Acts 20 (gospel)
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Acts 20
Acts 20 (gospel)
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Now, we are going, ladies and gentlemen, to the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 20, and verse 17.
And from my leaders he sent to Ephesus, that is Paul, sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church.
And when they were come to him, he said unto them, You know that from the first day I came into Asia,
after whatever I have been with you at all seasons, serving the Lord with all humility of mind,
and with many tears and temptations, which began with me by the lying in wait of the Jews.
And now I have kept back nothing that is profitable unto you, but have shown you and have taught you perfectly,
and from house to house testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks,
repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
And now, behold, I go down with the Spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there,
save that the walking ghosts make to them in every city, saying that plots and addictions are my way.
But none of these things move me, neither can I my life here unto myself,
so that I might finish my course with joy at the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus
to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have come preaching the kingdom of God,
should see my grace no more.
Therefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men,
for I have not shunned to defend to you all the counsel of God.
Take ye therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock of which the walking ghost hath made you overseers,
to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
Or, as another translation puts it, with the blood of his own.
For I know this, that after my departing, should reapers' wolves enter in on you, not sharing the flock.
And now, in the Old Testament, the 51st Psalm.
I read the heading to you, because that is inspired, as part of the word of God,
just as much as the text of the Psalms.
To the chief musician, the son of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him,
after he had gone in to Bathsheba.
Have mercy on me, O God.
According to thy lovingkindness, according to the multitude of thy ten mercies,
God hath my transgressions.
Watch me, through me, from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin,
for I have promised my transgressions, and my sin is now before me.
Against thee, O David, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight,
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Behold, I was sinned in iniquity, and in sin did my ruler conceive me.
Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward path,
and in the inward path thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
And now, a verse or two in Luke's Gospel, chapter 23, beginning at verse 32.
And there are also two other manufacturers.
Let with him, that is, with Jesus, to be put together.
When they were come to the place which is called Calvary,
there they crucified him, and another like this,
one on the right hand, and the other on the left.
There said Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,
and they cut his ribs and tassels.
And the people stood behold him, and the ruler saw also with them,
he heard what they said, he said, brothers,
let him say himself, in the name of Christ, the children of God.
And the soldiers also marching, coming to him, and offering him dinner,
and saying, if thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself.
And his inscription also was written over him,
in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew,
this is the king of the Jews.
And one of the manufacturers, Michelang, they never heard him say,
if thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
But the other, answering, rejoicing,
saying, thus must thou fear God,
seeing thou that it hath been the same unto the naked,
and who he indeed doth be,
for we shall see to you, Lord, our peace.
But this man, not God, not even this,
and he said unto Jesus, Lord,
remember me, and thou comest into thy kingdom,
and Jesus said unto him,
that which I say unto thee today,
shalt thou be with me in paradise.
There is a passage in the 20th chapter of the Acts
which I have read to you,
it is of the happenings
of the beginning of the last journey
of the apostle Paul
as a free servant of the Lord.
For we read in the subsequent chapters
how after his arrival at Jerusalem
he was apprehended
and as the Bible, Scripture, tells us
he was never again a free man
throughout his lifetime.
I know there is a possibility
that perhaps he was
released from prison for a season in Rome
but if so, Scripture tells us nothing about it.
And Paul himself, he knew
as he pursued his way
that these dear churches of Pachasus
would be called to meet with him,
he knew that they would see his face
no more on the throne of Israel.
We find from these verses
which I have read to you
or at least the verse further on
at the end of the chapter
that Paul hadn't spent at least three years
in that big city of Asia.
He called it the Midnestone
but for the space of three years
he hadn't ceased
to wander night and day with tears.
In another chapter of this
wonderful book of the Acts
we learn that while he was at Pachasus
the word of the Lord spread
throughout the whole of the Roman province
of Asia.
Multitudes of precious souls
came here to the preaching of the Gospel
and assemblies were formed
here and there
and poignants as white bells
in the midst of the evening darkness
that surrounded them.
And so on this journey to Jerusalem
which was going to be the last occasion
on which he could have caught their purpose
he sent for the elders of the church
to meet them.
And as we've read part of his speech too
he recalled to their memory
the time that he had spent in Jerusalem
and his ministry in Jerusalem.
Now I just want to point out very briefly
first of all
that he summarized, so to speak,
his ministry in Ephesus
under four different names.
First of all
he testified of the Gospel
of the grace of God.
The Gospel.
That's why we're here tonight.
This is a gospel meeting.
And then he said
God wants to preach
the Kingdom of God.
That's another wonderful subject
he had studied.
And then further on
he said he had the strength
to declare unto them
all the Gospel of God.
And finally
he instructed these elders
or overseers
whom the Holy Ghost had made overseers
to lead the Church of God.
The Gospel of God
the Kingdom of God
the Council of God
and the Church of God.
These four headings I've laid down
once he had said them
comprehend the whole
of Paul's ministry
as a servant of the Lord.
But tonight
as I've said, this is a gospel meeting.
And we are only concerned therefore
with the reference to the Gospel
of the grace of God.
He said
in referring
to the Gospel
he said
both to the Jews
and also to the Jews
repentance toward God
and faith
toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now these are the two things that
I have laid upon my heart tonight
for the friends to speak to you about.
Repentance toward God
and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
I feel that perhaps
in gospel meetings such as these
not sufficient stress
is laid
upon the absolute necessity
of repentance.
The Lord spoke very solemn words concerning it
in the 13th chapter of the book
there were those that
came to him
and spoke of the Galileans
whose blood
Ireland had mingled with their sacrifice.
And they all said
you think that these Galileans
were sinners
above all the Galileans
because they suffered these things
I tell you then
he told his heroes
except you repent
you shall all likewise perish.
Then he referred to
a terrible disaster
that happened in Jerusalem
the town of Siloam
had collapsed and fallen
and slain 80 men.
He said you think these men were sinners
above all the Galileans in Jerusalem
because they suffered these things
I tell you then
except you repent
you shall all likewise perish.
We cannot say after that
after these words of the Lord Jesus Christ himself
that repentance
toward God
is not
a crime necessarily
it shows
how to be blessed and saved.
Furthermore let me
refer you to
another saying of the Apostle Paul
this time
as he was preaching
to the
heathen philosophers of Athens
that most highly educated
and cultured men
in the ancient world at that time
and yet steeped
in idolatry
he said that the times
of his influence
were not great thus
but now
all men everywhere
to repent
for he appointed a day
in which he would judge
the world in righteousness
by that man
whom he must obey
whereof he had given assurance
to all men
in that he would raise him
from the dead.
he does like to command doesn't he?
If he commands
surely obedience
to his command is much expected.
God commander
all men
that's a universal word
isn't it?
There can't be any exceptions to it.
All men certainly means
what it says, it means everybody.
He commands
all men everywhere.
That comprehends
just what it says
everywhere in this world
the castle on Tyre.
He commands all men everywhere
to repent.
We speak of repentance
but why does he command all men everywhere
to repent?
He's appointed a day
in which
he will judge
the world in righteousness
by that man
whom he must obey.
That man whom he must obey
whereof he had given assurance
to all men
in that he would raise him
from the dead.
That man whom he must obey
who is that?
We meditate in
the scripture in the 23rd book
between two
wearing the crown of thorns
over his head
and with that title
a mocking title
and yet speaking the truth
over his head
the king of the Jews.
man crucified him.
He was placed
in a bottle of tomb.
The seal of the
old empire was placed on that tomb.
But God
raised him from the dead.
And not only
did he raise him from the dead
but he exalted him
to his own right hand.
And that's where he is
at this moment. A prince
and a saviour
not yet the judge.
He wouldn't be the judge.
God has said so.
The Lord Jesus himself said
on one occasion
the father, Judge Noah
must have committed all judgments
unto the Son
and all men
should honour the Son
as they honour the Father.
And he further said
not only
has all judgments
been committed to him
but he has received the authority
to execute
the judgment also
for he is son of man.
He will be the judge
and he will execute
the judgment.
So, my friends,
in preaching
the glad tidings of the
grace of God
it is surely embellished
to warn those
that hear
of coming judgments.
The servant of the Lord
must be ready
in warning
his hearers
that the day of grace will not
go on indefinitely.
I believe
that the day of grace
is very near in short.
Now then,
the subject of the
words of unrepentance
was written by me
and I read it
from the
51st Psalm.
As the heading
of the psalm
informs us,
the circumstances
in which it was written
were very remarkable
and grievous circumstances.
For David
was a real
saint of God.
Samuel was sent to call him
to the right wing
as king over Israel
he said that
David was a man
after his own heart.
And his
first of all
in rejection
grunted by Saul
for his life
like an octopus on mountains
but eventually
being brought
by the Lord itself
to the throne
of Israel.
He was indeed a very
wonderful saint of God.
As the many signs
which we have
under his ownership
will surely assure us
that all
trends is a very solid thing
that even
a saint of God
can fall.
And this is
a word of warning to us all, surely.
We read in the New Testament
in the words of Paul
again, that him
the thinker, he started
take heed
lest he fall.
How was
it that David fell?
I believe
that the circumstances
show very clearly
that for the time being
David was
out of touch
with the Lord.
Out of communion
with the Lord.
The armies of Israel
the commander-in-chief
were at war
and they were fighting
the enemies of Israel
and the enemies
of the Lord
in Ammonites.
They were besieging
the city of Nabba.
What was David doing?
In slothful ease
he was indulging himself
in his own
house at Jerusalem.
So we find him
rising from
his bed
next to the river
kept it
a sacred room.
And David
sinned grievously
against the Lord.
He was guilty
of what
we would call
two major sins.
He was guilty
of adultery
a consequence
of that
he was further guilty
of murder.
I will say
about the fight again.
For the Lord
himself in message
to David the father said
Thou hast slain
the Uriah
the hearer with the sword.
Thou hast taken
his body to be liable.
Thou hast slain
the Uriah
the hearer with the sword
of the Ammonites.
and murder.
As we know
it seems
for a time
as though David was
going to get rid of it
to use a
common expression
of these days
but the Lord
loves his saints
far too well
to allow them to get away
with sin
against themselves.
And so one day
after the trial was won
to David
and Bathsheba
the prophet
of the Lord David
arrived with a message
from the Lord
and he told
David a very simple story
that Arnon
He said
He said in a certain city
there were two men
one a rich man
with a abundance of
flocks and herds
and another poor man
and all that he had
was one
which shared
his food
and lay in his bosom
and was under him
as a daughter.
And one day
a rich man, a friend
woke up
and he didn't take
from his own abundant flocks
of an animal
to dress
and set before his
he took the young lamb
from that poor lamb
and dressed it
and set it
before his guest.
And as David
told this story
the anger
was rising in David's heart
and perhaps showed itself in his face
as the Lord
this man should show me
that he is worthy of death
because he had no
and he said
he would restore the lamb fourfold
and then
came the
said to David
perhaps I can bring you
a lamb. He said
thou art the Lamb
thou art the Lamb
entered into the heart
of David.
Later on the three
morning David said to
the prophet David
I have sinned
against the Lord
said to him the Lord
hath put away
thy sin
how wonderful
when there is confession
the Lord
comes in with his palm
and his fingers
it was at this time also
that David wrote Psalm 32
from there
David said to him
I acknowledge my sin
I confess my sin
and thou shalt never
stand in the way of my sin.
And so the
along with
we have in our
company tonight
someone who has just slipped
away like that from the Lord
backslidden a little bit
well the way of recovery
is just the same it's
if we confess our sins
wrote the apostle John
he is faithful
and just to
forgive us our sins
and cleanse us
from all our sins
and he spoke too
of the advocate
that we have with the Father
Jesus Christ the
righteous who is the
propitiation for our sins
not for ours only
but for the whole world
so we see
rich that David in his
confession but I believe
in the 51st
Psalm we have
the guidance of repentance
just let me
call attention to one or two parts
verse 3
I acknowledge my transgressions
my sins are
repentant persons
will always take the low place
of all God
and will acknowledge
people of God's
estimate of man
and his sins is true
against me
they open up my sins
and don't deceive me
from the outside
one might say contrary
David sinned against his
devil he sinned against
his friends
for the right of the Hittites
with one of David's
mighty men
mighty men
ah yes
he did he did sin
Uriah the Hittite
all sin
is against God
it is a
challenge so to speak
to the might of God
it is an affront
to the holiness
of the mighty name of God
good for David
I acknowledge my transgressions
my sins are reported
against me
they open up my sins
and don't deceive me
from the outside
one might say contrary
David sinned against
Uriah the Hittite
but ultimately
all sin
is against God
it is a challenge so to speak
to the might of God
that is always
the future
of a repentant person
that is
that they justify
and they condemn
in other words
they put it in very simple language
they say to God
you are right
and I am wrong
that's the language
of a repentant person
and then
God also
behold I was shaken
in victory and in sin
did my mother
conceive me
here I believe we come to the very
root of all
for sins
are the root
as sin itself
the principle is the root
and that principle
my friends
is found within
every member
of Adam's race
not sinned in the world
by God
Adam and Uriah sinned
in the world and death by
sin and so death
has to befall them
for they all have sinned
sin itself
that awful
principle of self will
the human will of God
in opposition
to the will of God
the evolution of so to speak
is sin
back to that origin
behold I was shaken
in iniquity
and in sin
did my mother
conceive me
but now
the other
thing that the
all testify both to the Jews
and the Greeks
more publicly
and to ourselves
toward God
and faith
toward our Lord Jesus Christ
I read that
passage from the 23rd
because I believe that in that
we have a wonderful
of faith toward
our Lord Jesus Christ
in fact he also
illustrates repentance
bearing in mind
what we just said
that a repentant person
justifies wrong against
he said to his
fellow thief
on the other cross
on the other side of that
central figure
we indeed
but we receive a given reward
of our deeds
he made
no bold remark
he said they were
just simply getting
what they deserved
what they had worked for
because our Lord
what they were suffering was simply
the penalty of human justice
for as I said
before all sin
is ultimately
against God
but then he turns to Jesus
and says to his
I am not
in the midst
thereby he
also illustrates the principle
of repentance
but what a wonderful
verse the next one says
I never cease to wonder
he said to Jesus
remember what Paul wrote in
Romans 10
if thou shalt confess with thine
mouth Jesus
as Lord
thou shalt
believe in thy heart that God
hath raised him from the dead
thou shalt be saved
this man confessed Jesus
as Lord
remember we
when thou
commest into thy kingdom
did ever a man
to the natural
look less likely
to come into a kingdom
than Jesus did
at that moment
a compliment
and hatred
and abuse
and scoffing
and sneering
true it was
he was barely crowned
but it was a crown of thorns
of ignorance
true it was
a title
on his head
we learn from another gospel
written by Pilate himself
the king of the Jews
this is the king of the Jews
and that title
was put up in mockery
I believe
that in putting it up
was really mocking all the Jews
that he was
the Lord Jesus
for it says
that he knew that for any
the chief priests
had to know the law
but there it was
a mocking comment on his head
this is the king of the Jews
yet God now
a prevented thing
remember me
when thou
comest into thy kingdom
don't you see
his faith
saw beyond
the present circumstances
his faith
saw through yet
and on
to resurrection
for there must be resurrection
if Jesus
is to come into
his kingdom
surely this is
God's amazing faith
on this part
I do rejoice in spirit
my friends I'm sure
all of us here would of the Lord Jesus
I rejoice in
as I think
of the job accomplished
that this must have brought
to the spirit
of the Lord Jesus at that moment
for the very next
verse says
it is about the sixth hour
and it is a darkness over all the earth
until the ninth hour
we know from the Gospels
that it is
during those three hours
of darkness
when the sun
withdrew its light
when no creature alive
could penetrate
that darkness
that the Lord Jesus
the true and perfect
sin offering
without spot
to God
it was then
that it was narrowed
into actual effect
what we
what we read in the end
that God
made him
of his yeagers
for us
who knew no sin
that we might be made
the righteousness of God
in him
those three hours
of darkness
were to witness the
dearest and most
terrible ordeal
that the Savior had to pass
when he
sustained in his own
person the
righteous judgment of God
against sin
and I was
hastened to the cross as he
had I was his own
did the Lord's reply
to this repentant man
and this man who
faked his own life
then there was still the Lord
as he would be
in darkness
had failed
God's in this man
who met the Savior
as he was
in the very remnant
of his earthly
earthly nature
still the grace that we do
we can say to the 59
of the remnant
so we can say
the scope for every
but he was
the Lord he was only one instance
in scripture mentioned
of a man who was
of such a great power
as that
toward God
toward our Lord
Jesus Christ
our Lord
we receive the testimony
of God
concerning ourselves
and we believe and act
of our repentance
and secondly and most
important of all
we receive the testimony
of God
preserving his Son
Jesus Christ
our Lord
the Savior
and the only
sinner of sinners
for the speaker said
on one occasion
in the early chapters of the Acts
to him
he overcomes
but to his name
the leader of them
shall receive
the remission
of sin
faith toward
our Lord
Jesus Christ …