks about
but he said as I come
to the end of my days
I find no sweeter words
than these
the blood of Jesus Christ
God's son
from every pillow
every sin
as a pillow
to lay my head upon
and except those words
had been penned
the blood of Jesus Christ
God's son
from every sin
I don't think any one of us
in the face of the words
this then is the message
that we declare unto you
that God is light
and in him
is no darkness at all
would have thought it ever possible
that that which was seen
so perfectly
and uniquely
the son of God in this world
should be seen
in its measure
in the sense of God
but it isn't only that
because that was preceded
by the words
in verse 7
but if we walk
in the light
as he is in the light
we have fellowship
one with another
and the blood of Jesus Christ
God's son
cleanses from every sin
because it's not saying now
that God is light
and no darkness at all
it says that
God is in the light
God is perfectly revealed
God is in the light
of revelation
and every believer
whether you trusted
the Lord yesterday
whether you are mature
on the road
every believer
is in the light
I wasn't brought up
in a Christian home
and therefore
when I first trusted the Lord
I didn't even know
where John 3.16 was
and I had a lot of things
to unlearn
and a lot of things
that were hard to learn
and one beloved brother
who Sidney Thurston
spoke of
this afternoon
we had the unique opportunity
of listening
to his teaching
at his feet
for a period of about 6 years
and I never could get hold of
until a couple of years ago
something that he said
that verse 7
is not how we walk
it's where we walk
and it suddenly dawned on me
with all its solemnness one day
that we're in the light
we're always in the light
even if we sin
we sin in the light
and if you're a believer at all
you're not only
in the abiding value
of the precious blood
of the Son of God
but you're in the light
when the Lord left this world
something was true
which was never true before
that God was perfectly made known
He was in the light
not one word
would have been different
not one act
would have been different
had God the Father
Son and Holy Spirit
being down here together
when the Lord said to Philip
he that has seen me
hath seen the Father
then these words took on their meaning
as he is in the light
God is made perfectly known
we're not only
in the abiding value
of the precious blood of Christ
if we're believers at all
we're in the light
and it's then
that the word comes in
in verse 3
that which we have seen
and heard
declare we unto you
that ye may have fellowship with us
and truly
our fellowship
is with the Father
and with his Son
Jesus Christ
someone recently gave me
a booklet
about the charismatic movement
and about the emergence of
in the charismatic movement
and I read it
and as I read it
I couldn't help comparing
what was being said
and strange enough
they quoted from the very verse
that came into my mind
as I read the early part of this comment
they spoke about the presence
of apostles today
Ephesians chapter 2
speaks about apostles
and it says that
what they laid
was the foundation
and there was a quotation
it said
being built upon
the apostles
and prophets
it's not quite what the scripture says
but that's what the quotation says
the scripture says
being built
upon the foundation
of the apostles
and the prophets
and the foundation
that the apostles
and prophets laid
which abides today
essentially centers
in the person of God's dear Son
our Lord Jesus Christ
and the thing
which was at the center
of the fellowship
of the apostles
and prophets
was this
and they are the us
that John speaks of
that you might have fellowship with us
and truly our fellowship
is with the Father
and with His Son
Jesus Christ
is that fellowship
which characterizes Christianity
that sharing together
that eternal life
of which John speaks
when he says
that eternal life
which was with the Father
and was manifested
unto us
if you sum then
very simply
what John has said
in the course of his epistle
and it's in the light of this
that we're able to speak
with perfect assurance
if not knowing very much about it
that that which was so perfectly seen
in all its uniqueness
in the Son Himself
eternal life
is seen in its measure
of those by grace
who are in the abiding value
of that precious blood
who are in the light
and there they walk
and to enjoy that fellowship
which was common
to the apostles
in their day
truly our fellowship
is with the Father
and with His Son
Jesus Christ
and I think it's on that foundation
which is simply a summing
of what John has said
in this first epistle
that we're able to say
with happy assurance
that that which was seen
so wonderfully
in the Son Himself
in measure
is seen
in the saints today
I read to you
in the commencement
of the second chapter
the matter of the maintenance of it
John gives there
in that first verse
the second reason
for writing his epistle
these things we write unto you
that ye sin not
I may not know very much
about that
but I have no shadow of doubt
that that is normal Christianity
not to be dominated
by what is within us
not to be attracted
and dominated
by what is outside of us
but to be found
moving through this world
sinning not
I don't think any one of us
can evade
that's what he's saying
these things we write unto you
that ye sin not
normal Christianity
is to move through this world
for God
not being dominated by sin
but he goes on to say
if any man sin
we have an advocate
with the Father
Jesus Christ
the righteous one
I suppose all of us
must have the experience
that tends to convince us
how full the word of God is
things that you never see
suddenly your eyes
are open to them
and you begin to marvel
at the wonderful fullness
that lies in the word of God
it's only two or three years ago
in a bible reading
on Tyneside
that when we were reading
John 14
and considering the Lord's words
I will pray the Father
and he will give you
another comforter
that it suddenly dawned on me
that the Lord was saying
as plain as a pike staff
to the disciples
that he would not cease to be
going as man on high
all that he'd ever been to them
he would still be absolutely
taken up with them
living for them
interceding for them
guiding them
caring them
teaching them
warning them
but that was the added benefit
of another comforter
the Holy Spirit of God within us
that's what John's speaking of here
we ought not to sin
sadly we do all sin
but there's a provision made of God
that that enjoyment of
and response to
eternal life might be maintained in us
if any man sin
we have an advocate with the Father
Jesus Christ
the Righteous One
I think I once remember reading
someone's comment
on the word advocate
which is exactly the same word
as is used for comforter
speaking of the Holy Spirit
in John 14, 15 and 16
that were it not too common
a word
our English word solicitor
would ably answer to what is meant
one who undertakes someone's affairs
and completely manages them
and there's this provision
made of God
we ought not to sin
normal Christianity
is to move through this world
not being dominated by sin
but God has made that provision
that we might be maintained
if any man sin
we have an advocate with the Father
Jesus Christ
the Righteous One
and He is the propitiation
for our sins
one comment in that connection
in verse 9
if we confess our sins
He is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness
I heard this not long after I had
turned to the Lord
it certainly stood me in good stead
and therefore I'm able to say it
with equal commitment
as the brother who first said it to me
he said
keep short accounts with God
if there's something that
soils your spirit
that breaks communion
make sure that it's quickly dealt with
keep short accounts with God
if we confess our sins
He is able and just
to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness
must be some years ago
when I heard
our brother Daniel Patterson
one day say about this
the confession of sins here
is not at the bar of the judge
it's at the altar of the priest
but thinking over it
some while ago
I thought perhaps in John's setting
you could even say
it's at the knee of a father
I know that domestic discipline
is a thing which is largely dying out
in this world
and just to what degree
it's true sometimes
of our own family circles
the Lord alone knows
but it's certainly
a necessary underlying girding
of scripture
as far as the home is concerned
and perhaps if something more
of confessing at the knee
of a father in a family circle
were known
perhaps we'd know
a little more of the meaning
if we confess our sins
He is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins
I read to you the words
in 1 John 5
for two reasons
not that I'm able to say
very much about it
but I only noticed it recently
and I doubt others can fill it out
In verse 20 it says
And we know the Son of God is come
and has given us an understanding
that we should know him that is true
and we are in him that is true
this is the true God
and eternal life
and it occurred to me
that perhaps these issues
which are raised in verse 20
question of knowledge
we know that the Son of God is come
the question of understanding
entering into that knowledge
the matter of being positional
positionally placed before God
we are in him that is true
perhaps those are the
some of the ingredients of eternal life
but against that background
and I read it mainly for this verse
in verse 21 it says
Little children keep yourselves from idols
it's rather a shame that
our authorized version
has not distinguished very clearly
between little children and children
I don't know very much about the language
but I know at least
that the language in which
the New Testament was written
is a good deal more rich in words
to describe various stages of children
than English is
in fact a brother was pointing one out
to us at our reading on Thursday
when Paul said to Timothy
and that from a child
thou hast known the Holy Scriptures
it's the word which very often is used
of an unborn child
it certainly is used of a newborn child
and he made a comment he said
being in a Jewish home
perhaps the earliest thing
that Timothy saw
before ever he knew
what they meant
were the sacred letters
he would see them above the door
he'd see them on a scroll
on the door post
from a child thou hast known
the sacred letters
but when in 1 John 5.21
it says little children
keep yourselves from idols
it's not speaking of various stages of growth
as it does in the second chapter
babes, young men, fathers
it's speaking of the children
that which describes
every child of God
little children
keep yourselves from idols
now I'm not going to
enumerate idols
but that which comes in
between us
and the happy enjoyment
of that family circle
fellowship with the father
and the son
is an idol
and if we're to borrow
from the second chapter
just for a moment
1 John 2
when John writes to the young men
he says to the young men
love not the world
neither the things
which are in the world
for all that is in the world
the lust of the eyes
the lust of the flesh
the pride of life
is not of the father
if any man loved the world
the love of the father
is not in him
and I really feel
we live in days
when there is a need
for plain speaking
the lust of the eyes
it's right isn't it
the world is dominated
by what it sees
I said to a colleague
the other day
when somebody was
ordering something
we got no money left
I said it's a very good example
of what the proverb says
the eye is not satisfied
with seeing
and children of God
as we are
with such a calling
and given the uniqueness
of eternal life
there's a danger of idols
being dominated
by what the eye sees
I may be speaking tonight
to a young person
looking for a partner for life
not a believer
it's an idol
it may not only lead you
to undermining happiness in life
it certainly
will damn back the gracious work
of the spirit of God
and the happy enjoyment
of eternal life
the lust of the eyes
the lust of the flesh
the pride of life
I always feel this
for young men
I'm not old myself
I've had ambitions
I've seen people
in this world
who've been utterly
dominated by ambitions
I was speaking to an American
coming down in the train
when it was stopped today
and he was talking
about his father
he said he's like all
American vice presidents
he's had his heart attack
he's had his ulcer
and he said he said to me
the other day
I wish my sense of values
were different
I've heard it from my colleagues
is there a young man
tonight here
a young woman
whose sights are firmly set
on this world
in the light of John's word
the lust of the eyes
the lust of the flesh
and the pride of life
worldly ambition
is clearly out
and John writes
right at the end of his first epistle
little children
keep yourselves from idols
I'm not going to enumerate further
if I did
I certainly would exclude
the things which perhaps
are dangerous to me
and perhaps enumerate
the things which are dangerous to you
but oh God
so touch our hearts
with the blessedness
of eternal life
that will hold things here
sufficiently loosely
that they don't come in
as an idol
which robs us
of the enjoyment and power
of that which the Lord
has so graciously given
I read those words
in John 14
simply for this
I don't
claim to be able to tread
where when you think of men
like Mr. Kelly
and many others
who've written so ably
on eternal life
I don't profess
to be able to
say very much about it
but one thing
I have clearly seen
and I was reminded
at a funeral recently
just a week ago
yesterday we
buried the body
of quite a young woman
and I happened to find myself
sitting opposite her husband
who was just in his early 50s
I couldn't say very much
and neither could he
but he said
just pray
he said that the Lord
would enable me to build
my life here
he said
she's entered on another
life there
it brought home to me
the fact that
if you live in the good
of eternal life at all
you certainly prove
that it's not at home
in this world
it's anything but at home
I think in the Lord's words
in my father's house
are many abodes
many mansions
it's telling us a place
that there is a place
where eternal life
is absolutely at home
and where if we're believers at all
when we enter in
that which has been so
graciously given by God
here will expand
unto all its fullness
and the blessedness
and the power of it
then we shall know
I don't say I can provide answers
but it seems to me
that when the Lord said
if it were not so
I would have told you
there must have been something
pretty important
about the words
in my father's house
are many abodes
but I believe this
there isn't only the life
by which we live
there is the life
in which we live
said of his wife
the life in which she lived
in this world had ceased
and her ability
to partake in all those things
which made up her life
down here had gone
the life in which she lived
as far as she was concerned
in this world
was finished
but there is another life
where eternal life
is at home
and where the soul
of every true saint
will expand
in all its fullness
and where we'll know
the blessedness
of that which God has given
I'm not going to say
anything more
but when you read the words
that we read together
these things
right we unto you
that your joy may be full
it only makes me say
may God so grant
that apprehending eternal life
in all its fullness
in the Lord
we might know something
of its light
and blessedness
and power
whilst we're down here
in this world
and then the kind of things
that fill out the truth
that our brother Sidney Thurston
was speaking about
power for God
in assemblies
will be seen
in its measure
and thus whilst we wait
for the Lord
there'll be a deepening
note of glory
and praise to him
whilst we wait
to hear his voice
and to be ushered
into that world
where that which we enjoy
will expand
to all its fullness
and we shall be eternally
at home …