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Christian living (1 Tim.) / J. Packer
Christian privileges / Alan Smart
Colossian truth - the prophecies of Balaam / John Scales
Colossians 2 / Daniel W. Paterson
Colossians 3 / Fred A. Hughes
Colossians 3 / Frank Broadley
Come, take, learn (Matt. 11) / J.S. Blackburn
Commitment - the reward of faithfullness / Frank Wallace
Committed to Christ / J.S. Blackburn
Committed to the Lord / Alan Smart
Companionship of the One who saved us / George David Tears
Continuing the work (2 Ki. 2) / H. Hirst
Crucified, Died, Buried, Raised, Glorified / Emil Nashed
Daniel / Frank Wallace
Daniel's prayer life / Frank Wallace
Das Leben Abrahams / The Life of Abraham / Max Billeter
David and Goliath / H. Nunn
David's men / Alan Smart
Dead (Mark 5) / Sidney Thurston
Dead with Christ (Col.3) / John Scales
Death in the Wilderness / Daniel W. Paterson
Depth of experience with God - confession of sin (Psalm 51) / Collin Curry
Der gute Hirte/ The Good Shepherd / Max Billeter
Deuteronomy 26 - First Fruits / W. Missen
Devotion / Andrew Poots
Dew, a type of the Holy Spirit / Alan Smart
Discipleship / Frank Wallace
Discipleship / Michael Johnson
Discipleship - power, privilege, cost, glory, experiences, test / R. K. Campbell
Discipleship - watching, waiting and working / Andrew Poots