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'I am the Good Shepherd' / Norman Anderson
3 journeys - Jonah, Paul and Jesus / Sidney Thurston
An overview of the Gosple of John / Michael Hardt
Another Comforter / W. Beattie
Anticipatory statements - divine language (John 20) / Alan Smart
Arise let us go hence / Fred Pettman
Being with the Lord / Rob Skelton
Eternal Life / Michael Johnson
Grace (John 9) / Rob Skelton
He bowed His head (John 19) / J. Packer
Holding nothing back (John 12) / Michael Johnson
I go to the Father (John 14) / Collin Curry
I go to the Father (John 14) / Collin Curry
Jesus washing the disciples' feet / Jeff Brett
Jesús, la vid verdadera / Jacques Perron
John 13 / Jeff Brett
John and his ministry / Eugene Vedder
Lecture by Emil Nashed (Canterbury 2007) / Emil Nashed
Lectures on the life of Peter / W. Missen
Part with Him (John 13) / Robert Wylie
Plumstead Bible Conference 2012 / Arend Remmers
Signs of John's Gospel / Norman Anderson
The Care of the Good Shepherd / Milton Jamieson
The disciple whom Jesus loved / Alan Smart
The disciple whom Jesus loved / Jeff Brett
The Gospels / Ernest Brown
The Greatness and Glory and Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ / Frank Wallace
The Holy Spirit in John's Writings / Jean Muller
The Hope of the Church / Ernest Brown
The Lord's prayer (John 17) / William H Sewell