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Be My disciple / E. Jordan
Come, take, learn (Matt. 11) / J.S. Blackburn
Committed to Christ / J.S. Blackburn
Devotion / Andrew Poots
Discipleship / Frank Wallace
Discipleship / Michael Johnson
Follow me / Norman Anderson
God our strength and our salvation (Ps. 50, 60, 62) / Allan Retallick
Heavenly minded / Frank Wallace
How to please God / Rob Skelton
Lecture by Emil Nashed (Canterbury 2007) / Emil Nashed
Looking unto Jesus (Matt. 27) / Jack Atkins
Paul's devotion / Ewald Huessy
Ready to go / Allan Retallick
Response to the love of Christ / T. Nixon
Romains 12:1 / Graham Warnes
Suffering as a Christian (1 Pet 1) / Jeff Brett
The call of God (as exemplified in Abraham) / Daniel W. Paterson
The disciple whom Jesus loved / Alan Smart
The Father's house - our house / Sidney Thurston
The Holy Spirit's work in the believer today / Alan Smart
Things we ought to do / Alan Smart