'I am the Good Shepherd'
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Passagens bíblicas
John 10:1-18.26-30
John 1:1-18. 26:30
Transcrição automática:
Er ist ein Verbrecher und ein Verbrecher.
Er, der durch die Tür hinein geht, ist der Schäpfer des Schiffes.
Er, der durch die Tür hinein geht, ist der Schäpfer des Schiffes.
Er, der durch die Tür hinein geht, ist der Schäpfer des Schiffes.
zu ihm, der die Tür öffnet, und das Schiff hört seine Stimme, und er nennt sein eigenes Schiff
meinen Namen, und führt sie aus. Und wenn er sein eigenes Schiff aufbaut, geht er vor
ihnen, und die Schiffe folgen ihm, denn sie kennen seine Stimme. Und ein Fremder
werden sie nicht folgen, sondern fliehen von ihm, denn sie kennen nicht die Stimme
der Fremden. Dieses Parable sprach Jesus zu ihnen, aber sie verstanden nicht, was
sie waren, was er zu ihnen sprach. Dann sagte Jesus zu ihnen wieder,
und er sagte zu ihnen, ich bin die Tür des Schiffes. Alle, die vor mir kamen, waren
Flüchtlinge und Räuber, aber das Schiff hörte sie nicht. Ich bin die Tür.
Wenn ein Mann vor mir kommt, soll er gerettet werden, und soll in und raus gehen,
und Fels finden. Die Flüchtlinge kommen nicht, sondern um zu schützen und zu töten
und zu zerstören. Ich komme, damit sie Leben haben können, und damit sie es
viel mehr haben können. Ich bin der Gute Schäpfer. Der Gute Schäpfer gibt
sein Leben für die Schiffe. Wer in Heilung ist und nicht der Schäpfer,
der die Schiffe nicht hat, sieht den Wolf kommen, lässt die Schiffe und fliegt,
und der Wolf fängt sie und zerstört die Schiffe. Der Heilige fliegt,
weil er in Heilung ist, und kümmert sich nicht um die Schiffe. Ich bin der Gute Schäpfer
und kenne mein Schiff und kenne mich, so wie der Vater mich kennt.
Auch so kenne ich den Vater. Ich lese es noch einmal. Ich bin der Gute Schäpfer
und kenne mein Schiff und kenne mich, so wie der Vater mich kennt,
und kenne mich, so wie der Vater mich kennt. Und ich lege mein Leben für die Schiffe.
Und andere Schiffe, die ich habe, die nicht in dieser Hälfte sind, muss ich auch bringen,
und sie werden meine Stimme hören, und es wird eine Hälfte sein, oder es wird
nur ein Flock und ein Schiff. Deshalb liebt mich mein Vater,
weil ich mein Leben lege, damit ich es wieder nehmen kann.
Kein Mann nimmt es von mir, aber ich lege es mir selbst herunter.
Ich habe die Macht, es herunterzulegen, und ich habe die Macht, es wieder nehmen zu können.
Diesen Anruf habe ich von meinem Vater erhalten. Vers 27.
Meine Schiffe hören meine Stimme, und ich kenne sie, und sie folgen mir,
und ich gebe ihnen das ewige Leben, und sie werden nie sterben,
und kein Mann soll sie aus meiner Hand nehmen.
Mein Vater, der ihnen die Macht gab, ist größer als alle,
und kein Mann kann sie aus der Hand meines Vaters nehmen.
Ich und mein Vater sind einer. Amen.
Ich glaube, meine Damen und Herren, dass der Fall in Kapitel 9
eine objektive Lektion ist, eine Prälude, sozusagen, zur Lehre von Kapitel 10.
Ich möchte eine oder zwei Bemerkungen über Kapitel 9 machen.
Ich sehe, dass hier einige junge Leute sind.
Sie können diese Bemerkungen nicht beurteilen. Ich beantworte sie nicht,
besonders, weil ich denke, dass Sie ignorant sind.
Ich beantworte nur Sie, als diejenigen, die jünger waren,
und vertraue, dass Sie geempfohlen werden.
Nehmen Sie es für gewohnt, dass Sie hier sind,
weil Sie einen Wunsch nach den Dingen Gottes haben,
dass Sie geempfohlen werden, sie zu folgen.
Ich denke nur in Bezug auf den Mann aus Kapitel 9,
dass er großartige Fortschritte gemacht hat,
und er machte schnelle Fortschritte.
Es gab einige, die ihn fragten, was mit ihm passiert ist.
Er sagt, es ist ein Mann, der Jesus genannt wird.
Er hat mich vereint, er hat meine Augen geöffnet,
und ich sehe, es gab eine Begeisterung in seinem Seele,
in Bezug auf die Gerechtigkeit und die Wertschöpfung eines Mannes,
der Jesus genannt wird, der Mann aus Kapitel 9.
Dieses Gospel ist voll von diesem Mann.
Es ist das Gospel, das besonders die Glory seines Menschen bringt.
In seiner Großartigkeit, in seiner Majestät,
in seiner Gleichgewichtigkeit mit dem Vater,
in der Gerechtigkeit Gottes.
Aber gleichzeitig bringt es seine Gerechtigkeit heraus,
bringt seine Leidenschaft heraus,
bringt seine Verfügbarkeit heraus,
dir und mir,
in all der Gerechtigkeit des Mannes, die er erwartet hat.
Ich kann nicht viel darüber reden, sonst komme ich nie in Kapitel 10.
Aber der Gott Jesus,
in der Gerechtigkeit der Menschheit,
die er erwartet hat,
wurde so oft vor uns geschrieben,
in den Buchstaben des Gospels von John.
Und ich vertraue, dass jeder von uns hier,
sowohl diejenigen, die jünger sind,
noch jünger werden,
die Gerechtigkeit dieses Gnadevollen Mannes.
Ein bisschen weiter in der Geschichte dieses Mannes,
wenn er wieder gefragt wird,
und es ist erstaunlich, die Fragen, die die Leute fragen werden,
und hinter ihnen wahrscheinlich
das ulteriöse Motiv und den Wunsch,
dich zu robben,
von dem, was du hast,
in Kontakt zu kommen mit diesem Gnadevollen Mann.
Sie fragen ihn weiter,
bestimmte Fragen.
Sie sagen, was sagst du über ihn?
Oh, er sagt, er ist ein Prophet.
Der Geist Gottes
ist uns in und durch
der Person
des Sohnes Gottes
Weiter geht es,
er wird wieder gefragt.
Er sagt, warum? Er sagt,
wirst du auch
seine Disziplinen sein?
Indizierend natürlich,
dass er jetzt
zu der Begründung gekommen ist,
dass Christus wert ist,
zu folgen,
und er
ist einer seiner Follower.
Also sagt er ihnen,
wirst du auch
seine Disziplinen sein?
er war in der Leitung,
er hat seinen Platz genommen.
Er hat die Gnade
von Jesus Christus getestet.
Er hat seinen Platz genommen
als Disziplin,
ein Follower,
ein Lerner
des Herrn Jesus Christus.
Ein bisschen weiter geht es natürlich.
Er ist so
ehrgeizig in seiner Begründung
und diese Religionisten
waren so ehrgeizig
und so
in ihrer Opposition
sie auszudrücken,
aus dem, was er in Christus gefunden hat.
Er sagt, naja,
da gibt es nur eine Sache, die ich tue.
Während ich
blind war,
jetzt singe ich.
Ich erinnere mich,
dass ich eines Tages
zu einem Servant des Herrn
und er sagte,
lasst, was ihr
nicht wisst,
was ihr
Es war so viel, was er nicht wusste.
Er sagt, eine Sache, die ich weiß,
und er sagt,
du kannst es nicht aus mir ausreden.
Während ich blind war,
jetzt singe ich.
Und sie waren so ehrgeizig gegen ihn.
Sie konnten nicht gegen ihn ausreden.
haben ihn ausgedrückt.
Eine junge Dame
sagte mir, nicht so lange her,
sie sagt, die Mormonen
haben mich ausgedrückt.
Sie meinte,
sie haben mich ausgedrückt.
Und dieser Mann
wurde ausgedrückt.
Er wurde ausgedrückt
von den Juden.
Sie hatten keinen Platz für ihn. Warum?
Sie mussten vielleicht
vorher viel Platz für ihn haben,
als er blind war.
Jetzt hatten sie weniger Platz für ihn,
weil seine Augen geöffnet waren.
Und er hatte die Intelligenz
und die
affektionelle Beachtung
des Christus Gott.
Also wurden sie ausgedrückt.
Ein wunderbares Statement, das wir in diesem Kapitel
bekommen haben. Ich muss es berücksichtigen.
Kapitel 9,
wenn ich mein Auge darauf
schaue, ist es
Kapitel 35.
Jesus hörte,
dass sie ihn
ausgedrückt hatten.
Und als er ihn
gefunden hatte,
sagte er ihm,
glaubst du
an den Sohn Gottes?
Dieser Mann war
in Bezug auf diese Weltreligion.
Er lernte,
dass diese glückliche Person,
mit der er gesprochen hat,
vor ihm war.
Und als er ausgedrückt wurde,
der Mann, der Herr Jesus,
der Prophet, diese glückliche
Person, die draußen
vor ihm war, lese am Ende
des vorigen Kapitels und am Anfang
dieses Kapitels, der Mann
Christus Jesus, der draußen
war, in Bezug auf das
menschliche religiöse System, fand ihn.
Er kam nicht
vor ihm.
Er fand ihn.
Er musste
ihn suchen haben.
Und Jesus hörte,
dass sie ihn ausgedrückt hatten.
Und als er ihn fand, sagte er ihm,
glaubst du
an den Sohn Gottes?
Die Christianität,
so wie ihre Testimonie,
beginnt genau da.
Als der Mann
Jesus seine
spirituellen Augen geöffnet hat,
hat er direkt
Jesus gebeten,
dass er der
Sohn Gottes ist.
Und die Endlichkeit
und die Vollständigkeit
der Testimonie Gottes,
wie die Erklärung
in Bezug auf
unseren Herrn Jesus Christus
als Sohn Gottes.
Und so ist dieser Mann
von seinem Heiligen Gott.
Und als er die Frage stellte,
glaubst du
an den Sohn Gottes?
Glaubst du?
Was eine Frage
für dich. Was eine Frage
für jeden von uns. Was eine Frage
für mich. Glaubst du
an den Sohn Gottes?
Was hat er gesagt?
Er sagte,
wer ist er, Herr,
an dem ich glaube?
Wenn ich ihn wüsste, würde ich
glauben. Und der Herr Jesus antwortete,
sagend, du hast ihn
gesehen, und es ist er,
der mit dir spricht. Und er
sagte, Herr, ich glaube.
Und er
beteute ihn.
Der Beteuer
wird Beteuer.
Er, der in der Außenseite
und in seiner Pflegerung ist,
findet sich in der Innerseite
mit dem Sohn Gottes,
mit all seiner Vielfalt.
Und obwohl er seine Vielfalt hat,
ist dieser Mann so beeinflusst,
dass er sein Herz
in appreziativer Beteuerung
öffnet. Und ihr jungen Leute,
ich würde jetzt nur
drei Fragen mit euch
von dem neunten Kapitel von John,
in Ordnung, dass ich weitergehen kann,
in John 10.
Und ich werde sie rückwärts lesen.
Das ist nach ihrer Ordnung,
die restlichen Wörter.
Vers 36, der neunte Mann
sagt, wer ist er?
Gott, wer ist er?
Was für eine Frage zu beantworten,
in Bezug auf deinen Gott.
Wer ist er?
Es ist nicht das erste Mal,
dass diese Frage gefragt wird.
Und es wird
sicher nicht das letzte Mal sein,
dass es gefragt wird.
Denn jetzt,
in diesem, deinem Tag und
in deinem Leben,
der Gottes Geist
beantwortet sich für uns alle
und sagt uns, wer ist er?
Genau wie anderswo
wurde die Frage gestellt,
was denkt er
von Christus?
Wer ist er?
Wer ist er?
Peter in Matthäus 16?
Wem sagt er,
dass ich da bin?
Wer ist er?
Let this
build in your souls,
young Christians,
the glory of your
blessed Saviour
as the Son of God.
Let this question ring in your soul,
because as you are led by
the Spirit of God,
to grow intelligently,
so as to answer it properly,
it will lead you where
He is, outside
of man's system of things
and inside
that blessed circle
of affection and relationship
where the Son
is at home with the Father.
Who is he?
A little further back in this chapter,
verse 26,
chapter 9 for instance,
they said to him
again, what did he
to thee? Who is he?
What did he?
There's only one
answer to that.
The cross
is the answer to such a
question. A little
further back in this
chapter, verse 12 for
instance, they said unto him
where is he?
Think of these three questions.
Those of you who are
younger, who is he?
What's he done?
Where is he?
He's the Son of God.
He's beaten the cross.
The Father is glorified.
He's accomplished the work
that the Father gave him to do.
And on the ground of it,
you and I stand
in company with him
before the Father's face.
Where is he?
The question
has been raised before
and the answer has been given.
He is not here.
He's not here.
He's risen
and as to the fact
that he has been here
and he has done
this amazing work,
this blessed statement
is given to us.
Come, see the place
where the Lord
lay. Not where he
lies, where he lay.
He has lain here.
He's not lying here
any longer. Where is he then?
He's glorified
in the presence of the Father.
We don't get the effect
of the ascension
of our blessed Lord
in John's Gospel,
but we get the intimation
that it surely will take place
for he said as the
risen man from amongst
the dead, he said to that
woman, you remember,
I ascend to my Father
and your Father
to my God
and your God.
Where is he? He's with the Father.
And that's where
your blessing, that's
where your association,
that's where your hope
as a Christian lies
before the Father's face.
And so this man is cast out
in John 9,
served so to speak,
I repeat, as an object
of the blessing
upon which the ministry
of our blessed Lord
in chapter 10
is given to us.
And we'll have to speak about it.
Verily, verily, chapter 10,
verse 1, I say unto you,
he that entereth
not by the door
into the sheepfold,
but climbeth up some other way,
the same as a thief and a robber.
I don't dwell on this verse.
I'm just trying, accepting
just to say
that just as the Lord said
in Matthew 24
that many would come claiming
to be the Christ,
several had already come
claiming to be the Christ.
But he says
they haven't come in through the door.
In other words,
they haven't come
the appointed way.
And not having come
the appointed way,
they cannot produce
the necessary credentials.
So here he says
in verse 2,
but he that entereth in
by the door
is the shepherd
of the sheep.
I had it in mind
that I might return back to Matthew's gospel.
There won't be time.
But if you were to leisure,
look through Matthew's gospel.
Go through chapter 1,
chapter 2, chapter 3
and into chapter 4.
You'll find that
there are seven
direct fulfillments
of Old Testament prophecy
by the incoming
of our Lord Jesus Christ
into the Jewish fold.
I say
into the Jewish fold
because we know
that he presented himself first
as he must of necessity
do to Israel.
Because he came
as the anointed vessel.
He came as the Messiah.
He came
in view of the
establishment of
the will of God
in regard to all the promises
of God that had their center
that earthly people
Coming as the shepherd
of Israel, he must
come the appointed way.
He was born of the virgin.
The prophet Isaiah,
I won't go into it
because it takes too much time
but the prophet Isaiah
had prophesied it.
He was born in the very place
where the prophet said
the shepherd of Israel
would be born.
Go into the book of Micah
find it out.
Look these things up for yourselves.
If you've got a reference bible, you'll be able to trace them out.
I haven't got a reference bible.
I tried to trace them out
today and one stuck me.
I had to ask a brother
to look into his concordance
to give me a certain quotation
from the Old Testament.
But as you travel through Matthew's
gospel, you'll find
that the Lord Jesus
Christ takes his
place in a certain
domicile in order that
that which was spoken
and you'll not find that in the written prophecies
because it wasn't a written
prophecy, it was a
spoken prophecy that
that which was spoken
by the prophets might be
fulfilled, he shall be
called a Nazarene.
In other words, he
took a very lowly
and a very humble place
but the prophets had said
that when the true shepherd of Israel
appeared on the scene
he shall be called
a Nazarene.
A little further on you have other prophecies.
I can't recite them all
but you'll find that they're
fulfilled to the letter.
Seven distinct prophecies
that must be fulfilled
in relation
to the incoming
of the true Messiah
to Israel and they
were fulfilled to the letter.
In other words,
he that entereth in
by the door is
the shepherd of the
sheep. And in these
verses that we've read together
there's some very interesting things.
In verse 3 for instance
to him
the porter openeth.
Years ago
I used to wonder who the
porter was. Who opened
the door into
Israel to the Lord
Jesus Christ?
When he'd come the proper way
who opened the door?
I used to say John the
Well, John the Baptist pointed him out.
He looked at him,
pointed to him and he said
this is he of whom
I speak. Yes,
he presented the Christ
to God. But in John's
Gospel, John the
Baptist is not the
porter. I used to say
later the Holy Spirit
must be the
porter. And
I think that he probably
was. You can't exclude
him. But I've come to the
conclusion that
probably the father
was the porter. And I'll
give you a scripture for it just before we pass on.
You don't need to turn to it.
I'll read it. John
Baptist cannot
be the porter because
he says I knew
him not. So if he knew
him not, he couldn't open the door
to him. He says I knew
him not, but he that
sent me. Who sent him?
God the Father
sent John the Baptist
to Marko to draw
attention and testimony to
the Son of God. He says
he that sent me to
baptize with water
the same seven to me
upon whom thou
shalt see the Spirit
descending and remaining on him
the same as he
which baptizeth
with the Holy Ghost. So you'll see
there that both
the one who
sent the Baptist and
the Spirit as descending
upon the Lord Jesus
marked him out as
the one who would come into the
fold by the appointed way.
And so here to him
the porter openeth
and the sheep
hear his voice. Oh yes
the sheep heard his
voice didn't they?
We could go on for a few minutes
and with the time to recite
some of the names, illustrious names
in the book of God
of those who heard his voice.
Go through the early pages of the
Gospels and you'll see them for
yourselves. Oh you young
people speak yourselves in the
Scriptures. Don't just wait
to be told things.
Read them in the
Word of God and
you'll find some precious morsels
to feast your souls
upon in regard
to our blessed
Lord Jesus Christ.
And so here
the sheep hear
his voice and
he calleth his own
sheep by name.
I think that's a blessed word.
He calleth his own
sheep by name.
In the first chapter of the Gospel
it says
I think it's verse 11
He came unto
his own and
his own received a
not. Those two
pronouns are of different
gender and one of them means
he came to his own
things. He came
for the throne. He came
for the crown. He came
for the exaltation as
he was entitled to it.
The son of David came to his own
his own things
with his own people
the Jews. I say
the Jews because in John's
Gospel we read about the
Jews. We are not so much
taken up with Israel in
John's Gospel. We are taken
up with that people in their
character as the Jews.
Feast of the Jews and so on.
And he came to his
own things and his
own people received
him not.
And there he stood alone
at the very outset
and rejected. But here
in John 10 we read
this blessed word. He calleth
his own sheep
by name.
What an intimate
interest. What an intimate
the Lord Jesus
the true shepherd of Israel has
in those who
are called his own.
We could have an address
on those who are his own
go through the pages of John's Gospel
having loved his own
which were in the world
he loved them to the end.
But he calleth his own
sheep by name.
He's got an interest in you.
He's got an intimate interest
in you. He's got a
perfect knowledge of you
and he's got a perfect
concern for
you and he's got more
than concern he loves
you because
you are his own. What a
saviour you young people
Jesus is.
What a shepherd
this blessed person is.
He calleth
his own sheep by name
and he leads them out.
And when
he puteth forth his own
sheep he goes
before them and the sheep
follow him for they know
his voice and a stranger
will they not follow
but will flee from him
for they know not the voice of strangers.
I hope to come back to this
in a moment or two but I'll just say this
in regard to verse five.
A stranger
will they not follow.
I'm not an
agriculturist. I'm not a farmer.
I don't know much
about cattle. I know they've got
cows. And I know
what a dairy cow is.
And I know what a
beef beast is. And I know
what a sheep is but I don't know much more.
It's about the sum total of my
farming knowledge. And I
remember once when I was
going up to Woolwich to
preach the gospel. I
spent a weekend with a
brother who had some farming
interest and some farmland
and he had some sheep.
And he says I'm going up to feed my sheep.
Do you want to come?
I said righto, I'll come with you.
And we went into this field
where he was going to prepare
to feed his sheep. I couldn't see any
sheep because there was a bit of a
rise and it went on
for quite a way and there were
no sheep in sight. And he began to
make a sound.
I wouldn't try to imitate him
but he said
certain words and to my great
surprise the sheep began to
come over the brow of the hill. So I says
just keep playing for a minute.
And I imitated him.
I was a stranger of course.
And the sheep that were beginning
to pour over the top of the hill were stopped
I says try again.
And so he spoke the magic
word again. Just a
simple word come in his own
Hungarian dialect and they started
to come on again. Oh I said
hold your tongue. And I had another
go. And I tried to imitate
him to stop dead.
I said well the scripture
definitely is true.
And a stranger will
they not follow
for they know not the voice
of strangers.
If I'd been there long enough of course
I might have been able to
deceive them. But I wasn't
there long enough. And they'd
learned the shepherd's voice.
They knew the shepherd's voice.
And they knew the shepherd.
And I said to you young people
if you want to get
freed and keep free
from the clutches of the stranger
get to know the shepherd
and learn the shepherd's voice.
And when the stranger
makes his bed
and there are many strangers
in the religious world today
to rival the claims
of your blessed Lord
if you want to be kept from their
clutches get into intimacy
with the shepherd
of the sheep. A little further down
he says
in verse 7
said Jesus unto them again
verily verily
I say unto you
I am the door of the sheep.
Now notice that
I am the door of the sheep.
We've already made some
reference to the door
until the sheep fold.
Now this is another door.
Christ came
in through the first door.
But now he
is the second door.
He says I
am the door of the
And if you follow this out
you'll find he's
a door out.
He came through a door
that was into the
sheep fold. He
becomes a door out
of the sheep fold.
I change the
reading quite rightly
of course. I don't have any
desire to tamper with the word
of God at all. But on a matter
of true translation
there shall be one
flock and
one shepherd. There's no
sheep fold today.
And he led his own
out of the
sheep fold. The sheep fold
was the whole Jewish
order of things.
The door was closing on it in the
sight of God. And he
says I am the door of the sheep.
I suppose the custom
of the eastern shepherds was
if they were watching their
flocks by night
that when the sheep fold
had been erected and the sheep were placed
in it, there was a gap left there
for any access
or for any exit.
And the shepherd
sat himself down in
the opening and he
became the door. And he
was the door of the sheep. None
could get in and none
could get out unless
the shepherd allowed them.
And if any Jewish
sheep had tried to
leave the Jewish order of
things before
a divinely opened way
he'd have been on the line of
apostasy from God.
But the time had come.
Christ as we've said
from the first chapter of the gospel
having come unto his own things
and being refused
by his own people
the time has come
for the opening of a new
order of things. And if there's a new
order of things to be opened
in association with him
as the son of God
the sheep who were his own
must find a righteous exit
from the Jewish sheep fold.
And so he says
I am the door of the
sheep. It's the door
out of the fold. I don't
dwell on verse 8. In verse
9 he says I am
the door. He doesn't
quite say here I'm the door of the sheep.
He's not
speaking now in verse 9
of a way out of a religious
order of things that
had been set aside
of God. He speaks
of himself as the door
into the new
order of things that was being
established in relation
to himself as
the son of God in the
light of the revelation of God
as it had come out in him
in his own blessed person.
And so he says I am the
door by me
if any man
enter in.
If any man
enter in.
What a blessed
statement isn't it?
I am the door
by me if any
man enter in.
It's an important thing
to have Christ presented to us
as the way
into the
father's things.
And the only way into the
father's things is via
Christ as the
door. The appointed way
now for you,
for me, for faith in
any one of us into the new
sphere that is opened up
by the son of God as
cast out of the Jewish
order of things is faith in
his own blessed person.
He says I am the door
by me if any
man enter in
he shall be saved
and shall go
in and out and find
Now if you were to
take account of this
verse and run through
the pages of John's gospel
you'd see it's blessed contents
worked out in
wonderful detail.
In John 3
he speaks of the blessed fact
that he hasn't come
to condemn the world
but that the world through him
might be saved.
Just as in chapter 4
he says salvation
and he speaks of
salvation and he speaks
of being saved and he speaks
of being saved by
faith in his own blessed
person and if anyone
wants to be free
as many did in that day
thank God then from the
trammels of a Jewish
order of things that God
was closing up they have found
salvation in our Lord
Jesus Christ and if anyone
wants salvation today
they'll find it
outside of the organized
system of things that
patterns itself on the Jewish
character and they'll find it
by faith in the person
of the Son of God.
Salvation is
conditioned, it is
colored, it is characterized
today by
that which has been brought
to light by our Lord
Jesus Christ the Son of
God and has been established
by his redemptive work
at the place called
Calvary. So in the third chapter
of John's Gospel you'll
find the truth
of salvation
all stemming from the blessed
fact that the Lord Jesus
Son of Man has
having been
lifted up in order
that God might be glorified
established and the floodgates
of divine love
flow out to you and me.
Salvation is
based upon the
death of Christ is
available to us through
faith in the person
of Christ because he
has done all the work
that is necessary.
But then he says not
only he shall be saved
he says he shall go in and out.
What does that mean? Does it
mean he shall go in and
out of the divine order of things?
No. It means
that in contrast to the
legal and slavish
bondage of the
law system there'll be
the spontaneous life
and liberty of this
blessed circle that he
opens out. In and out
speaks of spontaneity
and it speaks of liberty
and the Son of God
will bring us into
divine life and
liberty. Something of that
is opened out for
us in the fourth of John
when he said you remember
the water
that I shall give him
shall be in him a
fountain of water
springing up into
eternal life. And then
we read further
man shall find
pasture. There's
divinely provided food
for those who come
to Christ or enter
in through him the
door. And if you were to travel
into the sixth chapter of
John's gospel you'll find
he's presented as the bread
of God. He's presented
as the bread of heaven.
He's presented
as the bread of life.
You'll find he's presented
as having been made
available for you and
for me. Made available
for men by going down
into death at the cross. In
other words accept
you shall have eaten the flesh
and drunk the blood
of the Son of Man
you have no life in you.
We feast upon him
in the appropriation of faith
in order to
receive life. And if you go
further down that wonderful chapter
you'll find that having
received life
through feeding upon a Christ
who's been into death
you'll find you're sustained
you're maintained in life
by continuing
in communion feasting
your soul upon him
as the bread of life.
And so here if any
man enter in
he shall be saved and
shall go in and out and find
pasture. The thief
cometh not but
for to steal and to
kill and to destroy.
I am come
that I might have life
and that I might have it more
abundantly. The
subjects of verse 10
are set on destroying the ship.
The subject
of verse 12
is bent upon
serving his own purpose
gaining his own ends
he's caring for his own life
but in the middle
the Lord Jesus in verse 11
says I am the good shepherd
the good shepherd
giveth his life
for the sheep. And in the
end of this preceding verse
verse 10
unlike the thief
who steals what is not
his own, unlike
the robber who takes
what belongs to
somebody else. The Lord
Jesus says I am come
that they might have
I suppose every subject
of faith
in whatever they has
life. He has
life in his soul because he is born again.
The great thing here
is the Lord Jesus
says not that he's come
merely that we might
live. He's come
that we might have it
more abundantly.
Not only is it
true that the scriptures
open out to us
the blessed teaching
that there is a life by
which we live but there
is a life in which we
live. This
chapter speaks of it as
eternal life. And
eternal life doesn't just
mean that you live forever.
Eternal life
means certainly that
it's a life that's sin
and death and touch.
It will go on forever
but eternal life
is lived in
that blessed sphere of
love and relationship
into which redemption
by our Lord Jesus
Christ introduces us.
He says I am come
that they might have life
and that they might have it more
abundantly. And so he says
as I repeat the verse
I am the good shepherd
and what identifies
him as such is
the good shepherd who gives
his life for the sheep.
And then
a little further down verse 48
I am the good shepherd
and know my sheep.
I am quoting
so far as my memory serves me
now from the new
translation. I am the good shepherd
and know my sheep
and have known of mine
as the father knoweth me
and I know the father
and I lay down my life
for the sheep. Think of it
he desires that his own sheep
should be brought
into the same kind of
intimacy as he
lives in in relation
to the father.
That his own sheep
might know him
as the father knows him
and as he knows
the father. It seems incredible
that this should be opened
out to men and women
down here in infinite
love and grace and intimacy
and relationship
and enjoyment of affection
with divine presence
such as our blessed
Lord knew perfectly
knew fully
and opens out and invites
us into. As the
father knoweth me
and I know the father and I
lay down my life for the sheep
yes he lay down his life
to save us from hell
he lay down his life that we might
not perish but in the
pages of John's gospel
as overriding everything
he lay down his life
that we might have eternal life
he lay down his life to bring us
into that blessed circle
where love's treasures
are displayed
and in order that the blessed
intimacy as described
in verse 15 might be ours
he says I lay
down my life for the
sheep. Well so
far I suppose
the sheep have been related
to the once
Jewish order of things
now brought out by faith
in the person of
the despised and rejected
yet true shepherd
of Israel but now
in verse 16 our blessed
Lord says and
other sheep I have
which are not of this fold
he's speaking of something now
outside the Jewish fold
that's where you are that's
where I am
you remember if you
can cast your mind back
I learned well on it
in the blessing of Joseph
we read that Joseph is a
fruitful bough
is a fruitful bough by
where his branches
run over the wall
I wonder what the wall was
well Colossians will tell us Ephesians
will tell us what the wall is
it's that middle wall of partition
between Jew and Gentile
but in Joseph's day
there was some fruit going
over the wall for those on the other
side you and I are on the other
side but when you come to the New
Testament thank God the wall
is down the wall is abolished
it's abolished
in the giving of the flesh
of our Lord Jesus Christ
in death that Jew and Gentile
might be brought together
and made one
to equally participate
in the blessed
bounty that has come to light
in his passion
based upon his work
in the amazing grace
of the full revelation
of God and today
he says other sheep
I have which are not of
this fold them also
I must bring
and they shall
hear my voice
and there shall be one flock
and one shepherd
he doesn't make the
converted Gentile
a Jew and he
doesn't make the converted Jew
a Gentile
he brings the Jew from his
Judaism he brings
the Gentile from his
paganism and he puts them
into a blessed unity
on new ground in
new creation that's Paul's
language but he puts them together
in the blessedness
of eternal life
so here he says
that there should be one flock
and one shepherd
and then in verse 17
doth my father love me
just think of it
the father loves him
because he is the son
the father loves him
because he is the
only begotten son
there is no one like him he is unique
he is the unique son
of the father's bosom
and the father loves him
in the blessedness
of an eternal relationship
that nothing is ever interrupted
and nothing can
ever interrupt
but when you come to this statement here
he has afforded the
father a motive
for loving him
and that which he has afforded
is described to us here
therefore doth
my father love me
because I lay down
my life that I might
take it again
you notice he doesn't say
because I lay down my life
for the sheep he says
because I lay down my life
that I might take it again
the Lord took up life
in a flesh and blood
responsible order of
things and in that
responsible order of things
not in him thank God
sin predominated
in you and me
and everyone
who would be brought into this
new circle where those
treasures are displayed
and he took life
in that condition of things
to which sin attached
in you and me
that he might bring it to an end
for the glory of God
that I might take it again
and he takes it up in a new condition
to which sin and death
shall never be attached
on the resurrection
side of death
somebody said the other night
in this meeting room
that Christianity proper
the blessings of the gospel
start for us on the resurrection
side of death and that's true
God works on the
platform of resurrection
and our blessed Lord
he says I lay it down
I lay it down my life
that I might take it up again
and he takes it up in that
new condition of things
not new for him
new for you
and new for me
into which grace and love
because of redemption
brings us and he takes it up
forever more and you and I
now thank God as in
with the Son of God
have a life
that sin and death
can never touch
we touch that just fleetingly perhaps
before I sit down
but here he says in
verse 18 no man
takes it from me
think of him
in the superb grace of his person
in the supremacy
that is his
person as co-equal
in the Godhead
with the Father and the Holy Spirit
and he looks round
upon the array
the whole panoply of opposition
and he says no man
taketh it from me
and while he says
no man taketh it from me
we could rightly deduce
from that that no man
could take it from him
and in John's
Gospel his death
is his own action
he says I have authority
to lay it
down on myself
I have authority
to take it again
and yet although possessing
this power and authority
in the glory of his
own blessed person
as co-equal I repeat
in the Godhead with
the Father having assumed
manhood he takes
his place in perfect
submission and
obedience saying
this commandment have I
received from my Father
sin and
disobedience have
brought us we were brought
under the deserts
of divine judgment
because of our sin
and disobedience
he in love to the Father
went into death
in grace and obedience
for the Father's glory
and the opening of the door
into eternal life
this commandment have I received
from my Father
there was a division therefore
again among the Jews
for these things I didn't read that
verse and I don't touch it
because there isn't time
just a touch in closing
my sheep verse 27
hear my voice and I
know them and they
follow me
he is speaking of the normality
of life and character
that mark those
who come under his blessed
and attractive spell
my sheep hear my voice
and I know them
just as elsewhere he said
in this chapter they know him
and they follow me
and I give
unto them eternal
and they shall never
perish that blessed
life in which he has
ever subsisted in
communion with the Father
is given to
those who are his own
that they might know it, live in it
and enjoy it
in communion with himself
and they shall never
perish forever neither
will any man pluck them
out of my hand
my Father which gave them me
when you cite this verse
please quote it accurately
my Father
which gave them me
I hear it time after time
is greater than I
the Lord Jesus never said that
here, our Lord said
my Father which gave them me
is greater than all
greater than all the opposition
greater than all the foes
greater than all the forces
of evil, my Father
which gave them me is greater than all
and no man
is able to pluck them
out of my Father's hand
I cannot help speaking
about security here
I know there is more than security here
there is life here
there is intimacy here
there is affection here
I am Christian
the Lord Jesus says
they shall never perish forever
none are able
to pluck out of his hand
and none is able
to pluck out of my Father's hand
you are in the Son's hand
you are in the Father's hand
we read of Jacob
in the Old Testament
that his hands were made strong
by the hands
of the mighty God of Jacob
and here in verse 30
the Lord Jesus says
I and my Father
are one
it's not a question here exactly
of one in person
it's one in purpose
it's one in their
in, it's one in their
interest, it's one
in their love for the sheep
he says I
and my Father
are one
and you
the world's
is manifested
in that
but dear brethren
our disposition
is manifested
in a similar way to that
of the man to whom we referred
in John 9 when he said
Lord I believe
I am his worshipper
perhaps we might sing
one hundred
and thirty six
a thousand blessings
grateful praise
to thee we bring
objects in thy
sovereign favour
and I would love to sing
one hundred and thirty six
Father spring a thousand blessings
grateful praise to thee we bring
objects in thy sovereign favour
and I would love to sing
one hundred and thirty six
Father spring a thousand blessings
grateful praise to thee we bring
objects in thy sovereign favour
and I would love to sing
one hundred and thirty six
Father spring a thousand blessings
grateful praise to thee we bring
objects in thy sovereign favour
and I would love to sing
one hundred and thirty six
Father spring a thousand blessings
grateful praise to thee we bring
objects in thy sovereign favour
and I would love to sing
one hundred and thirty six
Father spring a thousand blessings
grateful praise to thee we bring
objects in thy sovereign favour
and I would love to sing …